CTI OS ActiveX Controls

CTI OS ActiveX Controls

The CTI OS Developer Toolkit includes a set of ActiveX controls to enable rapid application development. ActiveX controls are typically UI components (there are also ActiveX controls that are invisible at run time) that enable easy drag-and-drop creation of custom CTI applications in a variety of container applications. Container applications include: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Visual C++ , Borland Delphi, Sybase Powerbuilder and other applications supporting the OC96 ActiveX standard.

The CTI OS Agent Desktop and CTI OS Supervisor Desktop for Unified CCE applications are both Visual Basic applications based on the CTI OS ActiveX controls.

For more information, see CTI OS Agent Desktop User Guide for Cisco Unified ICM and the CTI OS Supervisor Desktop User Guide for Cisco Unified ICM.

The following table lists the ActiveX controls included with CTI OS. As seen in the table, you can group CTI OS Controls into Agent Related Controls, Call Related Buttons, Statistics Controls, and Supervisor Controls.

Table 1. CTI OS ActiveX Controls



Agent Related Controls


Provides a UI for turning the Agent Greeting feature on or off.


Provides UI to for login, logout, ready, not ready and wrapup requests, also enables the use to specify reason codes for logout and Not_Ready (if supported and configured).


Provides UI to send text messages to a supervisor or (if allowed) to other agents.


Provides UI to place Emergency and Supervisor Assist calls. These calls allow agents to conveniently contact a supervisor if they need help. You must configure the corresponding Unified ICM scripts for this control to work.

Record Greeting Ctl

Provides a UI for recording and managing agent greeting messages by placing a Make Call request to a hard coded "RecordAgentGreeting" Dialed Number and setting the Placement type (CPT_RECORD_AGENT_GREETING) to 7.

Call Related Controls


Provides UI for alternate requests. If an agent has Call A active and Call B on hold, alternate puts call A on hold and makes Call B active. Useful during consult calls.


Provides UI to answer a call. Only a call with state "LCS_Alerting" (Ringing) can be answered.


Provides a UI to report a Bad Line, such as bad voice quality or equipment problems.


A grid control displaying call information, including call status and context data.


Provides UI to place a conference call in single step or consultative mode.


Provides UI to put calls on hold and retrieve them.


Provides UI to enter a telephone number and place a make call request.


Provides a UI for reconnect requests. If an agent has Call A active and Call B on hold, reconnect hangs up call A and makes Call B active. Useful during consult calls to return to the original call.


Visually displays information about the logged on agent (id, instrument, extension, current state).


Provides UI for Call Recording requests (start/stop recording), the requests are forwarded to CTI Server, so they care handled by a configured call recording service.


Provides UI to transfer a call in single step or consultative mode.

Statistics Controls


A grid control displaying real-time agent statistics. Columns are configurable at CTI OS server (for more information, see CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM).


A grid control displaying real time skill group statistics. Columns are configurable at CTI OS server (for more information, see CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM).

Supervisor Controls


Supervisor specific; displays all agent team members of a supervisor (configured by Unified ICM) , including agent name, agentid, agentstate, timeinstate and skillgroups.


Provides UI for Supervisor functions including Barge-In, Intercept, logout monitored agent and make monitored agent ready.


Standalone control that can create a monitoring application that connects to CTI OS, but does not need to login as a supervisor.

Property Pages

While most settings in CTI OS are downloaded from CTI OS server to the client, ActiveX controls additionally offer property pages. The activation of the property pages is container dependent (for example, in Visual Basic, you can "right-click" on an ActiveX control and select Properties from the pop-up menu). In CTI OS the most common properties selectable via property pages are ButtonType (for example, The Holdctl can be a hold or retrieve button), fonts and colors.

Button Controls and Grid Controls

Most of the CTI OS ActiveX controls are either Button Type Controls or Grid Type Control, with the following exceptions:

  • Statusbarcontrol

  • ChatCtl

  • Utility controls (such as CtiCommonDlgs and SubClassFormCtl)


    The Utility controls, such as CtiCommonDlgs and SubClassFormCtl (used by the CTI OS Agent and Supervisor desktops), are for Internal Use Only.

As such they share common principles.

The following table describes button enablement scenarios only for call control, agent state control and supervisor assist in Unified CCE.


The video control button (under the tools group) is not included in standard Unified CCE desktops. This button is related to controls exercised on the supervisor desktop.

Table 2. Button Enablement in a Standard CTI OS Desktop for Unified CCE


Buttons enabled and Description

Agent is not logged in to a desktop

Only the Log-in button is enabled.

Agent in the Not ready state

The agent is in the Not Ready state.

The following buttons are enabled: Ready, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Statistics and Chat Control, and Make Call Control.


The Make Call Control button allows you to dial out only in the Not Ready (NR) state.

Agent in the Ready state

The agent is in the Ready state.

The following buttons are enabled: Not Ready, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Statistics and Chat Control, and Make call Control.


The Make Call Control button allows you to dial out only in the Not Ready state.

Agent gets an incoming call that is alerted on the agent desktop

The agent is in the Reserved state.

The following buttons are enabled: Statistics, Chat Control, and Bad Line Ctrl.

Agent answers the call

The agents is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Hold, Release, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Conference, transfer, Statistics, Chat ctl, and Badline control.


The Ready, Not Ready, and wrap-up buttons are enabled based on the agent desktop settings configured in the Configuration Manager.

Agent puts an answered call on hold

The agent is in the On hold state.

The following buttons are enabled: Retrieve, Release, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Statistics, Chat ctl, and Badline control.

Agent retrieves the call on hold

The agents is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Hold, Release, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Conference, transfer, Statistics, Chat ctl and Badline control.

Agent releases the call

The agent continues to be in the same state he was in before talking the call.


The agent is in the Wrap-up state, provided Wrap-up is configured.

If Wrap-up was not configured, then the Ready and Not Ready buttons are enabled.

Agent initiates a conference

The agent is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Statistics, Chat ctl, Bad Line Ctrl, and Reconnect.

Consult conference call is answered

Conference Initiator Desktop

The agent is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Statistics, Chat ctl, BadLineCtrl, Alternate, Reconnect, and Conference complete.


The Ready, NR and Wrap-up buttons are enabled based on the agent desktop setting.

