Routing and Routing Targets

Routes and Targets Subsystem

For every routing request it processes, the system software determines an announcement to be played to the caller, a route for the call, or a special action such as ring-no-answer or signal busy.

To see the elements of the routes and targets subsystem and the order in which you must define them, see the following figure. Note that elements in this subsystem depend on elements defined in the routing client and peripheral subsystems. For example, you must define a network trunk group and trunk group, which are part of the peripheral subsystem, before you can define a peripheral target.

Figure 1. Routes and Targets Subsystem

Routing Targets

The system software can route a call to a carrier resource such as an announcement or to a target at a peripheral. A peripheral, such as an ACD, PBX, or Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) dispatches calls within a contact center.

Peripheral targets

Depending on the capabilities of the peripheral and the type of routing instructions you use, the system software might choose a specific agent at the peripheral to handle the call. In that case, the peripheral merely dispatches the call to the chosen agent. In other cases, the system software might specify only a group of agents or a type of service to be provided to the caller.

The system software can route to three types of peripheral targets:

  • Agent. A specific individual who receives calls through the peripheral. (The system software, however, cannot guarantee that the specific agent will be available when the call arrives.) The Queue to Agent node allows the targeting of a task (the work performed by an agent) to a script-specified agent. This node enables an agent to receive and operate on more than one task at a time.

  • Skill group. A group of agents who share a common set of skills and who can, therefore, all handle a specific type of calls. Each skill group contains one or more agents. If supported by the peripheral, each agent can be a member of more than one skill group.

  • Service. A type of processing the caller requires. For example, a peripheral might have services defined for sales, technical support, or opening new accounts. Each service has one or more skill groups whose members can provide the service. Each skill group can be associated with more than one service.

In the last two cases, the peripheral must choose a specific agent within the group who can provide the service. In each case, the peripheral plays a key role in completing the routing that the system software has determined. Therefore, the system software and the peripheral must be set up to complement each other. They must have the same understanding of the agents, skill groups, and services available at each site.

Scheduled Targets

Some routing clients also support scheduled targets. A scheduled target is a group of agents not associated with a Peripheral Gateway. The system software cannot monitor the group directly. Instead it relies on a periodic schedule to determine the number of agents logged on to the group. The routing client informs the system software when a call to the group ends. Since the system software knows how many calls it has routed to the group, it can determine the number of calls in progress. Based on this and the schedule, the system software can determine whether the target can handle an additional call.

Route Configuration

A route consists of two components:

  • The skill target (agent, skill group, service, translation route, or service array) at a peripheral which can handle a call.

  • The service by which the peripheral classifies the call.


You must have defined the skill target and service before you can configure a route. Follow the steps in the Configuration Manager's Step by Step Configuration menu when configuring your Unified ICM system.

Define a Route

In the Configuration Manager, you can define and update many routes at a time using the Route Bulk tool. Or you can create and update a route using one of the following Explorer tools:
  • Agent Explorer
  • Skill Group Explorer
  • Service Explorer
  • Service Array Explorer
  • Translation Route Explorer

With the Explorer tools, you can define and update a route at the same time you define and update its target. To access all the tools for creating routes:


Click ICM Configure > Targets > Route.

See following figure.

Figure 2. Configuration Manager Route Tools

Modify a Route

Use the Configuration Manager's Route Bulk tool to create multiple routes. To create individual routes, use the Configuration Manager's Explorer tool appropriate for the route target. Follow the instructions in the online help.

To modify routes with the Explorer tools:


Step 1

In the appropriate Explorer window:

  • To define a new route, select the target for which you are creating the route and click Add Route.

  • To modify a route, select the route.

Step 2

In the Route tab, enter values for the following fields:

  • Name. A unique name for the route. You might derive the name for the route from the skill target and service associated with it. For example, you might have a route associated with the Dallas.TeleSales service and the Dallas.Sales skill group. You might name the route Dallas.TS_Sales.

  • Description. Text identifying the route.

