- About this Guide
- Chapter 1, Install the Shelf and Backplane Cable
- Chapter 2, Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable
- Chapter 3, Connect the PC and Log into the GUI
- Chapter 4, Turn Up Node
- Chapter 5, Turn Up a DWDM Node
- Chapter 6, Turn Up Network
- Chapter 7, Turn Up DWDM Network
- Chapter 8, Create Circuits and VT Tunnels
- Chapter 9, Manage Alarms
- Chapter 10, Monitor Performance
- Chapter 11, Manage Circuits
- Chapter 12, Change Node Settings
- Chapter 13, Change Card Settings
- Chapter 14, Upgrade Cards and Spans
- Chapter 15, Convert Network Configurations
- Chapter 16, Add and Remove BLSR and Path Protection Nodes
- Chapter 17, Maintain the Node
- Chapter 18, Power Down the Node
- Appendix A, CTC Information and Shortcuts
- Appendix B, Shelf Assembly Specifications
- Glossary
Turn Up DWDM Network
This chapter explains how to turn up and test Cisco ONS 15454 dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM) network. For DWDM topology reference information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide.
Note The procedures and tasks in this chapter apply to DWDM (Software Release 4.5) nodes only.
There are two main DWDM network types, metro core, where the channel power is equalized and dispersion compensation is applied, and metro access, where the channels are not equalized and dispersion compensation is not applied. The DWDM network topologies supported are: hubbed rings, multihubbed rings, meshed rings, linear configurations, and single-span links.
Before You Begin
This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).
1. A232 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up—Complete this procedure before beginning network turn up.
2. A233 Provision a DWDM Ring, Linear Configuration, or Single-Span Link—Complete as needed.
NTP-A232 Verify DWDM Node Turn Up
Step 1 Log into an ONS 15454 on the network that you will test. See the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 Verify DWDM node provisioning. See the "A222 Provision the DWDM Node" procedure.
Step 3 Verify node cabling. See the "A244 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards" procedure.
Step 4 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed. If alarms are displayed, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
b. Verify that the alarm filter is not turned on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task for instructions.
Step 5 Verify that the SW Version displayed in the node view status area matches the software version shown in your site plan. If the software is not the correct version, install the correct version from the ONS 15454 software CD.
Step 6 Click the Provisioning > General tabs. Verify that all general node information settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "A81 Change Node Management Information" procedure.
Step 7 Click the Provisioning > Timing tabs. Verify that timing settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "A85 Change Node Timing" procedure.
Step 8 Click the Provisioning > Network tabs. Ensure that the IP settings and other CTC network access information is correct. If not, see the "A201 Change CTC Network Access" procedure.
Step 9 Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs. Verify that all protection groups have been created according to your site plan. If not, see the "A203 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings" procedure.
Step 10 Click the Provisioning > Security tabs. Verify that all users have been created and that their security levels match the settings indicated by your site plan. If not, see the "A205 Modify Users and Change Security" procedure.
Step 11 If Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is provisioned on the node, click the Provisioning > SNMP tabs. Verify that all SNMP settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "A87 Change SNMP Settings" procedure.
Step 12 Provision the network using the "A233 Provision a DWDM Ring, Linear Configuration, or Single-Span Link" procedure.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-A233 Provision a DWDM Ring, Linear Configuration, or Single-Span Link
Step 1 Log into an ONS 15454 on the network where you want to provision a DWDM ring. See the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task.
Step 2 Complete the "DLP-A240 Provision OSC Terminations" task.
Step 3 Complete the "DLP-A491 Provision the Ring ID" task.
Step 4 Complete the "DLP-A492 Check Span Attenuation" task.
Step 5 Complete the "DLP-A493 Create a Test OCHNC" task.
Step 6 Verify that the amplifiers are turned on. After detecting input power, if the optical safety remote interlock (OSRI) command is disabled, the amplifiers at both ends of the span automatically switch on.
a. From node view, choose Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status.
b. Find the amplifier row and verify that the Link Status column says Regulated.