Conference Receiver Desktop

The agent is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Hold, Release, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Conference, transfer, Statistics, Chat ctl, and Badline control.

Complete conference is done for the conference initiator

The agent continues to be in the same state he was in, before talking the call.


The agent is in the Wrap-up state, provided Wrap-up is configured.

If Wrap-up was not configured, then the Ready and Not Ready buttons are enabled.

Agent initiates a consult transfer

The agent is in the Talking state.

The following buttons enabled: Statistics, Chat ctl, BadLine Ctrl, and Reconnect.

Consult transfer call is answered

Consult transfer Initiator Desktop

The agent is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Statistics, Chat ctl, Bad Line Ctrl, Alternate, Reconnect, Conference complete.


The Ready, NR, and Wrap-up buttons are enabled based on the agent desktop setting.

Consult transfer Receiver Desktop

The agents is in the Talking state.

The following buttons are enabled: Hold, Release, Supervisor Assist, Emergency Assist, Conference, transfer, Statistics, Chat ctl, and Badline control.


The Ready, Not Ready, and wrap-up buttons are enabled based on the agent desktop settings configured in the Configuration Manager.

Complete conference is done for the Transfer Initiator

The agent continues to be in the same state he was in, before talking the call.


The agent is in the Wrap-up state, provided Wrap-up is configured.

If Wrap-up was not configured, then the Ready and Not Ready buttons are enabled.

Agent does a Single Step Transfer

The agent continues to be in the same state he was in, before talking the call.


The agent is in the Wrap-up state, provided Wrap-up is configured.

If Wrap-up was not configured, then the Ready and Not Ready buttons are enabled.

After Initiating a Consult Transfer or a Consult Conference, there are two calls on the agent desktop of the initiator of Transfer and Conference until the Transfer/Conference is complete.

The held call is selected for Consult Conference when the call rings on the conference agent desktop

The following buttons are enabled: Statists, Chat ctl, BadLine Ctrl, and Reconnect.


The Ready, NR, and Wrap-up buttons are enabled based on the agent desktop setting.

The held call is selected for Consult Transfer when the call rings on the conference agent desktop

The following buttons are enabled: Statistics, Chat ctl, BadLine Ctrl, and Reconnect.


The Ready, NR, and Wrap-up buttons are enabled based on the agent desktop setting.

The button enablement on desktops based on the agent desk settings depends on:

  • Work Mode incoming
  • Work Mode outgoing

The button enablement described are common, the only difference being they are enabled on an incoming call or an outgoing call based on the settings.

Agent desk setting configuration is set to Not Allowed

The agent is not allowed to go to the Wrap-up state.

No state transition buttons are enabled as long as the call is on the agent desktop.

Buttons Enabled - Default behavior.

Agent desk setting configuration is set to Optional

The Ready, NR, and Wrap-up buttons are enabled after a call is answered and the agent is in the Talking state.

Agent desk setting configuration is set to Required/Required with data

No state change buttons are enabled when the agent is talking on a call. After the call, the agent state changes to Wrap-up.

In the Wrap-up dialog box, if you select "Apply", the Ready and NR buttons are enabled and the agent state changes based on the selection (button click) done by the agent.


Supervisor assist and Emergency assist are not present on a supervisor desktop. The rest of the button enablement are only applicable for different scenarios described above.

These are basic call scenarios and only to be used for reference. Customized desktops can have different enablement behaviors.

Button Controls

Button Controls include the AgentStateCtl, AlternateCtl, AnswerCtl, BadLineCtl, ConferenceCtl, EmergencyAssistCtl, HoldCtl, MakeCallCtl, ReconnectCtl, SupervisorOnlyCtl, RecordCtl, and TransferCtl. They provide an UI to perform a certain CTI task (like logging in or answering a call). All of the Button Controls are based on the CTI OS ButtonCtl and share the same characteristics. All CTI OS buttons enable and disable themselves automatically based on the current state of the system. For example, if an agent is not logged in, the only button available to click is the Login Button (see AgentStateCtl), or if a call was not answered and is selected in the CallAppearanceCtl, the Answer Button is enabled (see AnswerCtl and CallAppearanceCtl). All buttons can be configured via their property pages to show custom text captions, custom icons and custom tooltip captions.

Grid Controls

Grid controls include the AgentSelectCtl, CallAppearanceCtl, AgentStatisticsCtl and SkillGroupStatisticsCtl. The Grid Controls display data, select calls (see CallAppearanceCtl) or Agents (AgentSelectCtl), and in some cases allow you to enter data (for example, Callvariables in the CallAppearanceCtl). You can use CTI OS to configure the following grid properties. See the CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM.

  • Columns to display

  • Column header

  • Column width

  • Column alignment

Supervisor Status Bar

The Supervisor Softphone has a status bar that appears at the bottom of the window. The supervisor status bar information is configurable at design time using the property pages. You can also set it programmatically at run time.

CTI OS ActiveX Control Descriptions

This section describes the CTI OS ActiveX softphone controls listed in Table 1.


The Agent Greeting control enables the Agent Greeting feature to be turned on or off by toggling the Agent Greeting button to the on or off state. Agent Greeting is automatically in the on state at login and the icon appears like this
Turn agent greeting off icon
Click the button to turn Agent Greeting off and the icon changes to
Turn agent greeting on icon

Click the button again to turn Agent Greeting on.


The Record Agent Greeting button is used to record and manage Agent Greeting messages.
Greeting record icon

Recording an Agent Greeting is very similar to recording a personal message for your voice mail. To record a greeting, you must be logged in to your desktop software and in the Not Ready state. After you click the Agent Greeting Record button you hear a brief ring tone, after which you receive voice instructions for recording a greeting. Options include selecting a greeting type (if your contact center uses more than one greeting per agent), recording, playing back, and confirming whether to use the new greeting. There is also an option for listening to your existing greetings.

The RecordGreeting control is basically just a MakeCall request to the appropriate DN. It places a Make Call request to a hard coded "RecordAgentGreeting" Dialed Number and sets the Placement type (CPT_RECORD_AGENT_GREETING) to 7.