  • Service name. (selection list) Every route must be associated with a service. By choosing a service, you are implicitly associating the route with the peripheral for that service. For a new route, the drop-down list contains all the services defined for the selected peripheral (or PG, in the case of a service array).

    To assign the route to another service, in the tree list, drag it to the desired peripheral. You can also move the route to the UNASSIGNED list.

When you break the association between a route and a peripheral, the system software removes the Route ID value from all peripheral targets that reference that route.
Step 3

Click Save. The system software saves your changes in the database.

Set a Default Route for Each Peripheral

After you have defined routes, you can set a default route for each peripheral. The system software uses the default route to classify calls for statistical purposes.

For each call that arrives at a peripheral, the system software records monitoring information in the real-time and historical tables for the route associated with that call. If the system software cannot determine a route for the call, it uses the default route defined for the peripheral.

By defining a default route for each peripheral, you ensure that the system software captures route information for every call. You might want to create a special route for this purpose. You can then determine which calls are not being accounted for properly.

To set a default for each peripheral:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Tools > Explorer Tools > PG Explorer. The PG Explorer window appears.

Step 2

In the tree list window, select the peripheral you want to modify and click the Default Route tab.

Step 3

In the Default Route tab, select the enterprise name of a route from the selection list. The list includes all routes associated with skill targets at the chosen peripheral.

Step 4

After choosing the route, click Save to enter your edits into the database.

Network Targets

Routing clients do not send calls directly to services, skill groups, or agents. They send each call to an announcement or to a specific trunk group at a peripheral. If the call is sent to a trunk group, the routing client can also send a DNIS value for the call. The combination of trunk group and DNIS value is a peripheral target.

You must define the announcements and peripheral targets that the routing clients use. These are called network targets. Later, you can associate a routing label with each network target.

Define Peripheral Targets

A peripheral target is a combination of a network trunk group and a DNIS value. You must work with your interexchange carrier or other routing client to set up the trunk groups on which you expect to receive calls and the DNIS values that are sent with them.

To define peripheral targets:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Configure ICM > Targets > Target from the menu bar.

The resulting menu (see the following) allows you to create multiple peripheral targets, using the Peripheral Target Bulk configuration tool or creating a peripheral target for a service, a service array, a skill group, a translation route, or an agent. Select the appropriate tool for your needs.

Figure 3. Configuration Manager Target Submenu

Step 2

Use the online help if you have questions.

Step 3

When finished, click Save.

Announcement Configuration Information

You must provide information about any announcements to which you want to route calls. You must work with the IXC or other routing client to set up announcements within the network and assign labels to them. You can then enter information about the labels into the Unified ICM system.

Add Announcement Configuration Information

To add announcement configuration information:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Tools > Explorer Tools > Announcement Explorer. The Announcement Explorer window appears.

Step 2

Click Retrieve. This enables the Add Announcement button.

Step 3

Click Add Announcement.

Step 4

In the Announcement tab, enter values for the following fields:

  • Name. A unique name for the announcement.

  • Description. Text identifying the announcement.

You can save at this point and then add the label information in the following step.
Step 5

To associate a label with the announcement:

  • In the tree list window select one from the UNASSIGNED group and drag it to the announcement.

  • Select the announcement and click Add Label. Then in the Label tab, enter the appropriate field information.

    A description of the Label tab fields and buttons is in the online help.
Step 6

Click Save to save the announcement configuration settings. The system software automatically generates a unique Network Target ID value.


After defining announcements and peripheral targets, you must define the labels that your routing clients use to reference network targets. The label is the value that the system software returns to the routing client. The routing client then translates the label to an announcement or peripheral target (trunk group and DNIS) that the peripheral will convert to the skill target and service you specify.


For an AT&T ICP connection, the system software treats a CRP code as a label.

Label Types

In defining a label, you must specify a label type by selecting an option from the Type drop-down list in the Label Configuration selection box.


Each label you define is valid only for a specific routing client; not all label types are valid for all types of routing clients. Check with your carrier for the latest information about supported label types.

