Workflow to Setup and Upgrade NCS 1010

NCS 1010 comes preinstalled with IOS XR software. You can upgrade NCS 1010 by installing a new version of the software. We recommend that you keep the software up-to-date to ensure that NCS 1010 works with the latest features and bug fixes.

During an upgrade:

  • The newer software replaces the currently active software on NCS 1010.

  • Packages (RPMs) that have the same name and version in the current and target release versions are not removed or reinstalled.

This section contains the following topics:

Plan the Software Upgrade

Before you upgrade the software version, prepare NCS 1010 to ensure that the upgrade process is seamless.

Pre-upgrade workflow image for NCS 1010

Figure 1. NCS 1010 Pre-upgrade workflow

View Supported Upgrade and Downgrade Releases

The following table lists the upgrade and downgrade paths supported for Cisco NCS 1010.

Upgrade Path

Downgrade Path

Source Release

Destination Release

Source Release

Destination Release

  • R7.10.1

  • R7.11.1

  • R7.11.2

  • R24.2.11



  • R24.2.11

  • R7.11.2

  • R7.11.1

  • R7.10.1



Backup Current Configuration

The ability to recover from a disaster is an essential part of any system maintenance plan. We recommend you backup the configurations in a secure remote location and verify that the transfer is a success, both before and after upgrade.


Step 1

Create a backup of the running configuration to one of the following locations based on your requirement:

  • Copy the configuration to the harddisk: location on NCS 1010.

    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#copy running-config harddisk:/running_config-<mmddyyyy>
    Destination filename [running_config-<mmddyyyy>]? 
    Building configuration...
    Verifying checksum...  OK (0xDCF1)
  • Copy the configuration to a remote server. Ensure NCS 1010 has root access to the server.

    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#scp harddisk:/ running_config-<mmddyyyy> 

Step 2

Verify that the configuration is backed up.


A Field Programmable Device (FPD) refers to any programmable hardware device on a chassis, which includes a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). NCS 1010 uses several FPDs that are necessary for chassis, route processor, line cards, and power modules to function properly. Before upgrading the software, check whether the latest FPDs are available on NCS 1010.


FPD auto-upgrade is enabled by default on NCS 1010.

From Release 7.10.1, you can perform FPD upgrade for the breakout and multiplexer/demultiplexer modules. For the breakout modules, you can perform the FPD upgrade in both direct and indirect connections. You can upgrade all the passive modules at once or selectively upgrade the necessary modules as needed.


If the FPD in a given SSD is not supported by the current IOS XR software release, the status is displayed as NOT READY . The status will change once FPD support for these SSDs is enabled in future releases.

Table 1. NCS 1010 FPDs




  • ADMConfig

  • CpuFpga

  • CpuFpgaGolden

  • BIOS

  • BIOS-Golden

  • SsdIntelS4510

  • SsdMicron5300

  • SsdSmartModular

  • TamFw

  • TamFwGolden

PM0 and PM1

  • AP-PrimMCU

  • AP-SecMCU


  • ILA

  • OLT

  • Raman-1

  • Raman-2


  • IoFpga

  • IoFpgaGolden

  • EITU-ADMConfig

  • SsdIntelS4510

  • SsdMicron5300

  • SsdSmartModular

Breakout module

  • BRK-8

  • BRK-24

Multiplexer and demultiplexer modules

  • MD-32-ACC

  • MD-32-NEO

Golden FPDs serve as backup FPDs for the primary FPDs. For example, BIOS-Golden is the backup Golden FPD for the BIOS primary FPD. If a primary FPD is corrupted, NCS 1010 boots with the corresponding Golden FPD. The Golden FPDs cannot be upgraded.