The agentstate control is based on the CTI OS button control and can be one of several button types. To select the button type, bring up the property page (container dependent, for example right click in VB) and select the desired agentstate functionality from the following:

  • Login Button. Click the login button to allow the agent to select a connection profile (see the CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM), agent ID and instrument or other switch specific fields.

Figure 1. Login Button

AgentState control login button
Figure 2. Login Dialog

You can configure the fields displayed. The dialog box shows a login dialog box configured for Unified CCE . An agent logging in can select a connection profile for the Connect To: drop down box, enter an agent ID, password and instrument and click OK to send a Login request.

  • Logout Button. Click the logout button to log out the currently logged in agent. For some switches, including Unified CCE, the agent must be in the not ready state to enable this button. If Reason Codes are supported on the switch and configured on Unified ICM , a reason code dialog box pops up as shown below.

Figure 3. Logout Button

AgentState control logout button
Figure 4. Reason Code Dialog for Logout

Reason code dialog for logout

Use this dialog box to select a reason code to send with the logout request. You can configure reason codes at CTI OS server

  • Ready Button. Click the ready button to put the agent in ready state (ready to accept calls).

    Ready button
  • Not Ready Button. Click the not ready button to put the agent in not ready state (Unified ICM does not route calls to an agent in the not ready state). If Reason Codes are supported on the switch and configured on Unified ICM , a reason code dialog box pops up as shown below.

    Not ready button
Figure 5. Reason Code Dialog for Not Ready

Reason code dialog box for not ready

Use this dialog box to select a reason code to send with the not_ready request. You can configure reason codes at the CTI OS Server.

  • Work Ready Button. Click this button to put the agent in the work ready or wrapup state. The behavior of this button depends on the wrapup mode support of the switch. On Unified CCE, the behavior is controlled by Unified ICM AgentDeskSettings (for more information, see Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise).

    Work ready button
  • Work Not Ready Button. Click this button to put the agent in the work not ready or wrapup state. The behavior of this button depends on the wrapup mode support of the switch. On Unified CCE, the behavior is controlled by Unified ICM AgentDeskSettings (for more information, see the Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise).

    Work not ready button

Related Methods

The following methods may be of interest to users of the agent state ActiveX control.


This version of the ReasonCodeState method returns the enumReasonCodeState value.

HRESULT ReasonCodeState([out, retval] enumReasonCodeState *pVal)
ReasonCodeState()As AgentStateCtlLib.enumReasonCodeState
AgentStateCtlLib.enumReasonCodeState ReasonCodeState()


Return Value

Return value is enumReasonCodeState (this returns an Integer type).


This version of the ReasonCodeState method sets the enumReasonCodeState value.

HRESULT ReasonCodeState([in] enumReasonCodeState newVal)
ReasonCodeState = AgentStateCtlLib.enumReasonCodeState
ReasonCodeState = AgentStateCtlLib.enumReasonCodeState


Return Value


Following are the enumerated values for ReasonCodeState:

typedef enum {  
    } enumReasonCodeState;

Related Events

The agent state control handles the following events.


The OnAgentStateChanged message is generated when an agent state change event is fired.

HRESULT OnAgentStateChanged([in] LPDISPATCH vEventParam)

Event fired to change the Agent state.

Return Value



The OnCtlEnabledChanged message is generated when control enabled is changed.

HRESULT OnCtlEnabledChanged(BOOL enabled)

This is a control enabled changed value and returns a Boolean value.


The OnEnableControlReceived message is generated when button enablement is changed.

void OnEnableControlReceived(BOOL enabled)

This is a control enabled changed value and returns a Boolean value.

Following are the Button enablement masks return by OnEnableControlReceived method.


Table 3. OnEnableControlReceived Button Enablement Masks

















The agent select control is used for supervising agents and becomes active if the currently logged in agent is a supervisor. When a supervisor logs in, this grid based control displays all agent team members of a supervisor (configured by Unified ICM), including agent name, AgentID, AgentState, TimeInState, and SkillGroups. The TimeInState column resets in real-time as the agents change state. If an agent remains in a state for more than 10 minutes, the TimeInState figure displays in red.

Figure 6. Agent Select Grid Populated with Sample Data

Agent select grid populated with sample data

The agent select control handles the following events:

  • OnNewTeamMember. Informs the supervisor of a new team member or a team member change. This updates a row in the agentselect grid (add/remove agent).
  • OnMonitoredAgentStateChange. Informs the supervisor of an agent state change. The new agentstate displays in the State column and the TimeInState Column is set to zero.
  • OnAgentInfo Event.

A supervisor can select a "currently monitored agent" by clicking on an agent displayed in the grid. This causes a set monitored agent method call on the Agent object. Any supervisory action (for example logout monitored agent—see SupervisorOnlyCtl) is performed on the "currently monitored" agent.


Table 4. Available Methods for AgentSelectCtl




If the column type is user defined, gets the text from the requested cell.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


Gets the information about the requested column.


Gets the selected row index.


Sets the requested row as selected.


Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


Sets the column type of requested column with given value.


Sets the column width of requested column with given value.

set_ UserDefinedCell

Sets the given text into the requested cell.


Sets the given information for the requested column.


If the column type is user defined, gets the text from the requested cell.

HRESULT UserDefinedCell(short nIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
get_UserDefinedCell(nIndex As Short) As String
System.String get_UserDefinedCell(System.Int16 nIndex)

This is a cell index number and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value

Return type is String.

If the requested cell is not user defined type, it throws an Invalid Argument error.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.

HRESULT GetCellText([in] int nRow, [in] int nCol, [out,retval] BSTR* bstrContent)
GetCellText(nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer) As String
System.String GetCellText(System.Int16 nRow, System.Int16 nCol)

This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Integer.

Return Values

Return type is String.


Gets the information about the requested column.

HRESULT GetColumnInfo([in] short nCol, [out] long *plColType, [out] int *iColWidth, [out] int *iColTextAlign, [out] BSTR *bstrColTitle)
GetColumnInfo(nCol As Short, ByRef plcoltype As Integer, ByRef icolwidth As Integer, ByRef bstrcoltitle As String)
GetColumnInfo(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int32 plcoltype, System.Int32 icolwidth, System.String bstrcoltitle)

This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a column type value and an output parameter as type Integer.


This is a column width value and an output parameter as Integer.


