

Reports show data returned by Report Definitions (database query). The database queries extract this data and can be displayed in various Report Views—as grids and charts.

Users with the Report Designer user role can click the Reports from the navigation page to open the Reports page.


All actions on the Reports interface are based on user role and on the user's object permissions for reports and for folders.

For more information about creating or editing a report, see Create Reports.

Stock Reports

Cisco provides stock templates to use with Unified Intelligence Center. You can download Stock reports from Stock report templates display data that has been saved in the Unified ICM/CC database.

After installing Unified Intelligence Center, you can import stock templates using the Import feature and customize the stock reports to suit your business requirements. You can clone the imported stock templates using the Save As option and customize.

Stock reports have one default grid view. Few stock reports also have a chart view.

Report Actions

The following table lists various actions that you can perform from the Reports.

Table 1. Report Actions
Action Description

Report-level actions



Creates a new report in the selected folder.

For more information, see Create Reports.


You cannot create reports inside the Stock folder. You can only import reports into the Stock folder. To edit or customize reports, clone the report and edit the cloned version.


Creates a new Folder. Use this feature to categorize reports.

When you move or save the folders to a different location, the drop-down lists all the folders including the disabled folders. You can navigate to subfolders with WRITE permissions.


You cannot create folders inside the Stock folder.


Imports a report.

To import a report, you need the REPORT DESIGNER role and WRITE permission on the target folder where you want to import these reports.

For more information, see Import Reports.

For more information about permissions, see Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Report Customization Guide at


Applies to all folder levels (root, subcategory, and report).

Toolbar actions


Refreshes the Reports page.

Applies to all folder levels (root, sub folder, and report).


To easily access your reports, you can tag Reports as your Favorites.

Click the star icon beside the Report name to add to Favorites.


Searches for a particular the Report.

Ellipsis(…) actions


Edits the Report details. In the edit mode, you can add, modify, and delete report details, views and thresholds, and filters.

After editing the Report, click Finish.


You cannot edit a Stock report.

Save As

Saves a copy of the report with a different name.

  • By default, the reporting users do not have permission to create a subfolder in the Reports root folder. To get permissions, contact your administrator.

  • You cannot perform the Save As action to move contents (reports or folders) into the Stock folder and its subfolders.

The report description does not support the following special characters:
  • Parentheses (( ))

  • Angle brackets (<,>)

  • Forward slash (/)

  • Question mark (?)

  • Quotes (")

  • Any executable scripts; JavaScript


Renames a folder or a report.


You cannot rename a Stock folder or a Stock report.


Applies to the root-level folder.


Moves Report or Folder from one folder to another.


You cannot move custom folders or reports from within the Stock folder (and its subfolders) to other locations and the other way.

Add Help

Hosts the help page for Report Templates. For more information, see Add Template Help.


Deletes a report or a folder.


You cannot delete a Stock folder or a Stock report.


Share—Grants View and Edit permissions for the Report within your group.


Displays the Report permalink. For more information, see Permalink for a Report.


You can access permanent hyperlink only from a web browser. You cannot access it from an application such as Microsoft Excel to pull data or display a report.

Add Template Help

You can configure individual help files to each Cisco Unified Intelligence Center report. You can either host the help page separately and point the report to it or create and upload the help page along with the report.

This help content is specific to the report and can contain explanation on:

  • How to use the report

  • Field description

  • Details of the relationship between the fields

  • How to interpret the report data or

  • Any other report related information

You can upload only files in HTML or ZIP formats. ZIP files can contain multiple HTML files. The HTML page contents support rich text including images.


Help files does not support videos and other interactive content.

To configure the help page for a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the left navigation pane, click Reports.

Step 2

Click the Ellipsis icon (…) next to the report row for which you want to create the help page and click Add Help.

Step 3

In the Add Help dialog box,

  • If you want to set an external help page as the report help, select the URL option and enter the external URL location.

  • If you want to upload the help file, select the Choose file option and click Browse to upload either an HTML or a ZIP file.

Step 4

After uploading the file, click Save.

