Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.0(1)
Adding a New User

Table Of Contents

Adding a New User

Adding a User

User Configuration Settings

Changing a User Password

Changing a PIN

Configuring Application Profiles

Associating Devices to a User

Associating Auto Attendant Profiles

Associating Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility Profiles

Associating Cisco IP SoftPhone Profiles

Adding a New User

The User Configuration window in Cisco CallManager Administration allows the administrator to add, search, display, and maintain information about Cisco CallManager users. The following topics contain information on managing user directory information:

Adding a User

User Configuration Settings

Changing a User Password

Changing a PIN

Configuring Application Profiles

Associating Devices to a User

Associating Auto Attendant Profiles

Associating Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility Profiles

Associating Cisco IP SoftPhone Profiles

Managing User Directory Information, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Adding a User

The following procedure provides instructions on adding a user.


Step 1 Choose User > Add a New User.

Note You can temporarily change the language for the User Information window by choosing a different language from the View page in drop-down list box; however, doing so only changes the language that displays for the current web session. The next time that you log on, the User Information window displays in the default language.

Step 2 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 53-1.

Step 3 When you have completed the user information, save your changes and add the user by clicking Insert.

Next Steps

If you want to associate devices to this user, continue with the "Associating Devices to a User" procedure.

Related Topics

User Configuration Settings

Changing a User Password

Changing a PIN

Configuring Application Profiles

Associating Devices to a User

Searching the Global Directory

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

User Configuration Settings

Table 53-1 describes the user configuration settings. See the "Supported Characters in the Directory" section for additional information.

Note Cisco CallManager does not allow you to use the following special characters in any field on the User Information window: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , "", and blank spaces.

Table 53-1 User Configuration Settings 


First Name

Enter the user first name.

Last Name

Enter the user last name.


Enter the user identification name. Cisco CallManager does not permit modifying the user ID after it is created.

User Password

Enter five or more alphanumeric characters for the user password.

Confirm Password

Enter the user password again.


Enter five or more numeric characters for the Personal Identification Number.

Confirm PIN

Enter the PIN again.

Telephone Number

Enter the user telephone number.

Manager UserID

Enter the name of the user manager ID. The manager name that you enter must already exist in the directory as a user.


Enter the user department information (for example, the department number or name).

User Locale

From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the user. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font.

Cisco CallManager uses this locale for Extension Mobility and the Cisco IP Phone User Options pages. For Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility log on, the locale that is specified here takes precedence over the device and device profile settings. For Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility log off, Cisco CallManager uses the user locale that is specified in the default device profile.

Note If you do not choose a user locale, the locale that is specified in the Cisco CallManager service parameters as Default User Locale applies.

Enable CTI Application Use

To configure users so they can use Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) applications, check the Enable CTI Application Use check box.

Call Park Retrieval Allowed

To configure users so they can retrieve parked calls, check the Call Park Retrieval Allowed check box.

Enable Calling Party Number Modification

Choose this field to allow an application such as Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) to change the calling number when initiating a feature request from an application programming interface (API). Refer to the Cisco Emergency Responder documentation for more information.

Associated PC

This field, which is required for Cisco SoftPhone and Cisco CallManager Attendant Console users, displays after the user is added.

Primary Extension

This field displays after the user is added and represents the primary directory number for the user. You choose no primary line when you associate devices to the user. Users can have multiple lines on their phones.

Controlled Devices

This field displays after the user is added. After the device is associated, this field displays the description information (for example, the MAC address) that the user controls.

Enable Authentication Proxy Rights

This field, which is required if the authentication proxy rights for a user with Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility is enabled, displays after the user is added. If authentication proxy rights is enabled, this field displays True; if disabled, this field displays False.

Controlled Device Profiles

This field displays after the user is added. This field displays a list of controlled device profiles that are associated with a user who is configured for Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility.

View page in

From the drop-down selection box, choose the language that the phone displays.

Supported Characters in the Directory

Caution Using non-ISO-Latin1 characters greater than 127 with DC Directory, Netscape Directory, or Active Directory can cause directory database errors. Cisco CallManager Release 3.3 and above supports all ISO-Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) characters and all non-ISO-Latin1 characters in the range 0-127 with any directory.

Cisco CallManager only supports ISO-Latin1 and ASCII characters in the User Configuration windows in Cisco CallManager Administration.

After you download the locale installer, you can display field names in the User Configuration windows in Cisco CallManager Administration in your chosen language. However, Cisco CallManager only supports ISO-Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) characters and non-ISO-Latin1 characters in the range 0-127 in the fields and in all user accounts and passwords that are needed to access these windows. If a user enters data that is not in the allowed character range, a dialog box displays and states that the user must enter data by using only ISO-Latin1 characters and non-ISO-Latin1 characters in the range 0-127.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Changing a User Password

Changing a PIN

Associating Devices to a User

Changing a User Password

Use the following procedure to change a user password for a user in the global directory.


Step 1 From the global directory, choose the user whose password you want to change as described in the "Searching the Global Directory" section.

