- About This Guide
- Introduction to the Security Appliance
- Getting Started
- Enabling Multiple Context Mode
- Configuring Interfaces for the Cisco ASA 5505 Adaptive Security Appliance
- Configuring Ethernet Settings and Subinterfaces
- Adding and Managing Security Contexts
- Configuring Interface Parameters
- Configuring Basic Settings
- Configuring IP Routing
- Configuring Multicast Routing
- Configuring DHCP, DDNS, and WCCP Services
- Configuring IPv6
- Configuring AAA Servers and the Local Database
- Configuring Failover
- Firewall Mode Overview
- Identifying Traffic With Access Lists
- Applying NAT
- Permitting or Denying Network Access
- Applying AAA for Network Access
- Applying Filtering Services
- Using Modular Policy Framework
- Managing AIP SSM and CSC SSM
- Preventing Network Attacks
- Applying QoS Policies
- Applying Application Layer Protocol Inspection
- Configuring ARP Inspection and Bridging Parameters
- Configuring IPSec and ISAKMP
- Configuring L2TP over IPSec
- Setting General VPN Parameters
- Configuring Tunnel Groups, Group Policies, and Users
- Configuring IP Addresses for VPN
- Configuring Remote Access VPNs
- Configuring Network Admission Control
- Configuring Easy VPN on the ASA 5505
- Configuring the PPPoE Client
- Configuring LAN-to-LAN VPNs
- Configuring WebVPN
- Configuring SSL VPN Client
- Configuring Certificates
- Glossary
- Index
- Selecting LDAP, RADIUS, or Local Authentication and Authorization
- Understanding Policy Enforcement of Permissions and Attributes
- Configuring an External LDAP Server
Configuring an External Server for Authorization and Authentication
This appendix describes how to configure an external LDAP or RADIUS server to support the authentication and authorization of security appliance, VPN3000, and PIX users. Authentication determines who the user is and authorization determines what the user can do. Before you configure the security appliance to use an external server, you must configure the server with the correct security appliance authorization attributes and, from a subset of these attributes, assign specific permissions to individual users.
This appendix includes the following sections:
•Selecting LDAP, RADIUS, or Local Authentication and Authorization
•Understanding Policy Enforcement of Permissions and Attributes
•Configuring an External LDAP Server
•Configuring an External RADIUS Server
Selecting LDAP, RADIUS, or Local Authentication and Authorization
To help you decide which authentication or authorization method is right for your platform, this section describes the LDAP and RADIUS support provided with the security appliance (ASA), PIX, and the VPN 3000 platforms.
•LDAP Authentication
Supported on PIX 7.1.x and the security appliance only. VPN 3000 does not support native LDAP authentication. The LDAP server retrieves and searches for the username and enforces any defined attributes as part of the authorization function.
•LDAP Authorization
Supported on PIX, VPN 3000, and the security appliance. The LDAP server retrieves/searches the username and enforces any defined attributes.
•RADIUS Authentication
Supported on PIX, VPN 3000, and the security appliance. The RADIUS server retrieves/searches the username and enforces any defined attributes as it performs the authorization function.
•RADIUS Authorization
Supported on PIX, VPN 3000, and the security appliance. The RADIUS server retrieves/searches the username and enforces any defined attributes.
•Local Authentication
Supported on PIX, VPN 3000, and the security appliance. The Local/Internal server retrieves/searches the username and enforces any defined attributes as part of the authorization function.
•Local Authorization
Supported on PIX 7.1.x and the security appliance only. The Local/Internal server retrieves/searches the username and enforces any defined attributes.
Understanding Policy Enforcement of Permissions and Attributes
You can configure the security appliance to receive user attributes from either the LOCAL/internal database, a RADIUS/LDAP authentication server, or a RADIUS/LDAP authorization server. You can also place users into group-policies with different attributes, but the user attributes will always take precedence. After the device authenticates the user and group(s), the security appliance combines the user and group attribute sets into one aggregate attribute set. The security appliance uses the attributes in the following order and applies the aggregate attribute set to the authenticated user.
1. User attributes—The server returns these after successful user authentication or authorization. These take precedence over all others.
2. Group policy attributes—These attributes come from the group policy associated with the user. You identify the user group policy name in the local database by the ' vpn-group-policy' attribute or from an external RADIUS/LDAP server by the value of the RADIUS CLASS attribute (25) in the format 'OU=GroupName;'. The group policy provides any attributes that are missing from the user attributes. User attributes override group policy attributes if both have a value.
3. Tunnel group default-group-policy attributes—These attributes come from the default-group-policy (Base group) that is associated with the tunnel group. After a lookup of that group policy, the Tunnel Group's default-group-policy provide any attributes that are missing from the user or group policy attributes. User attributes override group policy attributes if both have a value.
