Usage Scenarios

This chapter describes how the changes that are made in the Cisco Service Delivery Platform (SDP) and Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces applications affect the end user’s experience when working with the devices and other features. You can navigate to the sections that provide information on all of the subtasks that need to be performed to achieve the key tasks.

Lights Scenarios

Scenario 1: Lights Control

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Ensure that the Building Management System (BMS) adapter properties are configured in the database.

3. Create a device named Lights for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room.

5. Assign a configuration, which has the Lights On/Off Control feature, to the location.

6. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

7. Select the service and ensure that the lights control icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. When a user taps the lights control icon, the options to switch the lights on and off are displayed.

Scenario 2: Dimmer Control

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Ensure that the BMS adapter properties are configured in the database.

3. Create a device named Dimmer for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room.

5. Assign a configuration, which has the Lights Dimmer Control feature, to the location.

6. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

7. Select the service and ensure that the lights control icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. When a user taps the lights control icon and selects the required light device, the options for setting the brightness levels are displayed. For example: 3%, 30%, 50%, 75%, and 100% brightness.

9. Set the brightness level of the lights using a Cisco IP Phone by tapping the required icon.

Window Blinds Scenario

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Ensure that the BMS adapter properties are configured in the database.

3. Create a device named Blinds for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room.

5. Assign a configuration, which has the Blinds Control feature, to the location.

6. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

7. Select the service and ensure that the blinds control icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. When a user taps the blinds control icon, the options to open and close the blinds are displayed.

Temperature Control Scenario

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Ensure that the BMS adapter properties are configured in the database.

3. Create a device named VAV for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room.

5. Assign a configuration, which has the Thermostat (On/Off) Control and Thermostat (Set Point) Control feature, to the location.

6. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

7. Select the service and ensure that the temperature control icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. When a user taps the temperature control icon, the options to switch the air conditioning on and off are displayed.

9. The user can also select the temperature degree by tapping any of the temperature set points that are displayed. The temperature set point range shown on the Cisco IP Phone is based on the Minimum Temperature value and Maximum Temperature value given for the VAV device in the SDP.

Audio/Visual Equipment Scenario

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Create a device named Audio Video Controller for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

3. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room.

4. Assign a configuration, which has the A/V Control feature, to the location.

5. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

6. Ensure that Audio/Video adapter properties are configured in the database.

7. Select the service and ensure that the A/V control icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. When a user taps the A/V control icon, the options to switch the projector on and off are displayed.

Fault Reporting Scenarios

Scenario 1: Fault Reporting Using Remedy

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Assign a configuration, which has the case management feature, to the location.

3. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

5. Select the service and ensure that the faults icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

6. Ensure that the Remedy adapter properties are configured in the database and that the adapter is linked to the location, preferably the root location.

7. When user taps the faults icon, the list of predefined fault reporting options for the location will be displayed.

8. When a user selects a fault item, the user is prompted to enter the user ID. This is the ID that uniquely identifies the user in the corporate directory (LDAP). A case will be created in the trouble ticketing system and routed to the appropriate team for resolution. The user will see a confirmation message on the Cisco IP Phone with the unique case number.

Note Ensure that the Smart+Connected Spaces application is integrated with the Active Directory or LDAP.

Scenario 2: Fault Reporting Using Email

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Assign a configuration, which has the case management feature, to the location.

3. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

5. Select the service and ensure that the faults icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

6. Ensure that email adapter properties are configured in the database.

7. When user taps the faults icon, the list of predefined fault reporting options for the location will be displayed.

8. When a user selects a fault item, the user is prompted to enter the User ID. This is the ID that uniquely identifies the user in the corporate directory (LDAP). A fault report is compiled with the relevant information such as location, the ID of the user who has raised the fault, and so on. The report is sent as an email to the configured mail ID, ideally the email ID of the facilities team, who can take action on the fault complaint. The user receives a confirmation message with the unique case number through email.

Scenario 3: Entering Invalid User ID

1. Assign a Cisco IP Phone and a VAV to a conference room using the Devices tab in the SDP.

2. Add a configuration which has the fault item named Air conditioning is not cold to the room.

3. A user who enters an invalid user ID, using the Cisco IP Phone, will not be able to report the fault. The user ID is the ID that uniquely identifies the user in the corporate directory (LDAP).

Signage Messaging Scenarios

Scenario 1: Displaying Message on Conference Room Signage

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Create a device named DMP/IEC and associate it to the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

3. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room.

4. Assign a configuration, which has the signage messages feature, to a location.

5. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

6. Select the service and ensure that the signage messaging icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

7. When the user taps the signage messaging icon, the list of available messages that can be send to the digital signage/IEC is displayed.

8. Selecting any of the menu items will update the message section of the conference room digital signage/IEC display associated to the location of the Cisco IP Phone.

Scenario 2: Fault Message Disabled in Configuration

1. Assign a Cisco IP Phone and a digital media player to a conference room using the Devices tab in the SDP.

2. Add a configuration to the room which has a message “Meeting has been extended for 5 minutes” but disable this message.

