Sample Metro Deployment

This chapter covers the key components and sample end-to-end configuration involved in these Metro solution use cases:

  • Metro CX Edge Fabric Manager installation

  • Metro CX Edge Fabric software life cycle management (FSLM)

  • Metro CX Edge Fabric configuration template management

  • Edge Protect DDoS deployment

  • Cisco Routed PON deployment

Metro CX Edge Fabirc Manager installation

Sample Metro Edge Fabric deployment network

This is a sample topology diagram of Metro Edge Fabric deployment network.

Figure 1. Sample Metro Edge Fabric deployment network topology

The topology consists of two aggregation routers ​and two leaf nodes of different role types. ​

The aggregation routers in the fabric act as inline route reflectors. However, the route reflectors could be located elsewhere.

Control plane configuration

The table lists the protocols and parameters for control plane configuration.




ASN 100 ​

IPv4 using separate loopback or route reflector (RR)

IPv6 using separate loopback or RR ​

Aggregation routers act as inline RR ​

Aggregation routers have L3VPN and L2VPN address families enabled ​


Level 2 only ​

SR-MPLS enabled​

SRv6 enabled ​

TI-LFA enabled ​

Segment Routing ​

Flex-Algo 0 ​

Flex-Algo 128 (low latency) ​

IPv4 IP Address Allocations​ Flex-Algo 0 loopbacks ​ Flex-Algo 128 loopbacks

SR-MPLS SRGB Allocations ​

16000-32000 SRGB ​

16000-16999 Algo 0 ​

17000-17999 Algo 128 ​

SRv6 IP Address Allocations ​

2001:DC::/24 Base SRv6 global block ​

2001:DC00::/32 Flex-Algo 0 ​

2001:DC80::/32 Flex-Algo 128

Additional configuration

The table lists the configuration required for additional elements.



Route Reflectors​​ ​

SR-PCE ​​​

SNMP Trap Server​​

Address resource allocation

The table lists the address resource allocation for each node.


IPv4 loopback


SRv6 locator

IPv6 loopback​

fab1-agg-1​ algo 0 ​ algo 128​

16001 algo 0 ​

17001 algo 128 ​

2001:DC00:0001::/48 algo 0 ​

2001:DC80:0001::/48 algo 128​


fab1-agg-2​ algo 0​ algo 128 ​

16002 algo 0 ​

17002 algo 128 ​

2001:DC00:0002::/48 algo 0 ​

2001:DC80:0002::/48 algo 128​


fab1-l2vpn-1​ algo 0 ​ algo 128

16003 algo 0​

17003 algo 128 ​

2001:DC00:0003::/48 algo 0 ​

2001:DC80:0003::/48 algo 128


fab1-l3vpn-1​ algo 0​ algo 128 algo 0​ algo 128 ​

16004 algo 0 ​

17004 algo 128 ​

​2001:DC00:0004::/48 algo 0 ​

2001:DC80:0004::/48 algo 128


CX Fabric Manager NSO solution components

This table lists the various NSO packages and its purpose.

NSO package



resource-manager​ 4.2.3​ Define IP address pools for allocation through ZTP ​
ztp 3.7​ CX ZTP package used for onboarding ​
os-upgrade​ 1.2​ CX OS upgrade package used for software life-cycle management​
edge-fabric-manager​ 4.3​ Main Edge Fabric Management application used for fabric or role definition, config template application, and compliance actions​
cisco-iosxr-cli-7.52​ 7.52.2​ NSO CLI NED

Install CX Fabric Manager package

Follow these steps to install CX Fabric Manager package.


Step 1

Download standard resource-manager package from CCO.

Step 2

Download CX Fabric Manager, CX ZTP, and CX OS upgrade packages

Step 3

Copy all packages to the packages directory relevant to your specific system or local installation of NSO. Example: /var/opt/nso/packages/

Step 4

Expand the CX NSO packages within the package directory ​so that the FM package can access the template directory.

Step 5

Verify packages.


