Table Of Contents
Barge and Privacy
Introducing Barge and Privacy
Barge Using Built-In Conference—Barge Softkey
Barge Using Shared Conference—cBarge Softkey
System Requirements for Barge and Privacy
Interactions and Restrictions
Barge and cBarge
Upgrading to Cisco CallManager Release 4.0
Barge and Call Park
Barge and Join
Installing and Activating Barge and Privacy
Activating Barge with Built-In Conference Bridge
Activating cBarge with Shared Conference Bridge
Activating Privacy
Configuring Barge and Privacy
Barge Configuration Checklist
Privacy Configuration Checklist
Setting the Service Parameters for Barge and Privacy
Troubleshooting Barge and Privacy
Where to Find More Information
Barge and Privacy
The Barge and Privacy features work with each other. Both features work with only shared lines.
Barge adds a user to a call that is in progress. Pressing a softkey automatically adds the user (initiator) to the shared-line call (target), and the users currently on the call receive a tone (if configured). Barge supports built-in conference and shared conference bridges.
The administrator enables or disables Privacy setting. When Privacy is enabled, the system removes the call information from all phones that share lines and blocks other shared lines from barging in on its calls. When Privacy is disabled, the system displays call information on all phones that have shared line appearances and allows other shared lines to barge in on its calls. Administrators configure Privacy for each device, and users toggle the Privacy feature on or off.
This chapter provides the following information about Barge and Privacy:
Introducing Barge and Privacy
System Requirements for Barge and Privacy
Interactions and Restrictions
Installing and Activating Barge and Privacy
Configuring Barge and Privacy
Setting the Service Parameters for Barge and Privacy
Troubleshooting Barge and Privacy
Where to Find More Information
Introducing Barge and Privacy
The following sections describe Barge and Privacy.
Barge allows a user to get added to a remotely active call that is on a shared line. Remotely active calls for a line comprise active (connected) calls that are made to or from another device that shares a directory number with the line. Barge supports this type of remote-in-use call.
Phones support Barge in two conference modes:
Built-in conference bridge at the target device (the phone that is being barged). This mode uses the Barge softkey.
Shared conference bridge. This mode uses the cBarge softkey.
By pressing the Barge or cBarge softkey in the remote in use call state, the user gets added to the call with all parties, and all parties receive a barge beep tone (if configured). If barge fails, the original call and status remain active.
If no conference bridge is available (built-in or shared), the barge request gets rejected, and a message displays at the barge initiator device.
Table 7-1 describes the differences between Barge with built-in conference bridge and shared conference.
Table 7-1 Built-In and Shared Conference Bridge Differences
Using Barge Softkey (Built-in Conference Bridge at Target Device)
Using cBarge Softkey (Shared Conference Bridge)
The standard softkey template includes the softkey.
A media break occurs during barge setup.
User receives a barge setup tone, if configured.
To Conference displays as the name at the barge initiator phone.
To Barge
To Barge
To Conference displays as the name at the target phone.
To/From Other
To Barge
To Conference displays as the name at the other phones.
To/From Target
To Barge
A spinning circle displays on the right side of prompt status message at the target device.
Bridge supports a second barge setup to an already barged call.
Initiator releases the call.
No media interruption occurs for the two original parties.
Media break occurs to release the shared conference bridge when only two parties remain and to reconnect the remaining parties as a point-to-point call.
Target releases the call.
Media break occurs to reconnect initiator with the other party as a point-to-point call.
Media break occurs to release the shared conference bridge when only two parties remain and to reconnect the remaining parties as a point-to-point call.
Other party releases the call.
All three parties get released.
Media break occurs to release the shared conference bridge when only two parties remain and to reconnect the remaining parties as a point-to-point call.
Target puts call on hold and performs direct transfer, Join, or Call Park.
Initiator gets released.
Initiator and the other party remain connected.
Barge Using Built-In Conference—Barge Softkey
You can use the Barge softkey only in the remote-in-use call state. A built-in conference bridge proves advantageous because neither a media interruption nor display changes to the original call occur when the barge is being setting up. A spinning circle displays at the right side of the prompt status message window at the target device.