This is a column title text and an output parameter as type String.

Return Values



Gets the selected row index.

HRESULT GetSelectedRow([out,retval] int *nRow)
GetSelectedRow() As Integer
System.Int32 GetSelectedRow()


Return Values

Return type is Integer.


Sets the requested row as selected.

HRESULT SelectRow([in] int nRow, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL * bStatus)
SelectRow(nRow As Integer) As Boolean
System.Boolean SelectRow(System.Int32 nRow)

This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.

Return Values

Return type is Boolean.


Sets the column header of requested column with given text.

HRESULT ColumnHeader(short nCol, [in] BSTR newVal)
set_ColumnHeader(nCol As Short, newVal As String)
set_ColumnHeader(System.Int16 nCol, System.String newVal)

This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing header text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Values



Sets the column type of requested column with given value.

HRESULT ColumnType(short nCol, [in] short newVal)
set_ColumnType(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)
set_ColumnType(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)

This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column type value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Values



Sets the column width of requested column with given value.

HRESULT ColumnWidth(short nCol, [in] short newVal)
set_ColumnWidth(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)
set_ColumnWidth(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)

This is a column index value and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column width value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Values


set_ UserDefinedCell

Sets the given text into the requested cell.

HRESULT UserDefinedCell(short nIndex, [in] BSTR newVal);
set_UserDefinedCell(nindex As Short, newVal As String)
set_UserDefinedCell(System.Int16 nindex, System.String newVal)

This is a cell index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Values



Sets the given information for the requested column.

HRESULT SetColumnInfo([in] short nCol, [in] long lColType, [in] int iColWidth, [in] int iColTextAlign, [in] BSTR bstrColTitle)
SetColumnInfo(nCol As Short, iColType As Integer,iColWidth As Integer, iColTextAlign As Integer, bstrColTitle As String)
SetColumnInfo(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int32 iColType, System.Int32 iColWidth, System.Int32 iColTextAlign, System.String bstrColTitle)

This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a column type value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column width value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column text align value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column title text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Values



The AgentStatistics control is a grid based control displaying Unified ICM agent real time statistics. You can configure the displayed columns at CTI OS server (for more information, see the CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM). Also, you can adjust the update interval, which defaults to 10 seconds.

Figure 7. Agent Statistics Grid

Agent statistics grid


Table 5. Available methods for AgentStatisticsCtl




If the column type is user defined, gets the text from the requested cell.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


Gets the information about the requested column.


Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


Sets the column type of requested column with given value.


Sets the column width of requested column with given value.

set_ UserDefinedCell

Sets the given text into the requested cell.


Sets the given information for the requested column.


If the column type is user defined, gets the text from the requested cell.


COM: HRESULT UserDefinedCell(short nIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal)

VB: get_UserDefinedCell(nIndex As Short) As String

.NET: System.String get_UserDefinedCell(System.Int16 nIndex)



This is a cell index number and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value

Return type is String.

If the requested cell is not user defined type, it throws an Invalid Argument error.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


COM: HRESULT GetCellText([in] int nRow, [in] int nCol, [out,retval] BSTR* bstrContent)

VB: GetCellText(nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer) As String

.NET: System.String GetCellText(System.Int16 nRow, System.Int16 nCol)



This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Integer.

Return Value

Return type is String.


Gets the information about the requested column.


COM: HRESULT GetColumnInfo([in] short nCol, [out] long *plColType, [out] int *iColWidth, [out] int *iColTextAlign, [out] BSTR *bstrColTitle)

VB: GetColumnInfo(nCol As Short, ByRef plcoltype As Integer, ByRef icolwidth As Integer, ByRef bstrcoltitle As String)

.NET: GetColumnInfo(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int32 plcoltype, System.Int32 icolwidth, System.String bstrcoltitle)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a column type value and an output parameter as type Integer.


This is a column width value and an output parameter as Integer.


This is a column title text and an output parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


COM: HRESULT ColumnHeader(short nCol, [in] BSTR newVal)

VB: set_ColumnHeader(nCol As Short, newVal As String)

.NET: set_ColumnHeader(System.Int16 nCol, System.String newVal)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing header text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the column type of requested column with given value.


COM: HRESULT ColumnType(short nCol, [in] short newVal)

VB: set_ColumnType(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)

.NET: set_ColumnType(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column type value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value



Sets the column width of requested column with given value.


COM: HRESULT ColumnWidth(short nCol, [in] short newVal)

VB: set_ColumnWidth(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)

.NET: set_ColumnWidth(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)



This is a column index value and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column width value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value


set_ UserDefinedCell

Sets the given text into the requested cell.


COM: HRESULT UserDefinedCell(short nIndex, [in] BSTR newVal);

VB: set_UserDefinedCell(nindex As Short, newVal As String)

.NET: set_UserDefinedCell(System.Int16 nindex, System.String newVal)



This is a cell index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the given information for the requested column.


COM: HRESULT SetColumnInfo([in] short nCol, [in] long lColType, [in] int iColWidth, [in] int iColTextAlign, [in] BSTR bstrColTitle)

VB: SetColumnInfo(nCol As Short, iColType As Integer,iColWidth As Integer,iColTextAlign As Integer, bstrColTitle As String)

.NET: SetColumnInfo(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int32 iColType, System.Int32 iColWidth, System.Int32 iColTextAlign, System.String bstrColTitle)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a column type value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column width value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column text align value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column title text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Figure 8. AlternateCtl


The AlternateCtl is a button type control allowing the agent to send an alternate call request. Alternate is a compound action of placing an active call on hold and then retrieving a previously held call or answering an alerting (ringing) call on the same device. Alternate is a useful feature during a consult call.


The Answer Control is a button that provides UI for sending answer and release call requests. You can set the behavior (answer or release) via the ButtonType set from the property page as explained under AgentState controls.

Figure 9. Answer Icon:

Answer icon
Figure 10. Release Icon:

Release icon


Figure 11. BadineCtl

Bad line control

The Bad Line Control is a button that provides a UI for reporting a Bad Line. This request generates a database entry in Unified ICM and is an indicator for voice/equipment problems.


The CallAppearance Control is a grid based control displaying call information, including call status and call context data (for example, CallVariable1 through CallVariable10 and ECC variables).

