Cisco ASR 1000 VxLAN Support

This module contains information about VxLAN (Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network) Layer 2 gateway feature support on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers. VxLAN is a technology that provides a Layer 2 overlay network, allowing for network isolation. The standard 802.1q VLAN implementation limits the number of tags to 4096. However, cloud service providers may want to operate more than 4096 virtual networks. VxLAN uses a 24-bit network ID, which allows for a much larger number of individual i networks to be operated.


This feature enables the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers to act as a Layer 2 VxLAN gateway to provide support to bridge traffic across VxLAN segments in a hypervisor and on VLANs on physical servers. The operation of a VxLAN Layer 2 gateway is based on the data plane MAC address learning and flooding of multidestination traffic (such as unknown unicast, multicast, or broadcast frames) using IP multicast.

Acting as a VxLAN Layer 2 gateway, the Cisco ASR 1000 Routers can send and receive packets on multiple VxLAN networks, and provide connectivity between the hosts in a VLAN network and the virtual machines operating on a VxLAN network.

A VXLAN supports different modes for flood traffic:

  • Multicast Mode—A VXLAN uses an IP multicast network to send broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast flood frames. Each multicast mode VXLAN has an assigned multicast group IP address. When a new VM joins a host in a multicast mode VXLAN, a Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) joins the assigned multicast group IP address by sending IGMP join messages. Flood traffic, broadcast, multicast and unknown unicast from the VM is encapsulated and is sent using the assigned multicast group IP address as the destination IP address. Packets sent to known unicast MAC addresses are encapsulated and sent directly to the destination server Virtual Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP) IP addresses.
  • Unicast-Only Mode—A VXLAN uses each VEM's single unicast IP address as the destination IP address to send broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast flood frames of the designated VTEP on each VEM that has at least one VM in the corresponding VXLAN. When a new VM joins the host in a unicast-mode VXLAN, a designated VTEP is selected for receiving flood traffic on that host. This designated VTEP is communicated to all other hosts through the Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM). Flood traffic (broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast) is replicated on each VEM's designated VTEP in that VXLAN by encapsulating it with a VXLAN header. Packets are sent only to VEMs with a VM in that VXLAN. Packets that have a unicast MAC address are encapsulated and sent directly to the destination server's VTEP IP address.
  • MAC Distribution Mode (supported only in unicast mode)—In this mode, unknown unicast flooding in the network is eliminated. The VSM learns all the MAC addresses from the VEMs in all the VXLANs and distributes those MAC addresses with VTEP IP mappings to other VEMs. Therefore, no unknown unicast MAC address exists in the network when the VMs on the VEMs are communicating and controlled by the same VSM.

The VxLAN Layer 2 gateway performs the following functions:

  • Provides support to bridge traffic between a host in a VLAN domain and VMs behind a virtual switch (vSwitch) in a VxLAN domain. The VLAN and the virtual network identifier (VNI) on the VxLAN should be configured as member ports in the same bridge domain.
  • Implements the Virtual Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP) function, which encapsulates the Layer 2 packet on the IP/UDP tunnel with the VxLAN header (VNI) information before sending it to a multicast group or particular virtual switch on the VxLAN domain.
  • The VTEP function removes the VxLAN header, identifies the bridge domain under which the VNI is configured and then bridges the inner L2 packet to the VLAN side. The bridge function also learns the remote MAC address (the VM's MAC address behind the virtual switch).
  • The Layer 2 gateway carries the inner payload of non-IP (Layer 2 traffic), IPv4, and IPv6 traffic over the VxLAN VNI member.

Prerequisites for Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers VxLAN Support

The following are the prerequisites to configuring the Cisco ASR 1000 Routers as a VxLAN Layer 2 gateway:

  1. Configure the loopback interface.
  2. Configure the IP unicast reachability to remote VTEP's.
  3. Configure Bidirectional Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM).

For more information, see the IP Multicast: PIM Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3S .

Limitations of Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers VxLAN Support

  1. Platforms that support a new scale number (8192 or 16000) require an 8G RP memory. Scale number for RP memory that is less than 8G is unchanged.
  2. Scale number on platform RP+ESP5 and ASR1002F is unchanged.
  3. Scale numbers on ISR4000 serial platforms are unchanged because VxLAN is not supported on these platforms.
  4. The maximum NVE interface number is unchanged on all platforms.
  5. The scale enhancement is applicable only for the VxLAN layer 2 and layer 3 gateway feature. Other bridge-domain related features are not impacted.
  6. RP switchover for VxLAN is not supported on these platforms.

New Scale Number after Enhancements

The following table lists new VxLAN scale numbers on different platforms after enhancements. All platforms that support a new scale number (8192 or 16000) require an 8G RP memory.


MAX BD per system

MAX BDI interface per system

MAX VNI per system





























ASR 1001








Configuring the Cisco ASR 1000 Routers as a VxLAN Layer 2 Gateway with Multicast

Configuring the VxLAN UDP Destination Port (Optional)

The default VxLAN UDP destination is 8472. If you want to change the VxLAN UDP destination port value, you must change it before configuring the network virtualization endpoint (NVE) interface.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    vxlan udp port number

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1enable

    router> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 2configure terminal

    router# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3vxlan udp port number

    Router(config)# vxlan udp port 1000

    Configures the VxLAN UDP destination port number. The default value is 8472.


    Creating the Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE) Interface

    You create the network virtualization endpoint (NVE) interface and then assign member virtual network identifiers (VNIs) to it. The mapping between the VNI range and the multicast group range is either one-to-one or many-to-one.