When the barge initiator releases the call, the barge call gets released between the barge initiator and target. The original call between the target device and the other party remains active. A barge disconnect tone (beep beep) plays to all remaining parties.
When the target device releases the call, the media between the barge initiator and the other party gets dropped briefly and then reconnects as a point-to-point call. The display changes at the barge initiator device to reflect the connected party.
When the other party releases the call, both the original call and the barge call get released.
When the barge initiator puts the call on hold, both the target device and the other party remain in the call.
When the target device puts the call on hold or in a conference or transfers it, the barge initiator gets released from the barge call while the original call also gets put on hold, in a conference, or transferred. The barge initiator can barge into a call again after the media gets reestablished at the target.
When the other party puts the call on hold or in a conference or transfers it, both the target device and the barge initiator remain in the call.
When network or Cisco CallManager failure occurs, the barge call gets preserved (like all active calls).
Some Cisco IP Phones (such as Model 7940 and 7960) have the built-in conference bridge capability, which barge uses.
The following settings activate or deactivate the built-in conference bridge:
Enable or disable the built-in bridge by setting the Cisco CallManager clusterwide service parameter, Built-in Bridge Enable, to On or Off.
Enable or disable the built-in bridge for each device by using the Built In Bridge drop-down list box in the Phone Configuration window (choose on, off, or default). On or off override the Built-in Bridge Enable service parameter. Choosing default uses the setting of the service parameter.
To use barge with a built-in bridge, ensure the preceding items are enabled, Privacy is disabled, and the Barge softkey is assigned to each device. Otherwise, to use shared conference bridge, assign the cBarge softkey to each device.
For more information, see the "Configuring Barge and Privacy" section.
Related Topics
Configuring Service Parameters for a Service on a Server, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Barge Using Shared Conference—cBarge Softkey
You can use the cBarge softkey only in the remote-in-use call state. No standard softkey template includes the cBarge softkey. To access the cBarge softkey, the administrator adds it to a softkey template and then assigns the softkey template to a device.
When cBarge gets pressed, a barge call gets set up by using the shared conference bridge, if available. The original call gets split and then joined at the conference bridge, which causes a brief media interruption. The call information for all parties gets changed to Barge.
The barged call becomes a conference call with the barge target device as the conference controller. It can add more parties to the conference or can drop any party.
When any party releases from the call, which leaves only two parties in the conference, the remaining two parties experience a brief interruption and then get reconnected as a point-to-point call, which releases the shared conference resource.
For more information, see the "Configuring Barge and Privacy" section.
Related Topics
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
With Privacy, administrators can enable or disable the capability of users with phones that share the same line (DN) to view call status and to barge the call. Administrators enable or disable Privacy for each phone.
Administrators perform the following configuration steps to enable or disable Privacy:
Set a service parameter.
Add Privacy button to phone button template.
Add Privacy capability and phone button template that has Privacy button to each device.
When the device that is configured for privacy registers with Cisco CallManager, the feature button on the phone that is configured with Privacy gets labeled, and the status shows through an icon. If the button has a lamp, it lights.
When the phone receives an incoming call, the user makes the call private (so the call information does not display on the shared line) by pressing the Privacy feature button. The Privacy feature button toggles between on and off.
When a Cisco CallManager database that contains the BargeEnabled parameter is upgraded from Cisco CallManager Release 3.3 to Release 4.0, the system populates privacy settings opposite the BargeEnabled setting.
Related Topics
Privacy Configuration Checklist
Configuring Service Parameters for a Service on a Server, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Adding Phone Button Templates, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
System Requirements for Barge and Privacy
Barge and Privacy require the following software component to operate:
Cisco CallManager 4.0 or later
The following phones support Barge by using the Barge or cBarge softkey in any Cisco CallManager softkey template:
Cisco IP Phones (Models 7905, 7912, 7920, 7940, 7960, 7970)
The following phones support Privacy with the Privacy button on the phone button template:
Cisco IP Phones (Models 7940, 7960, 7970)
The following phones support the built-in conference bridge capability:
Cisco IP Phones (Models 7940, 7960, 7970)
If the phone does not support a Privacy button, by default, the privacy for that phone remains Off (all devices sharing a line with that phone will display the phone information).
