Port Number Behavior in EDR Module Configuration

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

  • ASR 5500

  • VPC-DI

  • VPC-SI

Feature Default

Disabled - Configuration Required

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

  • Command Line Reference Guide

  • ASR 5500 System Administration Guide

  • VPC-DI System Administration Guide

  • VPC-SI System Administration Guide

Revision History

Revision Details


First Introduced.

2024.02.0 (21.28.m23)

Behavior Change

After Cisco SSH or SSL upgrade, the port number behavior has changed for the EDR-module configuration.

Previous Behavior: In the EDR-module configuration, the default SFTP port number "0" was selected automatically and connected to port 0 when colon was specified.

For example:

cdr transfer-mode push primary url sftp://root:starent@ via local-context

New Behavior: The EDR-module configuration allows the new default SFTP port number "22" or disallow the port number without specifying a colon.

If colon is specified after host, the port number is mandatory. The default SFTP port number is 22. If colon is not specified after host, the port number need not be entered and the default SFTP port number is used.

For example:

cdr transfer-mode push primary url sftp://root:starent@ via local-context (with default SFTP port number)

cdr transfer-mode push primary url sftp://root:starent@ via local-context (without colon)

For more information about cdr command, see the EDR Module Configuration Mode Commands chapter in the Command Line Interface Reference Guide.