Temperature Monitoring

Use Case Overview

Use the Temperature Monitoring use case to manage and monitor indoor environments. You can also add new temperature sensors with scalable and streamlined onboarding process and create rules to quickly notify team members when a sensor falls or rises below a certain threshold.

This use case helps to:

  • Get alert when temperature is out of range

  • Set up an event log to monitor temperature changes over time

  • Gain insight into all the spaces temperature

  • Keep assets under compliance

The following sensors are supported by this type of use case:

  • BLE Tag

  • CCX Tag

Configure Monitoring of Temperature of Devices

This task shows you how to monitor your spaces and receive notifications regarding changes in temperature of your devices.


Step 1

In the Cisco Spaces, click the IoT Explorer app tile.

Step 2

Click Temperature Monitoring.

Step 3

Click Get Started.

Step 4

In the Use Case Name field, enter a name for the use case.

Step 5

In the Description field, enter a description for the use case.

Step 6

Click Create Use Case.

You have created the temperature monitoring use case along with various options to set up sensors, rules, and users.

Step 7

From the IoT Explorer: Active Use Cases, choose the newly created temperature use case.

Step 8

Add sensors that are available on your devices to the use case. You can add sensors individually, or in bulk, or from sensors onboarded onto Cisco Spaces. See Sensors.

Step 9

Add users that can access this use case, and if needed, add custom user roles. See What are Users and User Roles

Step 10

Configure Rules that can quickly notify your team when one of the following occurs:

  • Temperature Rise: Monitor sensors and trigger an event when a temperature rises.
  • Temperature Drop: Monitor sensors and trigger an event when a temperature drops.
  • Temperature in Range: Monitor sensors and trigger an event when the temperature is between a range that you can configure.
  • Temperature outside Range: Monitor sensors and trigger an event when the temperature is outside a range that you can configure.
  • Sensor Not Heard: Triggers an event when a sensor has been silent for the specified interval.

Step 11

Configure conditions that trigger events. See Create Rules to Your Use Case

When the temperature rules you configured trigger events, you can see them on the Events tab.

View Temperature History Graphically

This task allows you to observe the temperature variations of your device visually on a graphic. You can also customize this graph.


Step 1

From the Cisco Spaces: IoT Explorer: Active Use Cases, choose the newly created temperature monitoring use case.

Step 2

Do one of the following:

  • Navigate to the Sensors tab.
  • In the Configure tab Manage Sensors area, click View Sensors.

Step 3

Click a sensor to see the temperature variations experienced by your device. In the Temperature History tab, a supported sensor can display graphically, the temperature of your device over a period of time. You can also modify the displayed period here.

Figure 1. View Temperature History Graphically