Figure 12. CallAppearance Control Displaying Two Calls

CallAppearance control displaying two calls

Each incoming or outgoing call appears in one row in the grid. When a call first arrives, it usually shows a status of "Ringing" until it is answered. You can answer a call by a double click in the grid, similar to a click on the Answer Button. You can edit some columns in the CallAppearance grid if so configured (for example, the Columns displaying Callvariables) by selecting the cell you want to edit.

The grid can display multiple calls (see above). If the grid is displaying multiple calls, a user can click and select a call anywhere on the row where the call appears. This highlights the whole row displaying this call (for example, in the above figure the call with ID 16777886 is currently selected). Any button controls (for example, Answer, Release, Hold) enable or disable themselves based on the state the newly selected call is in.

The CallAppearance grid handles most call related events. It displays a call as soon as it receives an eCallBeginEvent. It updates the CallStatus and CallContext (CallVariables and ECC variables) on eCallDataUpdate and other call events (eServiceInitiated, eCallEstablished,). It erases the call from the grid when it receives an eCallEnd event.

The CallAppearance grid can be in one of two modes. In "normal" mode it shows any calls for the agent/supervisor logged in; in "monitored" mode (only for supervisor), the CallAppearance grid displays all calls for a currently monitored agent (see Agent Select grid). A supervisor can click and then select a "monitored call" on a row in the grid to perform supervisory functions like barge-in or intercept (see SupervisorOnly control).

Related Events

The call appearance control handles the following events.


The OnSetCurrentCallAppearance event is generated when the current call appearance object is changed.

void OnSetCurrentCallAppearance([in] IDispatch * pCall);


A Pointer to ICall COM Call object (pCall is a pointer to ICall).

Return Value



Table 6. Available methods for CallAppearanceCtl




Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


Gets the selected row index.


Sets the requested row as selected.


Sets the column ECC name of requested column with given text.


Sets the column Offset value of requested column with given value.


Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


Sets the column width of requested column with given value.


Sets the given text to the requested cell in requested row.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


COM: HRESULT GetCellText([in] int nRow, [in] int nCol, [out,retval] BSTR* bstrContent)

VB: GetCellText(nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer) As String

.NET: System.String GetCellText(System.Int16 nRow, System.Int16 nCol)



This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Integer.

Return Value

Return type is String.


Gets the selected row index.


COM: HRESULT GetSelectedRow([out,retval] int *nRow)

VB: GetSelectedRow() As Integer

.NET: System.Int32 GetSelectedRow()



Return Value

Return type is Integer.


Sets the requested row as selected.


COM: HRESULT SelectRow([in] int nRow, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL * bStatus)

VB: SelectRow(nRow As Integer) As Boolean

.NET: System.Boolean SelectRow(System.Int32 nRow)



This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.

Return Value

Return type is Boolean.


Sets the column ECC name of requested column with given text.


COM: HRESULT ColumnECCName(short nCol, [in] BSTR newVal)

VB: set_ColumnECCName(nCol As Short, newVal As String)

.NET: set_ ColumnECCName (System.Int16 nCol, System.String newVal)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing ECC Name text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the column Offset value of requested column with given value.


COM: HRESULT ColumnECCOffset(short nCol, [in] short nNewValue)

VB: set_ColumnECCOffset(nCol As Short, nNewValue As Short)

.NET: set_ColumnWidth(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 nNewValue)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column width value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value



Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


COM: HRESULT ColumnHeader(short nCol, [in] BSTR newVal)

VB: set_ColumnHeader(nCol As Short, newVal As String)

.NET: set_ColumnHeader(System.Int16 nCol, System.String newVal)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing header text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the column width of requested column with given value.


COM: HRESULT ColumnWidth(short nCol, [in] short newVal)

VB: set_ColumnWidth(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)

.NET: set_ColumnWidth(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)



This is a column index value and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column width value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value



Sets the given text to the requested cell in requested row.


COM: HRESULT SetCellText([in] int nRow, [in] int nCol, [in] BSTR bstrContent, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL * bStatus)

VB: SetCellText(nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer, bstrContent As String) As Boolean

.NET: System. Boolean SetCellText(System.Int16 nRow, System.Int16 nCol, System.String bstrContent)



This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a user passing cell text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value

Return type is Boolean.


The Chat Control provides a UI to formulate and send text messages to a supervisor or (if allowed) other agents. The chat privileges are configurable at CTI OS server (for more information, see CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM).

Figure 13. Chat Control

Chat control

You can specify an AgentID in the Send to AgentID field and then enter a message in the Edit Outgoing Message box. Click the Send Button to send the message. Incoming messages appear in the Message Display. Click the Clear button to clear the display.

The ChatCtl does not implement a button directly, but you can link it to a button through Visual Basic so that a click on the button pops up the ChatCtl.


Table 7. Available methods for ChatCtl




Gets the current Addressee from the Send to Agent ID Combo box.


Gets the all chat messages from the Message Display Text Area.


Gets the chat message from the Edit Outgoing Message Text Area.


When message received from an Agent, appends the received message to the Message Display Text Area.


Sends the chat message to current Addressee in the Send to Agent ID Combo box.


Sets the current Addressee to the Send to Agent ID Combo box.


Sets the chat message to the Edit Outgoing Message Text Area.


Gets the current Addressee from the Send to Agent ID Combo box.


COM: HRESULT GetAddressee ([out,retval] BSTR* addressee)

VB: GetAddressee()As String

.NET: System.String GetAddressee()



Return Value

Return type is String.


Gets the all chat messages from the Message Display Text Area.


COM: HRESULT GetAllChatMessages ([out, retval] BSTR* Messages)

VB: GetAllChatMessages() As String

.NET: System.String GetAllChatMessages()



Return Value

Return type is String.


Gets the chat message from the Edit Outgoing Message Text Area.


COM: HRESULT GetChatMessageText ([out, retval] BSTR* MessageText)

VB: GetChatMessageText() As String

.NET: System.String GetChatMessageText()



Return Value

Return type is String.


When message is received from an Agent, appends the received message to the Message Display Text Area.