The following table lists the configured label types the system software supports. In addition to these labels, a script can create a dynamic label, which is defined in real time through a script expression and then passed to a routing client.

Table 1. Supported Label Types

Label type


Routing clients

How to send label


Maps to a trunk group and DNIS or announcement defined by the routing client.


Specify an associated route in a routing script target.

DNIS Override

Sends a value along with the label that overrides the DNIS value of the routing client.


Specify an associated route in a routing script target.


Plays a busy signal for the caller.


Use a Busy or Termination script node.


Plays an unanswered ring for the caller.


Use a Ring or Termination script node.


Specifies a re-entry point in the network routing plan. The routing client begins processing the routing plan from that point.


Use a Return Label script node.

The Normal and DNIS Override types are used for peripheral targets (and hence, for routes) or for announcements. Busy, Ring, and Post-Query labels are not associated with any target in the Unified ICM configuration. The routing client uses its own special targets for labels of these types.

For more information on targets within scripts, refer to the Scripting and Media Routing Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise.

Label Setup

To set up a label, you create configuration information and associate the label with a network target.

Create Label

To create a label, follow these steps:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Configure ICM > Targets > Label.

This displays the following menu options for configuring a label:

  • Label Bulk

  • Label List

  • Service Explorer

  • Service Array Explorer

  • Skill Group Explorer

  • Translation Route Explorer

  • Agent Explorer

  • Announcement Explorer

  • Network VRU Explorer

Step 2

Select the tool you need:

  • Use the Label Bulk tool to configure many labels at a time.

  • Use the Label List tool to configure individual labels for any network targets.

  • Use the remaining Explorer tools to configure labels for a specific network target (services, service arrays, skill groups, translation routes, agents, announcements, network VRUs).

Step 3

Enter values for the following fields. Use the online help if you have questions:

  • Routing Client (required)

    The enterprise name of the routing client that can receive this label.

  • Label (required)

    The literal string of characters to be returned to the routing client.

  • Label Type. (required)

    The type of label. The valid types depend on the type of the routing client.

  • Target type

    (selection list) Indicates the type of the network target associated with the label: Network Announcement, PBX/ACD Peripheral (that is, a peripheral target), a scheduled target, or a network VRU.

    The Target type is a filter for the Network target field. The Target type selected is not retained unless a Network target is selected.
  • Network target. (list and bulk tools only)

    (selection list) Indicates the announcement, peripheral target, or scheduled target associated with the label.

  • Customer. (list and bulk tools only)

    The customer associated with the label.

  • Description.

    Any other information you want about the label.

The following table lists which targets are valid for each label type.

Table 2. Valid Label Targets



Network announcement

Scheduled target

Network device

Network VRU







DNIS Override















Step 4

Click Save.

Label Mapping

For some routing clients, all labels are valid for all dialed number/script selectors. For other routing clients, you must specify which labels are valid for each dialed number/script selector. You specify whether the mapping of labels to dialed number/script selectors is necessary when you configure the routing client.

Map Specific Labels to a Dialed Number/Script Selector

To map specific labels to a dialed number/script selector, follow these steps:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Tools > List Tools > Dialed Number/Script Selector List. The Dialed Number/Script Selector List window appears.

Step 2

Select the filters you want and click Retrieve. The enterprise names for the retrieved dialed number/script selectors are listed in the list box.

Step 3

Select the enterprise name for the dialed number/script selector you want.

Step 4

Click the Dialed Number Label tab.

The Name column displays a list of all labels currently associated with that dialed number/script selector.

For a call associated with this dialed number/script selector, the system software can return only labels assigned to the dialed number/script selector.
Step 5

Click Add.

Step 6

In the Add Label dialog, select a label name and click OK.

For labels to appear in this dialog selection box, they must have been previously defined for the selected dialed number/script selector's routing client. Use the Label List tool to define labels.
Step 7

Click Save.