Note The OPT-BST switches on only if an optical service channel (OSC) link is detected as closed for more than three seconds.
c. To verify that OSRI is off, go to the OPT-BST amplifier card view and choose Maintenance > ALS. In the ALS Command drop-down menu choose OSRI Off and click Apply.
Step 7 Verify that the amplifiers have switched to constant gain mode. The amplifiers automatically calculate their gain and then they switch to Constant Gain Mode.
a. Go to the OPT-BST amplifier card view.
b. Choose Provisioning > Opt. Ampli. Line > Parameters.
c. The Mode column should list Gain.
Note For the gain mode calculation to be accurate, only one channel must be present at the amplifier receive (Rx) port. After the mode switches from Control Power to Control Gain, the Automatic Power Control (APC) regulates the power.
Step 8 Create the remaining channels according to your site plan. See the "A227 Provision a DWDM Optical Channel Network Connection" procedure.
Note The amplifiers automatically calculate the optical output power to maintain a constant power level on each channel every time a channel is created on the DWDM network. APC starts every 10 minutes. If the span length changes, APC modifies amplifier gains and express variable optical attenuation (VOA). For more information about APC, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Step 9 Complete the "DLP-A494 Verify the Optical Receive Power" task.
Step 10 Complete the "DLP-A490 Verify the OSNR" task.
Step 11 Repeat the amplifier verification performed in Step 7. If needed, verify that the added channels are equalized within +/-1 dB at the monitor output port (MON Tx) of the OPT-BST amplifier or the OSC-CSM. See the "DLP-A494 Verify the Optical Receive Power" task.
Step 12 Check the amplifier gain tilt. Tilt is monitored on the OPT-PRE MON port. The pass or fail values are provided by MetroPlanner. Set up all channel links and repeat the amplifier verification. See the "DLP-A490 Verify the OSNR" task.
Step 13 (Optional) Create new channel links with pass-through connections. Pass-through channel connections can be provided between channel input and output ports for the AD-xC-xx.x, the 4MD-xx.x, the 32 MUX-O, and the 32 DMX-O. The user can set up pass-through connections in nodes that might require more add or drop channel capability or configuration. See the "DLP-A496 Convert a Pass-Through Connection to an Add/Drop Connection" task.
Step 14 (Optional) Convert a pass-through connection to an add or drop connection. See the "DLP-A496 Convert a Pass-Through Connection to an Add/Drop Connection" task.
Step 15 Go to network view and choose the next node to provision or log into the OADM node. Repeat this procedure for all the nodes in the network.
Step 16 (Optional) The following verification steps might be needed for an intermediate node if a pass-through connection is created. The intermediate node is defined as a node or nodes between the source and destination in your channel:
•Verify that the added channels are at the specified power level. See the "DLP-A494 Verify the Optical Receive Power" task for instructions.
•Verify that the added channels are equalized with the express channels within 1dB.
•If the channels are not equalized with the express channels within +/-1 dB, check the attenuation of the VOAs.
•Also check all the fiber adapters to minimize their insertion losses. See the "A112 Clean Fiber Connectors" procedure for instructions.
Step 17 Perform the "DLP-A497 DWDM Node Acceptance Test" task.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-A240 Provision OSC Terminations
Step 1 Display the node view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > DCC/GCC/OSC tabs.
Step 3 Click the OSC tab.
Step 4 In the OSC Terminations pane, click Create.
Step 5 In the Create OSC Terminations dialog box, click the ports where you want to create the OSC termination. To select more than one port, press the Shift key or the Ctrl key.
Note OSC on the DWDM node refers to the section data communications channel (DCC), which is used for ONS 15454 DCC terminations.
Step 6 Click OK. Ports are automatically placed in service. Until all network OSC terminations are created and the ports are in service, the following alarms might appear: EOC (SDCC Termination Failure) and power failure alarms on the OPT-BST or OSC-CSM, such as TRUE LOS alarms.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A491 Provision the Ring ID
Purpose |
This task creates a DWDM ring ID. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > DCC/GCC/OSC tabs.