Router# show packages package oper-stat
NAME                       VERSION  UP 
cisco-iosxr-cli-7.52       7.52.2   X  
cisco-iosxr-nc-7.11        7.11     X  
edge-fabric-manager        4.3      X  
os-upgrade                 1.2      X  
resource-manager           4.2.3    X  
ztp                        3.7      X 

Manage CX Fabric Manager template

Templates are defined as NSO XML config files ​and are located in the templates directory for the expanded package post installation. ​

Fabric, role, and interface templates used by the Fabric Manager are standard NSO configuration templates stored with the FM Package.

Role templates are referenced in the role definition as the filename without the .xml file extension.


Adding or removing templates from the templates directory requires a package reload.

View available templates

Use the ll command to display the available templates in the templates directory.

root@nso-edge-fabric-test-1:/var/opt/ncs/packages/edge-fabric-manager/templates# ll
total 36
drwxrwxr-x 2 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 12 10:12 ./
drwxrwxr-x 6 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 21 13:56 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 2289 May 7 14:24 day1-leaf-l2vpn-v1.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 2113 May 7 14:24 day1-leaf-l2vpn.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 3214 May 9 09:03 day1-leaf-l3vpn.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 1585 May 7 14:24 delete-leaf-interface-connection.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 532 May 7 14:24 fabric-generic.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 3665 May 7 14:24 leaf-interface-connection-v1.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 3369 May 7 14:24 leaf-interface-connection.xml


Base templates

The base configuration templates apply to all routers in the fabric.

Primary loopback IP and SNMP templates

These are examples of templates defining the primary Loopback IP and SNMP.

Primary loop:

<devices xmlns="">
      <interface xmlns="">
          <description>Loopback for L2VPN Leaf</description>


  <devices xmlns="">
        <snmp-server xmlns="">
          <location>"Fabric-A Location"</location>

PTP configuration

<devices xmlns="">
        <ptp xmlns="">


IS-IS configuration

<devices xmlns="">
        <router xmlns="">


Leaf templates

L2VPN leaf template: BGP

<devices xmlns="">
      <router xmlns="">


L3VPN leaf template: BGP

<devices xmlns="">
       <router xmlns="">


View loaded templates

Use the show packages package edge-fabric-manager templates command on the router CLI to view the loaded templates.

Router-cisco@ncs#show packages package edge-fabric-manager templates
templates [ day1-leaf-l2vpn day1-leaf-l2vpn-v1 day1-leaf-l3vpn delete-leaf-interface-connection fabric-base-isis fabric-base-loopback fabric-base-ptp fabric-base-snmp fabric-generic leaf-interface-connection leaf-interface-connection-v1 spine-interface-connection ]

Example of Fabric and role definition

This example defines a fabric with the ID, fab1, with a base template, fab1-base-template, already defined.

The xr-leaf-l2vpn role and its properties are shown. Multiple templates and their associated variables are defined as part of the role definition. ​The role also defines an interface-template with its own variables which can be used to perform operations such as adding the interface to a specific ISIS instance or assigning a PTP profile.

fabrics fabric-id fab1
 fabric-description "Example Fabric"
 fabric-tags        "test;cisco"
 fabric-template-id fab1-base-template
 device-role device-role-name xr-leaf-l2vpn device-model N540-24Z8Q2C-M
  topology-role     leaf
  role-templates role-template-id leaf-l2vpn-bgp-1
   role-template-variables name BGP_ASN
   role-template-variables name BGP_ROUTER_ID
  role-templates role-template-id leaf-l2vpn-isis-v1
   role-template-variables name BGP_LS_INSTANCE_ID
   role-template-variables name ISIS_NET
   role-template-variables name SR_SID_INDEX_ALGO_0
   role-template-variables name SR_SID_ABS_ALGO_128
  interface-template interface-template-id fab1-interface-template
  interface-template interface-template-variables name MTU
  interface-template interface-template-variables name PTP_PROFILE
  target-os-version 7.11.2

Onboard Fabric

In this deployment we onboard the spine devices manually and onboard the leaf devices using ZTP. ​The leaf devices are automatically onboarded into the fabric with a specific role during the ZTP process.

Follow these steps to onboard Fabric.