Set a Default Label for Each Dialed Number/Script Selector

After you have defined labels, you can set a default label for each dialed number/script selector. If the system software fails to find a label by running the routing scripts for the call type, it uses the default label for the dialed number/script selector.

You can use Configuration Manager's Dialed Number Bulk tool to configure many dialed number/script selectors at a time or the Dialed Number/Script Selector List tool to configure one at a time. The following instructions show how to use the Dialed Number/Script Selector List tool.

To set a default label for each dialed number/script selector:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager's menu, select Tools > List Tools > Dialed Number/Script Selector List. The Dialed Number/Script Selector List window appears.

Step 2

Select the filters you want and click Retrieve. The enterprise names for the dialed number/script selectors retrieved are listed in the list box.

Step 3

Select the dialed number/script selector you want and click the Attributes tab.

Step 4

In the Default label field, select the enterprise name of a label from the selection list. This list includes all labels associated with the same routing client as the dialed number/script selector.

Step 5

After choosing the label, click Save.


Within a routing script, you can explicitly invoke the default label for the current dialed number/script selector by using a Termination node.

Service Arrays

Service arrays are closely tied to network trunk groups. Typically, you use service arrays in cases where:

  • You have similar peripheral services defined on multiple VRUs.

  • The VRUs all share the same network group.

By grouping the services of multiple VRUs into a service array, you can send calls to a single target (a service array) and let the network deliver the call to any one of the peripheral services that make up the service array. For example, if several VRUs each support a Quotes service, you can define a Quotes service array for those services.

Configure Service Arrays

To configure service arrays, proceed along the following steps:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Configure ICM > Targets > VRU Service Arrays > Service Array Explorer. The Service Array Explorer window appears.

Step 2

In the Select filter data box, select the appropriate filters and click Retrieve. This enables the Add Service array button and displays a list of all currently defined service arrays associated with the selected PG.

Step 3

You can define a new service array or modify an existing one:

  • To set up a new service array, click Add Service array.

    To create subsequent service arrays for the same PG, select the PG in the tree list window and then click Add Service array.
  • To modify an existing service array, select it in the tree list window.

Step 4

In the Service Array tab for the selected service array, enter values for the following fields:

  • Name. A unique name for the service array.

  • Description. Additional information about the service array.

Step 5

Click the Members tab.

This tab lists the services that are current service array members of the selected PG.

  • To add service members, click Add. Then in the Add Service Member window, select the name of a service from the list of available records and click OK. The Available records list contains all the services connected to the peripherals associated with the selected PG.

  • To remove a service member, select it in the list and click Remove.

Step 6

Add or modify a route associated with the service array:

  • To add a route, select the service array in the tree list box, and click Add Route. Or in the tree list box, select a route from the UNASSIGNED group and drag it to the service array. Then in the Route tab, enter or modify the values in the Name, Description and Service name fields.

  • To modify the route, select it in the tree list box, and modify the Name and Description in the Route tab.

Step 7

Add or modify one or more peripheral targets for the route:

  • To add a peripheral target, select the route and click Add Peripheral target. Or in the tree list box, select a peripheral target from the UNASSIGNED group and drag it to the route. Then in the Peripheral target tab, enter the following:

    • DNIS. The DNIS value for the peripheral target. The routing client delivers this value to the trunk group along with the call.

    • Description. Any additional information about the DNIS value.

    • Network trunk group. The group on which to deliver calls for the service array.

Step 8

To add or modify a label for the peripheral target:

  • To add a label, select the peripheral target in the tree list box, and click Add Label. Or in the tree list box, select a label from the UNASSIGNED group and drag it to the peripheral target. Then in the Label tab, enter or modify the following:

    • Routing client. The enterprise name of the routing client that can receive this label.

    • Label. The literal string of characters to be returned to the routing client.

    • Label type. The type of label. The valid types depend on the type of the routing client.

    • Customer. The name of the customer.

    • Description. Any additional information about the label.

  • To modify the label, select it in the tree list box, and modify the preceding fields in the Route tab.

