Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

The ability to filter packets in a modular and scalable way is important for both network security and network management. Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide the capability to filter packets at a fine granularity. In Metro Ethernet networks, ACLs are directly applied on Ethernet virtual circuits (EVCs).

Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs is a security feature that allows packet filtering based on MAC addresses. This module describes how to implement ACLs on EVCs.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

  • Knowledge of how service instances must be configured.

  • Knowledge of extended MAC ACLs and how they must be configured.

Restrictions for Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

  • A maximum of 16 access control entries (ACEs) are allowed for a given ACL.

  • Only 256 different or unique Layer 2 ACLs can be configured on a line card. (More than 256 ACLs can be configured on a router.)

  • Layer 2 ACLs function inbound only.

  • Current Layer 2 ACLs provide Layer 3 filtering options in permit and deny rules. Options that are not relevant to service instances are ignored.

Information About Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs


An Ethernet virtual circuit (EVC) as defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum is a port-level point-to-point or multipoint-to-multipoint Layer 2 circuit. It is an end-to-end representation of a single instance of a Layer 2 service being offered by a provider to a customer. An EVC contains the different parameters on which the service is being offered. A service instance is the instantiation of an EVC on a specified port.

Service instances are configured under a port channel. The traffic carried by the service instance is load balanced across member links. Service instances under a port channel are grouped and each group is associated with one member link. Ingress traffic for a single EVC can arrive on any member of the bundle. All egress traffic for a service instance uses only one of the member links. Load balancing is achieved by grouping service instances and assigning them to a member link.

Ethernet virtual connection services (EVCS) uses the EVCs and service instances to provide Layer 2 switched Ethernet services. EVC status can be used by a customer edge (CE) device either to find an alternative path to the service provider network or in some cases, to fall back to a backup path over Ethernet or over another alternative service such as ATM.

For information about the Metro Ethernet Forum standards, see the Standards table in the “Additional References” section.

Relationship Between ACLs and Ethernet Infrastructure

The following points capture the relationship between ACLs and Ethernet Infrastructure (EI):

  • ACLs can be directly applied on an EVC using the command-line interface (CLI). An ACL is applied to a service instance, which is the instantiation of an EVC on a given port.

  • One ACL can be applied to more than one service instance at any time.

  • One service instance can have one ACL at most applied to it at any time. If a Layer 2 ACL is applied to a service instance that already has a Layer 2 ACL, the new one replaces the old one.

  • Only named ACLs can be applied to service instances. The command syntax ACLs is retained; the mac access-list extended command is used to create an ACL.

  • The show ethernet service instance command can be used to provide details about ACLs on service instances.

How to Configure Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

Creating a Layer 2 ACL

Perform this task to create a Layer 2 ACL with a single ACE.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    mac access-list extended name

    4.    permit {{src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask | any} [protocol [vlan vlan] [cos value]]}

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 mac access-list extended name

    Device(config)# mac access-list extended test-12-acl

    Defines an extended MAC ACL and enters mac access list control configuration mode.

    Step 4 permit {{src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask | any} [protocol [vlan vlan] [cos value]]}

    Device(config-ext-macl)# permit 00aa.00bb.00cc 0.0.0 any

    Allows forwarding of Layer 2 traffic if the conditions are matched. Creates an ACE for the ACL.


    Applying a Layer 2 ACL to a Service Instance

    Perform this task to apply a Layer 2 ACL to a service instance. Note that packet filtering takes place only after the ACL has been created and applied to the service instance.

    Before You Begin

    Before applying an ACL to a service instance, you must create it using the mac access-list extended command. See the “Creating a Layer 2 ACL” section on page 3 .


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    interface type number

      4.    service instance id ethernet

      5.    encapsulation dot1q vlan-id

      6.    mac access-group access-list-name in

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 interface type number

      Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0

      Specifies the type and location of the interface to configure, where:

      • type --Specifies the type of the interface.