Step 2 Click the OSC tab.
Step 3 In the DWDM Ring ID area, click Create.
Step 4 In the DWDM Ring ID dialog box, enter the following information:
•Ring ID—Enter the same ID for all nodes on the ring. Choose a number from 1 to 255.
•West Line—Select a card from the drop-down menu. Selectable cards are OSCM or OSC-CSM. Slots 1 through 8 represent the west-side of the node.
•East Line—Select a card from the drop-down menu. Selectable cards are OSCM or OSC-CSM. Slots 10 through 17 represent the east-side of the node.
•Click OK.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A492 Check Span Attenuation
Purpose |
This task checks span attenuation between two DWDM nodes. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 Make sure the OPT-BST is off by performing one of the following:
•Use the OSRI command in Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) or TL1. Go to the OPT-BST card view and choose Maintenance. In the ALS Command column, click on the cell and a drop-down menu appears. Choose OSRI On and click Apply.
Note For TL1 commands, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15327 TL1 Command Guide.
•Disable all client interfaces. Set the client trunk port to the out of service (OOS) state. Go to card view on the appropriate card. Choose Provisioning > Optical Line. In the State column, click on the field that corresponds with the port you want to change. A drop-down menu appears. Choose OOS and click Apply.
Step 2 Check span attenuation by calculating the difference between transmitted OSC power at the beginning of the span and the receive power at the end of the span. These calculated values must be consistent with the data provided by the MetroPlanner installation file +/- 2 dB.
•To read the transmit power on an OSCM card at the beginning of the span, go to the OSCM card view and choose Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters. Make note of the line-Tx (OSC output) power level. Next go to the OPT-BST card view and choose Inventory. Make note of the insertion loss for the IL03 (OSC Rx > line Tx). Subtract the power level from the insertion loss. Use this value to subtract power on the receiver to calculate the span.
•To read the transmit power on an OSC-CSM card at the beginning of the span, go to the OSC-CSM card view and choose Provisioning > Optical Line and read the power value for Line 3-Tx (output OSC).
•To read the transmit power on the OSC COM Tx port of an OPT-BST amplifier, go to card view on the OPT-BST amplifier and choose Provisioning > Optical Line and read the power value for Line 2-Tx (output OSC).
•To read the receive power on an OSC-CSM card, go to card view on the OSC-CSM and choose Provisioning > Optical Line and read the power value for Line 3-Rx (input OSC).
Step 3 Turn on the OPT-BST amplifier. Use the OSRI command in Cisco transport controller (CTC) or TL1. Go to the OPT-BST card view and choose Maintenance. In the ALS Command column, click on the cell and a drop-down menu appears. Choose OSRI Off and click Apply.
Note For TL1 commands, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15327 TL1 Command Guide.
Step 4 (Optional) If the calculated span attenuation values are not consistent, check the fiber connection between the line Tx port and the connector at each end of the span. Also check the fiber connection between the OSCM and the OPT-BST.
Step 5 (Optional) If the calculated span attenuation values are still not consistent, clean the fiber connectors. See the "A112 Clean Fiber Connectors" procedure.
Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A493 Create a Test OCHNC
Purpose |
This task tests DWDM optical channel network connection (OCHNC) on your DWDM network. The test OCHNCs can be required by your site plan, or you can create test OCHNCs that will be removed after the test is completed. |
Tools/Equipment |
Tunable laser |
Prerequisite Procedures |
A240 Provision OSC Terminations |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 Check the fiber connections. See the "A112 Clean Fiber Connectors" procedure for instructions.
Step 2 Create a test channel for each wavelength that you want to test according to your site plan. See the "A227 Provision a DWDM Optical Channel Network Connection" procedure.
Step 3 Use a tunable laser and perform a sweep of the set of wavelengths at the source and destination of your test OCHNC. The tunable laser can be used if no transponder, line cards, or other ITU interfaces are present. Only wavelengths with circuits will be tested. Test circuits can have different destinations, but it is not recommended.