3. The user will not see the message “Meeting has been extended for 5 minutes” under the Faults list on the Cisco IP Phone at the location.

Scenario 3: Configuration Without Signage Messaging Feature

1. Assign a Cisco IP Phone to a conference room using the Devices tab in the SDP. A DMP is assigned to this location.

2. Add a configuration that does not have the digital signage messaging feature.

3. A user will not see the digital signage messaging icon on the Cisco IP Phone.

Meeting Details Scenarios

Scenario 1: Displaying Meeting Details

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room created in Step 1 by entering the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the Cisco IP Phone.

3. Assign a configuration, which has the conference room details feature, to the location.

4. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

5. Ensure that adapter properties are configured either for Microsoft Exchange 2007 or 2010 in the database.

6. Book the conference room using the mail client.

7. Meeting details should get displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. The current meeting and the next two meetings will be listed. The start and end time of the meetings, along with the meeting subject, are displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

Note This scenario is applicable only for touchscreen Cisco IP Phones; meeting details are not displayed on non-touchscreen Cisco IP Phones.

Scenario 2: Hiding Meeting Subject and Attendee List

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Create a device named DMP for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

3. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room by entering the MAC address of the Cisco IP Phone.

4. Assign a configuration, which has the conference room details feature, to the location.

5. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

6. Select the conference room created in Step 1 from the location hierarchy, and click the Edit icon. In the Edit Location Properties list, click Private Subject and Private Attendees and check the check boxes that appear for these options.

7. A user books the conference room using the Cisco IP Phone at the location/the Smart+Connected Spaces user portal (calendar) and chooses the Mark as Confidential option. The meeting subject will be shown in the format “Booked by <name of organizer>” and the meeting attendees list will not be shown on the digital signage when the room schedule is displayed.

Room Booking Scenario

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Create a device named IP Phone for the conference room created in Step 1 by entering the MAC address of the Cisco IP Phone.

3. Assign a configuration, which has the conference room details feature, to the location.

4. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

5. Ensure that adapter properties are configured either for Microsoft Exchange 2007 or 2010 in the database.

6. Ensure that LDAP is configured.

7. Select the services and the features that should be displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

8. If the room is available, the icon for booking the room will be shown.

9. When the user taps the book icon, options for time slots appear.

10. Once the time slot is selected, the user is prompted to enter the user ID. This is the ID that uniquely identifies the user in the corporate directory (LDAP).

11. The user must click Submit after entering the user ID.

12. The meeting is booked for the selected duration and the details are displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

13. The calendar of the conference room will be updated with the details of the meeting start and end time and the subject of the meeting: Booked by <userid.>

Note This scenario is applicable only for touchscreen Cisco IP Phones; room booking is not possible using non-touchscreen Cisco IP Phones.

Room Mode Scenario

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Ensure that the BMS and projector adapter properties are configured in the database.

3. Create devices named IP Phone, Projector, Lights, and Blinds for the conference room created in Step 1 using the Devices tab in the SDP.

4. Assign a configuration, which has the Room Mode feature, to the location.

5. Subscribe to the Smart+Connected Spaces service for the Cisco IP Phone using the call manager.

6. Select the service and ensure that the room mode icon is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone.

7. When the user taps the room mode icon, the Presentation Mode–Day and Presentation Mode–Night options will be displayed. These are one-touch controls for lights, projector, and projector screen. The Normal Mode is a toggle option from the Presentation Modes.

Room Setup Scenarios

Scenario 1: Room Availability

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type named Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Use the Roomsetup tab and add the room setup options for the conference room created in Step 1.

3. Update the setup and setup removal time, and notice period for the room setups in SCMS_ROOMSETUP_MASTER. Provide the setup time and setup removal time as 30 minutes each and the notice period as two hours.

4. A user who searches for rooms using the Smart+Connected Spaces can click the image for any room setup type to notice period, setup/setup removal time and choose any of the room setup options. The conference room that you created in Step 1 will show up in the search results.

5. Add the email ID of the room facility admin as the value for the Room Facility Admin property in the SDP under the location Campus.

6. The user books this conference room from 3 pm to 4 pm. A room setup request is sent to the facilities team that arranges the room as per the requested setup.

7. A room setup removal request is sent to the facilities admin who ensures that the room is rearranged after the meeting is over.

8. Though this room is unoccupied, it will appear in the search results only after 4.30 pm because the room setup removal time is 30 minutes.

Scenario 2: Room Setup Notice Period

1. In the Location Hierarchy folder in the SDP, create a Location Type name Conference Room under the desired floor.

2. Use the Roomsetup tab to add the room setup options for the conference room created in Step 1.

3. Update the setup and setup removal time, and notice period for the room setups in SCMS_ROOMSETUP_MASTER.

4. A user tries to book a room at 4 pm for the 6 pm slot using a room setup option. The user is asked to change the meeting start time because the selected room setup has a four hour notice period.