COM: HRESULT OnMsgReceived ([in]BSTR from,[in]BSTR msg)

VB: OnMsgReceived(from As String, msg As String)

.NET: OnMsgReceived(System.String from, System.String msg)



This is an Agent ID, who sends the message and is an input parameter as type String.


This is a message text received form an Agent and is an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sends the chat message to current Addressee in the Send to Agent ID Combo box.


COM: HRESULT SendChatMessage([in] BSTR addressee, [in] BSTR msg)

VB: SendChatMessage(addressee As String, msg As String)

.NET: SendChatMessage (System.String addressee, System.String msg)



This is as Agent ID, who receives the message and is an input parameter as type String.


This is a message text sent to an Agent and is an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the current Addressee to the Send to Agent ID Combo box.


COM: HRESULT SetAddressee ([in] BSTR addressee)

VB: SetAddressee(addressee As String)

.NET: SetAddressee(System.String addressee)



This is as Agent ID, who receives the message and is an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the chat message to the Edit Outgoing Message Text Area.


COM: HRESULT SetChatMessageText ([in] BSTR MessageText)

VB: SetChatMessageText(messageText As String)

.NET: SetChatMessageText (System.String messageText)



This is an out going message text and is an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



You can use the conference control to create a conference call. You can do this in either single step or consultative mode.

Figure 14. Icon for ConferenceInit:

Icon for ConferenceInit
Figure 15. Icon for Conference Complete:

Icon for conference complete

Depending on the call status, selecting the Conference button once brings up the dialog box shown in the figure below (see also MakeCall dialog):

Figure 16. Conference Init Dialog

Conference Init dialog

This dialog box is similar to the Make Call dialog box; you can initiate a consultative Conference (Conf Init) or place a Single Step Conference call.

Enter the number you wish to dial by either typing it into the Number to Dial text box or by clicks on the displayed keypad. After you enter the number you can click Conf Init to place a consultative conference call or Single Step to initiate a single step conference. This closes this dialog. If you choose to place a consultative call, the conference button changes to Conference Complete. You must click this button to complete the conference after talking to the consult agent.

The conference dialog box also has a Mute Tones section that you can use to suppress audio output of selected or all tones.

The More button brings up an additional section of the dialog displaying all CallVariables with any values set in the original call. The agent can double click the appropriate line in the Value column to change or add values to send with the consult call (see the figure below).

Figure 17. Expanded Dialog

Expanded dialog


The EmergencyAssistCtl is a button that provides a UI to place emergency or supervisor assist calls to a supervisor. On the Unified ICM side this functionality is implemented with a script (for more information, see CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM). The main difference between the emergency call and supervisor assist request is the script to be run. An agent can click this control whether they have a call or not. If the agent has an active customer call, clicking this button places a consult call to the supervisor. The "Conference Complete" as well as the "Transfer Complete" is enabled to allow the agent to either conference the supervisor into the call or to transfer the call to the supervisor. If configured, clicking this button can also cause a single step conference. You can set the behavior (emergency call or supervisor assist) via the ButtonType property set from the Property Page, as described under AgentState controls.

Figure 18. Emergency icon:

Emergency icon
Figure 19. Supervisor Assist Icon:

Supervisor assist icon


The HoldCtl is a button that provides a UI for sending hold and retrieve call requests. You can set the behavior (hold or retrieve) via the ButtonType property set from the Property Page, as described under AgentState controls.

Figure 20. Hold Icon

Hold icon
Figure 21. Retrieve Icon

Retrieve icon


Figure 22. Make Call Icon

Make call icon

You use the MakeCallCtl to place calls and to generate DTMF tones. When you click this button it brings up the dialing pad dialog box to enter data and place a makecall request.

Figure 23. Dial Dialog

Dial dialog

Enter the number you wish to dial by either typing it into the Number to Dial text box or click the numbers on the displayed keypad. After you enter the number you can click Make Call to send the MakeCall request.

This dialog box also has a Mute Tones section that allows you to suppress audio output of selected or all tones.

You can enter values for CallVariable1 through CallVariable10 and ECC Call Variables via the Dial Dialog. Click the More button on the dialog extends to display a grid listing all possible Call Variables. You can enter a value for each of these variables by double clicking the appropriate line in the Value column.

Figure 24. Expanded Dialog

Expanded dialog

If the agent is on a call while selecting the Make Call button, the dialpad appears without the MakeCall feature. The agent can then use the dialpad to play DTMF tones.


Reconnect button control

The ReconnectCtl is a button control allowing the agent to send a Reconnect Call request. Reconnect is a useful feature during a consult call. If an agent has Call A held and Call B active, reconnect hangs up Call B and makes Call A active. In a consult call scenario, reconnect hangs up the consult call and returns to the original call.


The SkillGroupStatistics control is a grid based control displaying Unified ICM real time SkillGroup statistics.

You can configure the displayed columns at CTI OS server (for more information see CTI OS System Manager Guide for Cisco Unified ICM). You can configure the update interval, which defaults to 10 seconds.

If an agent belongs to multiple SkillGroups, each row displays statistics for one SkillGroup. For a supervisor this control displays all skillgroups in the team.

Figure 25. SkillgroupStatisticsCtl Displaying Sample Data for Three SkillGroups

SkillgroupStatisticsCtl displaying sample data for three skillgroups


Table 8. Available methods for SkillgroupStatisticsCtl




If the column type is user defined, gets the text from the requested cell.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


Gets the information about the requested column.


Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


Sets the column type of requested column with given value.


Sets the column width of requested column with given value.

set_ UserDefinedCell

Sets the given text into the requested cell.


Sets the given information for the requested column.


If the column type is user defined, gets the text from the requested cell.


COM: HRESULT UserDefinedCell(short nIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal)

VB: get_UserDefinedCell(nIndex As Short) As String

.NET: System.String get_UserDefinedCell(System.Int16 nIndex)



This is a cell index number and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value

Return type is String.

If the requested cell is not user defined type, it throws an Invalid Argument error.


Gets the text from the requested cell in requested row.


COM: HRESULT GetCellText([in] int nRow, [in] int nCol, [out,retval] BSTR* bstrContent)

VB: GetCellText(nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer) As String

.NET: System.String GetCellText(System.Int16 nRow, System.Int16 nCol)



This is a row index number and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Integer.

Return Value

Return type is String.


