Deploy the ASA Container in a Kubernetes Environment

You can deploy the ASA container (ASAc) in an open source Kubernetes environment running on any cloud platform.


A container is a software package that bundles up code and associated requirements such as system libraries, system tools, default settings, runtime, and so on, to ensure that the application runs successfully in a computing environment. From Secure Firewall ASA version 9.22, you can deploy the ASAc in an open-source Kubernetes environment. In this solution, the ASAc is integrated with the Container Network Interface (CNI) and is deployed as an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) solution. The integration with CNI provides improved flexibility in deployment of network infrastructure.

Guidelines and Limitations to Deploy ASA Container in Kubernetes Environment

  • The ASA container solution is validated on open-source Kubernetes and Docker environments only.

  • Other Kubernetes frameworks such as EKS, GKE, AKS, OpenShift, are not validated yet.

  • The following features are not validated:

    • Upgrade

    • High Availability

    • Cluster

    • IPv6

    • Transparent mode

Licenses to Deploy ASA Container in Kubernetes Environment

Use one of the following licenses to enable deployment of ASA container on Kubernetes:

  • ASAc5 - 1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM, and 100 Mbps rate limit

  • ASAc10 - 1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM, and 1 Gbps rate limit

Components of Solution to Deploy ASA Container in Kubernetes Environment

  • Operating system

    • Ubuntu 20.04.6

    • Kubernetes version v1.26

    • Helm version v3.13.1

  • Kubernetes cluster nodes – master and worker nodes

  • Kubernetes CNI

    • POD management CNI - Calico

    • ASAc network CNI - Multus macvlan

  • Helm charts provided as yaml files are used to set up Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)

Sample Topology to Deploy ASA Container in Kubernetes Environment

In this sample topology, the ASA container (ASAc) pod has three virtual network interfaces – net1, net2, and net3, that are connected to the following worker node interfaces – ens192, ens224, and ens256. The worker node interfaces are mapped to the ASAc mgmt, data1, and data2 networks. The interface ens160 is the node management interface. The interface eth0 is derived from the Calico CNI. The interfaces net1, net2, and net3, are derived from the multus macvlan CNI.

Prerequisites to Deploy ASA Container in Kubernetes Environment

  • Ensure that Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS is installed on both master and worker nodes.

  • Allocate three virtual interfaces on the worker node for ASA container (ASAc) operations.

  • Set up the worker node’s management interface to be used for ssh access to the worker node.

  • Enable Hugepages on the worker node.

  • Set up the Calico CNI to be used as POD management.

  • Set up Multus with macvlan CNI to be used for managing ASAc interfaces.

For more information on general Kubernetes operations mentioned in these prerequisites, see Kubernetes documentation.

Deploy ASA Container in Kubernetes Environment

Perform the procedure given below to deploy ASA container (ASAc) in Kubernetes environment.


Step 1

Set up the requirements mentioned in the Prerequisites.

Step 2

Run the kubectl get nodes , kubectl get pods , and kubectl get all commands, to display the status of all nodes, pods, and all resources, respectively. Ensure that the Kubernetes pods and nodes are in ready state.



The outputs given below are sample outputs only.

Step 3

Run the route -n command to verify the network interface configuration. In this example, ens160 is the node’s management interface. The nodes ens192, ens224, and ens256, are mapped to the ASAc interfaces.

Step 4

Run the cat command given below to verify hugepage configuration.

Step 5

Download the ASA docker tar bundle that includes the ASA container image from to the local docker registry.

Step 6

Load the downloaded ASA container image into the local docker registry.

Step 7

Download the templates and other files from the helm folder in the ASAc GitHub repository.

Step 8

Enter the required parameter values in the values.yaml file.

Default values for helm.
This is a YAML-formatted file.
Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
replicas: 1
repository: localhost:5000/asac:
persistVolPath: /home/ubuntu/pod-path
asacMgmtInterface: "ens192"
asacInsideInterface: "ens224"
asacOutsideInterface: "ens256"

The parameter names along with descriptions for the parameters in the values.yaml file are given below.

