PCC-AF-Service Configuration Mode Commands

An Application Function (AF) provides Application (layer 7) proxies for client server applications. It also provides enforcement of operator and subscriber QoS, Charging, and Security policies to subscriber session and represents the network element that supports applications that require dynamic policy and/or charging control. In the IMS model, the AF is implemented by the Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF).


This configuration mode is supported from StarOS Release 12.1 onward.


The PCC-AF-Service Configuration mode provides a mechanism to IPCF to manage the external interfaces required for media and application function management. The PCC-AF-Service manages Rx interface which would be based on the dictionary used.

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC AF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-af-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.

associate pcc-service

This command is used to associate a pre-configured PCC-Service with a PCC-AF-Service for IPCF configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC AF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-af-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate pcc-service pcc_svc_name 
[no] associate pcc-service 


Removes/disassociate the configured PCC-service from this PCC-AF-Service instance configured for IPCF configuration.


Specifies the name of a pre-configured PCC-service configured in Context Configuration mode for IPCF configuration.

The pcc_svc_name is name of a predefined PCC-Service instance and must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a pre-configured PCC-Service instance for IPCF configuration.


For more information on PCC-Service configuration, refer PCC-Service Configuration Mode Commands.


Following command binds a PCC-Service named pcc_svc1 with in a PCC-AF-Service.
associate pcc-service pcc_svc1 
Following command removes an associated PCC-Service named pcc_svc1 from a PCC-AF-Service.
no associate pcc-service pcc_svc1 

diameter dictionary

This command is used to assign a Diameter dictionary for Rx messaging with a PCC-AF-Service for IPCF configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC AF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-af-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter dictionary {r8-standard | standard} 
default diameter dictionary 


Sets the Diameter Rx dictionary to default dictionary r8-standard (3GPP Rel. 8 standard) for a PCC-AF-Service instance configured for IPCF configuration.


Default: Enabled

Sets the Diameter Rx dictionary to be used by a PCC-AF-Service instance configured for IPCF configuration over Rx interface to 3GPP Rel. 8 standard.


Default: Disabled

Sets the Diameter Rx dictionary to be used by a PCC-AF-Service instance configured for IPCF configuration over Rx interface to 3GPP Rel. 7 standard.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PCC-AF-Service to determine which of the 3GPP dictionary to be used for Rx interface messaging for media and application function management.


Following command sets the PCC-AF-Service to use 3GPP Rel. 8 standard dictionary for Rx interface and application function management related messaging in a PCC-AF-Service.
default diameter dictionary 

diameter origin end-point

This command is used to bind/associate a pre-configured Diameter host/realm (AF) over Rx interface with a PCC-AF-Service to be used for subscriber service control and AF profile management.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC AF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-af-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter origin endpoint dia_endpoint_name 
no diameter origin endpoint 


Removes the associated Diameter Origin Endpoint configuration from PCC-AF-Service instance configured for IPCF configuration.


Sets the PCC-AF-Service instance to use any available AF node over Rx interface for AF support.


The dia_endpoint_name is a predefined Diameter origin endpoint node and must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to bind the AF node over Rx interface by associating a pre-configured Diameter Origin Endpoint with a PCC-AF-Service.

The Diameter origin endpoint must be a pre-configured instance in the Context Configuration Mode. For more information on Diameter origin endpoint configuration, refer Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Following command associates a pre-configured Diameter endpoint node configuration named af_pcscf1 with a PCC-AF-Service for AF profile management.
diameter origin endpoint af_pcscf1 
Following command removes the pre-associated Diameter endpoint node configuration named af_pcscf1 with a PCC-AF-Service.
no diameter origin endpoint