
This chapter provides an overview of the Cisco CPT 200 and CPT 600 shelf install.

Note The Cisco CPT shelf assemblies are intended for use with telecommunications equipment only.

1.1  Compliance Standards

Install the CPT 200 and CPT 600 shelves in compliance with your local and national electrical codes:

United States: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70; United States National Electrical Code.

Canada: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, CSA C22.1.

Other countries: If local and national electrical codes, are not available, refer to IEC 364, Part 1 through Part 7.

1.2  Cisco CPT 200 Shelf

The CPT 200 is designed to comply with Telcordia GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4. The CPT 200 provides only Type 2 and Type 4 interfaces. A single CPT 200 shelf supports both ANSI and ETSI standards.

The CPT 200 shelf has 3 horizontal card slots —Slot 1, Slot 2, and Slot 3. While Slot 2 and Slot 3 house MSTP cards that provide 10 to 40 Gbps interconnections, Slot 1 accommodates the TNC, TNCE, TSC, or TSCE card (timing and control card). The CPT 200 system can be powered by AC or DC power module. The CPT 200 system contains backup flash memory that supports the database (DB) and image backup in the single mode operation. The CPT 200 shelf can be mounted on an ANSI or an ETSI rack using the mounting brackets or air deflectors. The air deflectors orient the air flow in a specific direction. The CPT 200 shelf can also be wall-mounted or desktop-mounted.

When installed in an equipment rack, the Cisco CPT 200 shelf is typically connected to a fuse panel to provide distributed power for the CPT 200. The fuse panel is a third-party equipment and is not described in this documentation. If you are unsure about the requirements or specifications for a fuse, consult the user documentation for the related equipment.

The front door of the CPT 200 allows access to the shelf.

You can mount the CPT 200 on a 19-inch or 23-inch ANSI rack (482.6 or 584.2 mm), or on a 600 x 600-mm (23.6 x 23.6-inch) or 600 x 300-mm (23.6 x 11.8-inch) ETSI standard equipment rack. The CPT 200 shelf can also be wall mounted or desktop mounted. The shelf weighs approximately 11.02 pounds (5 kg) with no cards installed.

Note Install and operate the CPT 200 only in environments that do not expose wiring or cabling to the outside plant.

For information on hardware and software specifications for the CPT 200 shelf, refer to the "CPT 200 Shelf Specifications" section.

1.3  Cisco CPT 600 Shelf

The CPT 600 is designed to comply with Telcordia GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4. The CPT 600 provides only Type 2 and Type 4 interfaces. A single CPT 600 shelf supports both ANSI and ETSI standards.

The CPT 600 shelf has 8 horizontal card slots numbered 1 to 8. While Slot 2 to Slot 7 house MSTP cards that provide 10 to 40 Gbps interconnections, Slot 1 and Slot 8 accommodate the TNC, TNCE, TSC, or TSCE cards (timing and control cards). The CPT 600 system can be powered by redundant AC or DC power modules. A single power module (AC or DC) can be used to power up the entire CPT 600 system. The CPT 600 system contains backup flash memory that supports the database (DB) and image backup in the single mode operation. The CPT 600 shelf can be mounted on an ANSI or an ETSI rack using the mounting brackets or air deflectors. The air deflectors orient the air flow in a specific direction. The fiber or cable guide used in the CPT 600 shelf provides improved fiber management.

When installed in an equipment rack, the Cisco CPT 600 shelf is typically connected to a fuse and alarm panel to provide centralized alarm connection points and distributed power for the CPT 600. Fuse and alarm panels are third-party equipment and are not described in this documentation. If you are unsure about the requirements or specifications for a fuse and alarm panel, consult the user documentation for the related equipment.

The front door of the CPT 600 allows access to the shelf, fan-tray assembly, fiber-routing area, power connectors, external alarms and controls, timing input and output, and craft interface terminals.

The shelf with preinstalled air filter weighs approximately 23.55 pounds (10.680 kg) with no cards installed.

Note Install and operate the CPT 600 only in environments that do not expose wiring or cabling to the outside plant.

For information on hardware and software specifications for the CPT 600 shelf, refer to the "CPT 600 Shelf Specifications" section.