- Preface
- New and Changed Information
- Overview
- Two-stage Configuration Commit
- Configuring Switch Profiles
- Configuring Frequency Synchronization
- Configuring PTP
- Configuring NTP
- Configuring CDP
- Configuring System Message Logging
- Configuring Smart Call Home
- Configuring Session Manager
- Configuring the Scheduler
- Configuring SNMP
- Configuring RMON
- Configuring Online Diagnostics
- Configuring the Embedded Event Manager
- Configuring Onboard Failure Logging
- Configuring SPAN
- Configuring ERSPAN
- Configuring LLDP
- Configuring NetFlow
- Configuring sFlow
- Configuring TAP Aggregation and MPLS Stripping
- Configuring MPLS Access Lists
- VXLAN and iVXLAN Header Stripping for Nexus Data Broker
- Configuring Graceful Insertion and Removal
- Performing Software Maintenance Upgrades
- Performing Configuration Replace
- Configuring Rollback
- Performing Secure Erase
- IETF RFCs supported by Cisco NX-OS System Management
- Embedded Event Manager System Events and Configuration Examples
- Configuration Limits for Cisco NX-OS System Management
- Index
* - A - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V
alert-group {Configuration | Diagnostic | EEM | Environmental | Inventory | License | Supervisor-Hardware | Syslog-group-port | System | Test} user-def-cmd 1C
callhome send 1callhome send configuration 1callhome send diagnostic 1callhome test 1cdp advertise {v1 | v2} 1cdp format device-id {mac-address | serial-number | system-name} 1cdp holdtime 1cdp timer 1cfs ipv4 distribute 1checkpoint 1clear cdp counters 1clear cdp table 1clear checkpoint database 1clear counters interface all 1clear counters mpls strip 1clear hardware rate-limiter sflow 1clear lldp counters 1clear logging logfile 1clear logging nvram 1clear logging onboard 1clear mpls strip label dynamic 1clear ntp session 1clear ntp statistics 1clear scheduler logfile 1clear sflow statistics 1collect 1collect counter 1collect ip version 1collect timestamp sys-uptime 1collect transport tcp flags 1configuration exampleERSPANdestination 1configure maintenance profile maintenance-mode 1configure maintenance profile normal-mode 1contract-id 1copy ftp 1copy sftp 1copy tftp 1customer-id 1D
destination 1destination ip 1destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination} alert-group 1destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination} email-addr 1destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination} http 1destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination} message-level 1destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination} message-size 1destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination} transport-method {email | http} 1diagnostic bootup level {complete | minimal | bypass} 1diagnostic clear result module 1diagnostic monitor interval module 1diagnostic monitor module 1diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure {continue failure-count | stop} 1diagnostic ondemand iteration 1diagnostic start module 1diagnostic stop module 1dir 1dir bootflash: 1dscp 1E
email-contact 1enable 1ERSPANconfiguring destination sessions 1destinationconfiguration example 1destination sessionsconfiguring for ERSPAN 1erspan-id 1event application 1event cli 1event counter 1event fanabsent 1event fanbad 1event fib adjacency extra 1event fib resource tcam usage 1event fib route {extra | inconsistent | missing} 1event gold module 1event manager environment 1event manager policy 1event memory {critical | minor | severe} 1event module 1event module-failure 1event none 1event oir 1event policy-default count 1event poweroverbudget 1event snmp 1event storm-control 1event syslog 1event syslog tag {occurs | period | pattern | priority} 1event syslog {occurs | period | pattern | priority} 1event sysmgr memory 1event sysmgr switchover count 1event temperature 1event timer 1event track 1exporter 1F
feature lldp 1feature netflow 1feature ntp 1feature ptp 1feature scheduler 1feature sflow 1filter access-group 1flow exporter 1flow monitor 1G
guestshell 1guestshell sync 1H
hardware acl tap-agg 1hardware multicast global-tx-span 1hw-module logging onboard 1hw-module logging onboard counter-stats 1hw-module logging onboard cpuhog 1hw-module logging onboard environmental-history 1hw-module logging onboard error-stats 1hw-module logging onboard interrupt-stats 1hw-module logging onboard module 1hw-module logging onboard obfl-logs 1I
import 1import interface 1import running-config 1install activate 1install add bootflash 1install add ftp 1install add tftp 1install add usb1 1install add usb2 1install deactivate 1install remove 1ip access-group 1ip dscp 1ip ttl 1ipv6 flow monitor 1isolate 1J
job name 1L
layer2-switched flow monitor 1lldp dcbx version 1lldp holdtime 1lldp reinit 1lldp timer 1lldp tlv-select 1logging console 1logging event {link-status | trunk-status} {enable | default} 1logging level 1logging logfile 1logging message interface type ethernet description 1logging module 1logging monitor 1logging origin-id 1logging source-interface loopback 1logging timestamp {microseconds | milliseconds | seconds} 1M
mac access-list 1mac packet-classify 1match 1match ip 1match ipv4 1match ipv6 1match transport 1monitor erspan origin ip-address 1monitor session all type erspan-source 1monitor session in erspan source 1mpls strip 1mpls strip dest-mac 1mpls strip label 1mpls strip label-age 1mtu 1N
NetFlowbridged on VLAN 1timeouts 1no duplicate-message throttle 1no isolate 1no monitor session all shut 1no scheduler job name 1no shutdown 1no snmp trap link-status 1no snmp-server protocol enable 1no switch-profile 1no system interface shutdown 1no system mode maintenance 1no system mode maintenance dont-generate-profile 1no system mode maintenance on-reload reset-reason 1ntp access-group {peer | serve | serve-only | query-only} 1ntp authenticate 1ntp authentication-key 1ntp logging 1ntp master 1ntp peer 1ntp server 1ntp source 1ntp source-interface 1ntp trusted-key 1O