Check FPD Version

There are multiple types of FPDs for each type of module. The show hw-module fpd command provides information about each FPD.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module fpd
Fri Feb 17 11:43:28.878 UTC

Attribute codes: B golden, P protect, S secure, A Anti Theft aware
                                                                         FPD Versions
Location   Card type             HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd  Reload Loc
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   ADMConfig            CURRENT    2.30    2.30       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   BIOS             S   CURRENT    4.40    4.40         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   BIOS-Golden      BS  CURRENT            4.40         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   CpuFpga          S   CURRENT    1.11    1.11         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   CpuFpgaGolden    BS  CURRENT            1.01         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   SsdIntelS4510    S   CURRENT   11.32   11.32         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   TamFw            S   CURRENT    6.13    6.13         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 NCS1010-CTLR-B-K9     1.0   TamFwGolden      BS  CURRENT            6.11         0/RP0
0/PM0      NCS1010-AC-PSU        0.0   AP-PriMCU            CURRENT    1.03    1.03       NOT REQ
0/PM0      NCS1010-AC-PSU        0.0   AP-SecMCU            CURRENT    2.01    2.01       NOT REQ
0/PM1      NCS1010-AC-PSU        0.0   AP-PriMCU            CURRENT    1.03    1.03       NOT REQ
0/PM1      NCS1010-AC-PSU        0.0   AP-SecMCU            NEED UPGD  1.06    1.06       NOT REQ
0/0/NXR0   NCS1K-E-OLT-R-C       1.0   OLT              S   CURRENT    1.16    1.16       NOT REQ
0/0/NXR0   NCS1K-E-OLT-R-C       1.0   Raman-1          S   CURRENT    1.04    1.04       NOT REQ
0/Rack     NCS1010-SA            0.1   EITU-ADMConfig       CURRENT    1.04    1.04       NOT REQ
0/Rack     NCS1010-SA            0.1   IoFpga           S   CURRENT            1.12       NOT REQ
0/Rack     NCS1010-SA            0.1   IoFpgaGolden     BS  NEED UPGD  1.12    0.08       NOT REQ
0/Rack     NCS1010-SA            0.1   SsdIntelS4510    S   CURRENT   11.32   11.32        0/Rack
0/1        NCS1K-MD-32E-C        0.1   MD-32-NEO        S   CURRENT    2.02    2.02       NOT REQ
0/2        NCS1K-MD-32O-C        10.2  MD-32-ACC        S   CURRENT    2.18    2.18       NOT REQ
0/3/0      NCS1K-BRK-8           1.0   BRK-8            S   CURRENT    2.08    2.08       NOT REQ
0/3/3      NCS1K-BRK-24          1.0   BRK-24           S   CURRENT    2.08    2.08       NOT REQ

If the status of any FPD is NEED UPGD, then the upgrade is required for that FPD. In this example, AP-SecMCU and IoFpgaGolden FPD devices need an upgrade. You must ensure that FPDs are upgraded before upgrading NCS 1010.

The following table lists the NCS 1010 FPDs that are distributed across route processor (RP), power modules (PM), line cards (LC), and Rack.

The following table describes the significant fields in the output of the show hw-module fpd command.

Table 2. Description of Fields in show hw-module fpd Command




Location of the FPD.

Card type

PID of the modules such as chassis, card, CPU, and PSU.


Hardware version where the FPD resides.

FPD device

Name of the FPD.


Attribute codes. The possible values are:

  • B - Golden Image

  • S - Secure Image

  • P - Protect Image

The attribute code of the primary FPDs is S and the Golden FPDs is BS.


Status of the FPD. See Table 3.


FPD image version that has been activated and currently running in the FPD device.


FPD image version that has been programmed into the FPD device, but might not be activated.

Reload Loc

Indicates whether reload of the location is required or not.

The following table describes the possible values of the Status field in the output of the show hw-module fpd command.

Table 3. Description of FPD Status Values in show hw-module fpd Command

FPD Status



The driver that owns the FPD device has not initialized the FPD client to handle this device.


FPD version is up to date and upgrade is not required.


Upgrade is required for this FPD. Check the output of the show fpd package command to determine the recommended FPD version.


FPD is preparing for upgrade.


Upgrade of this FPD is in queue.


FPD upgrade is not required. For example,

  • FPD version is up to date and compatible.

  • FPD image is protected.


FPD upgrade started and the driver did not report the upgrade progress information yet.


Percentage of FPD upgrade completion.


FPD upgrade is successfully completed and the FPD must be reloaded for the new version to take effect.


FPD upgrade has failed. Check the syslog for failure reason. It could be a timeout or a failure that is reported by the driver.


FPD upgrade is successfully completed.