Interactions and Restrictions
The following sections describe the interactions and restrictions for Barge and Privacy:
The following sections describe how Barge and Privacy interact with Cisco CallManager applications and call processing:
Barge and cBarge
Upgrading to Cisco CallManager Release 4.0
Barge and Call Park
Barge and Join
Barge and cBarge
Cisco recommends that you assign either the Barge or cBarge softkey to a softkey template. By having only one of these softkeys for each device, you can avoid confusion for users and potential performance issues.
Upgrading to Cisco CallManager Release 4.0
When a Cisco CallManager database that contains the BargeEnabled parameter is upgraded from Cisco CallManager Release 3.3 to Release 4.0, the system populates privacy settings opposite the BargeEnabled setting.
Barge and Call Park
When the target parks the call, the barge initiator gets released (if using the built-in bridge), or the barge initiator and the other party remain connected (if using the shared conference).
Barge and Join
When the target joins the call with another call, the barge initiator gets released (if using the built-in bridge), or the barge initiator and the other party remain connected (if using the shared conference).
The following restrictions apply to Barge:
To enhance performance, disable built-in bridge or turn on Privacy for those devices that do not have shared-line appearances or do not use barge.
CTI does not support Barge through APIs that TAPI/JTAPI applications invoke. CTI generates events for Barge when it is invoked manually from an IP phone by using the Barge or cBarge softkey.
Cisco recommends that you do not configure cBarge for a user who has Barge configured. Choose only one barge method for each user.
The original call requires G.711 codec. If G.711 is not available, use cBarge instead.
The following restrictions apply to Privacy:
To enhance performance, disable built-in bridge or turn on Privacy for those devices that do not have shared-line appearances or do not use barge.
CTI does not support Privacy through APIs that TAPI/JTAPI applications invoke. CTI generates events when Privacy gets enabled or disabled from an IP phone by using the Privacy feature button.
The following restriction applies to built-in conference bridge:
To enhance performance, disable built-in bridge or turn on Privacy for those devices that do not have shared-line appearances or do not use barge.
The initiator cannot park a call, redirect a call, or use any feature that is using the CTI/JTAPI/TSP interface. The system supports only hold and unhold.
Installing and Activating Barge and Privacy
Barge and Privacy system features come standard with Cisco CallManager software. The administrator activates the features after installation to make them available for system use. The following sections provide information about activating the features:
Activating Barge with Built-In Conference Bridge
Activating cBarge with Shared Conference Bridge
Activating Privacy
Activating Barge with Built-In Conference Bridge
To activate Barge with built-in conference bridge, add the Barge softkey to a softkey template, assign the softkey template to a device, set the Built-in Bridge Enable service parameter to On, and set the party entrance tone to True. See the "Barge Configuration Checklist" section for details.
To set Barge with built-in conference bridge for all users, set the Built-in Bridge Enable service parameter to On. To set Barge with built-in conference bridge for individual users, set the Built in Bridge field to On in the Phone Configuration window.
Activating cBarge with Shared Conference Bridge
To activate Barge with shared conference bridge, add the cBarge softkey to a softkey template, assign the softkey template to a device, and set the party entrance tone to True. See the "Barge Configuration Checklist" section for details.
Activating Privacy
To activate Privacy, set the Privacy Setting service parameter to True, add Privacy to a phone button template, assign the phone button template to a device, and choose Privacy for each device. See the "Privacy Configuration Checklist" section for details.
To set Privacy for all users, set the Privacy Setting service parameter to True. To set Privacy for individual users, set the Privacy field to On in the Phone Configuration window.
Configuring Barge and Privacy
This section contains the following information:
Barge Configuration Checklist
Privacy Configuration Checklist
Setting the Service Parameters for Barge and Privacy
Barge Configuration Checklist
Table 7-2 provides a checklist to configure Barge with built-in conference bridge.