When you run the report, click the Online help icon on the Reports toolbar to view the configured help file.

Report Types

There are three types of reports based on the query types:

  • Historical report

  • Real-time report

  • Live Data report

Report Components

These reports consist of the following components:

  • Data Source

    The Data Source defines the sources that contain the data for the report. Unified Intelligence Center supports three types of data sources: Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Informix, and Streaming. The data source should be pre-configured for you. If it is not, contact your administrator to configure the appropriate data source.

  • Report Definitions

    Each report has a Report Definition, which represents how data is retrieved from the data source for that report template. In addition to specifying how data is retrieved (by a simple MS SQL query, stored procedure query, real time streaming or an anonymous block query), a report definition contains the dataset that is obtained. This includes the fields, filters, formulas, refresh rate, and key criteria field for the report.

  • Reports

    Reports show data returned by Report Definitions. This data is extracted by database queries.

  • Time Zone Conversions

    The time zone conversion happens if there is a difference between the user and the data source time zones.

    Daylight savings time consideration for Database Query Reports: The Daylight savings time offset at the start of the date range is considered for the time zone conversion when the report is filtered. If the daylight savings change occurs somewhere in between the filter date and time ranges, the time zone offsets will not be computed properly if the user and the data source are in different time zones. In this case, you will have to split the time filter such that separate report invocations are run before and after the daylight savings time change.


    The daylight savings time offset depends on the latest system time zone library.

    Example 1:

    User time zone: Australia/Sydney

    Data source time zone: America/New_York

    Daylight savings time changes: +1 hour for Sydney at 2013-10-06 02:00 a.m. DST +1 hour is already on for New York

    Filter selected by the user: 2013-10-06 to 2013-10-06, 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

    Query formed in data source time zone: 2013-10-05 10:00:00 a.m. to 2013-10-06 09:59:59 a.m.

    Report displayed in user time zone: 2013-10-06 12:00 a.m. to 2013-10-07 12:59 a.m.

    In this case, the report will display an extra hour of data as Sydney Daylight savings time is off at the start of the date range and on at the end of the date range.

    Example 2:

    User time zone: Australia/Sydney

    Data source time zone: America/New_York

    Daylight savings time changes: +1 hour on for Sydney at 2013-10-06 02:00 a.m. DST +1 hour is already on for New York

    Filters selected : 2013-10-06 to 2013-10-10, 03:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

    Query formed in data source timezone: 2013-10-05 12:00:00 p.m to 2013-10-06 08:59:59 a.m.

    Report displayed in user time zone: 2013-10-06 03:00 a.m. to 2013-10-06 11:59 p.m.

    In this case, the conversion happens as expected as there is no Daylight savings time change in between the date ranges.

    Example 3:

    User time zone: America/New_York

    Data source time zone: IST

    Daylight savings time changes: +1 hour DST at 2013-03-03 02:00 a.m. and off at 2013-11-03 02:00 a.m. for New York. No Daylight savings time changes for IST.

    Filter selected by the user : 2013-11-03 to 2013-11-03, 01:30 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.

    Query formed in data source time zone: 2013-11-03 11:00:00 a.m. to 2013-11-03 02:59:59 a.m.

    Report displayed in user time zone: 2013-11-03 01:30 a.m. to 2013-11-03 04:30 p.m.

    In this case, the report will display one hour less of data as New York Daylight savings time is on at the start of the date range and off at the end of the date range.

  • Report Views

    A report can be presented in multiple formats (grid and charts). Each view can have its own set of fields. A single report can have multiple views.

  • Report Help

    You can attach a help page specifically for your report. For more information, see Add Template Help.

Historical and Real Time Reports

Historical report—Retrieves data from the historical data source. Reports are populated with interval data that has a default refresh rate of 15 minutes. Historical reports have an upper limit of 8000 rows.

Real-time report—Retrieves data from the real-time data source. Reports are populated with interval data that has a default refresh rate of 15 seconds. Real-time reports have an upper limit of 3000 rows.