4. System default attributes—System default attributes provide any attributes that are missing from the user, group, or tunnel group attributes.
Configuring an External LDAP Server
Note For more information on the LDAP protocol, see RFCs 1777, 2251, and 2849.
This section describes the structure, schema, and attributes of an LDAP server. It includes the following topics:
•Reviewing the LDAP Directory Structure and Configuration Procedure
•Organizing the Security Appliance LDAP Schema
•Defining the Security Appliance LDAP Schema
•Loading the Schema in the LDAP Server
•Reviewing Examples of Active Directory Configurations
Reviewing the LDAP Directory Structure and Configuration Procedure
An LDAP server stores information as entries in a directory. An LDAP schema defines what types of information such entries store. The schema lists classes and the set of (required and optional) attributes that objects of each class can contain.
To configure your LDAP server to interoperate with the security appliance, define a security appliance authorization schema. A security appliance authorization schema defines the class and attributes of that class that the security appliance supports. Specifically, it comprises the object class (cVPN3000-User-Authorization) and all its possible attributes that may be used to authorize a security appliance user (such as access hours, primary DNS, and so on). Each attribute comprises the attribute name, its number (called an object identifier or OID), its type, and its possible values.
Once you have defined the security appliance authorization schema and loaded it on your server, define the security appliance attributes and permissions and their respective values for each user who will be authorizing to the server.
In summary, to set up your LDAP server:
•Design your security appliance LDAP authorization schema based on the hierarchical set-up of your organization
•Define the security appliance authorization schema
•Load the schema on the LDAP server
•Define permissions for each user on the LDAP server
The specific steps of these processes vary, depending on which type of LDAP server you are using.
Organizing the Security Appliance LDAP Schema
Before you actually create your schema, think about how your organization is structured. Your LDAP schema should reflect the logical hierarchy of your organization.
For example, suppose an employee at your company, Example Corporation, is named Terry. Terry works in the Engineering group. Your LDAP hierarchy could have one or many levels. You might decide to set up a shallow, single-level hierarchy in which Terry is considered a member of Example Corporation. Or, you could set up a multi-level hierarchy in which Terry is considered to be a member of the department Engineering, which is a member of an organizational unit called People, which is itself a member of Example Corporation. See Figure E-1 for an example of this multi-level hierarchy.
A multi-level hierarchy has more granularity, but a single level hierarchy is quicker to search.
Figure E-1 A Multi-Level LDAP Hierarchy
Searching the Hierarchy
The security appliance lets you tailor the search within the LDAP hierarchy. You configure the following three fields on the security appliance to define where in the LDAP hierarchy your search begins, its extent, and the type of information it is looking for. Together these fields allow you to limit the search of the hierarchy to just the part of the tree that contains the user permissions.
•LDAP Base DN defines where in the LDAP hierarchy the server should begin searching for user information when it receives an authorization request from the security appliance.
•Search Scope defines the extent of the search in the LDAP hierarchy. The search proceeds this many levels in the hierarchy below the LDAP Base DN. You can choose to have the server search only the level immediately below, or it can search the entire subtree. A single level search is quicker, but a subtree search is more extensive.
•Naming Attribute(s) defines the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) that uniquely identifies an entry in the LDAP server. Common naming attributes are: cn (Common Name) and ui (user identification).
Figure E-1 shows a possible LDAP hierarchy for Example Corporation. Given this hierarchy, you could define your search in different ways. Table E-1 shows two possible search configurations.
In the first example configuration, when Terry establishes his or her IPSec tunnel with LDAP authorization required, the security appliance sends a search request to the LDAP server indicating it should search for Terry in the Engineering group. This search is quick.
In the second example configuration, the security appliance sends a search request indicating the server should search for Terry within Example Corporation. This search takes longer.
Binding the Security Appliance to the LDAP Server
Some LDAP servers (including the Microsoft Active Directory server) require the security appliance to establish a handshake via authenticated binding before they accept requests for any other LDAP operations. The security appliance identifies itself for authenticated binding by attaching a Login DN field to the user authentication request. The Login DN field defines the authentication characteristics of the security appliance; these characteristics should correspond to those of a user with administration privileges. An example Login DN field could be: cn=Administrator, cn=users, ou=people, dc=example, dc=com.
Defining the Security Appliance LDAP Schema
Once you have decided how to structure your user information in the LDAP hierarchy, define this organization in a schema. To define the schema, begin by defining the object class name. The class name for the security appliance directory is cVPN3000-User-Authorization. The class has the object identifier (OID) 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.1.1. Every entry or user in the directory is an object of this class.
Some LDAP servers (for example, the Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server) do not allow you to reuse the class OID once you have defined it. Use the next incremental OID. For example, if you incorrectly defined the class name as cVPN3000-Usr-Authorization with OID 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.1.1, you can enter the correct class name cVPN3000-User-Authorization with the next OID, for example, 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.1.2.