Gets the information about the requested column.


COM: HRESULT GetColumnInfo([in] short nCol, [out] long *plColType, [out] int *iColWidth, [out] int *iColTextAlign, [out] BSTR *bstrColTitle)

VB: GetColumnInfo(nCol As Short, ByRef plcoltype As Integer, ByRef icolwidth As Integer, ByRef bstrcoltitle As String)

.NET: GetColumnInfo(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int32 plcoltype, System.Int32 icolwidth, System.String bstrcoltitle)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a column type value and an output parameter as type Integer.


This is a column width value and an output parameter as Integer.


This is a column title text and an output parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the column header of requested column with given text.


COM: HRESULT ColumnHeader(short nCol, [in] BSTR newVal)

VB: set_ColumnHeader(nCol As Short, newVal As String)

.NET: set_ColumnHeader(System.Int16 nCol, System.String newVal)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing header text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the column type of requested column with given value.


COM: HRESULT ColumnType(short nCol, [in] short newVal)

VB: set_ColumnType(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)

.NET: set_ColumnType(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column type value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value



Sets the column width of requested column with given value.


COM: HRESULT ColumnWidth(short nCol, [in] short newVal)

VB: set_ColumnWidth(nCol As Short, newVal As Short)

.NET: set_ColumnWidth(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int16 newVal)



This is a column index value and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing column width value and an input parameter as type Short.

Return Value


set_ UserDefinedCell

Sets the given text into the requested cell.


COM: HRESULT UserDefinedCell(short nIndex, [in] BSTR newVal);

VB: set_UserDefinedCell(nindex As Short, newVal As String)

.NET: set_UserDefinedCell(System.Int16 nindex, System.String newVal)



This is a cell index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a user passing text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



Sets the given information for the requested column.


COM: HRESULT SetColumnInfo([in] short nCol, [in] long lColType, [in] int iColWidth, [in] int iColTextAlign, [in] BSTR bstrColTitle)

VB: SetColumnInfo(nCol As Short, iColType As Integer,iColWidth As Integer,iColTextAlign As Integer, bstrColTitle As String)

.NET: SetColumnInfo(System.Int16 nCol, System.Int32 iColType, System.Int32 iColWidth, System.Int32 iColTextAlign, System.String bstrColTitle)



This is a column index number and an input parameter as type Short.


This is a column type value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column width value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column text align value and an input parameter as type Integer.


This is a column title text and an input parameter as type String.

Return Value



The CTI OS statusbar control displays information about the logged in agent as well as CTI OS specific details (see the following figure).

Figure 26. StatusBar Control Displaying Sample Data

CTI OS statusbar control

The statusbar is separated into several panes. The panes are defined as follows:

  • Pane 1: displays current extension and instrument.

  • Pane 2: displays Agent ID.

  • Pane 3: Message Waiting Indicator. If media termination is used and Voicemail is active, this pane displays "Voicemail" to indicate a Voicemail was left.

  • Pane 4: displays Agent State.

  • Pane 5: displays the CTI OS server currently connected to.

  • Pane 6: displays overall status (online, offline).


The SupervisorOnly Control provides buttons for Supervisor functions including Barge-In, Intercept, Logout Monitored Agent and make Monitored Agent Ready. You can set the behavior of the button in the General tab of the Property Page.

Logout Monitored Agent: Logs out the currently monitored agent (set for example via the AgentselectCtl). If the currently monitored agent has a call active, the request is queued and the agent is logged out as soon as the call ends:

Logout monitored agent

Set Monitored Agent Ready: Forces the currently monitored agent from the "not ready" state into the ready state:

Set monitored agent ready

Barge-In: Allows the supervisor to participate in the currently monitored call. The currently monitored call is selected via the CallAppearanceCtl (in monitor mode). Barge-in is really a conference on behalf of the monitored agent:

Barge-in icon

Intercept: You can only apply Intercept on a previously barged in call. The monitored agent is dropped out of the call and the supervisor is left with the customer in a call:

Intercept icon

Together with the AgentSelectCtl and the CallAppearanceCtl (in monitor mode), you use the SupervisorOnlyCtl in the CTI OS Supervisor Desktop application to build the Agent Real Time Status window, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 27. Supervisor Softphone Agent-RealTime Status Window

Supervisor Softphone Agent-RealTime status window

This window shows the AgentSelectCtl and the CallappearanceCtl in monitor mode on the right side and four instances of the SupervisorOnlyCtl on the left side. From top to bottom they are: "Make Monitored Agent Ready" (disabled, since Agent 5101 is talking), "Logout monitored Agent", Barge-in, and Intercept.

Start Silent Monitor: Initiates a silent monitor session with the currently monitored agent:

Stop Silent Monitor: Terminates the currently ongoing silent monitored session:


The RecordCtl is a button that provides UI for Call Recording requests (start/stop recording). The requests are forwarded to CTI Server and are handled by a configured call recording service. To record a call you must select a current call (e.g. via the CallAppearanceCtl). After you click the record button it turns into record stop button.

Icon for Record Start:

Icon for record start

Icon for Record Stop:

Icon for record stop


The TransferCtl is a button that provides UI to transfer a call in single step or consultative mode. The mechanism is the same as explained for the conference control.

Icon for TransferInit:

TransferInit icon

Icon for Transfer Complete:

Icon for transfer complete

Depending on call status, selecting the Transfer button once brings up the dialog box shown in the following figure (see also MakeCall dialog box):

Figure 28. Dial Dialog

Dial dialog

This dialog box is similar to the Make Call dialog box. You can initiate a consultative Transfer (Transfer Init) or place a Single Step Transfer call.

Enter the number you wish to dial by either typing it into the Number to Dial text box or click the numbers on the displayed keypad. After you enter the number you can click Conf Init to place a consultative transfer call or Single Step to initiate a single step transfer. This closes this dialog box. If you choose to place a consultative call, the transfer button changes to Transfer Complete. You must click this button to complete the transfer after talking to the consult agent.

The transfer dialog box also has a Mute Tones section that allows you to suppress audio output of selected or all tones.

The More button brings up an additional section of the dialog box displaying all CallVariables and any values set in the original call. The agent can change or add values to send with the consult call by double clicking the appropriate line in the Value column (see the following figure).

