The following list describes acronyms and definitions for terms used throughout this document:
SLP: Smart License using Policy
A Cisco NX-OS feature that allows a switch to integrate with the Cisco cloud-based licensing infrastructure.
CSLU: Cisco Smart Licensing Utility
A software agent that collects license usage (RUM) reports from a switch and forwards them to the CSSM. If used, this agent runs on a customer premise server.
PI: Product Instance
A Nexus switch running Cisco Nexus NX-OS.
SA: Smart Account
The top level customer account in CSSM where purchased licenses are deposited by Cisco.
UDI: Unique Device Identifier
An identifier made of the Product ID (PI) and serial number. This is used by the PI to identify itself to the CSSM.
CSSM: Cisco Smart Software Manager
Cisco cloud portal where Cisco licenses can be activated and managed.
RUM report: Resource Utilization Measurement (ISO19770-4)
A license usage report created by a PI and consumed by the CSSM.
Push mode: A mode in which the PI initiates communications with the CSLU by sending requests to a REST endpoint in the CSLU.
Enforced license: Enforced license represents a feature that the product should not allow to be used without authorization.
Unenforced license: Unenforced license represents a feature that the product does not enforce use.
PAK: Product Authorization Key
The PAK allows you to obtain a license key from one of the sites listed in the software license claim certificate document. After registering at the specified website, you will receive your license key file and installation instructions through email. Customers using PAK licenses should migrate to SLP at their earliest convenience.
Reported state: Occurs when the device license state has been reported to be in use to the CSSM. This occurs when shipped or later when the device first reports.
Un-Reported state: The device has not yet been reported its license usage to the CSSM and received an acknowledgment back from CSSM.