      1.    interface nve number

      2.    source-interface loopback number

      3.    member vni {range | startnumber-endnumber} multicast-group startip-address endip-address

      4.    no shutdown

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1interface nve number

      Router(config)# interface nve 1

      Creates a network virtualization endpoint (NVE) interface and enters NVE interface configuration mode.

      Step 2source-interface loopback number

      Router(config-if)# source-interface loopback 0

      Assigns the previously-created loopback interface to the NVE interface.

      Step 3member vni {range | startnumber-endnumber} multicast-group startip-address endip-address

      Router(config-if)# member vni 7115 multicast-group

      Creates a VNI member or a range of VNI members. Repeat this step for each VNI to be added to the NVE interface. The valid values for the VNI number are from 4096 to 16777215.

      Step 4no shutdown

      Router(config-if)# no shutdown

      Enables the NVE interface.


      Creating the Access Ethernet Flow Point (EFP)

      After the member VNI is created, you must create the access Ethernet Flow Point (EFP) for the VLAN interface.


        1.    interface GigabitEthernet number

        2.    service instance id ethernet

        3.    encapsulation dot1q vlan-ID

        4.    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1interface GigabitEthernet number

        Router(config)# interface GigabitEthernet1

        Enters interface configuration mode.

        Step 2 service instance id ethernet

        Router(config-if)# service instance 20 ethernet

        Configures an Ethernet service instance on the overlay interface being configured and enters service instance configuration mode.

        • The service instance identifier range is from 1 to 8000.
        Step 3 encapsulation dot1q vlan-ID

        Router(config-if-srv)# encapsulation dot1q 100

        Defines the VLAN encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q and specifies the VLAN identifier.

        Step 4 rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric

        Router(config-if-srv)# rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric

        Removes the VLAN tag in the Layer 2 traffic before switching to the outgoing VxLAN interface.

        Note    This command is required to remove the VLAN tag before sending the VLAN traffic to VxLAN and adding the VLAN tag in the reverse direction.

        Mapping the VLAN to the Bridge Domain

        You must map the VLAN created in the previous procedure to the bridge domain.


          1.    bridge-domain bridge-id

          2.    member interface service-instance id

          3.    member vni vni-id

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1bridge-domain bridge-id

          Router(config)# bridge-domain 10

          Creates a bridge domain and enters bridge domain configuration mode.

          The valid range for bridge-id is 1-4096.

          Step 2member interface service-instance id

          Router(config-bdomain)# member 
          gigabitEthernet 1 service-instance 1

          Binds the bridge domain to the service instance.

          Step 3member vni vni-id

          Router(config-bdomain)# member vni 1010

          Maps the VNI to the bridge domain.

          What to Do Next

          The following example displays the NVE VNIs configured on the router:

          Router# show nve vni
          Interface  VNI          mcast       VNI state
          nve1       1010      UP
          nve2       2010      UP

          The following example displays the NVE VNIs assigned to NVE interface 1:

          Router(config)# show nve vni interface nve1
          Interface  VNI          mcast       VNI state
          nve1       1010      UP
          nve1       1110      UP

          The following example shows the status of NVE interface 1:

          Router(config)# show nve interface nve1
          Interface: nve1, State: Admin Up, Oper Up Encapsulation: Vxlan
          source-interface: Loopback0 (primary: vrf:0)

          The following example shows a detailed display for NVE interface 1:

          Router(config)# show nve interface nve1 detail
          Interface: nve1, State: Admin Up, Oper Up Encapsulation: Vxlan
          source-interface: Loopback0 (primary: vrf:0)
          Pkts In   Bytes In   Pkts Out  Bytes Out
          0          0          0          0

          The following example shows the NVE peers configured on the router:

          Router(config)# show nve peers
          Interface Peer-IP         VNI      Up Time
          nve1        1010      10h
          nve2        2030      20h  

          The following example shows the bridge domain configuration with the entry in bold displaying the VM’s MAC address that was learned on the VxLAN VNI:

          Router# show bridge-domain 1000
          Bridge-domain 1000 (3 ports in all)
          State: UP                    Mac learning: Enabled
          Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)
              GigabitEthernet1 service instance 1000
              GigabitEthernet3 service instance 1000
              vni 7639335
             MAC address    Policy  Tag      Age  Pseudoport
             0050.56A4.ECD2 forward dynamic  297  nve1.VNI7639335 VxLAN
          src:  dst:
             0050.56A4.257A forward dynamic  297  GigabitEthernet3.EFP1000

          Configuring the Cisco ASR 1000 Routers as a VxLAN Layer 2 Gateway with Unicast

          The following example shows VxLAN with unicast ingress-replication which is a point-to-point (unicast) configuration.

          interface Loopback0
          ip address
          interface nve1
          no ip address
          member vni 5001
            ingress-replication  < Remote L2 GW loopback ip>
          source-interface Loopback0
          bridge-domain 1
          member vni 5001
          member GigabitEthernet0/2/0 service-instance 1
          interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0
          service instance 1 ethernet
          encapsulation dot1q 100
          rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric

          Feature Information for Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers VxLAN Support

          The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn . An account on is not required.

          Table 1 Feature Information for ASR 1000 Series Routers VxLAN Support

          Feature Name


          Feature Configuration Information

          ASR 1000 Series Routers VxLAN Support

          Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13.1S

          This feature was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers.

          Technical Assistance



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          To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

          Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.