Figure 29. Expanded Dialog

Expanded dialog

The Silent Monitor StandAlone ActiveX Control

The Silent Monitor StandAlone ActiveX Control provides an interface for easy integration with the CTI OS Silent Monitor functionality. You can use the ComObject in Visual Basic 6.0 as well as other host containers. This section demonstrates the use of this control in Visual Basic 6.0.


The Silent Monitor StandAlone ComObject is supported for use on Unified CCE only.

The Standalone ComObject wraps calls to the CTI OS Session as well as SilentMonitor manager. It provides the following methods (displayed in IDL format; IDL is the language used to define COM interfaces).

interface ISilentMonitor : IDispatch
    [id(1), helpstring("method Connect to CTIOS")] HRESULT Connect ([in] IArguments *
 args, [out] int* returnvalue);
    [id(2), helpstring("method Disconnect to CTIOS")] HRESULT Disconnect (/*[in]
 IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue*/);
    [id(3), helpstring("method StartMonitoring to CTIOS")] HRESULT StartMonitoring
([in] IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue);
    [id(4), helpstring("method StopMonitoring to CTIOS")] HRESULT StopMonitoring ([in]
 IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue);



The Connect method establishes a Monitor Mode Session with the specified CTI OS Server. The syntax and parameters are the same as the CTI OS session object Connect method (for more information, see Returns under AddEventListener method).


The Disconnect method disconnects an established session. This method has no required parameters. For more information about syntax and optional parameters, see CreateSilentMonitorManager in Session Object.


The StartMonitoring method starts a Silent Monitor Session.The StartMonitoring Arguments array contains the following parameters:

Table 9. StartMonitoring Arguments Array Parameters




AgentID of the agent to be monitored.


PeripheralID of the Peripheral to which the Agent is logged in.


If a pointer to the Agent object is available (for example, a m_MonitoredAgent), you can retrieve the PeripheralID via m_MonitoredAgent.GetValueInt ("PeripheralID").


The StopMonitoring method stops a Silent Monitor Session.The StopMonitoring Arguments array contains the same parameters as the StartMonitoring method (StartMonitoring).

SilentMonitor Com Object Events

The ComObject fires the following events via a COM connection point event interface (again in IDL):

dispinterface _ISilentMonitorCtlEvents

      [id(1)] void OnConnection([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(2)] void OnConnectionFailure([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(5)] void OnMonitorModeEstablished([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(39)] void OnConnectionClosed([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(41)] void OnControlFailureConf([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(304)] void OnCtiOsFailure([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(502)] void OnCallRTPStartedEvent([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(503)] void OnCallRTPStoppedEvent([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
      [id(802)] void OnSilentMonitorStatusReportEvent([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
     [id(803)] void OnStartSilentMonitorConf([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
     [id(804)] void OnStopSilentMonitorConf([in] IArguments *pIArguments);
     [id(805)] void OnSilentMonitorSessionDisconnected([in] IArguments *pIArguments);

Following is a brief description of each event. These events are described in detail in the Session Object and Silent Monitor Object sections of Event Interfaces and Events

Table 10. SilentMonitor Com Object Events




Indicates that the connect method was successful in establishing a connection.


Indicates that an active connection has failed. Can also indicate a bad parameter in the Connect method.


Signals a successful call to SetMsgFilte. The call to Setmsgfilter is hidden by the Standalone control.


Disconnect was called and the connection is now closed.


A ControlFailureConf was received and can be handled.


A CtiosFailure event was received. This could be Silent Monitor specific error code.

OnCallRTPStartedEvent, OnCallRTPStoppedEvent

RTP events have been received signaling the start and stop of the RTP streams.

OnSilentMonitorStatusReport Event

Reports status from a monitored client to the monitoring application.

OnStartSilentMonitorConf, OnStopSilentMonitorConf

Acknowledge that CTI OS handled the StartMonitoring and StopMonitoring request, respectively.

OnSilentMonitorSession Disconnected

Indicates that the Silent Monitor session has timed out on the monitoring side.


The StandAlone Com Object is a COM dll that you must register on the client system via the Regsvr32 Silentmonitorctl.dll. You also require, ccnsmt.dll and the two standard CTI OS COM dlls (CTIOSClient.dll and Arguments.dll).

Sample Usage in Visual Basic 6.0

The following sample code assumes a VB 6.0 form with 4 buttons (Connect, Disconnect, StartMonitoring, and StopMonitoring). If the parameters are based on edit fields, the source code below is all that is needed to silent monitor via CTI OS. It is important to note that this control does not require supervisor privileges or even any login. The only event handler shown below (OnSessionDisconnected) is the one for a timed out Silent Monitor session.

Dim WithEvents SilentMonitorCtl As SILENTMONITORCTLLib.SilentMonitor
Dim m_Args As New Arguments
Const CIL_OK = 1

Private Sub btnConnect_Click()
   m_Args.AddItem "CtiosA", "localhost"
   m_Args.AddItem "portA", "42028"
    Dim nRetVal As Long
    SilentMonitorCtl.Connect m_Args, nRetVal
    If nRetVal <> CIL_OK Then
       MsgBox "Connect returned error " + Str(nRetVal)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub btnDisconnect_Click()
    Dim nRetVal As Long
End Sub

Private Sub btnStartMonitoring_Click()
     m_Args.AddItem "AgentId", "1000"
     m_Args.AddItem "PeripheralID", "5004"
    Dim nRetVal As Long
    SilentMonitorCtl.StartMonitoring m_Args, nRetVal
    If nRetVal <> CIL_OK Then
        MsgBox "StartMonitoring returned error " + Str(nRetVal)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub btnStopMonitoring_Click()
     m_Args.AddItem "AgentId", "1000"
     m_Args.AddItem "PeripheralID", "5004"
    Dim nRetVal As Long
    SilentMonitorCtl.StopMonitoring m_Args, nRetVal
    If nRetVal <> CIL_OK Then
        MsgBox  "StopMonitoring returned error " + Str(nRetVal)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SilentMonitorCtl_OnSessionDisconnected(ByVal pIArguments As SILENTMONITORCTLLib.IArguments)
    MsgBox "SilentMonitorSession Disconnected Event"
End Sub