Table 7-2 Barge with Built-In Conference Bridge Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related Procedures and Topics
Step 1
Assign the Standard User or Standard Feature softkey template (both contain the Barge softkey) to each device that accesses Barge by using the built-in conference bridge.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 2
Set the following optional Cisco CallManager service parameters:
• To enable Barge for all users, set the Built-In Bridge Enable clusterwide service parameter to On
Note If this parameter is set to Off, configure Barge for each phone by setting the Built in Bridge field in Phone Configuration
• Set the Party Entrance Tone to True (required for tones)
Configuring Service Parameters for a Service on a Server, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 3
In the User Configuration window for each user that is allowed to access the Barge with built-in conference bridge feature, associate the device that has the Barge softkey template assigned to it.
Adding a User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 4
Notify users that the Barge feature is available.
Refer to the phone documentation for instructions on how users access Barge on their Cisco IP Phone.
Table 7-3 provides a checklist to configure Barge with shared conference bridge.
Table 7-3 Barge with Shared Conference Bridge (cBarge) Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related Procedures and Topics
Step 1
Assign the Standard User or Standard Feature softkey template (you configure cBarge to either template) to each device that accesses Barge by using the shared conference bridge.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 2
Set the optional clusterwide service parameter Party Entrance Tone to True (required for tones).
Configuring Service Parameters for a Service on a Server, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 3
In the User Configuration window for each user that is allowed to access the cBarge with shared conference bridge feature, associate the device that has the cBarge softkey template assigned to it.
Adding a User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 4
Notify users that the cBarge feature is available.
Refer to the phone documentation for instructions on how users access cBarge on their Cisco IP Phone.
Privacy Configuration Checklist
Table 7-4 provides a checklist to configure Privacy.
Table 7-4 Privacy Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related Procedures and Topics
Step 1
Set the optional Privacy Setting clusterwide service parameter to True.
Note Do not set this parameter if only a few users need access to Privacy (see Step 3).
Configuring Service Parameters for a Service on a Server, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 2
For each phone button template that has Privacy, add Privacy to one of the feature buttons.
Phone Button Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 3
For each phone user that wants Privacy, choose On in the Privacy drop-down list box on the Phone Configuration window.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 4
For each phone user that wants Privacy, choose the phone button template that contains the Privacy feature button.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 5
In the User Configuration window, for each user that does not want information displayed about the shared-line appearances, associate the device that has the Privacy feature button assigned to it.
Adding a User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 6
Notify users that the Privacy feature is available.
Refer to the phone documentation for instructions on how users access Privacy on their Cisco IP Phone.
Setting the Service Parameters for Barge and Privacy
Cisco CallManager provides three clusterwide service parameters: Built In Bridge Enable for the built-in conference bridge capability, Privacy Setting for the Privacy feature, and Party Entrance Tone for the tones that are played during barge.
Built In Bridge Enable—Default specifies Off. This parameter enables or disables the built-in conference bridge capability for phones that use the Barge softkey. Set this parameter for each server in a cluster that has the Cisco CallManager service and Barge configured. If Built in Bridge is set to On in Phone Configuration, the service parameter setting gets overridden.
Privacy Setting—Default specifies True. This parameter enables or disables the Privacy feature for phone users who do not want to display information on shared-line appearances. Set this parameter for each server in a cluster that has the Cisco CallManager service and Privacy configured. If Privacy is set to On in Phone Configuration, the service parameter setting gets overridden.
Party Entrance Tone—Default specifies False. This parameter enables or disables the tones that are played during barge. Set this parameter for each server in a cluster that has the Cisco CallManager service and Barge (with tones) configured.
Troubleshooting Barge and Privacy
For information about troubleshooting tools, error messages, and how to recover from Barge problems, see "Troubleshooting Features and Services."
Where to Find More Information
Related Topics
Phone Button Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Adding a New User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Additional Cisco Documentation
Cisco IP Phone administration documentation for Cisco CallManager
Cisco IP Phone user documentation and release notes