Asset Tracking

Use Case Overview

Use the Asset Tracking use case to add asset tags to help manage and monitor the location of important objects and search for assets on a map. You can also add new asset tags with scalable and streamlined on-board processes and create rules to quickly notify team members when an item leaves a specific zone. The Cisco Spaces: IoT Explorer application retains asset location history for at least one year.

This type of use case helps to:

  • Configure notifications when an asset leaves a zone, floor, or building

  • Locate an asset in real time.

  • Gain insight into how often a device is utilized

  • Set up alerts when an asset tag's battery needs to be replaced

The following sensors are supported by this type of use case:

  • BLE tag

  • CCX tag

  • BLE device

  • Wi-Fi device

Configure Tracking and Monitoring of Asset Location

This task shows you how to view, monitor, and set up alerts that give insights to your assets and their locations.


Step 1

From the Cisco Spaces window, click the IoT Explorer app tile.

Step 2

Click Asset Tracking.

Step 3

Click Get Started.

Step 4

In the Use Case Name field, enter a name for the use case.

Step 5

In the Description field, enter a description for the use case.

Step 6

Click Create Use Case.

You have created the asset tracking use case, along with various options to manage your assets, set up rules, and add users.

Step 7

From the IoT Explorer: Active Use Cases, choose the newly created asset tracking use case.

Step 8

Add asset tags that are available on your assets to this use case. You can import assets individually, or in bulk, or from existing use case. You can also see details of each asset, and view the asset on the map location. See Assets.

Step 9

Add users that can access this use case, and if needed, add custom user roles. See What are Users and User Roles.

Step 10

Configure Rules that can quickly notify your team when one of the following occurs:

  • Asset Changes Location: Monitor asset movement across building, floors, and zones.
  • Asset Not Heard: Triggers an event when a sensor has been silent for the specified interval..

Step 11

Configure conditions that trigger events. See Create Rules to Your Use Case.

You can now monitor and manage assets by navigating to the floor map on the Locator tab. From the Assets tab, you can also search for an asset using a name or location. When the rules you configured trigger events, you can see them on the Events tab.