Step 1

Define spine fabric role.


fabrics fabric-id fab1
 device-role device-role-name xr-fabric-spine device-model NCS-5501-SE
  topology-role     spine
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-isis
   role-template-variables name BGP_LS_INSTANCE_ID
   role-template-variables name ISIS_NET
   role-template-variables name SR_SID_ABS_ALGO_128
   role-template-variables name SR_SID_INDEX_ALGO_0
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-loopback
   role-template-variables name LOOPBACK_IP
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-ptp
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-snmp
  interface-template interface-template-id spine-interface-connection
  target-os-version 7.11.2

Step 2

Define DHCP device for the spine device.


devices dhcp-devices FOC2120R22S
 device-host-name   fab1-spine-2
 fabric-id          fab1
 geo-location       west
 nso-authgroup      fabric
 nso-device-group   ALL-ACCESS
 device-role-name   xr-fabric-spine
 subnet-mask        24
 resource-pool-name fabric-lab
 device-model       NCS-5501-SE
 template-variable-values template-type role
  variables name BGP_LS_INSTANCE_ID
   value 100
  variables name ISIS_NET
   value 49.0001.0105.0000.0002.00
  variables name LOOPBACK_IP
  variables name SR_SID_INDEX_ALGO_0
   value 2
  variables name SR_SID_ABS_ALGO_128
   value 17002

These are some of the attributes in this example:

  • Device type: NCS-5501-SE ​

  • Device serial number​: FOC2120R22S​

  • DCHP device: added with the key being the device serial number ​

  • Four base templates applied to the spine device​: PTP, IS-IS, SNMP, and the loopback interface.

    IS-IS and the loopback have device-specific variables defined. PTP and SNMP use hard-coded values in the template itself.

Step 3

Onboard the spine device.

  1. Onboard the device into NSO.


    devices device fab1-spine-2
     authgroup fabric
     device-type cli ned-id cisco-iosxr-cli-7.52
     state admin-state unlocked
  2. Onboard the device into spine role.


    Router:cisco@ncs# edge-fabric-actions onboard-device-into-fabric-apply-day1 devices { device-name fab1-spine-2 device-model NCS-5501-SE fabric-id fab1 device-role-name xr-fabric-spine serial-number FOC2120R22S geo-location west }
    devices {
        device-name fab1-spine-2
        fabric-id fab1
        status Completed
                            Dry-run location is: /home/nso/temp/dry-run-output/fabric-device-onboard-fab1_fab1-spine-2_2024-09-15T18:47:36.189545.txt
  3. Verify spine device onboarding.


    Interface loopback:

    Router:fab1-spine-2#show run int lo0
    Sun Sep 15 17:21:56.428 UTC
    interface Loopback0
     description Loopback interface
     ipv4 address 


    Router:fab1-spine-2#show run snmp
    Sun Sep 15 17:26:20.468 UTC
    snmp-server host traps version 2c public udp-port 1062
    snmp-server community cisco RW
    snmp-server community public RO
    snmp-server community private RW
    snmp-server location "Fabric-A Location"
    snmp-server packetsize 4096
    snmp-server trap-source MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
    snmp-server ifmib ifalias long
    snmp-server ifindex persist
    snmp-server ifmib stats cache  


    Router:fab1-spine-2#show run router isis
    Sun Sep 15 17:25:57.621 UTC
    router isis CORE
     is-type level-2-only
     net 49.0001.0105.0000.0002.00
     distribute link-state instance-id 100
     log adjacency changes
     log pdu drops
     lsp-refresh-interval 65000
     max-lsp-lifetime 65535
     address-family ipv4 unicast
      metric-style wide
      maximum-paths 32
      segment-routing mpls
     address-family ipv6 unicast
      metric-style wide
      maximum-paths 32
     flex-algo 128
      metric-type delay
     interface Loopback0
      address-family ipv4 unicast
       prefix-sid index 2
       prefix-sid algorithm 128 absolute 17002


    Router:fab1-spine-2#show run ptp
    Sun Sep 15 17:25:20.506 UTC
      domain 24
      profile g.8275.1 clock-type T-BC
     profile timeReceiver
      multicast target-address ethernet 01-80-C2-00-00-0E
      transport ethernet
      announce timeout 5
      announce frequency 8
      delay-request frequency 16
     profile timeTransmitter
      multicast target-address ethernet 01-80-C2-00-00-0E
      transport ethernet
      sync frequency 16
      clock operation two-step
      announce frequency 8
      delay-request frequency 16
      servo events
      best-master-clock changes

