Restrictions for Deleting Crypto Sessions of Revoked Peer Certificates
If revocation check is turned off and this feature is enabled, the IKE database is not populated with the number of sessions. The show outputs do not display information about the deleted sessions.
Frequent enabling and disabling of this feature (with active sessions on the device) is not recommended.
Frequent CRL downloads ( in a span of 30 minutes) for the same issuername (CA server) is not recommended.
CRL cache must be enabled. CRL caching cannot be disabled for trustpoint-based prefetch. However, it is possible to disable CRL caching for URL-based prefetch.
In case of autoenrollment on IKE, the sessions are not deleted until the next IKE rekey, whereas in case of IKEv2, the tunnel must be cleared manually or wait until the certificate expires.
If IKE has database of “issuer-name” and “SN” populated and receives a notification from PKI about certificate revocation, IKE would act on the PKI notification.