Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.0(1)
Cisco CallManager Group Configuration

Table Of Contents

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration

A Cisco CallManager group specifies a prioritized list of up to three Cisco CallManagers. The first Cisco CallManager in the list serves as the primary Cisco CallManager for that group, and the other members of the group serve as secondary and tertiary (backup) Cisco CallManagers.

Each device pool has one Cisco CallManager group assigned to it. When a device registers, it attempts to connect to the primary (first) Cisco CallManager in the group that is assigned to its device pool. If the primary Cisco CallManager is not available, the device tries to connect to the next Cisco CallManager that is listed in the group, and so on.

Cisco CallManager groups provide important features for your system:

Redundancy—This feature enables you to designate a primary and backup Cisco CallManagers for each group.

Call processing load balancing—This feature enables you to distribute the control of devices across multiple Cisco CallManagers.

For most systems, you need to have multiple groups, and you need to assign a single Cisco CallManager to multiple groups to achieve better load distribution and redundancy.

Use the following topics to add, update, or delete a Cisco CallManager group:

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Because you might have several Cisco CallManager groups in your network, Cisco CallManager Administration lets you locate specific Cisco CallManager groups on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate Cisco CallManager groups.

Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco CallManager group search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco CallManager group search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.


Step 1 Choose System > Cisco CallManager Group.

The Find and List Cisco CallManager Groups window displays. Use the drop-down list box to search for a Cisco CallManager Group.

Step 2 From the Find Cisco CallManager Groups where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

begins with


ends with

is exactly

is not empty

is empty

Step 3 Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.

Tip To find all Cisco CallManager groups that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered Cisco CallManager groups displays by

Cisco CallManager Group icon

Cisco CallManager Group name

Auto-registration Default

Note You can delete multiple Cisco CallManager groups from the Find and List Cisco CallManager Groups window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate Cisco CallManager groups and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all Cisco CallManager groups in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.

Step 4 From the list of records, click the Cisco CallManager Group icon or name that matches your search criteria.

The window displays the Cisco CallManager group that you choose.

Related Topics

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

This section describes how to configure a new Cisco CallManager group. You can also create a new Cisco CallManager group by copying an existing one. See the "Copying a Cisco CallManager Group" section for more information.

Before You Begin

Before configuring a Cisco CallManager group, you must configure the Cisco CallManagers that you want to assign as members of that group. See the "Adding a Cisco CallManager" section on page 3-4 for more information.


Step 1 Choose System > Cisco CallManager Group.

Step 2 In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New Cisco CallManager Group link.

The Cisco CallManager Group Configuration window displays.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 4-1.

Step 4 Click Insert to save the Cisco CallManager group in the database.

After you have configured the Cisco CallManager group, you can use it to configure device pools. Devices obtain their Cisco CallManager group list setting from the device pool to which they are assigned.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

This section describes how to update an existing Cisco CallManager group.


Step 1 Find the Cisco CallManager group by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco CallManager Group" section.

Step 2 Click the Cisco CallManager group that you want to update.

Step 3 Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 4-1.

Note To designate a group as the default Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group, check the Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group check box.

If the currently selected group is the default group for auto-registration, you cannot change it by unchecking the Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group check box. You must choose a different default auto-registration group. When you do so, the Cisco CallManager automatically changes the currently selected default auto-registration group.

Step 4 Click Update to save the changes in the database.

You must reset the devices that use the updated Cisco CallManager group to apply the changes. To reset all the devices that use this Cisco CallManager group, click Reset Devices.

Tip For your convenience in resetting devices, the Reset Devices button resets all devices in the device pool that uses this Cisco CallManager group.

Caution Resetting devices can cause calls in progress to drop.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Use the following procedure to add a new Cisco CallManager group by copying settings from an existing group.


Step 1 Find the Cisco CallManager group by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco CallManager Group" section.

Step 2 Click the Copy icon that corresponds to the Cisco CallManager group that you want to copy.

Step 3 In the Cisco CallManager Group field, enter the name of the new group. You must change the name of the group.

Step 4 Edit the fields that you want to change as described in Table 4-1.

Step 5 Click Insert to apply the changes and add the new Cisco CallManager group to the database.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group

This section describes how to delete a Cisco CallManager group from the database.

Before You Begin

You cannot delete a Cisco CallManager group if it is assigned to any device pools or MGCP gateways or if it is the current Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group for the cluster. To find out which devices are using the Cisco CallManager group, click the Dependency Records link from the Cisco CallManager Group Configuration window. If the dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary window displays a message. For more information about dependency records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-3. If you try to delete a Cisco CallManager group that is in use, an error message displays. Before deleting a Cisco CallManager group that is currently in use, you must perform some or all of the following tasks:

Assign a different Cisco CallManager group to the device pools or MGCP gateways that are currently using this Cisco CallManager group. See the "Updating a Device Pool" section on page 8-5.

Create or choose a different Cisco CallManager group to be the Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group.


Step 1 Find the Cisco CallManager group by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco CallManager Group" section.

Step 2 From the list of matching records, choose the group that you want to delete.

Step 3 Click Delete.

Step 4 When asked to confirm the delete operation, click either OK to delete or Cancel to cancel the delete operation.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings

Table 4-1 describes the configuration settings for Cisco CallManager groups.

Table 4-1 Cisco CallManager Group Configuration Settings 


Cisco CallManager Group

Enter the name of the new group.

Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group

Check the Auto-registration Cisco CallManager Group check box if you want this Cisco CallManager group to be the default Cisco CallManager group when auto-registration is enabled.

Leave this check box unchecked if you do not want devices to auto-register with this Cisco CallManager group.

Note Each Cisco CallManager cluster can have only one default auto-registration group. If you select a different Cisco CallManager group as the default auto-registration group, the previously chosen auto-registration group no longer serves as the default for the cluster.

Available Cisco CallManagers

This field displays the list of available Cisco CallManager that are not a part of the Cisco CallManager group.

Choose the Cisco CallManager names and use the left and right arrows to move Cisco CallManagers between the Selected list and the Available list.

Selected Cisco CallManagers

This field displays the Cisco CallManagers that are in the Cisco CallManager group. The Selected list can contain up to three Cisco CallManagers. Cisco CallManagers in the Selected list become members of the group when you click Insert.

Choose the Cisco CallManager names and use the left and right arrows to move Cisco CallManagers between the Selected list and the Available list. Use the up and down arrows to arrange the groups in the Selected list in the order that you want.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco CallManager Group

Adding a Cisco CallManager Group

Updating a Cisco CallManager Group

Copying a Cisco CallManager Group

Deleting a Cisco CallManager Group