QoS Profile Configuration Mode Commands


The QoS Profile Configuration mode is used to create and configure a QoS Profile.

Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



Configures the APN-AMBR (aggregate maximum bit rate) that will be stored in the Home Subscriber Server (HSS).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



 apn-ambr max-ul  mbr-up max-dl  mbr-dwn { pgw-upgrade | prefer-as-cap } { local | minimum | rej-if-exceed }  
remove apn-ambr  


Removes the APN-AMBR changes from the configuration for this APN profile.

max-ul mbr-up max-dl mbr-dwn

Defines the maximum bit rates for uplink (subscriber to network) and downlink (network to subscriber) traffic.

mbr-up is an integer from 0 through 1410065408.

mbr-dwn is an integer from 0 through 1410065408.


This keyword configures the capping that is applied on the subscription value received from the HSS or the value received from the peer-node (MME/S4-SGSN) during inbound relocation. One of the following actions must be configured under prefer-as-cap -- Note that the resulting value is used for the QoS parameter and sent in the Create Session Request or the Modify Bearer Command (in case of HSS-initiated QoS/APN-AMBR modification) message:
  • local - The configured local value will be used.
  • minimum - The minimum (lowest) value of the configured local value or the HSS-provided value will be used.
  • reject-if-exceed - The request/procedure is rejected if the HSS-provided value exceeds the configured local value.


MME only.

This keyword configures the QoS capping to be applied on the values received from the PGW during Attach / PDN-connectivity / Bearer-creation / Bearer-modification procedures. One of the following actions must be configured under pgw-upgrade -- Note that the resulting value is used for the QoS parameter and sent to the UE:
  • local - The configured local value will be used.
  • minimum - The minimum (lowest) value of the configured local value or the PGW-provided value will be used.
  • reject-if-exceed - The request/procedure is rejected if the PGW-provided value exceeds the configured local value.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define the MBR that will be enforced by the P-GW for both uplink and downlink traffic shaping.

For the MME, use the apn-ambr command to set local values QoS capping type to be applied for the APN-AMBR received from HSS/PGW/peer-node. One or both prefer-as-cap and/or pgw-upgrade must be configured to override the default behavior, which is to accept the received value from the HSS/peer-node/PGW.


A command similar to the following sets the APN-AMBR maximum uplink and maximum downlink bit rates for the QoS profile:
qos apn-ambr max-ul 24234222 max-dl 23423423  
A command similar to the following sets the prefer-as-cap minimum capping action to be taken when the SGSN or MME receives outside of APN-AMBR maximum uplink and maximum downlink bit rates :
qos apn-ambr max-ul 24234222 max-dl 23423423 prefer-as-cap minimum  


This command associates a specific bearer control profile with this QoS profile.






Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate bearer-control-profile  bc_profile_name qci  qci_value [ to   end_qci_value ]  
remove associate bearer-control-profile  bc_profile_name  


Add this command prefix to the command to delete the association between the QoS profile and the identified bearer-control-profile.


Identifies the name of the bearer control profile being associated with the QoS profile. Enter 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters.

qci qci_value [ to end_qci_value ]

qci - Identifies either a specific QoS class identifier (QCI) or a range of QCI:
  • qci_value - Enter an integer from 1 through 9 to identify a specific QCI.
  • to end_qci_value - Type "to" and then enter an integer from 2 through 9 that is greater than the QCI value entered for the beginning of the range.

Usage Guidelines

Use the associate command in Quality of Service Profile configuration mode to associate the bearer control profile with the QoS profile and map a specific QCI or a range of QCI to the bearer control profile being associated with the QoS profile.

A specific QCI cannot be associated to more than one bearer control profile. The QCI of the bearer is used to identify the applicable bearer control profile.
  • For dedicated bearers, the QCI of bearer is initially determined by the QCI value received from PGW during dedicated bearer activation or the value received from peer MME/S4-SGSN.
  • For default bearers, the QCI of bearer is initially determined by the subscription from HSS or the value received from peer MME/S4-SGSN during inbound relocation.


