Configuring and Validating Mixed Mode (Fixed infrastructure + Fluidity) Topology

Configuring and Validating Mixed Mode (Fixed Infrastructure + Fluidity) Topology

The mixed mode configuration provides flexibility of configuration on multi-radio device with different frequencies. From the below diagram, U2 is configured with one radio in fixed infrastructure and the second radio as a Fluidity AP to accept vehicle connections simultaneously. Both radio interfaces on U1 configured as fixed infra when U3 has both radio interfaces configured as fluidity. The wireless interface can also operate in Fluidmax mode without any restriction of the P2MP (Point to MultiPoint) role (Primary or Secondary) if fixed infrastructure role is suitable.

Figure 1. Mixed Mode Topologies

Configuring Mixed Mode Topology from CLI

To configure a mixed mode topology, use a following CLI commands.
Device# configure fluidity id {vehicle-auto | vehicle ID | infrastructure | wireless- relay}

Fluidity id – configure Fluidity role for device.

Vehicle-auto - vehicle mode with automatic vehicle ID selection

Vehicle ID (alphanumeric) - vehicle mode with manual ID.

Infrastructure - infrastructure mode

Wireless-relay - wireless infrastructure with no ethernet connection to the backhaul.

Device# configure dot11Radio <interface>

Interface - <0-3> dot11Radio interface number.

Device# configure dot11Radio <interface> {enable | disable}

Enable or disable - Set wireless interface admin state to enable or disable at runtime.

Device# configure dot11Radio <interface> mode {fluidity | fixed | fluidmax}

Mode - operating mode for the specified interface (Fluidity or fixed or Fluidmax).

Device# configure dot11Radio <interface> channel <channel id>

channel - Set the operating channel id <1 – 256>

Device# wr


U1 Configuration

Device# configure dot11Radio 2 enable
Device# configure dot11Radio 2 mode fixed
Device# configure dot11Radio 2 channel 36

U2 Configuration

Device# configure dot11Radio 1 enable
Device# configure dot11Radio 1 mode fixed
Device# configure dot11Radio 1 channel 36
Device# configure dot11Radio 2 enable
Device# configure dot11Radio 2 mode fluidity
Device# configure dot11Radio 2 channel 149
Device# Configure fluidity id infrastructure

U3 Configuration

Device# Configure fluidity id vehicle-auto
Device# configure dot11Radio 1 enable
Device# configure dot11Radio 1 mode fluidity
Device# configure dot11Radio 1 channel 149

Validating Mixed Mode Topology from CLI

To validate a mixed mode topology, use a following show commands.
Device# show dot11Radio <interface>config

U1 Statistics

Device# show dot11Radio 2 config
Interface : enabled
Mode : fixed infrastructure
Frequency : 5180 MHz
Channel : 36
Passphrase : Cisco
AES encryption : enabled
AES key-control : enabled

U2 Statistics

Device# show dot11Radio 1 config
Interface : enabled
Mode : fixed infrastructure
Frequency : 5180 MHz
Channel : 36
Passphrase : Cisco
AES encryption : enabled
AES key-control : enabled
Device# show dot11Radio 2 config
Interface : enabled
Mode : fluidity
Frequency : 5745 MHz
Channel : 149
Passphrase : Cisco
AES encryption : enabled
AES key-control : enabled

U3 Statistics

Device# show dot11Radio 1 config
Interface : enabled
Mode : fluidity
Frequency : 5745 MHz
Channel : 149
Passphrase : Cisco
AES encryption : enabled
AES key-control : enabled