Working with Tools

This chapter describes the Tools in the Cisco Smart+Connected Spaces application.

The Management Tab

The Management tab allows you perform the following tasks:

Refreshing Data Collection

The Refresh Data Collection option enables you to collect data from the newly added data points. You can use this option when you want the data collection module to start using the updated metadata that has been created in the database, without restarting the application.

Refreshing Energy Savings

The Refresh Energy Savings option allows you to utilize the updated values in the energy savings settings, without restarting the application.

Removing the IP Phone Cache

The Remove IP Phone Cache option allows the Smart+Connected Spaces solution to consider the following changes without restarting the application:

  • Timezone value in the SDP for a location
  • Cisco IP Phone MAC address

Removing the Location Property Cache

Any changes that you make to the location properties in the SDP such as changing the room setup, room size, or enabling/disabling the Cisco TelePresence service are reflected in the application only after you use the Remove Location Property Cache option.

Removing the Time Zone Cache

The Remove Time Zone Cache option must be used to update the conference room time zone if the property is changed in the SDP.

The Templates Tab

Templates help you create a base format or a layout that can be set up by end users and used to add content as required. The rich text editor that is bundled along with the Smart+Connected Spaces solution allows both visual editing as well as source-level (HTML) editing of the template content.

The Templates tab allows you to add and delete templates for the News Content, Green Advisor, and Emergency Notification.

We recommend that the end user must have relevant knowledge of the HTML/Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for creating the templates.

Adding Templates

You can create template content for the News Content, Green Advisor, and Emergency Notification.

To create a template, perform the following steps:

Step 1 In the home page of the Smart+Connected Spaces portal for managing meeting spaces and digital signage, choose Tools > Templates.

The Templates page appears.

Step 2 In the Templates page, click Add.

The rich text editor appears.

Step 3 In the rich text editor, enter the Template Name.

Step 4 From the Category drop-down list, choose the appropriate category based on the type of template that you want to create. The available options are News Content, Green Advisor, and Emergency Notification.

In the rich text editor, click the templates icon to choose a set of predefined templates. This icon appears in the first row and is the 5th icon from the left (see Figure 12-1). You can choose to either create the template on your own, or use a predefined template. You can edit the predefined templates to create a new template.

Figure 12-1 displays the icons in the rich text editor.

Figure 12-1 Templates Icon in the Rich Text Editor



The Content Template pop-up window that appears has a set of predefined templates for News Content, Alert Message, and Notification Message. You can choose the template that you wish to display on the signage. When you choose any of these templates, predefined template content is displayed in the rich text editor.

Step 5 (Optional) In the Content Template pop-up window, check the Replace actual contents check box to replace the actual contents. This allows you to edit the selected template.

You can use this option when you want to replace existing content with the pre-defined template content.

Note You can control the template layout, formatting, using the Source option available in the rich text editor. This allows you to view or edit the underlying HTML source.

Step 6 Click Save.

Step 7 (Optional) Click Clear to clear the entry.

Step 8 (Optional) Click Cancel to cancel the task.

Note For all emergency notifications, if you want to utilize the option of using the floor plans uploaded via the EISignage to automatically be used by the template, then you must not edit the floor plan area of the EN template.


Viewing Templates

To view templates, perform the following steps in the home page of the Smart+Connected Spaces portal for managing meeting spaces and digital signage, choose Tools > Templates. The Templates page appears.

Table 12-1 displays the components of the Templates page.

Table 12-1 Components of the Templates Page



Displays the name of the template.


Displays the category of the template. The available options are News Content, Emergency Notification, and Green Advisor.


Displays the status of the template. The template can be either enabled or disabled.

Updated By

Displays the name of the user who last edited the template.

Updated On

Displays when the last edit was made to the template.

Note By default, the Template List area table is sorted alphabetically in the Template Name column in ascending order. The user can click the column headings to change the entries in the table by ascending or descending order.


Allows you to add the selected template.


Allows you to delete the selected template.

Editing a Template

To edit a template, perform the following steps:

Step 1 In the home page of the Smart+Connected Spaces portal for managing meeting spaces and digital signage, choose Tools > Templates.

The Templates page appears.

In the Template List area table, check the check box next to the template that you want to edit.

The rich text editor displays the template details.

Step 2 (Optional) Edit the template name in the Template Name field.

Step 3 (Optional) From the Category drop-down list, choose the category based on the type of template. The available options are News Content, Green Advisor, and Emergency Notification.

Step 4 Edit the template contents and click Save.

Step 5 (Optional) Click Clear to clear the entry.

Step 6 (Optional) Click Cancel to cancel the task.


Deleting Templates

To delete the template content, perform the following steps:

Step 1 In the home page of the Smart+Connected Spaces portal for managing meeting spaces and digital signage, choose Smart+Connected Tools > Templates.

The Templates page appears.

Step 2 In the Templates List area table, check the check box next to the template that you want to delete.

Step 3 Click Delete.

A confirmation message asking you to confirm the deletion appears.

Step 4 Click Yes to confirm the deletion. Alternatively, you can click No to cancel the deletion.