Step 4

Define L2VPN leaf fabric role.


fabrics fabric-id fab1
 device-role device-role-name xr-fabric-leaf-l2vpn device-model N540-12Z20G-SYS
  topology-role     leaf 
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-isis
   role-template-variables name BGP_LS_INSTANCE_ID
   role-template-variables name ISIS_NET
   role-template-variables name SR_SID_ABS_ALGO_128
   role-template-variables name SR_SID_INDEX_ALGO_0
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-loopback
   role-template-variables name LOOPBACK_IP
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-ptp
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-base-snmp
  role-templates role-template-id fabric-leaf-l2vpn-bgp
   role-template-variables name BGP_ASN
   role-template-variables name BGP_ROUTER_ID
  interface-template interface-template-id spine-interface-connection
  target-os-version 7.11.2

Step 5

Define DHCP device for L2VPN leaf node.


devices dhcp-devices FOC2430PL4Z
 device-host-name   fab1-l2vpn-1
 fabric-id          fab1
 geo-location       west
 nso-authgroup      fabric
 nso-device-group   ALL-ACCESS
 device-role-name   xr-l2vpn
 subnet-mask        24
 resource-pool-name fabric-lab
 device-model N540-12Z20G-SYS     
 template-variable-values template-type role
  variables name BGP_ASN
   value 100
  variables name BGP_ROUTER_ID
  variables name BGP_LS_INSTANCE_ID
   value 100
  variables name ISIS_NET
   value 49.0001.0105.0000.0003.00
  variables name LOOPBACK_IP
  variables name SR_SID_INDEX_ALGO_0
   value 3
  variables name SR_SID_ABS_ALGO_128
   value 17003

This step is same as the previous example of spine device with the addition of the BGP template.

The DCHP device is added with the key being the device serial number. ​The role template variables are populated with device-specific values

Step 6

Configure DHCP day0 configuration.


hostname ###HOST_NAME###
logging console disable
username lab
 group root-lr
 group cisco-support
 secret 5 $1$CcGF$EzBAkyycnbZFt4QRF16I20
 port 57344
 address-family ipv4
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
 ipv4 address ###MGMT_IP### ###MGMT_MASK###
 description To MGMT network
 no shutdown
router static
 address-family ipv4 unicast
line console
 exec-timeout 0 0
line default
 exec-timeout 0 0
fpd auto-upgrade enable
netconf-yang agent
ssh client source-interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
ssh server logging
ssh timeout 120
ssh server rate-limit 600
ssh server session-limit 100
ssh server v2
ssh server vrf default
ssh server netconf vrf default

The DHCP day0 configuration applies baseline configuration to the device so that further configuration can take place. ​

This file is located on the DCHP server and referenced as part of the DHCP role settings in dhcpd.conf. ​The variables are populated by the CX ZTP process.

Step 7

Initiate ZTP


Router:fab1-l2vpn-1#ztp initiate debug dhcp4 management verbose

How zero touch provisioning works

These stages describe the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) process.

  1. The system initiates DHCP request on the management interface.

  2. DHCP responds with interim management IP address, location of Day 0 configuration for the device, and the CX ZTP Python script.

  3. The system applies Day 0 configuration to the device for management connectivity and user setup.

  4. The user executes CX ZTP onboarding script on the router which in turn performs these operations:

    1. Assigns permanent management IP from NSO resource pool ​

    2. Onboards device into NSO with the specific hostname and allocated IP address​

    3. Executes automated fabric onboarding to onboard the device into the specified fabric with the appropriate role templates applied

Verify Fabric onboarding


Verify fabric onboarding.


Router:cisco@ncs# show fabrics devices
FABRIC                                                                                    GEO       OPER
fab1     fab1-l2vpn-1   xr-fabric-leaf-l2vpn  N540-12Z20G-SYS-A  interface-template       west      READY fabric-base-isis
         fab1-spine-2   xr-fabric-spine       NCS-5501-SE        interface-template       west      READY fabric-base-isis

Create Fabric connections

Once devices are onboarded into NSO and the fabric, you can then create device connections between them. ​

Connections contain endpoints. A single endpoint is useful for configuring a spine device performing in-band ZTP for downstream leaf devices.


