New and Changed Information

New and Changed Information

Table 1. New and Changed Features
Feature Description Changed in Release Where Documented

EVPN over RFC5549 Multisite Use Case Support

Added support for IPv4 VTEPs using EVPN IPv6 sessions over RFC 5549 underlay on a single-site environment.


Functionalities of VXLAN BGP EVPN with RFC 5549 Underlay

VXLAN BGP EVPN with RFC 5549 Underlay on Single-Site

Supported and Unsupported Features of VXLAN BGP EVPN with RFC 5549 Underlay

Examples of VXLAN BGP EVPN with RFC 5549 Underlay

Enhancement to support vPC for Proportional multi-path VNF

Next-hop filtering can be configured to exclude next-hop VNF addresses that are temporarily silent, thus preventing routing issues and ensure that traffic is not sent to unresponsive or non-existent destinations.


About proportional multipath for VNF

Guidelines and limitations for proportional multipath for VNF

Configure next-hop filtering

Verify next-hop filtering

DSVNI with IPv6 Underlay support

Added IPv6 underlay support for the VXLAN EVPN with downstream VNI feature.


Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN EVPN with Downstream VNI

VXLAN underlay – Tunnel Multipath Table on Cloudscale

Added support to enable Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) on the underlay for VXLAN tunnels, allowing for ECMP routing on Layer 3 interfaces.


Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN

Microsegmentation using VXLAN Group Policy Option: Enhancements

Added support for service chaining, additional platform support and match criteria support.


Guidelines and Limitations

Creating a Security Group

Verifying GPO

Eliminate ORIB completely and replace functionality with L2RIB

Added support for start-up route.


Example Show Commands

Allow use of reserved VLAN as ingress in the VLAN mapping

Added support to increase the ingress VLAN range from VLANs 1-3967 to VLANs 1-4094 for VLAN mapping.


Configuring Port VLAN Mapping on a Trunk Port

IPv6 Underlay (IR) with DCI-IR (IPv6)

Added support for Ingress Replication (IPv6) in the data center fabric for VXLAN EVPN, VXLAN EVPN Multi-Site, and TRM Multi-Site features.


About Configuring VXLAN EVPN and TRM with IPv6 Underlay

Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN EVPN and TRM with IPv6 in the Multicast Underlay

Configuring VXLAN EVPN with IPv6 Ingress Replication

About VXLAN EVPN Multi-Site with IPv6 Underlay

Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN EVPN Multi-Site with IPv6 Underlay

Information About Configuring TRM Multi-Site with IPv6 Underlay

Guidelines and Limitations for TRM Multi-Site with IPv6 Underlay

EVPN over RFC5549 - VXLAN Multisite

Added support for VXLAN EVPN with RFC 5549 underlay for multi-site environment on Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches.


VXLAN EVPN Multi-Site with RFC 5549 Underlay

Advertise Remote prefixes with PIP as Next Hop instead of VIP

Added support to advertise remote prefixes with PIP as Next Hop instead of VIP.


Advertise Using PIP Towards Fabric