While running Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Historical and Real-Time Reports you can:

  • Filter data in a report

  • Change the view of a report from a grid to a gauge or a chart


    You can select one of the predefined grid, gauge, or chart views.

    For more information on creating/editing views, see Report Views.

  • Modify reports

Live Data Reports

Live Data report—Receives data from streaming data source. Live Data reports supports only grid view.


Live Data reports do not automatically respond to changes in the system time. If the server or client time is changed or adjusted, the report must be refreshed to accurately display the duration field values. For example, during a daylight saving time (DST) change, active live data reports do not display correct values in the duration field. Live data reports must be refreshed to update.

For more details on how to create permalink for Cisco Finesse gadget equivalent live data report see Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Report User Guide at

For more details on how to modify the Live Data stock reports in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and add the modified report to the Finesse desktop layout see, Cisco Unified CCX Administration Guide at

Manage Reports

Create Reports

All actions on the Reports interface are based on user role and on the user's object permissions for reports and for categories.


By default, reporting users do not have permission to create a subfolder in Reports. An Administrator can create a subfolder and grant access.

To create a new report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the left navigation pane, click Reports.

Step 2

Navigate to the folder where you want to create the report.

Step 3

From the Reports toolbar, click New > Report.

To edit an existing report, navigate to the report, click the ellipsis icon beside the report and click Edit.

Step 4

In the New Report Wizard tab > Basic Information section, enter or select the report details.

  • The report name must be unique to Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

  • Use the arrows to select the appropriate Report Definition.

Step 5

Click Next.

The Manage Views and Thresholds screen appears.

For more information, see Report Views and Report Thresholds.

Step 6

Create report views and thresholds and click Next.

The Manage Filters screen appears.
Step 7

Create report filters and click Finish.

For more information, see Report Filters.

The newly created report is listed in the Reports tab.

Report Views

There are two types of report views:

  • Grid View

  • Chart View


Do not delete the Report Definition fields that are currently associated with any of the manually created report views. If deleted, you must reapply the Data Fields for all the manually created report views to save the report.

For default grid views, the deleted field is removed automatically from the Data Fields list retaining any other fields in the Selected Field list. Hence, no additional action is required to save the report.

Create a Grid View

Grids are tabular presentations of the data in rows and columns. By default, all Cisco stock reports have a grid view. For custom reports, a default grid is created from the SQL query in the Report Definition.


Grouping and font size is not supported in Live Data reports.

You can create a Grid View while creating or editing a report.

To create a Grid View, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Create or edit a report.

Step 2

Enter the report details in the Basic Information screen and click Next.

The Manage Views and Thresholds screen appears with a default grid view.

You can access Report permalinks only after completing the report creation. Report permalinks allow you to share your report with other users and view reports of other users. For more information, see Permalink for a Report.

Step 3

You can edit the default view (Actions column > Edit View) or click Create New > Grid view to create a new grid view.

The Edit Grid View/New Grid View screen appears depending on your selection for edit or create.

Step 4

Enter the Name and Description in the respective fields.

Step 5

From the Font selection box, you can select the font size from the list to display the grid data.

Step 6

Use the arrow buttons to select fields from the Available value list box to move to the Selected field list.

Step 7

You can use the following features to improve grid view display:

  • Header—Use this feature to add (+) or delete (-) a header for the selected fields. This helps in categorizing the field set.


    You cannot save the view with empty headers.

    Post upgrade to Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 11.6, any empty headers that exist in the report views in prior releases are not migrated.

  • Edit icon—In the Selected value list box, click the Edit icon (hover on the field value) if you want to edit the Display Name and Column Width for the selected field and click Done.


    For Header fields, you can only edit the Display Name.

  • Sort Grid by Field—Select the Sort Grid by Field check box to sort the selected report columns in either Ascending or Descending order. Selecting this check box enables the drop-down list to be populated with the values from the Selected value list box. You can select only one value for sorting.

Step 8

Click Save.

The Report Views screen appears.
Step 9

Click Finish.