The show fpd package command is used to determine the FPDs that are supported with the current software release and the minimum hardware requirements for each FPD.

The following table describes the fields in the output of the show fpd package command.

Table 4. Description of Fields in show fpd package Command



Card Type

PID of the modules such as chassis, card, CPU, and PSU.

FPD Description

Description of the FPD.

Req Reload

Determines whether reload is required to activate the FPD image.

SW Ver

Recommended FPD software version for the associated module running the current Cisco IOS XR Software.

Min Req SW Ver

Minimum required FPD software version to operate the module.

Min Req Board Ver

Minimum required hardware version for the associated FPD. A minimum hardware requirement of version 0.0 indicates that all the hardware can support this FPD version.

Upgrade FPDs Automatically

The automatic FPD upgrade upgrades the FPD version of all the modules to the latest version. When automatic FPD upgrade is enabled, all the FPDs (except the Golden FPDs) that are in NEED UPGD status are upgraded to CURRENT status during the software upgrade.

In NCS 1010, automatic FPD upgrade is enabled by default.


Use the following commands to disable automatic FPD upgrade.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#fpd auto-upgrade disable

Upgrade FPDs Manually

Use the following procedure to upgrade the FPDs manually.


The Golden FPDs cannot be upgraded using the CLI.


Step 1

Use the show hw-module fpd command to display information about the current FPD version.

You can use this command to determine if you must upgrade the FPD.

Step 2

Use the show alarms brief system active command to display the active alarms.

You must upgrade the FPD when the One Or More FPDs Need Upgrade Or Not In Current State alarm is present.

Step 3

Use the upgrade hw-module location [location-id] fpd [fpd name] command to upgrade a specific FPD.

After upgrading the FPD, the user must wait for upgrade completion. The progress of the FPD upgrade can be monitored using the show hw-module fpd command.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#upgrade hw-module location 0/Rack fpd IoFpga



The FPDs of power modules belong to 0/PM0 and 0/PM1 locations. The FPDs belonging to both the PM locations cannot be simultaneously upgraded.

Step 4

Use the reload location location-id to reload the FPDs belonging to a specific location with the new version.

The Reload Loc field in the output of show hw-module fpd command indicates whether the reload is required or not.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#reload location 0/RP0/CPU0

Step 5

(Optional) Use the upgrade hw-module location all fpd all command to upgrade all the FPDs at once.

Step 6

(Optional) Use the upgrade hw-module [location [location-id | all]] fpd [fpd name] | all] command to upgrade a specific FPD, all the FPDs, or the FPDs belonging to a specific location.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#upgrade hw-module location all fpd all



The FPDs of power modules and SSDs cannot be forcefully upgraded.

Upgrading FPDs Using Yang Data Models

YANG is a data modeling language that helps to create configurations, retrieve operational data and execute actions. NCS 1010 acts on the data definition when these operations are requested using NETCONF RPCs. The data model handles the following types of requirements on NCS 1010 for FPD:

Operational Data Native Data Model
Auto Upgrade: Enabling or disabling of automatic upgrade of FPD Cisco-IOS-XR-fpd-infra-cfg.yang

Auto Reload: Enabling or disabling of automatic reload of FPD


Check System Stability

System stability checks are essential to measure the efficiency and ability of an upgrade to function over an extended period.

At the EXEC prompt, execute the following commands to assess basic system stability checks before and after the software upgrade.




show platofrm

Verify that all nodes are in IOS XR RUN/OPERATIONAL state


show ipv4 interface brief


show ipv6 interface brief


show interfaces summary

Verify that all necessary interfaces are UP


show install active summary

Verify that the proper set of packages are active


show install committed summary

Verify that the proper set of committed packages are same as active

Execute ‘install commit’ command

clear configuration inconsistency

Verify/fix configuration file system


show hw-module fpd

Ensure all the FPD versions status are CURRENT

Execute upgrade hw-module fpd command

show media

Display the current state of the disk storage media

To free up space, remove older .iso image files and bug fix .tar files.

show media | i rootfs

Display the current state of the root filesystem (rootfs).