Step 1

Create connection between interfaces on both the routers.


Router-cisco@ncs#edge-fabric-actions populate-fabric-connections fabric-connection-details { fabric-id fab1 fabric-connections { connection-id spine1_leaf1 connection-type fabric endpoints { endpoint fab1-spine-2 interface TenGigE0/0/0/32 ip-address } endpoints { endpoint fab1-l2vpn-1 interface TenGigE0/0/0/32 ip-address } } } commit-type commit

In this example, we create a connection between TenGigE0/0/0/22 on both the fab1-spine-2 and fab1-l2vpn-1 routers. ​

The default commit-type is a dry-run to show the configuration without deploying to the device. Use the commit commit-type to commit the configuration to NSO and deploy to the devices.

Step 2

Verify fabric connections.


Router-cisco@ncs# show fabrics fabric-connections                                                                                                             


fab1     spine1_leaf1        fabric      fab1-l2vpn-1   TenGigE0/0/0/32​

                                         fab1-spine-2   TenGigE0/0/0/32​

Metro CX Edge Fabric software life cycle management

This section highlights applying the steps required to perform a software upgrade utilizing the Crosswork Workflow Manager workflows which determine whether the device complies with the intended target OS version. If the device is not in compliance, we remediate the condition by upgrading the device software.

For a brief on software life cycle management, see Fabric software lifecycle management.

Perform prerequisite configurations for software upgrade

In Metro Release 1.0 software upgrades are performed using the CX OS Upgrade package. This is a comprehensive NSO-based service used to handle device upgrades for NX OS, IOS XE, and IOS XR OS.

Before you begin

You must define the device types and supported versions in the OS Upgrade package prior to performing upgrades.

In this example, we are upgrading a device of type NCS540L


Step 1

Define the supported upgrade paths between software versions.


os-upgrade-service lookup-data upgradePathLookup image-version-mapping cisco-ios-xr
 entries NCS540L 7.11.1 
 entries NCS540L 7.11.1

os-upgrade-service lookup-data platform-lookup platform-mapping cisco-ios-xr
 platform NCS540L
  model-keywords NCS540L
   device-model  NCS540L
   upgrade-reload-time 600
  firmware-upgrade-enabled false

os-upgrade-service lookup-data os-upgrade-vars image-vars image-version cisco-ios-xr NCS540L
  var-value ncs540l-x64-
 vars target-version

os-upgrade-service lookup-data version-image-lookup image-version-mapping cisco-ios-xr
 entries NCS540L 7.11.1
  image-filename [ ncs540l-x64-7.11.1.iso ]
 entries NCS540L
  image-filename [ ncs540l-x64- ]

In this example, we are upgrading from 7.11.1 to

Step 2

Define Fabric Manager role.


fabrics fabric-id metro10-fabric1
 device-role device-role-name xr-leaf device-model N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS
  topology-role     leaf

The intended version of the operating system is defined in the role definition. The device-model is used as a key and as an input to the CX OS upgrade service to determine the correct files and methodology for upgrading the device.

Crosswork Workflow Manager

Crosswork Workflow Manager is a flexible tool that is used to create customized network workflows. Workflows can be hierarchical in nature, with parent workflows with specific inputs used to drive child workflows to both collect data as well as execute actions against resources. In this use case, we are using CWM to execute flows to check the current software version of the device against an intended version defined by the fabric role.

Figure 2. Crosswork Workflow Manager

Device OS compliance workflow

We use ngmetro-os-compliance-workflow, a compound workflow for performing device OS compliance check and remediation.

Figure 3. Device OS compliance workflow

These stages describe the device OS compliance workflow.

  1. The compound workflow, ngmetro-os-compliance-workflow, first calls the ngmetro-os-compliance-check workflow to check for non-compliant devices.

    The ngmetro-os-compliance-check workflow uses these attributes as the input:

        	"fabricId" : "metro10-fabric1",
        	"nsoResource" : "METRO-NSO"
  2. The ngmetro-os-compliance-check workflow induces the OS compliance check function that is part of the Fabric Manager service.

  3. When that task is executed, the ngmetro-os-compliance-check workflow returns the status of the devices in the fabric.

    In this case, the device fabric-leaf3 is found as non-compliant.