The following sample command associates the BCprof1 bearer control profile with the QoS profile and maps QCI 7 to this bearer control profile:
associate bearer-control-profile BCprof1 qci 7  


Configures local values for the traffic class (TC) parameters for the quality of service (QoS) configured for this QoS profile.


To enable any of the values/features configured with this command, the prefer-as-cap configuration (also in the QoS profile configuration mode) must be set to either local or both-hlr-and-local .




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



class { background | conversational | interactive | streaming } [  qualif_option ]  
remove class { background | conversational | interactive | streaming } [  qualif_option ]  


Removes previously defined values for the specified option or for an entire class if a qualifying option is not included in the command.


Selects the background traffic class. This 'best-effort' class manages traffic that is handled as a background function, like email, where time to delivery is not a key factor. The selection of background traffic class can be refined with the addition of one of the following qualifying options:

  • all-values
  • arp
  • evolved-arp
  • mbr-down
  • mbr-map-down
  • mbr-map-up
  • mbr-up
  • residual-bit-error-rate
  • sdu

All qualifying options are explained below.


Selects the 'real-time' conversational traffic class of service, which has the most stringent time requirements of the four classes and is typically reserved for voice traffic. The section of the conversational traffic class can be refined with the addition of one of the following qualifying options:

  • all-values
  • arp
  • evolved-arp
  • gbr-down
  • gbr-up
  • mbr-down
  • mbr-map-down
  • mbr-map-up
  • mbr-up
  • min-transfer-delay
  • residual-bit-error-rate
  • sdu

All qualifying options are explained below.


Selects interactive traffic class of service. This class is characterized by a request/response pattern (someone sends data and then waits for a response) which requires the preservation of the data but delivers on a 'best-effort' model. The section of the interactive traffic class can be refined with the addition of one of the following qualifying options:

  • all-values
  • arp
  • evolved-arp
  • mbr-down
  • mbr-map-down
  • mbr-map-up
  • mbr-up
  • residual-bit-error-rate
  • sdu
  • thp

All qualifying options are explained below.


Selects the streaming traffic class of service, which handles one-way, real-time data transmission - such as streaming video or audio. The section of the interactive traffic class can be refined with the addition of one of the following qualifying options:

  • all-values
  • arp
  • evolved-arp
  • gbr-down
  • gbr-up
  • mbr-down
  • mbr-map-down
  • mbr-map-up
  • mbr-up
  • min-transfer-delay
  • residual-bit-error-rate
  • sdu

All qualifying options are explained below.


Qualifying options are the QoS parameters and they include:

  • all-values - This option will change the configuration to predefined values for all the relevant QoS parameters for the class. This keyword is not used if other options are to be defined. The predefined values are:

    Table 1. Predefined QoS Parameters
    QoS Parameter Predefined Value

    Traffic Class


    SDU delivery order


    Delivery of Erroneous SDUs


    Max Bit Rate Uplink

    64 kbps

    Max Bit Rate Downlink

    64 kbps

    Allocation/Retention Priority


    SDU Max Size

    1500 octets

    SDU Error Ratio

    3 (1 * 10 ^ -3)

    Residual Bit Error Rate

    4 (4 * 10 ^ -3)

    Traffic Class


    SDU delivery order


    Delivery of Erroneous SDUs No
    Max Bit Rate Uplink 16 kbps
    Max Bit Rate Downlink 16 kbps
    Allocation/Retention Priority 3
    Guaranteed Bit Rate Uplink 16 kbps
    Guaranteed Bit Rate downlink 16 kbps
    SDU Max Size 1500 octets
    Minimum Transfer Delay 100 milliseconds
    SDU Error Ratio 1 (1 * 10 ^ -2)
    Residual Bit Error Rate 1 (5 * 10 ^ -2)
    Traffic Class Interactive
    SDU delivery order No
    Delivery of Erroneous SDUs No
    Max Bit Rate Uplink 64 kbps
    Max Bit Rate Downlink 64 kbps
    Traffic Handling Priority 3
    SDU Max Size 1500 octets
    SDU Error Ratio 3 (1 * 10 ^ -3)
    Residual Bit Error Rate 4 (4 * 10 ^ -3)
    Traffic Class Streaming
    SDU delivery order No
    Delivery of Erroneous SDUs No
    Max Bit Rate Uplink 16 kbps
    Max Bit Rate Downlink 16 kbps
    Allocation/Retention Priority 3
    Guaranteed Bit Rate Uplink 16 kbps
    Guaranteed Bit Rate downlink 16 kbps
    SDU Max Size 1500 octets
    Minimum Transfer Delay 300 milliseconds
    SDU Error Ratio 7 (1 * 10 ^ -3)
    Residual Bit Error Rate 1 (5 * 10 ^ -2)
  • arp - Sets the allocation/retention priority. Enter an integer from 1 to 3.

  • evolved-arp - This keyword is used to configure the E-ARP values. The values for pre-emption capability, pre-emption vulnerability and priority value can be configured using this option.

    • preemption-capability : The value of preemption-capability is configured as either "0" or "1".
    • preemption-vulnerability : The value of preemption-vulnerability is configured as either "0" or "1".
    • priority-level : The priority-level can be configured as an integer value in the range "1" up to "15".
  • gbr-down - Guaranteed Kbps rate for the downlink direction. Enter an integer from the range 1 to 256000.

  • gbr-up - Guaranteed Kbps rate for the uplink direction. Enter an integer from 1 to 256000.

  • mbr-down - Maximum Kbps rate for the downlink direction. Enter an integer from the range 1 to 256000.

  • mbr-map-down from from_kbps to to_kbps - Map received HLR MBR (from value) to a locally configured downlink MBR value (to value):
    • from_kbps - Enter an integer from 1 to 25600.
    • to_kbps - Enter an integer from 1 to 25600.
  • mbr-map-up from from_kbps to to_kbps - Map received HLR MBR (from value) to a locally configured uplink MBR value (to value):
    • from_kbps - Enter an integer from 1 to 25600.
    • to_kbps - Enter an integer from 1 to 25600.
  • mbr-up - Maximum Kbps rate for the uplink direction. Enter an integer from 1 to 256000.

  • min-transfer-delay - Minimum transfer delay in milliseconds. Enter an integer from 80 to 4000.

  • residual-bit-error-rate -
    • Background TC residual-bit-error-rate range is from 4*10^-4 to 6*10^-8. Enter on of the following integers, where:
      • 4: represents 4*10^-3
      • 7: represents 10^-5
      • 9: represents 6*10^-8
    • Conversational TC residual-bit-error-rate range is from 5*10^-2 to 10^-6. Enter one of the following integers, where:
      • 1: represents 5*10^-2
      • 2: represents 10^-2
      • 3: represents 5*10^-3
      • 5: represents 10^-3
      • 6: represents 10^-4
      • 7: represents 10^-5
      • 8: represents 10^-6
    • Interactive TC residual-bit-error-rate range is from 4*10^-4 to 6*10^-8. Enter one of the following integers, where:
      • 4: represents 4*10^-3
      • 7: represents 10^-5
      • 9: represents 6*10^-8
    • Streaming TC residual-bit-error-rate range is from 5*10^-2 to 10^-6. Enter one of the following integers, where:
      • 1: represents 5*10-2
      • 2: represents 10^-2
      • 3: represents 5*10^-3
      • 5: represents 10^-3
      • 6: represents 10^-4
      • 7: represents 10^-5
      • 8: represents 10^-6
  • sdu - Signalling data unit keyword, must include one of the following options:
    • delivery-order - Enter one of the two following options:
      • no- Without delivery order
      • yes- With delivery order
    • erroneous - Enter one of the two following options:
      • no- Erroneous SDUs will not be delivered
      • no-detect- Erroneous SDUs are not detected ('-')
      • yes- Erroneous SDUs will be delivered
    • error-ratio - The SDU error-ratio range is from 10^-3 to 10^-6. Enter an integer from 1 to 6, where:
      • 3- Represents 10^-3
      • 4- Represents 10^-4
      • 6- Represents 10^-6
    • max-size - Defines the maximum number of octets (size) of the SDU. Enter an integer from 10 to 1502.
  • thp - Sets the traffic handling priority. Enter an integer from 1 to 3.

Usage Guidelines

This command defines the qualifying options (parameters) for each QoS traffic class defined for this QoS profile.

Repeat the command as often as needed with different options to define all required QoS criteria. For example, to configure the maximum bit rate (MBR) for the downlink and uplink directions for a traffic class, this command must be used twice, specifying mbr-down once and mbr-up once.

Advantage for local mapping of MBR: some HLRs cannot be configured with high MBR values. Using the mbr-map-up and the mbr-map-down parameters allows the SGSN to be configured to treat a specific HLR value as meaning the desired high MBR value. In a case where the HLR does not support HSPA+ bit rates, but the handsets and network do, this feature allows the operator to overcome limitations on the HLR and provide HSPA+ bit rates by overwriting the provisioned HLR-QoS MBR values with SGSN-configured values. When MBR mapping is configured, if QoS is preferred as the HLR value, then the subscription QoS MBR received from the HLR is compared with the "from" value in the table. If it matches, then it is converted to the value specified by the "to" value in the table. QoS negotiation happens based on the converted value.

Advantage for QoS capping with THP and ARP: Controlling THP and ARP via Operator Policy: This functionality can differentiate home vs. roaming subscribers, and prevent visiting subscribers from receiving a high-tiered service. For example, a service provider could offer service differentiation using Ultra/Super/Standard service levels based upon QoS; this could justify charging a corporate customer more to use the Internet APN than would be charged to a consumer. This could be accomplished by controlling the traffic handling priority (THP) over the air interface, i.e. THP 1 = Ultra, THP 2 = Super and THP 3 = Standard.


Use the following command to configure the entire conversational traffic class with predefined QoS options:

 class conversational all-values   

Now change the background class ARP from 3 to 2:

 class background arp 2  

Invalidate the THP parameter, by removing all value from the parameter, for the interactive class:

remove class interactive thp  


Defines a descriptive string relevant to the specific QoS profile.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



description  description 
remove description  


Removes the configured description from this QoS profile.


Specifies a description for this QoS profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 100 characters. The string may include spaces, punctuation, and case-sensitive letters if the string is enclosed in double quotation marks (").

Usage Guidelines

Define information that identifies this particular QoS profile.


Indicate that QoS profile qosprof1 is to be used for customers in India and that the profile was created on April 10th of 2014:
description "qosprof1 defines QoS for customers in India (4/10/14)."  

do show

Executes all show commands while in Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


do show  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run all Exec mode show commands while in Configuration mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command.

The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.


There are some Exec mode show commands which are too resource intensive to run from Config mode. These include: do show support collection , do show support details , do show support record and do show support summary . If there is a restriction on a specific show command, the following error message is displayed:

Failure: Cannot execute 'do	show support' command from Config mode.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


This command enables or disables the SGSN to send EPC QoS parameters to the GGSN.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



epc-qos-params-in-gtpv1 { eps-subscription | gprs-subscription }   
remove epc-qos-params-in-gtpv1   


Removes previous configuration changes and resets the default.


If the keyword eps-subscription is configured, the EPC QoS parameters from EPS subscription are sent to the GGSN. (Note: This option is not supported in this release).


If the keyword gprs-subscription is configured, E-ARP and APN-AMBR from the GPRS subscription are sent. The UE-AMBR value is read from the user (local capping).

Usage Guidelines

This command is disabled by default. On enabling this command E-ARP and APN-AMBR parameters are included in the GTPV1 SM messages towards the GGSN.


The following command enables the SGSN to send EPC QoS parameters to the GGSN. The E-ARP and APN-AMBR values are picked from the GPRS subscription and the UE-AMBR value is read from the user (local capping).
epc-qos-params-in-gtpv1 gprs-subscription  


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


This command enables Operator Specific QCI in MME. If this command is enabled, MME accepts the QCI range 128 - 254 from HSS and P-GW.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ remove ] operator-defined-qci  


Removes the operator defined QCI configuration from the QoS profile.

Usage Guidelines

The non-standard QCIs provides Operator Specific QoS for M2M and other mission critical communications.

In order to use operator specific QCIs, the QoS parameters need to be configured using the pre-rel8-qos-mapping command. On configuring this command, the operator defined QCI values are mapped to the PreRelease8QoS parameters during to UTRAN/GERAN.


The following command enables Operator Defined QCI :


This command instructs the SGSN to choose the QoS configuration as the "qos parameters" for session establishment.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



prefer-as-cap [ both-subscription-and-local | subscription | local ]  


This keyword instructs the SGSN to use, as the capping value during session establishment, the lower of either the locally configured QoS bit rate or the subscription received from HLR/HSS.


Instructs the SGSN to take QoS parameters from the subscription received from HLR (or HSS) and use the same as the capping value for session establishment.

Default for SGSN.


Instructs the SGSN to take QoS parameters from the local configuration and use it for session establishment.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to instruct the SGSN to choose the QoS configuration for sessionestablishment.


The following command instructs the SGSN to cap the bit rate with the lower rate of the two configurations, subscription or local:
prefer-as-cap both-subscription-and-local  


Use this command to instruct which traffic class to use. This command overrides the traffic class received from subscription.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



prefer-tc [ background | conversational | streaming | interactive ]  
remove prefer-tc  


Removes previous configuration changes and resets the default.


Use this keyword to use the background traffic class.


Use this keyword to use the conversational traffic class.


Use this keyword to use the streaming traffic class.


Use this keyword to use the interactive traffic class.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to instruct which traffic class to use. This command is applicable only if following is configured, or the configuration will be ignored during call processing:

  • The prefer-as-cap is set to local or both-subscription-and-local .
  • The Traffic class configured in prefer-tc should be configured. For example, if prefer-tc is configured as background then background class under QoS should also be configured.


The following command is used to choose the background traffic class as the preferred traffic class:

prefer-tc background  


This command is used to assign a default QCI value when a QCI value is not received from the subscription.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ remove ] qci-when-missing-in-subscription qci_value 


Removes the default QCI value configuration from the QoS profile.


The qci_value variable in this configuration is considered as a default QCI value. The QCI value accepted is either a Standard QCI value or Operator Specific value. The Standard QCI values range from 1 to 9, and new Standard QCI values - 65, 66, 69 and 70. The Operator Specific values range from 128 to 254. The configuration does not accept any other value apart from the ones mentioned above.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a default QCI to avoid rejection during handovers to UTRAN/GERAN by MME when a QCI value is not received from the Subscription.


The following command configures a default value QCI of value 5:
 qci-when-missing-in-subscription 5  


Use this command to identify a specific QCI or a range of QCI for which the MME must reject bearer establishment or modification.






Exec > Global Configuration > Quality of Service Profile Configuration

configure > quality-of-service-profile

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



qci-reject { default-bearer | dedicated-bearer }  qci_value [ to   end_qci_value ]  
remove qci-reject  

remove qci-reject

Deletes this configuration from the QoS profile configuration.


Identifies either a specific QoS class identifier (QCI) or a range of QCI for the dedicated-bearer.


Identifies either a specific QoS class identifier (QCI) or a range of QCI for the default-bearer.


Identifies a specific QCI value.
  • For dedicated-bearers, enter an integer from 1 through 9.
  • For default-bearers, enter an integer from 5 through 9.

to end_qci_value

Type "to" and then enter an integer for the QCI value to end the range.

  • For dedicated-bearers, enter an integer from 2 through 9 that is greater than the QCI value entered for the beginning of the range.
  • For default-bearers, enter an integer from 6 through 9 that is greater than the QCI value entered for the beginning of the range.

Usage Guidelines

The MME can reject default-bearers and dedicated-bearers based on QCI received from the subscription or the peer-MME/S4-SGSN during inbound relocation or the Create Session Response/Update Bearer Request/Create Bearer Request procedure.


The following is a sample command that illustrates the configuration for the MME to reject bearer establishment for the dedicated-bearer channel if QCI 7 is received from the P-GW:
dedicated-bearer 7