By default, the following files are stored in rootfs :

  • Older config commits

  • Older .iso image and .tar files for SMUs

  • All the extracted .tar files

The installation is blocked if it utilizes more than 92% of the disk space on the rootfs . To avoid this, we recommend maintaining:

  • Twice the free space of the .iso image file size when installing the software

  • At least two and a half times the size of the .tar file when installing SMUs

To free up space in rootfs :

  • use the clear install rollback id id to remove older rollback points

  • consider storing all user data in the harddisk:/ location

show inventory

Show chassis inventory information


show logging

Capture show logging to check for any errors


Obtain Install Files

You can obtain the install files based on one of the following options that is best suited to your network:

  • Golden ISO: You can build a customized golden ISO (GISO) image with the base ISO and the required RPMs to automatically upgrade the software.

  • Base ISO and Optional RPMs: You can upgrade the software through the standard method where you install the ISO followed by the required RPMs.

Standard ISO and RPMs

Download Install Files from Cisco Software Center

Obtain the install files (base ISO and RPMs) for the target release.


Step 1

Access the Cisco Software Download page.

For optimum website experience, we recommend any of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Step 2

Click Browse All and navigate to NCS 1010 using Optical Networking > Optical Data Center Interconnects > Network Convergence System 1000 Series > Network Convergence System 1010.

Step 3

Select the Software Type: IOS XR Software or IOS XR Software Maintenance Upgrades (SMU).

Step 4

From the left pane, select the release.

For the selected release, the Software Download page displays the downloadable files. For more information, see Install ISO and RPMs.

Step 5

Use your Cisco login credentials to download the files.

Upgrade the Software

This section provides information about the processes involved in upgrading the IOS XR software on NCS 1010

Figure 2. NCS 1010 Upgrade workflow

The Cisco IOS XR software can be upgraded using one of these methods:

  • Upgrade NCS 1010 Using CLI Commands

  • Upgrade NCS 1010 Using YANG Data Models

Upgrade NCS 1010 Using CLI Commands

There are two options to upgrade your Cisco IOS XR software using the Command Line Interface (CLI):

  • Base ISO and optional RPMs

  • Golden ISO (GISO)

Install ISO and RPMs

Use this procedure to install the base ISO and optional RPMs.


Step 1

Copy the ISO image to be installed either on the NCS 1010 hard disk or on a network server to which NCS 1010 has access.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#scp root@<ip-address>:/<dir>/1010-x64-release.iso harddisk:

Step 2

To verify data integrity, verify the md5 checksum of the copied file with the original MD5 values on CCO.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show md5 file /harddisk:/1010-x64-release.iso

Step 3

Install the base image to upgrade the system.

  • Option 1: Install ISO without control over reload timing.
    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install replace /harddisk:/1010-x64-release.iso
    The image is installed, the changes are applied through a reload or a restart of the system, and commits the changes. However, you do not have control over the timing of the reload or restart —these occur as soon as the package operation completes and the system is ready.

    If you want to control when your system reloads (management of a network outage), we recommend that you schedule an upgrade window and perform an install replace , letting the system reload without intervention.

  • Option 2: Install ISO with control over reload timing.
    1. Install the image.

      RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install package replace /harddisk:/1010-x64-release.iso
    2. Apply the changes.

      RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install apply [reload | restart]

      You can use either the reload or restart options based on the file that is installed. To determine whether a reload or restart is required, check the output of show install request command. The output indicates the required actions.

Step 4

After the base image is upgraded, install the additional packages. For more information, see Install Additional RPMs and Bug Fixes.

If a system fails to boot successfully, or reboots unexpectedly when the package is undergoing a version change, the system is automatically recovered to its old software state.



If you perform a manual or automatic system reload without completing the transaction with the install commit command, the action will revert the system to the point before the install transaction commenced, including any configuration changes. Only the log is preserved for debugging.

Install Golden ISO

Use this procedure to install the Golden ISO (GISO) that contains the base ISO and a customized list of optional RPMs..

Golden ISO (GISO) upgrades NCS 1010 to a version that has a predefined list of bug fixes (sometimes also called software maintenance updates) with a single operation.

To update the system to the same release version with a different set of bug fixes:

  • Create a GISO with the base version and all the bug fixes you require

  • Use the install replace or install package replace commands to install the GISO.