Note For information about using a tunable laser, refer to the tunable laser user guide.
Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A494 Verify the Optical Receive Power
Step 1 Using an optical power meter, check the receive optical power on both ends of the span:
a. Identify a transmit port on an AD-xC-xx.x card or a 32 DMX-O card in the node that you want to test and connect it to the optical power meter.
b. Read the values displayed on the optical power meter. These values must be consistent with the data provided by the MetroPlanner installation file +/-1 dB.
Note For information about using an optical power meter, refer to the optical power meter user guide.
Step 2 If the optical power is too low, check the following depending on your node configuration:
•Check the fiber connections between the OPT-BST amplifier or the OSC-CSM and the OPT-PRE amplifier.
•Check the fiber connections between the OADM cards and if needed clean the connectors. See the "A112 Clean Fiber Connectors" procedure.
Step 3 If the power coming from the AD-xC-xx.x card is higher than required, put an external optical attenuator before the client interface input in order to meet the requirement.
Step 4 If the power coming from the 32 DMX-O card is higher than required, you can regulate the VOA in CTC. From the 32 DMX-O card view, choose Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters. The VOA columns including the VOA set point can be manually set according to your site plan.The VOA set point affects the power calibration parameters.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A490 Verify the OSNR
Step 1 Using an optical spectrum analyzer, check the receive optical OSNR on both ends of the span:
a. Identify a monitor LINE Rx port on an OPT-PRE amplifier or OSC-CSM card in the node that you want to test and connect it to the optical spectrum analyzer.
b. Read the values displayed on the optical spectrum analyzer. These values must be consistent with the data provided by the MetroPlanner installation file +/-1 dB.
Note For information about using a spectrum analyzer, refer to the spectrum analyzer user guide.
Step 2 If the OSNR is too low, check the following depending on your node configuration:
•Check the fiber connections between the OPT-BST amplifier or the OSC-CSM and the OPT-PRE amplifier and if needed clean the connectors. See the "A112 Clean Fiber Connectors" procedure.
•On the near-end OPT-BST amplifier, check the equalization of the added channels at the monitor output.
•On the OPT-PRE amplifier, check the output power on both COM-Tx and DC-Tx ports.
•On the far-end OPT-PRE amplifier, check the amplifier gain tilt at the monitor output.
Note The purpose of this step is not to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but to match the per channel power level within the receive (Rx) port power range.
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A496 Convert a Pass-Through Connection to an Add/Drop Connection
Step 1 In node view, delete the unidirectional OCHNC from the affected nodes.
Step 2 Remove the pass-through cabling. See the "A244 Install Fiber-Optic Cables on DWDM Cards" procedure.
Step 3 Delete the relevant OSC connection. See "DLP-A240 Provision OSC Terminations" task.
Step 4 Connect the proper client interface. A pass through connection can be connected in both OADM and HUB node sites.
•For a hub node—connect the 32 DMX-O output port to the 32 MUX-O input port.
•For an OADM node—connect the AD-xC-xx.x drop (output) port to the AD-xC-xx.x add (input) port.
Step 5 From node view, choose Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status and click the Launch ANS button.
Step 6 Create two new bidirectional OCHNCs (one heading east, the other heading west). See the "A227 Provision a DWDM Optical Channel Network Connection" procedure.
Step 7 If it is necessary, add an optical attenuator between the CH Tx port of the OADM card and the client Rx port.
Note If the channel is coming from a 32 DMX-O, the optical power can be adjusted in CTC by modifying the value of the internal per channel VOA.
Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A497 DWDM Node Acceptance Test
Step 1 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 2 Click the Alarms tab:
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not turned on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task for instructions.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 3 Complete the "DLP-A139 Export CTC Data" task to export the alarm information.
Step 4 Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 5 Complete the "DLP-A139 Export CTC Data" task to export condition information.
Step 6 If a node fails any test, repeat the test while verifying correct setup and configuration. If the test fails again, refer to the next level of support.
After all tests are successfully completed and no alarms exist in the network, the network is ready for service.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).