IoT OD Cluster


IoT OD Cluster

Cisco IoT OD for Industrial Wireless is a cloud-based IoT services platform designed to monitor and manage IoT devices and networks. For more information about the IoT OD, see Introduction to Industrial Wireless.

IoT OD Cluster Before Release 17.15.1

Earlier than Cisco UIW Release 17.15.1, selecting the IoT OD cluster for access was not an option. The default setting was auto, which redirected users to either the US or EU cluster based on the geolocation. For example, devices in the United States are redirected to the US cluster and devices outside the United States are redirected to the EU cluster.

IoT OD Cluster in Release 17.15.1

From Cisco UIW Release 17.15.1, you can configure the IoT OD cluster URL to Auto, EU, or US options.

Configure IoT OD Cluster from CLI


To configure the IoT OD cluster in an AP, run the following command:

Device#configure iotod- iw cluster{ auto| us| eu}



By default, the auto option is enabled.

After you configure the AP with the required cluster, use the following URL to access the IoT OD.

Verify IoT OD Cluster

To verify the IW Service cluster configuration, run the following command:

Device#show iotod-iw cluster configuration 
IoT Operations Dashboard EU Cluster