The GISO can include bridging bug fixes for multiple source releases, and installs only the specific bridging bug fixes required for the target release.

The bridging bug fix RPMs can be used in the following scenarios:

  • To resolve a bug that might stop upgrade.

  • To meet the prerequisite requirements of a new release version that were not met by the earlier version.


The install replace command is supported only with GISO, but not with .rpm packages directly.


Step 1

Copy the GISO image file to the /harddisk: of NCS 1010.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#scp root@<ip-address>:/auto/tftp-test/1010-x64-release.iso harddisk:

Step 2

Install the GISO.

  • Option 1: Install GISO without control over reload timing.
    1. Install GISO to upgrade to a new release, add or remove bugfixes or optional packages.

      RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install replace source-location/giso-name.iso
      The source-location can be in the following location.
    2. Local path to the GISO—files located in or under /var/xr/disk1/, /harddisk:/ or /misc/disk1/

      This command runs the replace operation and applies the new version via NCS 1010 restart or reload, whichever is least impactful, given the change. For example, if you have a GISO that is the same as your base image except one bugfix, and that bugfix can be applied by process restart, the command will install the bugfix and apply by restart, no NCS 1010 reload occurs. However, you do not have control over the timing of the reload or restart—these operations occur as soon as the packaging is complete and the system is ready. If you want to control the timing of system reloads, we recommend that you schedule an upgrade window and run the install replace command, allowing the system to reload without manual intervention or network impact.

    3. [Optional] Specify reload keyword to force reload for all operations. This may be useful if you want a reliable flow.

    4. [Optional] Specify commit keyword for the install, apply and commit operations to be performed without user intervention.

  • Option 2: Install GISO with control over reload timing.

    1. Install GISO to upgrade to a new release, add or remove bugfixes or optional packages. The functionality is similar to install replace command, except that the staging of packaging changes is performed using this command.

      RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install package replace source-location/giso-name.iso

      The install package replace command does not apply the changes.

    2. Apply the changes.

      RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install apply [reload | restart]

      You can use either the reload or restart options based on the change that is installed. You can only apply the changes by restarting the software if the difference between the GISO being installed and the running image is minimal such as bugfixes or package updates.

      To determine whether a reload or restart is required, check the output of show install request command. The output indicates the required actions.



A GISO label is a string that identifies a GISO. Any install operation, such as adding or removing a package or modifying the software image (replace or package replace) will change the custom label to a system-generated default label. For example:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show install active summary

In this example, the software image is modified to remove the CDP package.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install package remove xr-cdp

Install remove operation 39.1.1 has started
Install operation will continue in the background
Packaging operation 39.1.1: 'install package remove xr-cdp' completed without error
Apply the changes.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install apply
Thu Feb 02 11:13:09.015
Once the packaging dependencies have been determined, the install operation may have to reload the system.
If you want more control of the operation, then explicitly use 'install apply restart' or 'install apply reload' as 
reported by 'show install request'.
Continue? [yes/no]:[yes] yes
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Feb 02 11:13:12.771 : instorch[404]: %INSTALL-6-ACTION_BEGIN : Apply by restart 39.1 started
Install apply operation 39.1 has started
Install operation will continue in the background
View the software version.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show version
The GISO1 custom label is replaced with the label 24.3.1 generated by the system.

Upgrade Using Data Models

Data models are a programmatic way of configuring and collecting operational data of a network device. They replace the process of manual configuration and can be used to automate configuration tasks across heterogeneous devices in a network.

Access Install-related Data Models

You can use YANG data models to install and upgrade NCS 1010. The data models are packaged with the release image in the /pkg/yang directory.


Step 1

Navigate to the directory in the release image where the YANG data models are available.


[node_RP0_CPU0:~]$cd /pkg/yang

Step 2

View the list of install-related data models on NCS 1010.


node0_RP0_CPU0:/pkg/yang]$ls -ltr *install*
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    8646    Jul    2    01:59    Cisco-IOS-XR-install-act.yang
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    7267    Jul    2    01:59    Cisco-IOS-XR-install-search-act.yang
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    10664   Jul    2    01:59    Cisco-IOS-XR-install-augmented-act.yang
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    2511    Jul    2    02:00    Cisco-IOS-XR-um-install-cfg.yang
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    2270    Jul    2    02:04    Cisco-IOS-XR-install-cfg.yang
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    6222    Jul    2    02:04    Cisco-IOS-XR-install-oper.yang
-rw-r--r--.    1    root    root    14009   Jul    2    02:04    Cisco-IOS-XR-install-augmented-oper.yang

The following table describes the function of the install-related data models:

Date Model



Unified data model that contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS XR install package configuration, and augments the modules with configuration data.


