

An activity is the representation of the communications exchanged between devices or components. It is recognizable on the map by a line (or an arrow if the source and destination components are known) which links one component to another.

To access the map: Click Explore > Control Systems Management > OT Activities > > click a component on the map. The map appears.

An activity between two components is actually a simplified view of the flows exchanged. You can have many types of flows going in both directions inside an activity, represented in the map.

When you click on an activity in the map, a right side panel opens, containing:

  • The date of the first and last communication between the two components.

  • Details about the components (name, IP, MAC and, if applicable, the group they are part of, and their criticality).

  • The tags on the flows.

  • The number of flows.

  • The number of packets.

  • The volume of data exchanged.

  • The number of events.

  • A button to access the technical sheet that shows more details about tags and flows.

Devices or components with no activity does not mean that they did not have any interaction. In fact, a component can only be detected if it has been involved in a network activity (communication emission/reception). Lack of activity can mean that the other linked component is not part of the preset selected and so doesn't display.

Aggregated activities or conduits

When devices and components are placed inside groups, activities are aggregated to enhance visibility. Aggregated activities are called conduits.

Use the Show network activities button at the lower left side of the map to turn on/off the simplified view of the activities between groups. This feature is turned on by default.