option exporter-stats 1option interface-table 1P
periodic-inventory notification 1periodic-inventory notification interval 1periodic-inventory notification timeofday 1phone-contact 1ptp 1ptp announce {interval | timeout} 1ptp clock-mode 1ptp delay-request minimum interval 1ptp device-type boundary-clock 1ptp device-type generalized-ptp 1ptp domain 1ptp priority1 1ptp priority2 1ptp source 1ptp sync interval 1ptp vlan 1R
record 1rmon alarm 1rmon event 1rmon hcalarm 1rollback running-config {checkpoint | file} 1run bash 1S
scheduler aaa-authentication password 1scheduler aaa-authentication username 1scheduler job name 1scheduler logfile size 1scheduler schedule name 1sflow agent-ip 1sflow collector-ip 1sflow collector-port 1sflow counter-poll-interval 1sflow data-source interface ethernet 1sflow data-source interface port-channel 1sflow max-datagram-size 1sflow max-sampled-size 1sflow sampling-rate 1show cdp all 1show cdp entry {all | name} 1show cdp global 1show cdp neighbors detail 1show cdp neighbors {device-id | interface} 1show checkpoint all 1show checkpoint all system 1show checkpoint all user 1show checkpoint summary 1show checkpoint summary system 1show checkpoint summary user 1show clock 1show configuration session status 1show configuration session summary 1show diagnostic description module 1show diagnostic events 1show diagnostic ondemand setting 1show diagnostic result module 1show diagnostic simulation module 1show event manager event-types 1show event manager event-types all 1show event manager event-types module 1show event manager history events 1show event manager script system 1show event manager script system all 1show event manager system-policy all 1show feature 1show flow cache 1show flow exporter 1show flow interface 1show hardware capacity 1show install committed 1show install log detail 1show install packages 1show interface brief 1show lldp neighbors detail 1show lldp neighbors interface 1show lldp traffic 1show lldp traffic interface 1show logging onboard 1show logging onboard boot-uptime 1show logging onboard counter-stats 1show logging onboard credit-loss 1show logging onboard device-version 1show logging onboard endtime 1show logging onboard environmental-history 1show logging onboard error-stats 1show logging onboard exception-log 1show logging onboard interrupt-stats 1show logging onboard module 1show logging onboard obfl-history 1show logging onboard obfl-logs 1show logging onboard stack-trace 1show logging onboard starttime 1show logging onboard status 1show logging origin-id 1show maintenance on-reload reset-reasons 1show maintenance profile 1show maintenance timeout 1show monitor 1show mpls strip labels 1show mpls strip labels all 1show mpls strip labels dynamic 1show mpls strip labels static 1show ntp peer-status 1show ntp rts-update 1show ntp source 1show ntp source-interface 1show ntp statistics {io | local | memory | peer {ipaddr | name}} 1show process 1show ptp clock 1show ptp clock foreign-masters-record 1show ptp corrections 1show ptp counters 1show ptp parent 1show ptp port interface 1show ptp port interface ethernet 1show ptp time-property 1show qos dcbxp interface 1show rmon alarms 1show rmon hcalarms 1show rmon logs 1show rmon {alarms | hcalarms} 1show rollback log 1show rollback log exec 1show rollback log verify 1show running-config callhome 1show running-config mmode 1show running-config netflow 1show running-config ptp 1show running-config sflow 1show running-config sflow all 1show running-config snmp 1show running-config switch-profile 1show running-config | include "scheduler aaa-authentication" 1show running-config | include "system memory" 1show scheduler logfile 1show scheduler schedule 1show snapshots dump 1show snmp community 1show snmp engineID 1show snmp group 1show snmp session 1show snmp trap 1show startup-config callhome 1show startup-config eem 1show startup-config mmode 1show startup-config switch-profile 1show tech-support callhome 1shutdown 1site-id 1sleep instance 1snapshot create 1snapshot delete 1snapshot section add 1snapshot section delete 1snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 1snmp-server context 1snmp-server counter cache timeout 1snmp-server enable traps 1snmp-server enable traps aaa 1snmp-server enable traps bgp 1snmp-server enable traps bridge 1snmp-server enable traps callhome 1snmp-server enable traps config 1snmp-server enable traps eigrp 1snmp-server enable traps entity 1snmp-server enable traps feature-control 1snmp-server enable traps hsrp 1snmp-server enable traps license 1snmp-server enable traps link 1snmp-server enable traps ospf 1snmp-server enable traps rf 1snmp-server enable traps rmon 1snmp-server enable traps snmp 1snmp-server enable traps stpx 1snmp-server enable traps syslog 1snmp-server enable traps sysmgr 1snmp-server enable traps upgrade 1snmp-server enable traps vtp 1snmp-server globalEnforcePriv 1snmp-server location 1snmp-server mib community-map 1snmp-server name 1snmp-server source-interface traps 1snmp-server source-interface {traps | informs} 1snmp-server tcp-session 1source 1SPAN sessionsconfiguring 1statistics per-entry 1storm-control action trap 1streetaddress 1switch-priority 1switchport monitor 1sync-peer destination 1system interface shutdown 1system memory-thresholds minor 1system memory-thresholds threshold critical no-process-kill 1system mode maintenance dont-generate-profile 1system mode maintenance on-reload reset-reason 1system mode maintenance shutdown 1system mode maintenance timeout 1T
tag 1template data timeout 1terminal event-manager bypass 1terminal monitor 1time daily 1time monthly 1time start 1time start now 1time start repeat 1time weekly 1transport email from 1transport email mail-server 1transport email reply-to 1transport http proxy enable 1transport http proxy server 1transport http use-vrf 1transport udp 1U
version 9 1vlan configuration 1vrf 1