      • number --Specifies the location of the interface.

      Step 4 service instance id ethernet

      Device(config-if)# service instance 100 ethernet

      Configures an Ethernet service instance on an interface and enters Ethernet service configuration mode.

      Step 5 encapsulation dot1q vlan-id

      Device(config-if-srv)# encapsulation dot1q 100

      Defines the matching criteria to be used in order to map ingress dot1q frames on an interface to the appropriate service instance.

      Step 6 mac access-group access-list-name in

      Device(config-if-srv)# mac access-group test-12-acl in

      Applies a MAC ACL to control incoming traffic on the interface.


      Configuring a Layer 2 ACL with ACEs on a Service Instance

      Perform this task to configure the same ACL with three ACEs and stop all other traffic on a service instance.


        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    mac access-list extended name

        4.    permit {src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask | any}

        5.    permit {src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask | any}

        6.    permit {src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask} | any}

        7.    deny any any

        8.    exit

        9.    interface type number

        10.    service instance id ethernet

        11.    encapsulation dot1q vlan-id

        12.    mac access-group access-list-name in

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2 configure terminal

        Device# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3 mac access-list extended name

        Device(config)# mac access list extended test-12-acl

        Defines an extended MAC ACL and enters mac access control list configuration mode.

        Step 4 permit {src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask | any}

        Device(config-ext-macl)# permit 00aa.bbcc.ddea 0.0.0 any

        Allows forwarding of Layer 2 traffic if the conditions are matched. This creates an ACE for the ACL.

        Step 5 permit {src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask | any}

        Device(config-ext-macl)# permit 00aa.bbcc.ddeb 0.0.0 any

        Allows forwarding of Layer 2 traffic if the conditions are matched. This creates an ACE for the ACL.

        Step 6 permit {src-mac mask | any} {dest-mac mask} | any}

        Device(config-ext-macl)# permit 00aa.bbcc.ddec 0.0.0 any

        Allows forwarding of Layer 2 traffic if the conditions are matched. This creates an ACE for the ACL.

        Step 7 deny any any

        Device(config-ext-macl)# deny any any

        Prevents forwarding of Layer 2 traffic except for the allowed ACEs.

        Step 8 exit

        Device(config-ext-macl)# exit

        Exits the current command mode and returns to global configuration mode.

        Step 9 interface type number

        Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0

        Specifies the interface.

        Step 10 service instance id ethernet

        Device(config-if)# service instance 200 ethernet

        Configures an Ethernet service instance on an interface and enters service instance configuration mode.

        Step 11 encapsulation dot1q vlan-id

        Device(config-if-srv)# encapsulation dot1q 100

        Defines the matching criteria to be used to map ingress dot1q frames on an interface to the appropriate service instance.

        Step 12 mac access-group access-list-name in

        Device(config-if-srv)# mac access-group test-12-acl in

        Applies a MAC ACL to control incoming traffic on the interface.


        Verifying the Presence of a Layer 2 ACL on a Service Instance

        Perform this task to verify that a Layer 2 ACL is present on an EVC. This verification task can be used after an ACL has been configured to confirm its presence.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    show ethernet service instance id id interface type number detail

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2 configure terminal

          Device# show ethernet service instance id 100 interface gigabitethernet 3/0/1 detail

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3 show ethernet service instance id id interface type number detail

          Device# show ethernet service instance id 100 interface gigabitethernet 3/0/1 detail

          Displays detailed information about Ethernet customer service instances.