        "eventId": "21",
        "eventTime": "2024-10-22T18:39:16.152371499Z",
        "eventType": "WorkflowExecutionCompleted",
        "taskId": "2097494",
        "workflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes": {
          "result": {
            "payloads": [
                "metadata": {
                  "encoding": "json/plain"
                "data": {
                  "Data": {
                    "checkComplianceResult": [
                        "device-name": "fabric-leaf3",
                        "os-compliant-status": false,
                        "response": " Device fabric-leaf3 OS version is not compliant. Existing version is: and target version is: 24.4.1."
                    "fabricId": "metro10-fabric1",
                    "nsoResource": "METRO-NSO"
          "workflowTaskCompletedEventId": "20"
  4. The compound workflow runs the ngmetro-os-compliance-enforce workflow to perform the proper upgrades based on the target software version defined in the fabric roles.

What's Next

The next step in the workflow is to remediate the device and upgrade it to the target version specified. For conciseness we are omitting the details of that step, but it utilizes the CX OS upgrade configuration mentioned earlier to upgrade the device matching type NCS540L with the appropriate Cisco IOS XR software version 24.4.1.

Metro CX Edge Fabric configuration template compliance

Perform configuration template compliance check and remediation

Figure 4. Crosswork Workflow Manager: configuration compliance workflow

Similar to the OS compliance workflow, we use a compound workflow in CWM to perform a configuration template compliance check and remediation:

  • ngmetro-config-compliance-workflow workflow: to check the current assigned template in the Fabric Manager definition against what has been deployed on the node, and

  • ngmetro-config-compliance-enforce-workflow: for remediation.

For a brief on configuration template management, see the Configuration compliance section.

Follow these steps to run the compound workflow for configuration template compliance check and remediation.


Step 1

Run the ngmetro-config-compliance-check workflow with the appropriate fabric as input.


"data": {
              "status": 200,
              "data": {
                "edge-fabric-manager:output": {
                  "fabrics": [
                      "devices": [
                          "device-name": "fabric-leaf3",
                          "interface-compliant-status": false,
                          "response": "Device fabric-leaf3 Role-template is compliant. Device fabric-leaf3 Interface-template is not compliant. Existing Interface-template is: leaf-interface-connection and latestInterface-template is: interconnect-template.",
                          "role-compliant-status": true
                      "fabric-id": "metro10-fabric1"

This step checks all the nodes in the Fabric against their intended templates vs. the runtime templates and returns whether the templates defined for the device and role match the runtime templates.

In this example the role template is compliant, but the interface template has been changed from leaf-interface-connection to interconnect-template and is no longer compliant.

Step 2

Once you find devices with non-compliant templates, run the remediation workflow—ngmetro-config-compliance-enforce-workflow—with the appropriate fabric as input.

This step applies the proper configuration templates to devices which have been changed.

Edge Protect DDoS deployment

Once the Edge Fabric is deployed, you can deploy additional value-added services to the Fabric. Edge Protect DDoS is an innovative solution allowing service providers to deploy DDoS protection at the very edge of the network. This helps not only protect end services from DDoS and other security threats but also helps detect and mitigate attacks originating from within a service provider network.

Figure 5. High-level view of Edge Protect DDoS deployment topology

Edge Protect components

The Edge Protect solution consists of these components:

  • Edge DDoS Protection Controller: This component runs as a VM on a virtualization infrastructure. The controller is responsible for configuring and deploying detectors, configuring protected objects, and monitoring detected attacks and active mitigations.

  • Edge DDoS Protection Detector: This component runs as a third-party application on IOS-XR routers, providing a distributed detection and mitigation engine. There is a single detector deployed to each router.

Figure 6. Detector lists
Figure 7. Detector details

Edge Protect operation

The Edge Protect operation involves Edge Protect DDoS detection and mitigation. The detection phase uses advanced analytics and examinations to identify specific amplification and application layer attacks. The mitigation phase is performed by deploying either user-driven or automated ACLs to distributed nodes to limit the attack impact.

