System Administration

System Changes that Cause Chassis Manager Sessions to be Closed

The following system changes can cause the system to automatically log you out of chassis manager:

  • If you modify the system time by more than 10 minutes.

  • If the system is rebooted or shut down using chassis manager or the FXOS CLI.

  • If you upgrade the FXOS version on Firepower 4100/9300 chassis.

  • If you enable or disable FIPS or Common Criteria mode.


In addition to the above changes, you are automatically logged out of the system if a certain period of time passes without any activity. By default, the system will log you out after 10 minutes of inactivity. To configure this timeout setting, see Configuring the Session Timeout. You can also configure an absolute timeout setting that will log users out of the system after a certain period of time even if the session is active. To configure the absolute timeout setting, see Configuring the Absolute Session Timeout.

Changing the Management IP Address

Before you begin

You can change the management IP address on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis from the FXOS CLI.


After changing the management IP address, you will need to reestablish any connections to chassis manager or the FXOS CLI using the new address.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

To configure an IPv4 management IP address:

  1. Set the scope for fabric-interconnect a:

    Firepower-chassis# scope fabric-interconnect a

  2. To view the current management IP address, enter the following command:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect # show

  3. Enter the following command to configure a new management IP address and gateway:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect # set out-of-band ip ip_address netmask network_mask gw gateway_ip_address

  4. Commit the transaction to the system configuration:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect* # commit-buffer

Step 3

To configure an IPv6 management IP address:

  1. Set the scope for fabric-interconnect a:

    Firepower-chassis# scope fabric-interconnect a

  2. Set the scope for management IPv6 configuration:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config

  3. To view the current management IPv6 address, enter the following command:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # show ipv6-if

  4. Enter the following command to configure a new management IP address and gateway:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set out-of-band ipv6 ipv6_address ipv6-prefix prefix_length ipv6-gw gateway_address



    Only IPv6 Global Unicast addresses are supported as the chassisʼs IPv6 management address.

  5. Commit the transaction to the system configuration:

    Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer


The following example configures an IPv4 management interface and gateway:

Firepower-chassis# scope fabric-interconnect a
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect # show

Fabric Interconnect:
    ID   OOB IP Addr     OOB Gateway     OOB Netmask     OOB IPv6 Address OOB IPv6 Gateway Prefix Operability
    ---- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------ -----------
    A   ::               ::               64     Operable
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect # set out-of-band ip netmask gw
Warning: When committed, this change may disconnect the current CLI session
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect* #commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect #

The following example configures an IPv6 management interface and gateway:

Firepower-chassis# scope fabric-interconnect a
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # show ipv6-if

Management IPv6 Interface:
    IPv6 Address                        Prefix     IPv6 Gateway
    ----------------------------------- ---------- ------------
    2001::8998                          64         2001::1
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set out-of-band ipv6 2001::8999 ipv6-prefix 64 ipv6-gw 2001::1
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config #

Changing the Application Management IP

You can change the management IP address on the application(s) attached to your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis from the FXOS CLI. To do so, you must first change the IP information at the FXOS platform level, then change the IP information at the application level.


Changing the application management IP will result in a service interruption.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI. (See Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Scope to the logical device:

scope ssa

scope logical-device logical_device_name

Step 3

Scope to the management bootstrap and configure the new management bootstrap parameters. Note that there are differences between deployments:

For standalone configuration of an ASA logical device:

  1. Enter the logical device management bootstrap:

    scope mgmt-bootstrap asa
  2. Enter the IP mode for the slot:

    scope ipv4_or_6 slot_number default

  3. (IPv4 only) Set the new IP address:

    set ip ipv4_address mask network_mask

  4. (IPv6 only) Set the new IP address:

    set ip ipv6_address prefix-length prefix_length_number

  5. Set the gateway address:

    set gateway gateway_ip_address

  6. Commit the configuration:


For a clustered configuration of ASA logical devices:

  1. Enter the cluster management bootstrap:

    scope cluster-bootstrap asa
  2. (IPv4 only) Set the new virtual IP:

    set virtual ipv4 ip_address mask network_mask

  3. (IPv6 only) Set the new virtual IP:

    set virtual ipv6 ipv6_address prefix-length prefix_length_number

  4. Set the new IP pool:

    set ip pool start_ip end_ip

  5. Set the gateway address:

    set gateway gateway_ip_address

  6. Commit the configuration:


For standalone and clustered configurations of threat defense:

  1. Enter the logical device management bootstrap:

    scope mgmt-bootstrap ftd
  2. Enter the IP mode for the slot:

    scope ipv4_or_6 slot_number firepower

  3. (IPv4 only) Set the new IP address:

    set ip ipv4_address mask network_mask

  4. (IPv6 only) Set the new IP address:

    set ip ipv6_address prefix-length prefix_length_number

  5. Set the gateway address:

    set gateway gateway_ip_address

  6. Commit the configuration:



For a clustered configuration, you must set the new IP address for each application attached to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. If you have an inter-chassis cluster or a HA configuration, you must repeat these steps for each application on both chassis.

Step 4

Clear the management bootstrap information for each application:

  1. Scope to ssa mode:

    scope ssa

  2. Scope to the slot:

    scope slot slot_number

  3. Scope to the application instance:

    scope app-instance asa_or_ftd

  4. Clear the management bootstrap information:


  5. Commit the configuration:


Step 5

Disable the application:




For a clustered configuration, you must clear and disable the management bootstrap information for each application attached to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. If you have an inter-chassis cluster or a HA configuration, you must repeat these steps for each application on both chassis.

Step 6

When the application is offline and the slot comes online again, re-enable the application.

  1. Scope back to ssa mode:

    scope ssa

  2. Scope to the slot:

    scope slot slot_number

  3. Scope to the application instance:

    scope app-instance asa_or_ftd

  4. Enable the application:


  5. Commit the configuration:



For a clustered configuration, you must repeat these steps to re-enable each application attached to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. If you have an inter-chassis cluster or a HA configuration, you must repeat these steps for each application on both chassis.

Changing the Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis Name

You can change the name used for your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis from the FXOS CLI.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter the system mode:

Firepower-chassis-A# scope system

Step 3

To view the current name:

Firepower-chassis-A /system # show

Step 4

To configure a new name:

Firepower-chassis-A /system # set name device_name

Step 5

Commit the transaction to the system configuration:

Firepower-chassis-A /fabric-interconnect* # commit-buffer


The following example changes the devices name:

Firepower-chassis-A# scope system
Firepower-chassis-A /system # set name New-name
Warning: System name modification changes FC zone name and redeploys them non-disruptively
Firepower-chassis-A /system* # commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis-A /system # show

    Name       Mode        System IP Address System IPv6 Address
    ---------- ----------- ----------------- -------------------
    New-name   Stand Alone    ::
New-name-A /system #

Install a Trusted Identity Certificate

After initial configuration, a self-signed SSL certificate is generated for use with the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis web application. Because that certificate is self-signed, client browsers do not automatically trust it. The first time a new client browser accesses the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis web interface, the browser will throw an SSL warning, requiring the user to accept the certificate before accessing the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. You can use the following procedure to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the FXOS CLI and install the resulting identity certificate for use with the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. This identity certificate allows a client browser to trust the connection, and bring up the web interface with no warnings.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI. (See Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter the security module:

scope security

Step 3

Create a keyring:

create keyring keyring_name

Step 4

Set a modulus size for the private key:

set modulus size

Step 5

Commit the configuration:


Step 6

Configure the CSR fields. The certificate can be generated with basic options (for example, a subject-name), and optionally more advanced options that allow information like locale and organization to be embedded in the certificate. Note that when you configure the CSR fields, the system prompts for a certificate password.

create certreq subject-name subject_name


set country country

set state state

set locality locality

set org-name organization_name

set org-unit-name organization_unit_name

set subject-name subject_name

Step 7

Commit the configuration:


Step 8

Export the CSR to provide to your certificate authority. The certificate authority uses the CSR to create your identity certificate.

  1. Show the full CSR:

    show certreq

  2. Copy the output starting with (and including) "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", ending with (and including) "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----":



Step 9

Exit the certreq mode:


Step 10

Exit the keyring mode:


Step 11

Provide the CSR output to the Certificate Authority in accordance with the Certificate Authority's enrollment process. If the request is successful, the Certificate Authority sends back an identity certificate that has been digitally signed using the CA's private key.

Step 12

Create a new trustpoint to hold the identity certificate chain.