Operational data model to view details that are related to basic package information, active and committed packages, and fixes.


Configuration data model to specify the location of the install source.


Action model to perform basic install operations and software upgrade.


Action model that contains a collection of YANG definitions for install actions related to searching for package information.


Augmented operational model that displays information aboutpackaging, atomic changes, and history of the install operation on the NCS 1010.


Action model to perform flexible install operations, includingcontrolling the exact timing of system reloads and rolling back to a previous commit.


Action model to copy files on the NCS 1010 from a source location.

You can also access the supported data models to install Cisco IOS XR software from the Github repository.

Use Manageability Agent to Connect to NCS 1010

Use a manageability agent like NETCONF or gRPC to connect and communicate with NCS 1010. You can send Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) requests to configure or retrieve operational data from NCS 1010. NCS 1010 processes the request and responds to the request through an RPC response. You use the RPCs to send requests to install the software by populating the relevant parameters of a container and leaf in the data model. For more information about understanding the data model structure and using data models, see the Cisco NCS 1010 Data Models Configuration Guide .

Generate RPC Messages to Install IOS XR Image​

Before you begin

Not all software versions are supported as the target upgrade software version. You must review the supported upgrade and downgrade paths, hardware or software limitations, and bridging SMUs required for the version. For more information about checking the release support between the current and target versions, see View Supported Upgrade and Downgrade Releases.


Step 1

Use the install-replace RPC on the Cisco-IOS-XR-install-act.yang data model to upgrade NCS 1010.

Step 2

Configure the values of the source-type, source, and file parameters.

Step 3

Send edit-config NETCONF RPC request using the data model to configure the repository. Edit the values in the repositories parameters and send this request to NCS 1010 from the client.

Step 4

Apply the changes to activate the ISO on NCS 1010 using RPCs by using the install-apply RPC on theCisco-IOS-XR-install-augmented-act.yang datamodel and send the RPC from the client to NCS 1010.


<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
  <install-apply xmlns="">

View the RPC response received from NCS 1010.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
   <op-id xmlns="">2.1</op-id>

In the response, NCS 1010 sends an ID indicating that the changes are applied successfully.

Step 5

Verify that the software upgrade is successful. Use the getRPCon Cisco-IOS-XR-install-oper.yang data model. Edit the install parameter and send an RPC request from the client to NCS 1010.


<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
    <install xmlns="">  

View the RPC response received from NCS 1010.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <install xmlns="">
      <request>install commit</request>
     <timestamp>2022-06-27 T02:52:07Z</timestamp>

The state of the install operation in the RPC response indicates that the software and the RPMs are upgraded successfully.

What to do next

Perform prelimiary checks to verify that NCS 1010 is upgraded successfully.

Verify the Software Upgrade

This section provides information about the processes involved in verifying the upgraded software on your NCS 1010.

Figure 3. Workflow to Verify the Software Upgrade

This section contains the following topics:

Check System Stability

System stability checks are essential to measure the efficiency and ability of an upgrade to function over an extended period.

At the EXEC prompt, execute the following commands to assess basic system stability checks before and after the software upgrade.




show platform

Verify that all nodes are in IOS XR RUN/OPERATIONAL state


show redundancy

Verify that a standby RP is available, and the system is in NSR-ready state


show install active summary

Verify that the proper set of packages are active


show install committed summary

Verify that the proper set of committed packages are same as active

Execute ‘install commit’ command

clear configuration inconsistency

Verify/fix configuration file system


show hw-module fpd

Ensure all the FPD versions status are CURRENT

Execute upgrade hw-module fpd command

show media

Display the current state of the disk storage media

To free up space, remove older .iso image files and bug fix .tar files.

show inventory

Show chassis inventory information