5. Alternatively, the user can search for available conference rooms without specifying any room setup or opt for a room setup option with a notice period of two hours or less.

Smart+Connected EN Scenarios

Scenario 1: Sending Emergency Incident Messages on the Digital Signage/IEC




Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)1 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device named Digital Media Player (DMP) for the created location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create or configure the template for emergency notification.

“Adding Templates” section


Create the emergency incident message template.

“Adding Templates” section


Create the emergency incident message, associate with location(s), and enable the message.

“Adding or Enabling Emergency Incident Messages” section

1.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 2: Sending Emergency Incident Messages on Cisco IP Phones




Import the CUCM certificate for the Cisco IP Phone.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)2 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device named IP phone for the location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for IP phone Bean in the database to display the emergency incident message on the Cisco IP Phone.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Meeting Spaces Installation Guide


Set up content for the Cisco IP Phone.

“Adding the Emergency Incident Message Templates” section


Enable the emergency incident message.

“Adding or Enabling Emergency Incident Messages” section


Configure audio on the Cisco IP Phone.

“Configuring Audio Notification to IP Phone” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide

2.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Smart+Connected IS Scenarios

Scenario 1: Displaying Meeting Details on the Floor Plan Display




  • Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.
  • Import the certificate for the Exchange.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)3 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device ‘Digital Media Player’ for the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Add ‘floor plan’ as the signage content.

“Adding Signage Content” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Administrator Guide


Create a content link for the added ‘floor plan’.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section


Book the conference room through a mail client or a Cisco IP Phone.

“Adding Configurations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Administrator Guide

3.Locations can be mean either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 2: Displaying Meeting Room Details on the Conference Room Plan Display




Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)4 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device ‘Digital Media Player’ for the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

Note You must perform this step only if the DMP adaptor was not configured earlier.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Add ‘conference room plan’ as the signage content and select the Primary Conference Room check box to make the room as a primary preference.

“Adding Signage Content” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Administrator Guide


Create a content link for the added ‘conference room plan’ signage content.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section


Book the conference room through a mail client or a Cisco IP Phone.

“Adding Configurations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Administrator Guide

4.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 3: Displaying Meeting Room Details in Building View




Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)5 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device ‘Digital Media Player’ for the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

Note You must perform this step only if the DMP adaptor was not configured earlier.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Add ‘building view’ as the signage content.

“Adding Signage Content” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Administrator Guide


Create a content link for the added building view signage content.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add a sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of the display.

“Adding a Sequence” section


Book the building through an email exchange or a Cisco IP Phone.

“Adding Configurations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Administrator Guide

5.Locations can be either a conference room, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 4: Displaying News Content on the Digital Signage/IEC




Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)6 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device ‘Digital Media Player’ for the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Add and enable the news content for displaying on the digital signage/IEC.

“Adding or Enabling News Content” section


Create a content link for the added news content.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section

6.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 5: Displaying External Content on the Digital Signage/IEC



Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)7 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device ‘Digital Media Player’ for the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a content link for external URLs, such as Google, Yahoo, YouTube, and so on.

“Viewing Content Links” section


Add sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section

7.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 6: Adding Sequence to Signage Content using DMM




Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)8 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMM Bean in the database.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Add a device ‘Digital Media Player’ to the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide

After adding, the DMP device created for the location is automatically displayed on the Digital Signage tab.

For the DMM integration, you must provide the MAC ID of the DMP device.


Create a content link for the signage content.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section

8.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Note There should be no entry of ADAPTER_INSTANCE_ID of the DMP Bean (5004) in the adapter tables of the database, if the DMM adaptor is to be used.

Smart+Connected GA Scenarios

Scenario 1: Displaying Green Advisor Content on the Digital Signage/IEC




Import a DMP certificate for the DMP if it uses HTTPS.

“Importing SSL Certificates” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create location(s)9 as required in the location hierarchy.

“Adding Locations” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create a device named Digital Media Player for the required location(s).

“Adding Devices” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Configure adapter properties for DMP Bean in the database.

“Configuring Adapter Properties” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide


Create Green Advisor (GA) content for the required location(s).

“Adding a Green Fact” section


Create a content link for the added GA content.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section


Create a new display of the GA content to appear on the digital signage/IEC by choosing the appropriate widget.

“Creating a New Display” section


Display data for the widgets energy, water, and gas consumption in one of the following ways:

  • Set up data collection.
  • Manually configure data using the usage data.
  • To set up data collection, see the “Setting up Data Collection” section in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces Installation Guide
  • To manually configure data using the usage data, see the “Adding Usage Data” section

9.Locations can be either conference rooms, a floor plan, or a building.

Scenario 2: Displaying the Cisco TelePresence Content




Create a new display by assigning the widget as ‘Cisco Telepresence’.

“Creating a New Display” section


Configure the Cisco TelePresence content using the usage data.

“Adding Usage Data” section


Create a content link for the Cisco TelePresence content.

“Adding Content Links” section


Add a sequence to the added content link and provide the duration of display.

“Adding a Sequence” section