All identity certificates must be in Base64 format to be imported into FXOS. If the identity certificate chain received from the Certificate Authority is in a different format, you must first convert it with an SSL tool such as OpenSSL.

create trustpoint trustpoint_name

Step 13

Enter the identity certificate chain you received from the Certificate Authority in step 11, following the instructions on screen.


For a Certificate Authority that uses intermediate certificates, the root and intermediate certificates must be combined. In a text file, paste the root certificate at the top, followed by each intermediate certificate in the chain, including all BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE flags. Copy and paste that entire text block into the trustpoint.

set certchain


firepower /security/trustpoint* # set certchain
Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Trustpoint Certificate Chain:

Step 14

Commit the configuration:


Step 15

Exit the trustpoint mode:


Step 16

Enter the keyring mode:

scope keyring keyring_name

Step 17

Associate the trustpoint created in step 13 with the keyring that was created for the CSR:

set trustpoint trustpoint_name

Step 18

Import the signed identity certificate for the server.

set cert

Step 19

Paste the contents of the identity certificate provided by the Certificate authority:


Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Keyring certificate:

Step 20

Exit the keyring mode:


Step 21

Exit the security mode:


Step 22

Enter the system mode:

scope system

Step 23

Enter the services mode:

scope services

Step 24

Configure the FXOS web service to use the new certificate:

set https keyring keyring_name

Step 25

Commit the configuration:


Step 26

Display the keyring associated with the HTTPS server. It should reflect the keyring name created in step 3 of this procedure. If the screen output displays the default keyring name, the HTTPS server has not yet been updated to use the new certificate:

show https


fp4120 /system/services # show https
Name: https
    Admin State: Enabled
    Port: 443
    Operational port: 443
    Key Ring: firepower_cert
    Cipher suite mode: Medium Strength

Step 27

Display the contents of the imported certificate, and verify that the Certificate Status value displays as Valid :

scope security

show keyring keyring_name detail


fp4120 /security #  scope security
fp4120 /security #  show keyring firepower_cert detail
Keyring firepower_cert:
    RSA key modulus: Mod2048
    Trustpoint CA: firepower_chain
    Certificate status: Valid
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
        Issuer: DC=local, DC=naaustin, CN=naaustin-NAAUSTIN-PC-CA
            Not Before: Apr 28 13:09:54 2016 GMT
            Not After : Apr 28 13:09:54 2018 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=Cisco Systems, OU=TAC, CN=fp4120.test.local
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:
                Full Name:
            Authority Information Access:
                CA Issuers - URI:ldap:///CN=naaustin-NAAUSTIN-PC-CA,CN=AIA,
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                TLS Web Server Authentication
    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256

    Zeroized: No

What to do next

To verify that the new trusted certificate is presented, navigate to the chassis manager by entering https://<FQDN_or_IP>/ in the address bar of a web browser.


Browsers also verify the subject-name of a certificate against the input in the address bar. If the certificate is issued to the fully qualified domain name, it must be accessed that way in the browser. If it is accessed via IP address, a different SSL error is thrown (Common Name Invalid) even if the trusted certificate is used.

Auto-Import Certificate Update

When the Cisco certificate server changes its identity certificate to leverage a different root CA, the connectivity for the Smart Licensing on 4100 or 9300s running the ASA devices gets broken. Because the licensing connectivity is handled by the supervisor instead of Lina on the application, the Smart Licensing function fails. For FXOS-based devices, the issue can be resolved using the auto-import feature without an upgrade to the FXOS software.

By default, the auto-import feature is disabled. You can use the following procedure to enable the auto-import feature using the FXOS CLI.

Before you begin

DNS server should be configured to reach the cisco certificate server.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI.

Step 2

Enter the security module:

scope security

Step 3

Enable the auto-import feature.

enter tp-auto-import


FXOS# scope security 
FXOS /security # enter tp-auto-import 
 FXOS /security #

Step 4

Commit the configuration.