The User Configuration window displays with information about the chosen user.

Step 2 Click the Change button next to the User Password field.

The Change Password for dialog box appears.

Step 3 In the Password field, enter the new password.

Step 4 In the Confirm Password field, enter the new password again.

Step 5 Click Update and Close.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Changing a PIN

Searching the Global Directory

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Changing a PIN

Use the following procedure to change the personal identification number (PIN) for a user in the global directory.


Step 1 From the global directory, choose the user whose PIN you want to change as described in the "Searching the Global Directory" section.

The User Configuration window displays with information about the chosen user.

Step 2 Click the Change button next to the PIN field.

The Change PIN for dialog box appears.

Step 3 In the PIN field, enter the new PIN.

Step 4 In the Confirm PIN field, enter the new PIN again.

Step 5 Click Update and Close.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Changing a User Password

Searching the Global Directory

Configuring Application Profiles

After you add a new user, you can configure a profile for each application that is listed in the Application Profiles pane on the left side of the User Configuration window. These profiles allow each user to personalize phone features, Cisco IPMA, Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility, Auto Attendant, and Cisco IP SoftPhone capability.

Before you begin

Make sure that the user is in the database. See the "Searching the Global Directory" section for more information.

Related Topics

Associating Devices to a User

Associating Auto Attendant Profiles

Associating Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility Profiles

Associating Cisco IP SoftPhone Profiles

Cisco IP Manager Assistant Profiles, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Associating Devices to a User

After you have added a user, you can associate devices over which users will have control. Users can control some devices, such as phones. Applications that are identified as users can control other devices, such as CTI ports. When users have control of a phone, they can control certain settings for that phone, such as speed dial and call forwarding.

Before You Begin

To assign devices to a user, you must access the User Configuration window for that user. See the "Searching the Global Directory" section for information on accessing information on existing users. When the User Configuration window displays, perform the following procedure to assign devices.


Step 1 In the Application Profiles pane, click Device Association.

Step 2 Limit the list of available devices by entering the search criteria in the Available Device List Filters section, if desired, and click Select Devices.

Step 3 Check the check box of one or more devices that you want to associate with the user. You can assign one primary extension from the devices to which the user is assigned by clicking the radio button in the Primary Ext. column for that device.

Step 4 When you have completed the assignment, click Update Selected to assign the devices to the user.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Searching the Global Directory

Device Association, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Associating Auto Attendant Profiles

The Automated Attendant (AA) service answers incoming calls and prompts the caller for a user name or extension. The AA scans the directory for a match to resolve the user name or extension and transfers the caller to the appropriate endpoint.

Before You Begin

To associate an automated attendant profile to a user, you must access the User Information window for that user. See the "Searching the Global Directory" section for information on accessing information on existing users. When the User Information window displays, perform the following procedure to associate profiles.


Step 1 In the Application Profiles pane, choose Auto Attendant.

Step 2 In the Name Dialing field, enter the attendant name (LastFirstM). For example, for John Quincy Smith, enter SmithJohnQ.

If a same name or same numerical mapping occurs, a prompt indicates a duplicate key. At this point, you can either change the user name (through nicknames or removal of middle initials) or allow duplicates.

Step 3 Click Insert.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Searching the Global Directory

Cisco CallManager Auto Attendant Profiles, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Associating Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility Profiles

Use Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility to configure a Cisco IP Phone 7940 or Cisco IP Phone 7960 to temporarily appear as the phone of a user. The user can log in to a phone, and the extension mobility profile (including line and speed-dial numbers) for the user resides on the phone. This feature applies primarily in environments where users are not permanently assigned to physical phones.

To associate an extension mobility profile to a user, you must access the User Information window for that user. See the "Searching the Global Directory" section for information on accessing information on existing users. To configure and associate Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility for users, refer to the "Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility" chapter in the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Searching the Global Directory

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Associating a User Device Profile to a User, Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide

Associating Cisco IP SoftPhone Profiles

You can associate a device (line) to a user as a Cisco IP SoftPhone. This enables users to use their desktop PC to place and receive telephone calls and to control an IP telephone.

For more information on Cisco IP SoftPhone, refer to the Cisco IP SoftPhone Administrator Guide.

Before You Begin

To associate a desktop PC to a user, you must access the User Information window for that user. See the "Searching the Global Directory" section for information on accessing information on existing users. When the User Information window displays, perform the following procedure to associate the PC.


Step 1 In the Application Profiles pane, choose SoftPhone.

The SoftPhone window displays.

Step 2 In the Associated PC field, enter the IP Address or host name of the desktop PC.

Note You must make an entry in the Associated PC field, which is required for collaboration with Virtual Conference Room.

Step 3 Click Insert.

The User Configuration window displays.

Note To use phone lines in standalone mode, check the Enable CTI Application Use check box.

Step 4 Click Update.

Related Topics

Adding a User

Searching the Global Directory

Cisco IP SoftPhone Profiles, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Managing User Directory Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide