PCC-Sp-Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands


This configuration mode is supported from StarOS Release 12.1 onward.


The PCC-Sp-Endpoint Configuration mode provides a mechanism for Intelligent Policy Control Function (IPCF) to support the Sp interface endpoint. It represents a client end for SSC interactions. The PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration mode facilitates the configuration of Sp interface, and manages the connection and operational parameters related to its peer.

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


This command is used to define the type of access protocol to be used with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance for IPCF configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-type {diameter | ldap} 
default access-type 


Sets access type protocol to be used by endpoints to default protocol of Diameter protocol in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance for IPCF configuration.


Default: Enabled

Sets access type protocol to be used by endpoints to Diameter protocol in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance for IPCF configuration.


Default: Disabled

Sets access type protocol to be used by endpoints to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance for IPCF configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define the type of access protocol to be used with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance for IPCF configuration.


Following command sets the access type of protocol to Diameter for a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.
default access-type 

diameter dictionary

This command is used to assign a Diameter dictionary for interaction with SSC and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter dictionary {sh-custon-starent | sh-custom2 | sh-standard } 
default diameter dictionary 


Sets the Diameter Sh dictionary to default dictionary sh-custon-starent (3GPP Rel. 8 Sh standard) for Sh interaction and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration.


Default: Enabled

Sets the Diameter Sh dictionary to default dictionary sh-custom-starent for Sh interaction and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration.


Default: Disabled

Sets the Diameter Sh dictionary to sh-custom2 with Cisco ULI AVP support for Sh interaction and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration.


Default: Disabled

Sets the Diameter Sh dictionary to default dictionary sh-standard (3GPP Rel. 8 standard) for Sh interaction and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign a Diameter dictionary for Sh interaction and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration.


Following command sets the Diameter dictionary for Sh interaction and messaging over Sp interface in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance of IPCF configuration to 3GPP Rel. 8 standard.
diameter dictionary sh-standard 

diameter origin end-point

This command is used to bind/associate a pre-configured Diameter host/realm (SSC) over Sp interface for SPR interactions with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to be used for subscriber profile and policy management.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter origin endpoint ssc_node_name 
no diameter origin endpoint 


Removes the associated Diameter Origin Endpoint configuration from PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance configured for IPCF configuration.


The ssc_node_name is a predefined Diameter origin endpoint node (SSC) and must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to bind the SSC node over Sp interface by associating a pre-configured Diameter Origin Endpoint configuration with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.

The Diameter origin endpoint must be a pre-configured instance in the Context Configuration Mode. For more information on Diameter origin endpoint configuration, refer Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Following command associates a pre-configured Diameter endpoint node configuration named ssc_1 with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance for subscriber policy profile management.
diameter origin endpoint ssc_1 
Following command removes the pre-associated Diameter endpoint node configuration named ssc_1 from a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.
no diameter origin endpoint 

diameter peer-select

This command nominates primary and secondary Diameter peers amongst the peers configured under Diameter Endpoint Configuration instance which is associated with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter peer-select peer pri_peer_name [row-precedence row_prec_name selection-condition imsi {mcc mcc-string [mnc mnc-string] [msin msin-string]  | mnc mnc-string [msin msin-string] | msin msin-string}] [realm realm_name]  [secondary-peer sec_peer_name [realm sec_realm_name]] 
no diameter peer-select 
no diameter peer-select row-precedence 


To remove all the configuration parameters.

To remove a particular selection-condition, a row-precedence value is specified.

peer pri_peer_name

Sets a configured Diameter peer, which is configured in Diameter Endpoint configuration associated with PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance configuration, as primary in Diameter peer selection process for IPCF configuration.

The pri_peer_name is a pre-configured Diameter peer in Diameter Endpoint configuration which is associated with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration and must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters. pri_peer_name allows punctuation marks.

row-precedence row_prec_name

The row-precedence decides order of evaluation of the selection conditions.

The row_prec_name is an integer between 1 and 63. Lower the value, higher is the priority of evaluation.


The selection-condition parameter is used to define Diameter SPR peer selection conditon.


It indicates that the selection condition is based on subscriber IMSI.

mcc mcc-string

It indicates that the selection condition is based on MCC component of subscriber IMSI.

The mcc-string can have one of the following formats: mccval1 or mccval1-mccval2 . The first format compares single MCC value and second one incorporates the range with mccval1 <= mccval2.

The values for both mccval1 and mccval2 must be between 100 to 999.

mnc mnc-string

It indicates that the selection condition is based on MNC component of subscriber IMSI.

The mnc-string can have one of the following formats: mncval1 or mncval1-mncval2 . The first format compares single MNC value and second one incorporates the range with mncval1 <= mncval2.

The values for both mncval1 and mncval2 must be between 1 to 999.

msin msin-string

It indicates that the condition is based on MSIN component of subscriber IMSI.

The msin-string can have following format: msinval1-msinval2 . The format incorporates the range with mccval1 <= mccval2.

The values for both mccval1 and mccval2 must be of maximum of 10 digits.

realm realm-name

This keyword optionally defines the realm (domain) of a configured primary Diameter peer, which is configured in Diameter Endpoint configuration associated with PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance configuration, in Diameter peer selection process for IPCF configuration.

realm_name is the realm (domain) of the associated primary Diameter peer in Diameter Endpoint configuration which associated with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration. The realm_name must be an alpha and/or numeric string of 1 to 127 characters. The realm may typically be a company or service name and it allows punctuation marks.

secondary-peer sec_peer_name

Sets a configured Diameter peer, which is configured in Diameter Endpoint configuration associated with PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance configuration, as secondary in Diameter peer selection process for IPCF configuration.