Step 5

Verify the auto-import status

show detail


Successful auto-import:

FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # 
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # show detail 
Trustpoints auto import source URL:
TrustPoints auto import scheduled time : 22:00
Last Importing Status : Success, Imported with 23 TrustPoint(s)
TrustPoints auto Import function : Enabled
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # 

Auto-import failure:

FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # 
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # show detail
Trustpoints auto import source URL:
TrustPoints auto import scheduled time : 22:00
Last Importing Status : Failure
TrustPoints auto Import function : Enabled
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # 

Step 6

Configure the tp-auto-import feature. Set the import-time-hour.

set import-time-hour hour import-time-min minutes


FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # set 
  import-time-hour  Trustpoints auto import hour time 
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # set import-time-hour 
  0-23  Import Time Hour 
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # set import-time-hour 7 import-time-min 
  0-59  Import Time Min 
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # set import-time-hour 7 import-time-min 20
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import # set import-time-hour 7 import-time-min 20 
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import* # commit-buffer
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import #



The auto-import source URL is fixed and you must change the import time detail to minute per day. Import occurs everyday on the scheduled time of the day. If hours and minutes are not set then the certificate import occurs only once while enabling it. Certificates get downloaded as a bundle into the box under the path /opt/certstore which can only be accessed through secure-login option. Along with the bundle (ios_core.p7b), individual certificates (AutoTP1 to AutoTPn) get extracted automatically.

Step 7

After the auto-import configuration completion, enter show detail command.

show detail


FXOS  /security/tp-auto-import # show detail
Trustpoints auto import source URL:
TrustPoints auto import scheduled time : 07:20
Last Importing Status : Success, Imported with 23 TrustPoint(s)
TrustPoints auto Import function : Enabled



The maximum certificates that can be imported is 30. Each import re-iterates for 6 times if there is any connectivity issue to Cisco Certificate Server and then updates the last importing status in the show command.

Step 8

(Optional) To disable the auto-import feature, enter the delete auto-import command.

delete tp-auto-import


FXOS /security # 
FXOS /security # delete tp-auto-import 
FXOS /security* # commit-buffer
FXOS /security # show detail 
security mode:
    Password Strength Check: No
    Minimum Password Length: 8
    Is configuration export key set: No
    Current Task: 
FXOS /security # scope tp-auto-import 
Error: Managed object does not exist
FXOS /security #
FXOS /security # enter tp-auto-import
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import* # show detail
FXOS /security/tp-auto-import* #



If you disable the auto-import feature, certificates that are imported remain persistent till the time there is no change in the build. Certificates get removed if you disable the auto-import feature and then downgrade/upgrade the build.

Pre-Login Banner

With a pre-login banner, when a user logs into chassis manager, the system displays the banner text and the user must click OK on the message screen before the system prompts for the username and password. If a pre-login banner is not configured, the system goes directly to the username and password prompt.

When a user logs into the FXOS CLI, the system displays the banner text, if configured, before it prompts for the password.

Creating the Pre-Login Banner


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter security mode:

Firepower-chassis# scope security

Step 3

Enter banner security mode:

Firepower-chassis /security # scope banner

Step 4

Enter the following command to create a pre-login banner:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner # create pre-login-banner

Step 5

Specify the message that FXOS should display to the user before they log into chassis manager or the FXOS CLI:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # set message

Launches a dialog for entering the pre-login banner message text.

Step 6

At the prompt, type a pre-login banner message. You can enter any standard ASCII character in this field. You can enter multiple lines of text with each line having up to 192 characters. Press Enter between lines.

On the line following your input, type ENDOFBUF and press Enter to finish.

Press Ctrl and C to cancel out of the set message dialog.

Step 7

Commit the transaction to the system configuration:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # commit-buffer


The following example creates the pre-login banner:

Firepower-chassis# scope security
Firepower-chassis /security # scope banner
Firepower-chassis /security/banner # create pre-login-banner
Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # set message
Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Enter prelogin banner:
>Welcome to the Firepower Security Appliance
>**Unauthorized use is prohibited**
Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner #

Modifying the Pre-Login Banner


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter security mode:

Firepower-chassis# scope security

Step 3

Enter banner security mode:

Firepower-chassis /security # scope banner

Step 4

Enter pre-login-banner banner security mode:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner # scope pre-login-banner

Step 5

Specify the message that FXOS should display to the user before they log into chassis manager or the FXOS CLI:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner # set message

Launches a dialog for entering the pre-login banner message text.

Step 6

At the prompt, type a pre-login banner message. You can enter any standard ASCII character in this field. You can enter multiple lines of text with each line having up to 192 characters. Press Enter between lines.