Step 9

Click Save to save the changes to the database.

Step 10

Click Close to close the Service Array Explorer.

Application Wizard

The Application wizard provides an alternate method for defining labels, peripheral targets, and routes and associating them with services at a peripheral.

Before starting the Application wizard, you must have defined the routing client, peripheral, network trunk groups (and associated trunk groups), and services to be used. Within the Application wizard you can create dialed numbers, labels, peripheral targets, and routes.


The Application wizard does not allow you to associate routes and targets with skill groups or agents. It allows you to target only services.

Use the Application Wizard

To use the Application wizard, follow these steps:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager menu, select Tools > Wizards > Application Wizard. The Routing window appears.

Step 2

Choose the type of application you want to set up (Pre-Routing or Post-Routing) and click Next to continue. The Routing Client and Dialed Number window appears, displaying information about all the configured routing clients of the type you selected.

Figure 4. Application Wizard—Routing Client and Dialed Number

Step 3

Specify the following:

  • Routing Client. Click to select one or more routing clients for the application. (A check mark to the left of the routing client indicates it is selected.)

  • Dialed Number. Click the row and select a number from the drop-down list or enter a new dialed number value.

You must specify a dialed number for each routing client selected.
Step 4

Click Next. The Peripheral window appears.

Figure 5. Application Wizard—Peripheral

Step 5

Specify the following:

  • Peripheral. Click to select one or more peripherals to which you want the application to deliver calls.

  • Number of Network Trunks. The number of network trunk groups to be targeted at each peripheral.

Step 6

Click Next. The Network Trunk Group window appears, displaying the peripherals and routing clients you have previously selected.

Figure 6. Application Wizard—Network Trunk Group

Step 7

For each row, specify the following:

  • Network Trunk Group. Click the row and select from the drop-down list.

  • # DNIS. The number of peripheral targets (DNIS values) to define for each network trunk group.

Step 8

Click Next. The Route DNIS and Label window appears.

Figure 7. Application Wizard—Service, Route, DNIS, and Label

Step 9

For each network trunk group, specify the following:

  • Label. (This value does not have to be defined in the Unified ICM database.) The value the system software returns to the routing client to indicate the destination of the call.

  • DNIS. (This value does not have to be defined in the Unified ICM database.) The value the routing client sends to the network trunk group to indicate the destination of the call.

  • Service Peripheral Name. Click the row and select a predefined service at the peripheral from the drop-down list.

  • Route. Name of the route to be associated with the service. Select from the drop-down list or enter a new route name.

Step 10

Click Next. The Application Wizard displays a dialog listing the changes that will be made to the Unified ICM database.

Step 11

Click Finish to save the changes and exit the Application Wizard.

Translation Routes

A translation route is a special destination for a call that allows you to deliver other information along with the call. You do this by delivering the call first to the translation route. While the routing client is processing the call, the system software delivers the final destination for the call to the Peripheral Gateway along with any other necessary information. The peripheral then works with the PG to reroute the call to the ultimate target and ensure that the appropriate information is also delivered.

A single translation route can be used to send information to any number of different targets. However, because the PG must uniquely identify the call, you cannot perform translation routing on two calls to the same peripheral target simultaneously. To avoid this, you typically define a set of peripheral targets and routes, for each translation route.

Translation Route Wizard

You can define translation routes within the Configuration Manager. However, defining the correct associations with peripheral targets, labels, and routes is complicated. To automate much of the process, use the translation route wizard.


You can also use the translation route wizard to view configuration or integrity reports on translation routes, update existing translation routes, and delete translation routes and their associated entities.

Create a Translation Route

To create a translation route, follow these steps:


Step 1

In the Configuration Manager, select Tools > Wizards > Translation Route Wizard. The Translation Route Wizard introductory dialog opens.

Step 2

Click Next. The Select Configuration Task dialog appears.

Step 3

To create a translation route, choose Create New and click Next. The Define translation route dialog appears.