Variable Name



ASAc image path from the local docker registry.


Valid path from the worker node in which the persistent configuration file from the ASAc is stored.


Name of the worker node interface that is used as the ASAc management interface.


Name of the worker node interface that is used as the ASAc inside data interface.


Name of the worker node interface that is used as the ASAc outside data interface.

Step 9

Verify the default parameter values present in the day0-config file. You can also update these values as per your requirement.

Step 10

Run the helm install command to deploy the helm charts and deploy ASAc in the Kubernetes framework.

$ helm install test-asac helm
NAME: test-asac
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Jan 21 07:41:03 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Step 11

Run the helm list -all command to list the deployed resources and check the status of the ASAc deployment.

$ helm list –all
NAME        NAMESPACE    REVISION   UPDATED                                   STATUS     CHART             APP VERSION
test-asac   default      1          2024-01-21 07:41:03.175728953 +0000 UTC   deployed   helm-0.1.0        1.16.0

Validate ASA Container Deployment in Kubernetes Environment

Validate successful ASA container (ASAc) deployment by checking the status of the helm chart, ASAc pod, and by going through the pod events.

ubuntu@k8s-master:~$ helm status test-asac
NAME: test-asac
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Jan 21 07:41:03 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

ubuntu@k8s-master:~$ kubectl get pod
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479   1/1     Running   0          43m

ubuntu@k8s-master:~$ kubectl events asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON                 OBJECT                            MESSAGE
52m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate       ReplicaSet/asac-5d8c4d547f        Created pod: asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479
52m         Normal   ScalingReplicaSet      Deployment/asac                   Scaled up replica set asac-5d8c4d547f to 1
52m         Normal   WaitForFirstConsumer   PersistentVolumeClaim/local-pvc   waiting for first consumer to be created before binding
51m         Normal   Scheduled              Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Successfully assigned default/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479 to k8s-worker
51m         Normal   AddedInterface         Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Add eth0 [] from k8s-pod-network
51m         Normal   AddedInterface         Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Add net1 [] from default/macvlan-mgmt-bridge
51m         Normal   AddedInterface         Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Add net2 [] from default/macvlan-in-bridge
51m         Normal   AddedInterface         Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Add net3 [] from default/macvlan-out-bridge
51m         Normal   Pulling                Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Pulling image ""
50m         Normal   Pulled                 Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Successfully pulled image "" in 1m10.641397525s (1m10.641428591s including waiting)
50m         Normal   Created                Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Created container asac
50m         Normal   Started                Pod/asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479         Started container asac

Access ASA Container Deployment Logs in Kubernetes Environment

Check the pod logs and container logs for troubleshooting any issues that may occur.

To display pod logs:
ubuntu@k8s-master:~$ kubectl describe pod asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479
To display container logs:
ubuntu@k8s-master:~$ kubectl logs asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479

Access the ASA Container Pod in Kubernetes Environment

Run the kubectl attach command to access the CLI of the ASA container (ASAc) pod and obtain required outputs. In this example, we access the CLI of the ASAc pod and run the show version command.


You can also use ASDM to access ASAc in a Kubernetes environment.

ubuntu@k8s-master:~$ kubectl attach -it asac-5d8c4d547f-6k479
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
ciscoasa> show version
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.22
SSP Operating System Version 82.16(0.179i)
Device Manager Version 7.20
Compiled on Thu 02-Nov-23 13:30 GMT by builders
System image file is "Unknown, monitor mode tftp booted image"
Config file at boot was "startup-config"
ciscoasa up 55 mins 53 secs
Start-up time 12 secs
Hardware: ASAc, 2048 MB RAM, CPU Xeon E5 series 2100 MHz, 1 CPU (1 core)
BIOS Flash Firmware Hub @ 0x0, 0KB
0: Ext: Management0/0 : address is ae15.c291.86b1, irq 0
1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0 : address is faff.65b8.73a9, irq 0
2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1 : address is be89.078a.a560, irq 0
3: Int: Internal-Data0/0   : address is 0000.0100.0001, irq 0