Create a Chart View

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center supports the following chart types:

  • Bar—Bar charts display discontinuous events and show the differences between events rather than trends. Bar charts are oriented vertically and can be stacked horizontally or clustered one below the other.

  • Pie/Donut—Pie charts display quantities as proportions of a whole. The circle (pie) represents 100% of the data, with each quantity represented as a wedge of the appropriate size. Pie charts take decimal or numeric fields only. A pie chart cannot have more than 50 wedges. An error occurs if your data set and chart editor selections generate a pie chart with more than 50 wedges.

    A doughnut chart is another display representation of a pie chart.

  • Column—Column charts display discontinuous events and show the differences between events rather than trends. Column charts are oriented horizontally and can be stacked vertically or clustered side by side.

  • Dial Gauge/Numeric—A gauge chart displays the dial representation of the report results as per the defined threshold.

    The Numeric chart displays the report results in a number format highlighted as per the defined threshold.

  • Line charts—Line charts display continuous quantities over time against a common scale. Use the Line charts to show trends.


  • Live Data reports do not support chart view.

  • In the vertically oriented charts, for Cyrillic characters, the data labels in the Horizontal Axis field may be hidden or garbled. This is a known limitation. Hence, for Cyrillic characters, use the horizontally oriented charts.

To create a Chart View, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Create or edit a report.

Step 2

Enter the report details in the Basic Information screen and click Next.

The Manage Views and Thresholds screen appears with a default grid view.

You can access Report permalinks only after completing the report creation. Report permalinks allow you to share your report with other users and view reports of other users. For more information, see Permalink for a Report.

Step 3

Click Create New > Chart view.

Step 4

In the Create New Chart View screen, click the required chart type. For more information, see Chart Types.

Step 5

Enter the Chart Information; Chart Name, Chart Description and click Next.


For Cartesian type charts (Bar, Column, and Line), select the Group Data check box to group data:

  • By a field—Select this option to create a chart view where the vertical axis shows fields with footer formula configured for line or column chart and horizontal axis with footer formula for bar chart.

  • By label field—Select this option to create a chart view where the vertical axis shows fields of decimal data type for Line or Column chart. In Bar chart, the horizontal axis shows fields of decimal type.


For Pie charts, you can only Group Data by Label Field.

Step 6

In the Add Data Fields screen, select the Label Field from the drop-down list and Data Fields from the list box and click Next.

Step 7

In the Preview and Format screen, enter or select appropriate information based on the selected chart type.

For more information, see Chart Types.

For the following Data Fields, the Column Type (Stacked and Grouped) feature is unavailable.
  • Date and Time

  • Boolean

Step 8

Click Save.

Chart Types

Chart Type

Chart Information

Add Data Fields

Preview and Format
















To configure a Gauge chart, Report Definition must have at least one decimal field with footer configured.


You can select Dial Gauge or Numeric view for this report.

To set the chart view for Dial Gauge/Numeric, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the Range (min and max). Default: 0-100

  2. Define the zones.

    When the chart value is within any of the defined thresholds,

    • The gauge pointer points to the corresponding color set in the threshold.

    • The Numeric text is displayed in the corresponding color set in the threshold.

  3. Click Save.




To configure a Pie chart, Report Definition must have at least one decimal field configured.


You can select Pie or Donut as the display type for this report.

Report Thresholds

You can set a threshold indicator for a field to display if the field value meets the threshold condition. Threshold indicators can be set only for view type Grid and Chart > Gauge.

For setting field threshold indicators for a Chart > Gauge view, see Create a Chart View.

For setting field threshold indicators for a Grid view, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Manage Views and Thresholds wizard, after adding the report views, click Next.

The Thresholds wizard appears.
Step 2

Select a view to which you want to set the threshold and select the field name from the Create new threshold list.

The screen refreshes with a new panel for the selected field name.
Step 3

Select a field operator and set a condition from the Operator list.




The Matches operator accepts Regular Expressions.

Note that the Regular Expressions does not support:

  • Flags (i, g, m, n, y), OR/AND any combinations of these flags.

  • Leading and trailing forward slash (/).


  • Valid Pattern → \w+\s

  • Invalid Pattern → /\w+\s/g

    (As it contains leading and trailing forward slash (/) and a "g" flag.)

String fields; Always, Equal, Not Equal

Decimal fields; Always, Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Equal To, Less Than or Equal To, Between

In Report Definition, if the %format is defined for any field, then while setting the thresholds for that field, ensure to enter the decimal format of the percentage to render the condition in the report.

For example:

In Report Definition, if %format is defined for the field "SL" (Service Level) and you want to apply thresholds to this field to indicate "Red" if SL is less than 60%, set the following:

  1. Define the threshold for the SL field.

  2. Set the Operator to Less Than.

  3. Enter the percentage value as 0.60.

  4. Select “Red” in the No Fill drop-down.

  5. Click Done.

Step 4

Choose the options from No Fill and edit the threshold fields.


You can set conditions on the same or different fields:

  • condition on same field: threshold and condition on the same field.

  • condition on different field: threshold for a field, based on the condition on the different field.

  • multi conditions on same field: apply threshold for a field based on the condition on different fields.

For existing reports, perform the above mentioned steps to add more thresholds.

Threshold configuration supports upto 30 thresholds for a field.

To edit an existing threshold from an executed report, click Report options and select Manage Thresholds.

Step 5

Format the text in the field to appear when it matches the threshold condition. Use the following options:

  • Text Bold—Select this check box to highlight the report field in bold.

  • Text/Background Color—Select a color from the drop-down for the text/background color in the field.

  • Text Substitute—Enter a new string if you want the text in the field to be replaced with it when it matches the threshold condition.

    • Syntax to add an html hyperlink as text substitute: <a href= target=_blank>cisco</a>

    • Syntax to add an empty space as text substitute: &nbsp;

  • Image Location—Enter the URL path of the image if you want the text to be replaced with an image.

Step 6

Click Done.

Step 7

Click Finish.

Report Filters

Filter Types

Report filters in Unified Intelligence Center are used to present selective data. Use the Filter page to define the filter and filter the data that you want to display in the report. There are two ways to view the Filter page.

  • Before the report is generated: You can refine the default filter values during the report creation.

  • After the report is generated: You can refine the filter values by clicking on the filter icon.


    You cannot view the filter page if the Report Designer has selected Don't show filter when executing report filter on the Reports page.

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center supports the following types of report filters:

  • Date & Time

  • Key Criteria

  • Field Filters

  • Parameters

Filter parameters are displayed based on the selected query type in the Report Definition for that report.

Table 2. Filter tabs

Report Definition Query Type

Applicable Filter Tabs

Database Query

Date & Time, Key Criteria, Field Filters

Live Data or Real Time Streaming

Key Criteria, Field Filters

Anonymous Block


Stored Procedure


Date & Time


  • You can choose the Date and Time filter for a new a Report and also when you run an existing report. The Date & Time filter is not applicable for Real-Time and Live Data reports.

  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center uses the browser locale to display the Date & Time format in the filter page. If Cisco Unified Intelligence Center does not support the browser locale language, then the locale selected in the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center application is used.

To configure Date and Time filters for a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

After creating Views and Thresholds, click Next to view the Choose Filter dialog box.

Step 2

In the Date & Time filter wizard, select the Date Range and Time Range options.

Step 3

Select the Save the chosen filter as default check box if you want to retain the filter settings as default filter.

Step 4

Click Next.

Key Criteria

Use the Key Criteria tab in the filter to select value lists or collections. A collection is a pre-configured group of values.


Key Criteria fields are predefined filters and are displayed in the filter screen if they are defined in the Report Definition.

To configure Key Criteria filters while running a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Click on an existing Report to view the Choose Filter dialog box.

Step 2

In the Date & Time filter wizard, select the Date Range and Time Range options and click Next.

Step 3

In the Key Criteria filter wizard, select the collections or values from the Available selection box.

Search for a value or collection using the Search field.
Step 4

Use the arrows to move the selected collections or values to the Selected selection box.

Step 5

You can also select multiple collections or values.

Step 6

Click Next.

Field Filters

Use the Field Filters tab to filter any field in the report. Based on the selected field type (date, numeric/decimal, boolean, or string), different operators are available. For example, you can filter calls in queue for greater than two minutes or on all agents in the hold state to filter out the less important information.


You can configure Field Filters in reports:
  • Only for SQL Query based reports.

  • To filter a text, date, boolean, or a decimal field.

To configure Field Filters while running a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Click on an existing Report to view the Choose Filter dialog box.

Step 2

In the Date & Time filter wizard, select the Date Range and Time Range options and click Next.

Step 3

In the Key Criteria filter wizard, select the collections or values from the Available selection box and click Next.

Step 4

In the Field Filters wizard, select the filter according to the following criteria.

Filter criteria/operators depend on the selected field type (date, numeric/decimal, boolean, or string).

  • For Date, the options available in Date Range filter are predefined. Using the Date Range drop-down list, select from Custom, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, Year to Date, or Last Year.

    Only Custom will allow the user to customize the Calendar, Time Range and Days certain days of the week.

  • For Decimal, select an Operator from Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, or Greater Than and then enter a value; for example, Operator = Greater Than and Value = 16.5.

  • For String, select an Operator from Equal To, Not Equal To, or Matches and then enter a value for the string; for example, Operator = Matches and Value = Team Green.

    • If you select Matches as the Operator, you must specify an SQL pattern to match the string field. The system appends the wild card character % automatically to the beginning and end of the string. You can also use any SQL wild card pattern in between the string.

    • If the filter field is associated with a Value List, then specify any value or move one, all, or some items in the list to the Selected column to filter.

  • For Boolean, select True or False from the Operator list.

Step 5

Using the Operator drop-down list, select the criteria.


If you select Matches operator, you can use any Microsoft SQL wildcard pattern to filter the data. The wildcard character % is added to the beginning and end of every string that is used to filter the data.

Step 6

In the Value field, enter a value against which the data in the field will be filtered.

Step 7

Click Run.

Configure Unified Intelligence Center Live Data Gadgets in Cisco Finesse Desktop with compositeFilterId

The compositeFilterId filter is used in gadget filter criteria to achieve the advanced filter criteria. The following example illustrates the compositeFilterId filter usage for advanced filtering in Cisco Finesse desktop.

To add mrDomainID to the existing "Agent Skill Group" live data gadget filter criteria, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Retrieve the existing gadget configuration for "Agent Skill Group" report from the desktop layout:

<gadget>http://my-cuic-server:8081/cuic/gadget/LiveData/LiveDataGadget.jsp ?gadgetHeight=310&viewId=9AB7848B10000141000001C50A0006C4&</gadget>

Step 2

Run the "Agent Skill Group" live data report in Unified Intelligence Center and click the Field Filters tab.

Step 3

Copy the Field Filter name to add to the existing filter criteria and assign the filter value as illustrated in the following syntax:

<gadget>http://my-cuic-server:8081/cuic/gadget/LiveData/LiveDataGadget. jsp?gadgetHeight=310&viewId=9AB7848B10000141000001C50A0006C4& &compositeFilterId=agent.agentMRDs.mrDomainID=<mrdomainId></gadget>


  • filterId is for basic filter criteria.

  • compositeFilterId is for Advanced filtering.

  • and agent.agentMRDs.mrDomainID are the keys to identify the filter field names.

  • CL is the value for to identify all the collections on which has permissions.

  • mrdomainId is the value for the key agent.agentMRDs.mrDomainID to filter on the given mrdomainId by replacing the tag <mrdomainId> in the above URL.

Ensure to:

  • Replace <my-cuic-server> with the FQDN of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center server.

  • Use HTTP or HTTPS based on how the Cisco Finesse desktop is being accessed.

  • Replace <mrdomainId> with the appropriate mrdid.


If the filter is associated with a value list (example in the above URL), <mrdomainId> can be replaced with CL to consider all the collections of the value list in the following syntax:


This example is for illustration purpose only. (As mrdomainId cannot be associated with a value list based on existing 'Agent Skill Group' stock report.)

Configure Unified Intelligence Center Historical Reports in Cisco Finesse Desktop

Use the following code snippet to configure the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Historical reports in Cisco Finesse Desktop.


In Enterprise deployment (Unified CCE and Packaged CCE), Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Historical reporting gadget is available out the box on Cisco Finesse Supervisor desktop only. Custom Permalink based gadget continue to work as before.

For Historical Gadgets, only one view is supported.


Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Historical Reports does not support Grouping and Drill-downs in Cisco Finesse Desktop.

Code Snippet

  • https://<my-cuic-server>:8444/cuic/gadget/Historical/HistoricalGadget.jsp?gadgetHeight=310
    —Indicates the Historical Gadget URL.
  • &viewId=F2D86F191000015B000000640A4E5A54&linkType=htmlType&viewType=Grid
    —Indicates the default report permalink filters.


    You can retrieve this information from any report permalink.
  • &EventTime=RELDATE%20LASTWEEK&User=VL%20CUIC%5Cadministrator</gadget
    —Indicates the variable parameters that can be customized in addition to the default report permalink.

    For more information on applying the variable parameters, see the Variable Parameters in a Permalink section in the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Report Customization Guide at

Run Report

Report Actions - Run Mode

The following table lists all the menu items and actions you can perform when you run a report.

Table 3. Report Actions
Action Description
Report options

Edit View

Displays the Edit View dialog box. You can modify the current report view and click Done to instantly view the modified view.

Save View As

Clones the existing report view. In the Save View dialog box, enter the Name and Description for the cloned view and click Save. The executed report page refreshes with the cloned view.

Create Chart View

For the executed report, you can directly create a chart view if you have Write permissions. After you create the chart view, the executed report page refreshes with the newly created chart view and gets listed in the view list.


This feature is disabled for Mediasense and Live Data reports.

For more information, see Create a Chart View.

Group By

Add/remove/update grouping configurations for the current view (columns). Cisco Unified Intelligence Center grid reports support up to three levels of grouping.

If you are grouping the column with Date or Date time data type, you can group records on a Daily/Weekly/Monthly basis.

For more information, see Group By.

Manage Thresholds

Sets a threshold indicator for a field to display if the field value meets the threshold condition. Threshold indicators can be set only for views of type Grid and Gauge.

For more information, see Report Thresholds.


Displays the SQL code used to execute this report.


Exports the executed grid report data into your local disk in a .xls format.

Report menu

Run or Pause the report

Click to run or pause the report respectively.

Print Report

Prints the report using your default printer.


Reports in chart view supports only landscape mode in A3 size paper for printing.

Manage Filters

Displays Choose Filter dialog box to modify filter criteria for this report.

For more information, see Report Filters.


Refreshes the Report page.

View Filter Information

Displays the filter information of the executed report.

Online Help

Displays the configured template help. You can configure template help for the report from the Reports page > Add Help.

For more information, see Add Template Help.

Only Thresholds

Enable this toggle button to view only rows with matching threshold values in the report.

By default, this check box is unchecked for every report.


This button is disabled for the grouped view.

Group By

For an executed report, use the Group By option to add/remove/update grouping configurations for the current view. Cisco Unified Intelligence Center grid reports support up to three levels of grouping.

If you are grouping the column with Date or Date Time data type, you can group records on a Daily/Weekly/Monthly basis.


Live data reports do not support grouping.

To group the report data, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From an executed report, click the Report options icon and select the Group By option.

Step 2

In the Group By dialog box, specify the Number of Levels you want to group the report.

Depending on the number of levels selected, the Level, Grouped By, Sub Group, and Show Expanded columns are activated.

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center grid reports support up to three levels of grouping.

Step 3

To group the report data by values in a particular column, select the required column name from the Grouped By list.