Figure 8. Define Translation Route

The graphic on the left of the dialog shows the entities you will be defining while using the translation route wizard.
Step 4

Enter a long and short name for the translation route and, optionally, a description — the short name is used in forming target names — and click Next. The Select configuration dialog appears.

Figure 9. Select Configuration

Step 5

Use the drop-down list to choose the configuration. The graphic changes to show the configuration you select.


A translation route can be associated with a single peripheral or with multiple VRUs associated with a single PG. It can handle calls originating from a single routing client or from multiple routing clients. (The Multiple ACD type is not currently supported.)

Step 6

Click Next. The Select peripheral gateway, peripherals, and services dialog appears.

Figure 10. Select Peripheral Gateway, Peripherals, and Services

Step 7

Specify the following:

  • Peripheral gateway. (scrolling list) The gateway target for the translation route.

  • Peripheral. (scrolling list) The single peripheral or the peripheral to route calls to.

  • Service/Service array. (scrolling list) If the translation route is associated with a single peripheral, then select the service associated with the translation route. If the translation route is associated with multiple VRUs, then select a service array.

Step 8

Click Next. The Select routing clients and dialed numbers appears.

Figure 11. Select Routing Clients and Dialed Numbers

Use this dialog to specify the routing client or routing clients from which translation routed calls originate. For each routing client, you can also specify which specific dialed numbers are used for translation routed calls.

Step 9

Select a routing client from the Pre-Routing Client list or the Post-Routing Client list. The Dialed Number list updates to show the dialed numbers associated with the selected routing client.

Step 10

Select a dialed number you want to use with the translation route and click the Add button. The number appears in the list at the bottom of the dialog. The translation route wizard maps the translation route's labels to each of these dialed numbers.

Some routing clients do not require mappings of labels to specific dialed numbers. The dialed number list is automatically disabled for such routing clients. You need only select the routing client and click the Add button to add it to the list. You can also use the Disable Dialed Number Selection option to manually disable the dialed number list. The translation route wizard then does not create mappings of dialed numbers to labels for the routing client.
Step 11

Click Next. The Select network trunk groups for routing clients dialog appears.

Figure 12. Select Network Trunk Groups for Routing Clients

For each routing client you have selected, you must select at least one network trunk group to be used in peripheral targets associated with the translation route.

Step 12

Select a routing client, select a network trunk group value for it, and click Add. The network trunk group appears in the list at the bottom of the dialog.

Step 13

Click Next. The Configure DNIS dialog appears.

Figure 13. Configure DNIS

Use this dialog to specify the DNIS values to be used in peripheral targets associated with the translation route.

Step 14

Do one of the following:

  • To enter a specific DNIS value, click Add DNIS and enter the value.

  • To add a range of DNIS values, typically required by a translation route, click Add DNIS Range. A dialog prompts you to enter a starting and ending DNIS value. The translation route wizard automatically generates the DNIS values in the range.

DNIS values with leading zeroes, while valid, are different from DNIS values without leading zeroes. For example, 400, 0400, and 00400 are three different and unique DNIS values.
Step 15

Click Next. The Configure label dialog appears.

Figure 14. Configure Label

Use this dialog to define a label for each peripheral target. A label consists of a prefix and a suffix. Each DNIS value requires a unique label.

Step 16

Do one of the following:

  • Enter prefixes and suffixes individually.

  • Use the buttons in this dialog to set a range of values or base the prefix or suffix values on the DNIS values.

Step 17

Click Next. The Wizard complete dialog appears.

Figure 15. Wizard Complete Initial View

Step 18

Click Create translation route to create the translation route and its associated entities. First, the translation route wizard displays a success message and then the dialog appears as follows.

Figure 16. Wizard Complete Success View

Step 19

Do one of the following:

  • To see details about the translation route you just created, click Run Report.

  • To return to the beginning of the translation route wizard and perform a new task, select Start New Task and click Finish.

  • To exit the translation route wizard, click Finish.