On the line following your input, type ENDOFBUF and press Enter to finish.

Press Ctrl and C to cancel out of the set message dialog.

Step 7

Commit the transaction to the system configuration:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # commit-buffer


The following example modifies the pre-login banner:

Firepower-chassis# scope security
Firepower-chassis /security # scope banner
Firepower-chassis /security/banner # scope pre-login-banner
Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner # set message
Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Enter prelogin banner:
>Welcome to the Firepower Security Appliance
>**Unauthorized use is prohibited**
Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis /security/banner/pre-login-banner #

Deleting the Pre-Login Banner


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter security mode:

Firepower-chassis# scope security

Step 3

Enter banner security mode:

Firepower-chassis /security # scope banner

Step 4

Delete the pre-login banner from the system:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner # delete pre-login-banner

Step 5

Commit the transaction to the system configuration:

Firepower-chassis /security/banner* # commit-buffer


The following example deletes the pre-login banner:

Firepower-chassis# scope security
Firepower-chassis /security # scope banner
Firepower-chassis /security/banner # delete pre-login-banner
Firepower-chassis /security/banner* # commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis /security/banner #

Rebooting the Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis


Step 1

Choose Overview to open the Overview page.

Step 2

Click Reboot next to the Chassis Uptime in the upper-right corner of the Overview page.

Step 3

Click Yes to verify that you want to power off the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis.

The system will gracefully shut down any logical devices configured on the system and then power down each security module/engine before finally powering down and then restarting the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. This process takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

Powering Off the Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis


Step 1

Choose Overview to open the Overview page.

Step 2

Click Shutdown next to the Chassis Uptime in the upper-right corner of the Overview page.

Step 3

Click Yes to verify that you want to power off the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis.

The system will gracefully shut down any logical devices configured on the system and then power down each security module/engine before finally powering down the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis.

Restoring the Factory Default Configuration

You can use the FXOS CLI to restore your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis to factory default configuration.


This process erases all user configuration from the chassis including any logical device configuration. After completing this procedure, you will need to reconfigure the system (see Initial Configuration).


Step 1

(Optional) The erase configuration command does not remove the Smart License configuration from the chassis. If you also want to remove the Smart License configuration, perform the following steps:

scope license


Deregistering the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis removes the device from your account. All license entitlements and certificates on the device are removed.

Step 2

Connect to the local-management shell:

connect local-mgmt

Step 3

Enter the following command to erase all user configuration from your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis and restore the chassis to its original factory default configuration:

erase configuration

The system prompts you to verify that you are sure you want to erase all user configuration.

Step 4

Confirm that you want to erase the configuration by entering yes at the command prompt.

The system will erase all user configuration from your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis and then reboot the system.

Securely Erasing System Components

You can use the FXOS CLI to erase and securely erase components of your appliance.

The erase configuration command removes all user-configuration information on the chassis, restoring it to its original factory-default configuration, as described in Restoring the Factory Default Configuration.

The secure erase command securely erases the specified appliance component. That is, data is not just deleted—the physical storage is “wiped” (completely erased). This is important when transferring or returning the appliance as hardware storage components do not retain residual data or stubs.


The device reboots during secure erase, which means SSH connections are terminated. Therefore, we recommend performing secure erase over a serial console-port connection.


Step 1

Connect to the local-management shell:

connect local-mgmt

Step 2

Enter one of the following erase configuration commands to securely erase the specified appliance component:

  1. erase configuration chassis

    The system warns you that all data and images will be lost and cannot be recovered, and asks you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you enter y, the entire chassis is securely erased; security modules are erased first, followed by the Supervisor.

    Since all data and software on the device are erased, device recovery can be accomplished only from the ROM Monitor (ROMMON).
  2. erase configuration security_module module_id

    The system warns you that all data and images on the module will be lost and cannot be recovered, and asks you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you enter y, the module is erased.



    The decommission-secure command produces essentially the same result as this command.

    After a security module is erased, it remains down until acknowledged (similar to a module that is decommissioned).
  3. erase configuration supervisor

    The system warns you that all data and images will be lost and cannot be recovered, and asks you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you enter y, the Supervisor is securely erased.

    Since all data and software on the Supervisor are erased, device recovery can be accomplished only from the ROM Monitor (ROMMON).