For the Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server, define the schema in text form in a file using the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF). This file has an extension of .ldif
, for example: schema.ldif
. Other LDAP servers use graphical user interfaces or script files to define the object class and its attributes. For more information on LDIF, see RFC-2849.
Note•All LDAP attributes for all three appliances begin with the letters cVPN3000; for example: cVPN3000-Access-Hours.
•The appliances enforce the LDAP attributes based on attribute name, not numeric ID. RADIUS attributes, on the other hand, are enforced by numeric ID, not by name.
•Authorization refers to the process of enforcing permissions or attributes. An LDAP server defined as an authentication or authorization server will enforce permissions or attributes if they are configured.
For a complete list of attributes for the security appliance, the PIX Firewall and the VPN 3000, see Table E-2.
All strings are case-sensitive and you must use an attribute name as capitalized in the table even if it conflicts with how a term is typically written. For example, use cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Class, not cVPN3000-IETF-RADIUS-Class.
Type |
Valued |
cVPN3000-Access-Hours |
Y |
Y |
Y |
1 |
String |
Single |
Name of the time-range (i.e., Business-Hours) |
cVPN3000-Simultaneous-Logins |
Y |
Y |
Y |
2 |
Integer |
Single |
0-2147483647 |
cVPN3000-Primary-DNS |
Y |
Y |
Y |
3 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-Secondary-DNS |
Y |
Y |
Y |
4 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-Primary-WINS |
Y |
Y |
Y |
5 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-Secondary-WINS |
Y |
Y |
Y |
6 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-SEP-Card-Assignment |
7 |
Integer |
Single |
Not used |
cVPN3000-Tunneling-Protocols |
Y |
Y |
Y |
8 |
Integer |
Single |
1 = PPTP 2 = L2TP 4 = IPSec 8 = L2TP/IPSec 16 = WebVPN. 8 and 4 are mutually exclusive (0 - 11, 16 - 27 are legal values) |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Sec-Association |
Y |
9 |
String |
Single |
Name of the security association |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Authentication |
Y |
10 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = None 1 = RADIUS 2 = LDAP (authorization only) 3 = NT Domain 4 = SDI 5 = Internal 6 = RADIUS with Expiry 7 = Kerberos/Active Directory |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Banner1 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
11 |
String |
Single |
Banner string |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Allow-Passwd-Store |
Y |
Y |
Y |
12 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-Use-Client-Address |
Y |
13 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-PPTP-Encryption |
Y |
14 |
Integer |
Single |
Bitmap: 1 = Encryption required 2 = 40 bits 4 = 128 bits 8 = Stateless-Required Example: 15 = 40/128-Encr/Stateless-Req |
cVPN3000-L2TP-Encryption |
Y |
15 |
Integer |
Single |
Bitmap: 1 = Encryption required 2 = 40 bit 4 = 128 bits 8 = Stateless-Req 15 = 40/128-Encr/Stateless-Req |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Split-Tunnel-List |
Y |
Y |
Y |
16 |
String |
Single |
Specifies the name of the network or access list that describes the split tunnel inclusion list. |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Default-Domain |
Y |
Y |
Y |
17 |
String |
Single |
Specifies the single default domain name to send to the client (1-255 characters). |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Split-DNS-Name |
Y |
Y |
Y |
18 |
String |
Single |
Specifies the list of secondary domain names to send to the client (1-255 characters). |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Tunnel-Type |
Y |
Y |
Y |
19 |
Integer |
Single |
1 = LAN-to-LAN 2 = Remote access |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Mode-Config |
Y |
Y |
Y |
20 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-User-Group-Lock |
Y |
21 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Over-UDP |
Y |
Y |
Y |
22 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Over-UDP-Port |
Y |
Y |
Y |
23 |
Integer |
Single |
4001 - 49151, default = 10000 |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Banner2 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
24 |
String |
Single |
Banner string |
cVPN3000-PPTP-MPPC-Compression |
Y |
25 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-L2TP-MPPC-Compression |
Y |
26 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-IP-Compression |
Y |
Y |
Y |
27 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-IKE-Peer-ID-Check |
Y |
Y |
Y |
28 |
Integer |
Single |
1 = Required 2 = If supported by peer certificate 3 = Do not check |
cVPN3000-IKE-Keep-Alives |
Y |
Y |
Y |
29 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Auth-On-Rekey |
Y |
Y |
Y |
30 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-Required-Client- Firewall-Vendor-Code |
Y |