          Configuration Examples for Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

          Example Applying a Layer 2 ACL to a Service Instance

          The following example shows how to apply a Layer 2 ACL called mac-20-acl to a service instance. The ACL has five permitted ACEs and all other traffic is not allowed.

          configure terminal
           mac access-list extended mac-20-acl
           permit 00aa.bbcc.adec 0.0.0 any
           permit 00aa.bbcc.bdec 0.0.0 any
           permit 00aa.bbcc.cdec 0.0.0 any
           permit 00aa.bbcc.edec 0.0.0 any
           permit 00aa.bbcc.fdec 0.0.0 any
           deny any any
          interface gigabitethernet 10/0/0
           service instance 100 ethernet
           encapsulation dot1q 100
           mac access-group mac-20-acl in

          Example Applying a Layer 2 ACL to Three Service Instances on the Same Interface

          The following example shows how to apply a Layer 2 ACL called mac-07-acl to three service instances on the same interface:

          configure terminal
          mac access-list extended mac-07-acl
          permit 00aa.bbcc.adec 0.0.0 any
          permit 00aa.bbcc.bdec 0.0.0 any
          permit 00aa.bbcc.cdec 0.0.0 any
          deny any any
          interface gigabitethernet 10/0/0
          service instance 100 ethernet
          encapsulation dot1q 100
          mac access-group mac-07-acl in
          service instance 101 ethernet
          encapsulation dot1q 101
          mac access-group mac-07-acl in
          service instance 102 ethernet
          encapsulation dot1q 102
          mac access-group mac-07-acl in

          Example Creating a Layer 2 ACL with ACEs

          The following example shows how to create a Layer 2 ACL called mac-11-acl with two permitted ACEs:

          configure terminal
          mac access-list extended mac-11-acl
          permit 00aa.00bb.00cc 1a11.0101.11c1 any
          permit 00aa.00bb.00cc 1a11.0101.11c2 any

          Example Displaying the Details of a Layer 2 ACL on a Service Instance

          The following sample output displays the details of a Layer 2 ACL called test-acl on a service instance.

          Device# show ethernet service instance id 100 interface ethernet0/0 detail
          Service Instance ID: 100
          L2 ACL (inbound): test-acl
          Associated Interface: Ethernet0/0
          Associated EVC: test
          L2protocol drop
          Interface Dot1q Tunnel Ethertype: 0x8100
          State: Up
          L2 ACL permit count: 10255
          L2 ACL deny count: 53

          The table below describes the significant fields in the output.

          Table 1 show ethernet service instance Field Descriptions



          Service Instance ID

          Displays the service instance ID.

          L2 ACL (inbound):

          Displays the ACL name.

          Associated Interface:

          Displays the interface details of the service instance.

          Associated EVC:

          Displays the EVC with which the service instance is associated.


          Displays details of the associated VLAN ID.


          Displays whether the service instance is in an up or down state.

          L2 ACL permit count:

          Displays the number of packet frames allowed to pass on the service instance by the ACL.

          L2 ACL deny count

          Displays the number of packet frames not permitted to pass on the service instance by the ACL.

          Additional References

          Related Documents

          Related Topic

          Document Title

          Cisco IOS Carrier Ethernet commands: complete command syntax, command mode, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples

          Cisco IOS Carrier Ethernet Command Reference

          Cisco IOS commands: master list of commands with complete command syntax, command mode, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples

          Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

          Configuring CFM over an EFP Interface with the Cross Connect feature on the Cisco ASR 903 Router.

          Configuring the CFM over EFP Interface with Cross Connect Feature

          Configuring Ethernet Virtual Connections on the Cisco ASR 903 Router

          Configuring Ethernet Virtual Connections on the Cisco ASR 903 Router




          MEF 6.1

          Metro Ethernet Services Definitions Phase 2 (PDF 6/08)

          MEF 10.1

          Ethernet Services Attributes Phase 2 (PDF 10/06)

          Technical Assistance



          The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


          Feature Information for Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

          The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

          Table 2 Feature Information for Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

          Feature Name


          Feature Information

          Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs

          Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

          The Layer 2 Access Control Lists on EVCs feature introduces ACLs on EVCs.

          • The following commands were introduced or modified: interface, mac access-group in, mac access-list extended, show ethernet service instance.

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