The sec_peer_name is a pre-configured Diameter peer in Diameter Endpoint configuration which is associated with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration and must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters. sec_peer_name allows punctuation marks.

realm sec_realm-name

This keyword optionally defines the realm (domain) of a configured secondary Diameter peer, which is configured in Diameter Endpoint configuration associated with PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance configuration, in Diameter peer selection process for IPCF configuration.

sec_realm_name is the realm (domain) of the associated primary Diameter peer in Diameter Endpoint configuration which associated with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration. The sec_realm_name must be an alpha and/or numeric string of from 1 to 127 characters. The realm may typically be a company or service name and it allows punctuation marks.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to nominate primary and secondary Diameter peers amongst the peers configured under Diameter Endpoint Configuration instance which is associated with a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration. When both primary and secondary are down, the remaining Diameter peers are chosen based on their configured weight in round robin manner.

When row-precedence and selection-conditions are not defined for peer selection configuration, the row precedence value is assumed to be 64 (which is the lowest). This is a deafult peer selection when all the other configured selection conditions fail.

Multiple Diameter peers can be configured in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance by entering this command multiple times.


Assume the operator has two MCC-MNC combinations: 123-456 and 123-457 respectively for subscriber IMSI values. If operator wishes to divert subscribers with these two different combinations to different SSC peers (say ssc123456 and ssc123457) then the operator needs to use following commands under PCC-Sp-Endpoint :

diameter peer-select row-precedence 4 selection-condition imsi mcc 123 mnc 456 peer ssc123456 
diameter peer-select row-precedence 6 selection-condition imsi mnc 123 mnc 456 peer ssc223457 
Following command nominates a pre-configured Diameter peer dia1 as primary and dia2 as secondary for Diameter peer selection process in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration instance.
diameter peer-select peer dia1 secondary peer dia2 


This command allows the operator to specify data-reference and service indication AVP values used in UDR/SNR message for profile data sent over Sp endpoint when access type is set to Diameter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



profile-data key data-reference data_ref_value [service-indication svc_ind_value] 
default profile-data key 


Specifies the data-reference value used in UDR/SNR message for profile data sent over Sp endpoint to default value of '0 ' (zero) and service indication AVP value to profile data when access type is set to Diameter in PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.

data-reference data_ref_value

Default: 0

Specifies the data-reference values used in UDR/SNR message for profile data sent over Sp endpoint when access type is set to Diameter in PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.

The data reference value data_ref_value must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

service-indication svc_ind_value

Specifies the service indication AVP value used in UDR/SNR message for profile data sent over Sp endpoint when access type is set to Diameter in PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.


The Service-Indication values are set as per application logic and are supposed to be used only with SSC.

The service indication value svc_ind_value must be a string of alpha and/or numeric characters from 1 to 32 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow the operator to specify data-reference and service indication AVP values used in UDR/SNR message for profile data sent over Sp endpoint when access type is set to Diameter in PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration instance.

Default service-indication value varies as per other interface configuration default profile-data key is used to set the service indication value.


Following command set the data-reference value used in UDR/SNR message for profile data sent over Sp endpoint to default value of '0 ' (zero) and service-indication value as per application logic when access type is set to Diameter in PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.
default profile-data key 


This command sets the system to indicate whether SSC and IPCF are capable of supporting profile update notifications in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



profile-update-notification {allow | disallow} 
default profile-update-notification 


Set the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance default mode for supporting profile update notifications in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance and also to use the same in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration instance.


Default: Enabled

Set the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to support the profile update notifications and also allow to use the same in Sp interaction.


Default: Disabled

Set the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to not to support the profile update notifications and also does not allow to use the same in Sp interaction.

Usage Guidelines

Use command to set to indicate whether SSC and IPCF are capable of supporting profile update notifications in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance. It also sets that whether profile update notification should be used or not for a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration instance.


Following command indicates that SSC and IPCF are capable of supporting profile update notifications in a PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance and also allow to use it for a PCC-Sp-Endpoint configuration instance.
default profile-update-notification 

spr subscriber identifier

This command sets the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to indicate how a subscriber is uniquely identified in SPR database while requesting subscriber data from SSC.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PCC Sp Endpoint Configuration

configure > context context_name > pcc-sp-endpoint endpoint_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



spr subscriber identifier {imsi | msisdn | nai} 
default spr subscriber identifier 


Sets the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to use subscriber IMSI to identify subscriber uniquely in SPR database while requesting subscriber data from SSC.


Default: Enabled

Sets the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to use subscriber IMSI to identify subscriber uniquely in SPR database while requesting subscriber data from SSC.


Default: Disabled

Sets the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to use subscriber MSISDN to identify subscriber uniquely in SPR database while requesting subscriber data from SSC.


Default: Disabled

Sets the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to use Network Address Identifier as token to identify subscriber uniquely in SPR database while requesting subscriber data from SSC.

This token facilitates CDMA users for Policy Control and Charging functions.

Usage Guidelines

Use command to set the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to indicate how a subscriber is uniquely identified in SPR database on SSC while requesting subscriber data. By default it uses Subscriber IMSI for identification in SPR database.

For IP-CAN session between PDSN and IPCF the subscriber token NAI facilitates the Policy Control and Charging functions to subscribers.


Following command sets the PCC-Sp-Endpoint instance to use a subscriber IMSI to uniquely identified in SPR database at SSC.
default spr subscriber identifier