Y |
Y |
31 |
Integer |
Single |
1 = Cisco Systems (with Cisco Integrated Client) 2 = Zone Labs 3 = NetworkICE 4 = Sygate 5 = Cisco Systems (with Cisco Intrusion Prevention Security Agent) |
cVPN3000-Required-Client-Firewall- Product-Code |
Y |
Y |
Y |
32 |
Integer |
Single |
Cisco Systems Products: 1 = Cisco Intrusion Prevention Security Agent or Cisco Integrated Client (CIC) Zone Labs Products: 1 = Zone Alarm 2 = Zone AlarmPro 3 = Zone Labs Integrity NetworkICE Product: 1 = BlackIce Defender/Agent Sygate Products: 1 = Personal Firewall 2 = Personal Firewall Pro 3 = Security Agent |
cVPN3000-Required-Client-Firewall- Description |
Y |
Y |
Y |
33 |
String |
Single |
String |
cVPN3000-Require-Individual-User-Auth |
Y |
Y |
Y |
34 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-Require-HW-Client-Auth |
Y |
Y |
Y |
35 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-Authenticated-User-Idle- Timeout |
Y |
Y |
Y |
36 |
Integer |
Single |
1 - 35791394 minutes |
cVPN3000-Cisco-IP-Phone-Bypass |
Y |
Y |
Y |
37 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Split-Tunneling-Policy |
Y |
Y |
Y |
38 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Tunnel everything 1 = Split tunneling 2 = Local LAN permitted |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Required-Client-Firewall-Capability |
Y |
Y |
Y |
39 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = None 1 = Policy defined by remote FW Are-You-There (AYT) 2 = Policy pushed CPP 4 = Policy from server |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Client-Firewall-Filter- Name |
Y |
40 |
String |
Single |
Specifies the name of the filter to be pushed to the client as firewall policy. |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Client-Firewall-Filter- Optional |
Y |
Y |
Y |
41 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Required 1 = Optional |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Backup-Servers |
Y |
Y |
Y |
42 |
String |
Single |
1 = Use Client-Configured list 2 = Disabled and clear client list 3 = Use Backup Server list |
cVPN3000-IPSec-Backup-Server-List |
Y |
Y |
Y |
43 |
String |
Single |
Server Addresses (space delimited) |
cVPN3000-Client-Intercept-DHCP- Configure-Msg |
Y |
Y |
Y |
44 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-MS-Client-Subnet-Mask |
Y |
Y |
Y |
45 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-Allow-Network-Extension- Mode |
Y |
Y |
Y |
46 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-Strip-Realm |
Y |
Y |
Y |
47 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-Cisco-AV-Pair |
Y |
Y |
Y |
48 |
String |
Multi |
An octet string in the following format: [Prefix] [Action] [Protocol] [Source] [Source Wildcard Mask] [Destination] [Destination Wildcard Mask] [Established] [Log] [Operator] [Port] For more information, see "Cisco -AV-Pair Attribute Syntax." |
cVPN3000-User-Auth-Server-Name |
Y |
49 |
String |
Single |
IP address or hostname |
cVPN3000-User-Auth-Server-Port |
Y |
50 |
Integer |
Single |
Port number for server protocol |
cVPN3000-User-Auth-Server-Secret |
Y |
51 |
String |
Single |
Server password |
cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval |
Y |
Y |
Y |
52 |
Integer |
Single |
10 - 300 seconds |
cVPN3000-Cisco-LEAP-Bypass |
Y |
Y |
Y |
53 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-DHCP-Network-Scope |
Y |
Y |
Y |
54 |
String |
Single |
IP address |
cVPN3000-Client-Type-Version-Limiting |
Y |
Y |
Y |
55 |
String |
Single |
IPsec VPN client version number string |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Content-Filter- Parameters |
Y |
Y |
56 |
Integer |
Single |
1 = Java & ActiveX 2 = Java scripts 4 = Images 8 = Cookies in images Add the values to filter multiple parameters. For example: enter 10 to filter both Java scripts and cookies. (10 = 2 + 8) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Enable-functions |
57 |
Integer |
Single |
Not used - deprecated |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Exchange-Server- Address |
58 |
String |
Single |
Not used - deprecated |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Exchange-Server- NETBIOS-Name |
59 |
String |
Single |
Not used - deprecated |
cVPN3000-Port-Forwarding-Name |
Y |
Y |
60 |
String |
Single |
Name string (for example, "Corporate-Apps") |
cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Framed-IP- Address |
Y |
Y |
Y |
61 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Framed-IP- Netmask |
Y |
Y |
Y |
62 |
String |
Single |
An IP address |
cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Session-Timeout |
Y |
Y |
Y |
63 |
Integer |
Single |
1-35791394 minutes 0 = Unlimited |
cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Idle-Timeout |
Y |
Y |
Y |
64 |
Integer |
Single |
1-35791394 minutes 0 = Unlimited |
cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Class |
Y |
Y |
Y |
65 |
String |
Single |
Group name string. Use any of the these three formats: OU=Engineering OU=Engineering; Engineering |
cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Filter-Id |
Y |
Y |
Y |
66 |
String |
Single |
An access-list |
cVPN3000-Authorization-Required |
Y |
67 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = No 1 = Yes |
cVPN3000-Authorization-Type |
Y |
68 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = None 1 = RADIUS 2 = LDAP |
cVPN3000-DN-Field |
Y |
Y |
Y |
69 |
String |
Single |
Possible values: UID, OU, O, CN, L, SP, C, EA, T, N, GN, SN, I, GENQ, DNQ, SER, use-entire-name. |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-URL-List |
Y |
70 |
String |
Single |
URL-list name |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Forwarded-Ports |
Y |
71 |
String |
Single |
Port-Forward list name |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-ACL-Filters |
Y |
72 |
String |
Single |
Access-List name |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Homepage |
Y |
Y |
73 |
String |
Single |
A url such as http://example-portal.com. |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Single-Sign-On- Server-Name |
Y |
74 |
String |
Single |
Name of the SSO Server (1 - 31 chars) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-URL-Entry-Enable |
Y |
Y |
75 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-File-Access-Enable |
Y |
Y |
76 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-File-Server-Entry- Enable |
Y |
Y |
77 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-File-Server-Browsing-Enable |
Y |
Y |
78 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Port-Forwarding- Enable |
Y |
Y |
79 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Port-Forwarding- Exchange-Proxy-Enable |
Y |
Y |
80 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Port-Forwarding- HTTP-Proxy-Enable |
Y |
Y |
81 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Port-Forwarding- Auto-Download-Enable |
Y |
Y |
82 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Citrix-Support-Enable |
Y |
Y |
83 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-Apply-ACL-Enable |
Y |
Y |
84 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Enable |
Y |
Y |
85 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Required-Enable |
Y |
Y |
86 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Keep-Enable |
Y |
Y |
87 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
cVPN3000-IE-Proxy-Server |
Y |
88 |
String |
Single |
IP address |
cVPN3000-IE-Proxy-Method |
Y |
89 |
Integer |
Single |
1 = No Modify 2 = No Proxy 3 = Auto Detect 4 = Other |
cVPN3000-IE-Proxy-Exception-List |
Y |
90 |
String |
Single |
newline (\n)-separated list of DNS domains |
cVPN3000-IE-Proxy-Bypass-Local |
Y |
91 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = None 1 = Local |
cVPN3000-Tunnel-Group-Lock |
Y |
Y |
92 |
String |
Single |
Name of the tunnel group or "none" |
cVPN3000-Firewall-ACL-In |
Y |
Y |
93 |
String |
Single |
Access list ID |
cVPN3000-Firewall-ACL-Out |
Y |
Y |
94 |
String |
Single |
Access list ID |
cVPN3000-PFS-Required |
Y |
Y |
Y |
95 |
Boolean |
Single |
0 = No 1 = Yes |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Keepalive |
Y |
Y |
96 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled n = Keepalive value in seconds (15 - 600) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Client-DPD |
Y |
Y |
97 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled n = Dead Peer Detection value in seconds (30 - 3600) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Gateway-DPD |
Y |
Y |
98 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled n = Dead Peer Detection value in seconds (30 - 3600) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Rekey-Period |
Y |
Y |
99 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = Disabled n = Retry period in minutes (4 - 10080) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Rekey-Method |
Y |
Y |
100 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = None 1 = SSL 2 = New tunnel 3 = Any (sets to SSL) |
cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Compression |
Y |
Y |
101 |
Integer |
Single |
0 = None 1 = Deflate Compression |
1 To get the complete Object Identifier of each attribute, append the number in the column to the end of 1.2.840.113556.8000.795.2. Thus, the OID of the first attribute in the table, cVPN3000-Access-Hours, is 1.2.840.113556.8000.795.2.1. Likewise, the OID of the last attribute in the table, cVPN3000-WebVPN-SVC-Compression, is 1.2.840.113556.8000.795.2.115. |
Cisco -AV-Pair Attribute Syntax
The syntax of each Cisco-AV-Pair rule is as follows:
[Prefix] [Action] [Protocol] [Source] [Source Wildcard Mask] [Destination] [Destination Wildcard Mask] [Established] [Log] [Operator] [Port]:
For example:
ip:inacl#1=deny ip log
ip:inacl#2=permit TCP any host eq 80 log
webvpn:inacl#1=permit url http://www.cnn.com
webvpn:inacl#2=deny smtp any host
webvpn:inacl#3=permit url cifs://mar_server/peopleshare1
Note•Use Cisco-AV pair entries with the ip:inacl# prefix to enforce ACLs for remote IPsec and SSL VPN Client (SVC) tunnels.