If you select a date or date and time value from the list, you can select any one of the following from the Sub Group column:
  • None—The report data is grouped by the absolute date or date time values.

  • Daily—The report data is grouped by day.

  • Weekly—The report data is grouped by week.

  • Monthly—The report data is grouped by month.

By default, the Show Expanded option is selected and you can uncheck the option if necessary. The Show Expanded column allows you to view the executed reports with the group expanded.

Enable the Show Summary Only toggle button to display only the summary row in the report.

For example, if you group by Agent Team and enable the Show Summary Only toggle button, only the summary data row for each team is displayed.

If any of the fields have a footer formula defined in the report definition, then a group level summary is also displayed for such fields using that formula.
Step 4

Click Save.

  • For the grouped view, the Only Thresholds check box is disabled.

  • You cannot perform a drill-down from a report with grouped fields.

Import Reports

You can import a report (XML) and the associated template help file (ZIP format) into Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

The following directory structure illustrates an imported report sample for storing the report and help content.

Figure 1. Directory Structure of the Report ZIP File

Each report help folder has a size limit of 3MB. If the folder size exceeds this limit, the system does not load the help content.

You can import the following:

  • Report

  • Report Definition

  • Value Lists

  • Views

  • Report Editor values

  • Thresholds

  • Drilldowns

  • Permissions

  • Template Help


You cannot import the Report Filters and Collections.

To import a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the left navigation pane, click Reports.

Step 2

On the Reports toolbar, click New > Import.

You will be redirected to the legacy interface.
Step 3

Navigate to the folder where you want to import the report.


If you are importing a stock report bundle from, it must be placed at the Reports folder level.

Step 4

Click Import Report.

Step 5

In the File Name (XML or ZIP file) field, click Choose File.

Step 6

Browse to and select the XML or the compressed report file, and click Open.

Step 7

From the Data source for ReportDefinition drop-down list, select a data source used by the report definition.


This field appears only if the Report Definition for the report being imported is not currently defined in Unified Intelligence Center.

Step 8

From the Data Source for ValueList drop-down list, select the data source used by the value lists defined in the report definition.


You have to select a data source for the value list only if it does not use the same data source as the Report Definition. For Report Definitions of Real Time Streaming, it is mandatory to select a data source for the Value Lists.

Step 9

In the Save To field, browse to the folder where you want to place the imported report. Use the arrow keys to expand the folders.

Step 10

Click Import.


Importing a report to a different version of Unified Intelligence Center is not supported. However, when you upgrade Unified Intelligence Center, report templates continue to work in the upgraded version.

Export Reports, Report Definitions, and Folders

You can export any custom report, report definition, or report folders from legacy interface. Reports and report folders are exported in a ZIP format and report definitions are exported as an individual XML file.

When you export a folder, the reports in the folder are grouped together as ZIP files. The grouping is based on the data source used by the report definition as well as the value lists.


  • For customized reports, you must update the version numbers of the value list and report definition before you export the report. Else, the export will not overwrite the existing default reports.

  • While exporting report definitions or folders, ensure that all the Value Lists in the report defnitions or folders point to the same data source respectively.


Do not modify the exported report (XML file) for customization purposes. However, if required, you can modify only the EntityVersion of the Report, Report Definition, and ValueList.

When you export a report, the following data associated with the report are exported:
  • Report

  • Report Definition

  • Value Lists

  • Views

  • Preferences defined in the Report Editor

  • Thresholds

  • Permissions

  • Online Help (if not bundled, an empty folder is created in the zip file)


Report Filters and Collections are not exported along with the report.

To export a report/report definition/folder, perform the following steps:


For illustration, exporting a report is documented in the following steps. Perform the same steps to export report definition and folder.


Step 1

From the left navigation panel, click Report Definitions.

You will be redirected to the legacy interface.
Step 2

Click the Reports drawer and browse to the report that you want to export.

Step 3

Right-click the report and select Export.


If required, you can rename the report. Do not change the file extension (Reports: zip and Report Definitions: XML).

Step 4

Click OK.

The exported file is downloaded into your Downloads folder.