Edge Protect DDoS detection

Detecting attacks requires having flow-level visibility of traffic traversing the router. In the Edge Protect solution Netflow data is encoded into Google Protobuf format and then consumed by the on-board detection engine. Deployment of the appropriate Netflow configuration is done automatically by the controller when a router acting as a detector is onboarded. Standard or user-defined detection templates are used as a basis for detecting DDoS traffic patterns. These are applied to protected objects, which can apply to an entire device, or a subset of IP addresses based on configuration. Protected objects are then configured with policing and additional mitigation actions.

Figure 8. Edge detect projected objects

Edge Protect DDoS mitigation

Mitigation on distributed nodes is performed using standard data plane ACLs. The ACLs contain granular information to mitigate only the attacks, and on platforms supporting User Defined Fields (UDF) can mitigate traffic by pattern matching components in the IP header. Active mitigations are shown both on the main launch screen for the Controller as well as under specific detectors.

Figure 9. Active mitigations
Figure 10. Protected object mitigation details

For details on Edge DDoS Protection, see the Quick Start Guide for Edge DDoS Protection.

Example of Edge Protect deployed ACL

This is an example of an automated ACL used to mitigate an attack. In this case, the protected objects cover the and IP addresses. The ACL is as granular as possible to mitigate attacks in a targeted manner. ACL sequence number 1 blocks DNS packets with a specific length 228 and sequence 6 blocks an application layer attack against http.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:cst-8712-pa2#show run ipv4 access-list myACL
ipv4 access-list myACL
 1 deny udp any eq 3000 host eq domain packet-length eq 228
 6 deny tcp any eq 3400 host eq www match-all -established -fin -psh +syn -urg packet-length eq 1178
 1301 permit ipv4 any any

Cisco Routed PON deployment

Components of Cisco Routed PON

The Cisco Routed PON solution is based on Cisco uOLT PON SFP, and the Routed PON Management applications.

These are the major elements in manageability solution:

  • Cisco Routed PON Manager

  • Cisco Routed PON Controller

Cisco Routed PON Manager

Cisco Routed PON Manager is a single-page web application and an accompanying REST API that provides a graphical user interface for managing the Cisco Routed PON Network.

Figure 11. Cisco Routed PON Manager

The key features of Cisco Routed PON manager include

  • alarm management

  • dashboard view with a summary of PON network conditions

  • device monitoring and statistics

  • device provisioning and management

  • logging for diagnostics and troubleshooting

  • PON Controller database management

  • PON Manager user management

  • Graphical ONU Management and Control Interface (OMCI) (and future 10G EPON OAM) service configuration tool, and

  • service configuration, including VLANs, SLAs, 802.1X authentication, and DHCP Relay.

Cisco Routed PON Controller

Cisco Routed PON Controller is a stateless software that primarily act as intelligent relay to push or pull information from OLT micro plug or ONUs and transfer them to or from data store. The PON Controller is hosted as a third-party application container in router where the PON SPFs are hosted. The pseudo driver functions implemented in PON Controller encode and encapsulate requests in IEEE 1904.2 packets (L2) to communicate with downstream devices. The Cisco PON Controller runs as a third-party application the Cisco router hosting Cisco PON pluggable OLT.

Operational data including device state, statistics, alarms, and logging, is collected and flows upstream through the management network and presented in Cisco Routed PON Manager.

Hardware support for Cisco Routed PON in Metro solution

The table lists the supported hardware for Cisco Routed PON in Metro solution.

Table 1. Hardware support Matrix for Cisco Routed PON in Metro solution

Metro release

Product Id

Release 1.0









Routed PON service assurance using Provider Connectivity Assurance

Provider Connectivity Assurance (PCA) provides assurance for Routed PON by combining data from the PON network, network fabric, and BNG subscriber data to create the end-to-end assurance view for PON attached endpoints.

Figure 12. Routed PON PCA integration

These are the PCA use cases specific to RPON service assurance:

  • Integration with Cisco PON Manager to collect KPI data for the PON network

  • Monitor network infrastructure data and correlate that with the PON network data. One use case is to monitor latency between PON endpoints and cnBNG user plane endpoints, correlating specific subscribers connected to a specific BNG user plane

  • Integration with Cisco cnBNG user planes and control plane to provide additional per-subscriber assurance for the solution by combining BNG health and subscriber monitoring into the PCA solution

The figure depicts the Routed PON assurance dashboard.

Figure 13. Routed PON assurance dashboard