•Use Cisco-AV pair entries with the webvpn:inacl# prefix to enforce ACLs for WebVPN clientless (browser-mode) tunnels.
Table E-3 lists the tokens for the Cisco-AV-Pair attribute:
Example Security Appliance Authorization Schema
This section provides a sample of an LDAP schema. This schema supports the security appliance class and attributes. It is specific to the Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server. Use it as a model, with Table E-2, to define your own schema for your own LDAP server.
Schema 3k_schema.ldif
dn: CN=cVPN3000-Access-Hours,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation,DC=com
changetype: add
adminDisplayName: cVPN3000-Access-Hours
attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.2.1
cn: cVPN3000-Access-Hours
instanceType: 4
isSingleValued: TRUE
lDAPDisplayName: cVPN3000-Access-Hours
objectClass: attributeSchema
oMSyntax: 27
name: cVPN3000-Access-Hours
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
.... (define subsequent security appliance authorization attributes here)
dn: CN=cVPN3000-Primary-DNS,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation,DC=com
changetype: add
adminDisplayName: cVPN3000-Primary-DNS
attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.2.3
cn: cVPN3000-Primary-DNS
instanceType: 4
isSingleValued: TRUE
lDAPDisplayName: cVPN3000-Primary-DNS
objectClass: attributeSchema
oMSyntax: 27
name: cVPN3000-Primary-DNS
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
.... (define subsequent security appliance authorization attributes here)
dn: CN=cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation ,DC=com
changetype: add
adminDisplayName: cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval
attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.2.52
cn: cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval
instanceType: 4
isSingleValued: TRUE
lDAPDisplayName: cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval
CN=cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation ,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: schemaUpdateNow
schemaUpdateNow: 1
dn: CN=cVPN3000-User-Authorization,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation, DC=com
changetype: add
adminDisplayName: cVPN3000-User-Authorization
adminDescription: Cisco Class Schema
cn: cVPN3000-User-Authorization
CN=cVPN3000-User-Authorization,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation, DC=com
governsID: 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.795.1.1
instanceType: 4
lDAPDisplayName: cVPN3000-User-Authorization
mustContain: cn
mayContain: cVPN3000-Access-Hours
mayContain: cVPN3000-Simultaneous-Logins
mayContain: cVPN3000-Primary-DNS
mayContain: cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval
mayContain: cVPN3000-Cisco-LEAP-Bypass
CN=cVPN3000-User-Authorization,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation, DC=com
objectClass: classSchema
objectClassCategory: 1
possSuperiors: organizationalUnit
name: cVPN3000-User-Authorization
rDNAttID: cn
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
subClassOf: top
systemOnly: FALSE
changetype: modify
add: schemaUpdateNow
schemaUpdateNow: 1
systemOnly: FALSE
changetype: modify
add: schemaUpdateNow
schemaUpdateNow: 1
Loading the Schema in the LDAP Server
Note The directions in this section are specific to the Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server. If you have a different type of server, refer to your server documentation for information on loading a schema.
To load the schema on the LDAP server, enter the following command from the directory where the schema file resides: ldifde -i -f
Schema Name. For example: ldifde -i -f 3k_schema.ldif
Defining User Permissions
Note The directions in this section are specific to the Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server. If you have a different type of server, see your server documentation to define and load user attributes.
For each user authorizing to your LDAP server, define a user file. A user file defines all the security appliance attributes and values associated with a particular user. Each user is an object of the class cVPN3000-User-Authorization. To define the user file, use any text editor. The file must have the extension .ldif
. (For an example user file, see Robin.ldif.)
To load the user file on the LDAP server, enter the following command on the directory where your version of the ldap_user.ldif file resides: ldifde -i -f
ldap_user.ldif. For example: ldifde -i -f Robin.ldif
After you have created and loaded both the schema and the user file, your LDAP server is ready to process security appliance authorization requests.
Example User File
This section provides a sample user file for the user Robin.
dn: cn=Robin,OU=People,DC=ExampleCorporation,DC=com changetype: add cn: Robin CVPN3000-Access-Hours: Corporate_time cVPN3000-Simultaneous-Logins: 2 cVPN3000-IPSec-Over-UDP: TRUE CVPN3000-IPSec-Over-UDP-Port: 12125 cVPN3000-IPSec-Banner1: Welcome to the Example Corporation!!! cVPN3000-IPSec-Banner2: Unauthorized access is prohibited!!!!! cVPN3000-Primary-DNS: CVPN3000-Secondary-DNS: CVPN3000-Primary-WINS: CVPN3000-SEP-Card-Assignment: 1 CVPN3000-IPSec-Tunnel-Type: 2 CVPN3000-Tunneling-Protocols: 7 cVPN3000-Confidence-Interval: 300 cVPN3000-IPSec-Allow-Passwd-Store: TRUE objectClass: cVPN3000-User-Authorization
Reviewing Examples of Active Directory Configurations
This section presents example procedures for configuring authentication and authorization on the security appliance using the Microsoft Active Directory server. It includes the following topics:
•Example 1: Configuring LDAP Authorization with Microsoft Active Directory (ASA/PIX)
•Example 2: Configuring LDAP Authentication with Microsoft Active Directory
•Example 3: LDAP Authentication and LDAP Authorization with Microsoft Active Directory
Example 1: Configuring LDAP Authorization with Microsoft Active Directory (ASA/PIX)
This example presents a configuration procedure for authentication using SDI and authorization using LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory (AD). To execute this sample procedure, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Using LDIF files, create the cVPN3000-User-Authorization record on the Microsoft AD database. This record contains the Cisco VPN authorization attributes for the user.
Note Contact Cisco TAC to obtain the Microsoft AD LDAP schema for Cisco VPN attributes.
Step 2 To confirm the new record, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.
The Active Directory Users and Computers window appears as shown in Figure E-2.
Figure E-2 Active Directory Users and Computers Window
Step 3 On the security appliance, create a aaa-server record for the LDAP server. For this example, these authorization records are stored in the Franklin-Altiga folder. The necessary steps are shown in the following commands:
aaa-server ldap-authorize-grp protocol ldap
aaa-server ldap-authorize-grp host
ldap-base-dn ou=Franklin-Altiga,dc=frdevtestad, dc=local
ldap-scope subtree
ldap-naming-attribute cn
ldap-login-password anypassword
ldap-login-dn cn=Administrator,cn=Users,
ldap-attribute-map LdapSvrName
Step 4 Create a tunnel group that specifies SDI Authentication and LDAP authorization, as shown in the following example commands:
tunnel-group ipsec-tunnelgroup type ipsec-ra
tunnel-group ipsec-tunnelgroup general-attributes
authentication-server-group sdi-group
authorization-server-group ldap-authorize-group
Note This example does not show the configuration for sdi-group.
Example 2: Configuring LDAP Authentication with Microsoft Active Directory
This example presents a configuration procedure for LDAP authentication with Microsoft Active Directory. To secure the user credentials during transmission, this procedure configures the security appliance to exchange messages with the LDAP directory over a SSL connection. It also configures the security appliance to interpret the department attribute in the Microsoft AD user record as the group policy to which the user is assigned. The authorization attributes for this group are retrieved from a RADIUS server.
View the user records by clicking the User folder in the Active Directory Users and Computers window as shown in Figure E-3.
Figure E-3 Active Directory Users and Computers Window Showing User Folder
Review specific user attributes and values by right-clicking the username and clicking Properties. The Username Properties dialog box appears as shown in Figure E-4.
Figure E-4 The Username Properties Dialog Box
Note The department attribute is configured under the Organization tab in the Active Directory Users and Computers window.
To configure this example, perform the following steps on the security appliance:
Step 1 Create a aaa-server record for the LDAP authentication server and use the ldap-base-dn to specify the search location for the Active Directory user records as shown in the following example commands:
aaa-server ldap-authenticate-grp protocol ldap
aaa-server ldap-authenticate-grp host
ldap-base-dn cn=Users,dc=frdevtestad,dc=local
ldap-scope subtree
ldap-naming-attribute cn
ldap-login-password anypassword
ldap-login-dn cn=Administrator,cn=Users,
Step 2 Create an LDAP mapping table entry to map the AD attribute department to the Cisco attribute cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Class as shown in the following example commands:
ldap attribute-map ActiveDirectoryMapTable
map-name department cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Class
Step 3 Configure the name of the LDAP attribute map as shown in the following example command:
ldap-attribute-map ActiveDirectoryMapTable
Step 4 Specify a secure LDAP connection as follows:
ldap-over-ssl enable
Step 5 Create an external group policy that associates the group-name with the RADIUS server. In this example, the user is assigned to the group Engineering as shown in the following example command:
group-policy Engineering external server-group radius-group password anypassword
Step 6 Create a tunnel group that specifies LDAP authentication as shown in the following example commands:
tunnel-group ipsec-tunnelgroup type ipsec-ra
tunnel-group ipsec-tunnelgroup general-attributes
authentication-server-group ldap-authenticate-grp
Note The configuration for radius-group is not shown in this example.
Example 3: LDAP Authentication and LDAP Authorization with Microsoft Active Directory
This example presents the procedure for configuring both authentication and authorization using LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory. In the Microsoft user record, the department attribute is interpreted as the group-name for the user. The authorization attributes for this group-name are retrieved from the Active Directory server.
The department attribute is configured under the Organization tab in the Active Directory Users and Computers dialog box as shown in Figure E-5.
Figure E-5 The Organization Tab of the Active Directory Users and Computer Dialog
To configure this example, perform the following steps on the security appliance:
Step 1 Create an LDAP mapping table entry to map the Active Directory attribute department to the Cisco attribute cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Class as shown in the following example commands:
ldap attribute-map ActiveDirectoryMapTable
map-name department cVPN3000-IETF-Radius-Class
Step 2 Create a aaa-server record for the LDAP authentication server and use the ldap-base-dn to specify the search location for the Active Directory user records as shown in the following example commands:
aaa-server ldap-authenticate protocol ldap
aaa-server ldap-authenticate host
ldap-base-dn cn=Users,dc=frdevtestad,dc=local
ldap-scope subtree
ldap-naming-attribute cn
ldap-login-password anypassword
ldap-login-dn cn=Administrator,cn=Users,
Step 3 Configure the name of the LDAP attribute map as shown in the following example command:
ldap-attribute-map ActiveDirectoryMapTable
Step 4 Specify a secure LDAP connection as follows:
ldap-over-ssl enable
Step 5 Create an aaa-server record to configure the LDAP authorization server and use the ldap-base-dn to specify the search location for the Cisco cVPN3000-User-Authorization records as shown in the following example commands:
aaa-server ldap-authorize protocol ldap
aaa-server ldap-authorize host
ldap-base-dn ou=Franklin-Altiga,dc=frdevtestad, dc=local
ldap-scope subtree
ldap-naming-attribute cn
ldap-login-password anypassword
ldap-login-dn cn=Administrator,cn=Users,
Step 6 Create an external group policy that associates the group-name with the LDAP authorization server. In this example, the user is assigned to the group Engineering as shown in the following command:
group-policy engineering external server-group
Step 7 Create a tunnel group that specifies LDAP authentication as shown in the following example commands:
tunnel-group ipsec-tunnelgroup type ipsec-ra
tunnel-group ipsec-tunnelgroup general-attributes
authentication-server-group ldap-authenticate
Configuring an External RADIUS Server
This section presents an overview of the RADIUS configuration procedure and defines the Cisco RADIUS and TACACS+ attributes. It includes the following topics:
•Reviewing the RADIUS Configuration Procedure
•Security Appliance RADIUS Authorization Attributes
•Security Appliance TACACS+ Attributes
Reviewing the RADIUS Configuration Procedure
This section describes the RADIUS configuration steps required to support authentication and authorization of the security appliance users. Follow the steps below to set up the RADIUS server to inter operate with the security appliance.
Step 1 Load the security appliance attributes into the RADIUS server. The method you use to load the attributes depends on which type of RADIUS server you are using:
•If you are using Cisco ACS: the server already has these attributes integrated. You can skip this step.
•If you are using a FUNK RADIUS server: Cisco supplies a dictionary file that contains all the security appliance attributes. Obtain this dictionary file, cisco3k.dct
, from Software Center on CCO or from the security appliance CD-ROM. Load the dictionary file on your server.
•For other vendors' RADIUS servers (for example, Microsoft Internet Authentication Service): you must manually define each security appliance attribute. To define an attribute, use the attribute name or number, type, value, and vendor code (3076). For a list of security appliance RADIUS authorization attributes and values, see Table E-4.
Step 2 Set up the users or groups with the permissions and attributes to send during IPSec/WebVPN tunnel establishment. The permissions or attributes might include access hours, primary DNS, banner, and so forth.
Security Appliance RADIUS Authorization Attributes
Note Authorization refers to the process of enforcing permissions or attributes. A RADIUS server defined as an authentication server enforces permissions or attributes if they are configured.
Table E-4 lists all the possible security appliance supported attributes that can be used for user authorization.
Note RADIUS attribute names do not contain the cVPN3000 prefix to better reflect support for all three security appliances (VPN 3000, PIX, and the ASA). Cisco Secure ACS 4.x supports this new nomenclature, but attribute names in pre-4.0 ACS releases still include the cVPN3000 prefix. The appliances enforce the RADIUS attributes based on attribute numeric ID, not attribute name. LDAP attributes are enforced by their name, not by the ID.
Security Appliance TACACS+ Attributes
The security appliance provides support for TACACS+ attributes. TACACS+ separates the functions of authentication, authorization, and accounting. The protocol supports two types of attributes: mandatory and optional. Both the server and client must understand a mandatory attribute, and the mandatory attribute must be applied to the user. An optional attribute may or may not be understood or used.
Note To use TACACS+ attributes, make sure you have enabled AAA services on the NAS.
Table E-5 lists supported TACACS+ authorization response attributes for cut-through-proxy connections. Table E-6 lists supported TACACS+ accounting attributes.