Table Of Contents
Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration
Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service to a Phone Button
Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration
Using Cisco CallManager Administration, you define and maintain the list of Cisco IP Phone Services to which users can subscribe at their site. Cisco IP Phone Services comprise XML applications that enable the display of interactive content with text and graphics on Cisco IP Phones 7970, 7960, 7940, 7912, and 7905.
Note Cisco IP Phones 7912 and 7905 only support text-based XML applications.
Cisco CallManager provides sample Cisco IP Phone Services applications. You can also create customized Cisco IP Phone applications for your site.
After you configure the list of services, you can add services to the phones in the database and assign them to phone buttons. In Cisco CallManager Administration, you can view and modify settings for phones and device profiles. Users can log on to the Cisco IP Phone User Options application and subscribe to these services for their Cisco IP Phones.
This section covers the following topics:
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
Because you might have several Cisco IP Phone Services in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate specific Cisco IP Phone Services on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate Cisco IP Phone Services.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco IP Phone Service search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco IP Phone Service search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1 Choose Feature > Cisco IP Phone Services.
The Find and List IP Phone Services window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a Cisco IP Phone Service.
Step 2 From the first Find Service where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
•IP Phone Service
Note The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of Cisco IP Phone Services that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Description, the Description column will display as the left column of the results list.
From the second Find Service where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
•begins with
•ends with
•is exactly
Step 3 Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.
Tip To find all Cisco IP Phone Services that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.
A list of discovered Cisco IP Phone Services displays by
•IP Phone Service icon
•IP Phone Service name
Note You can delete multiple Cisco IP Phone services from the Find and List IP Phone Services window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate Cisco IP Phone Services and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all Cisco IP Phone Services in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.
Step 4 From the list of records, click the IP Phone Service name or description that matches your search criteria.
The window displays the Cisco IP Phone Service that you choose.
Related Topics
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
Perform the following steps to add a Cisco IP Phone Service.
Caution Do not put Cisco IP Phone Services on any Cisco CallManager server at your site or any server that is associated with Cisco CallManager, such as the TFTP server or directory database publisher server. This precaution eliminates the possibility that errors in a Cisco IP Phone Service application will have an impact on Cisco CallManager performance or interrupt call-processing services.
Step 1 Choose Feature > Cisco IP Phone Services.
Step 2 In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New IP Phone Service link.
The Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window displays.
Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 36-1.
Step 4 To add the service, click Insert.
After the service is added to the list, you can add and configure parameters for the service. See the "Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter" section for more information.
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
Perform the following steps to update a Cisco IP Phone Service (for example, to change the service URL or other information).
Note If you change the service URL, remove a Cisco IP Phone Service parameter, or change the name of a phone service parameter for a phone service to which users are subscribed, be sure to click Update Subscriptions to update all currently subscribed users with the changes. If you do not do so, users must resubscribe to the service to rebuild the URL correctly.
Step 1 Find the Cisco IP Phone service by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service" section.
Step 2 Click the name or description of the Cisco IP Phone Service that you want to update.
Step 3 Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 36-1.
Step 4 Add, update, or delete parameters as needed as described in "Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter" section, "Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter" section, and "Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter" section.
Step 5 To apply the changes, update the Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window:
•If the service was modified after subscriptions existed, click Update Subscriptions to rebuild all user subscriptions. You must update subscriptions if you changed the service URL, removed a phone service parameter, or changed the Parameter Name for a phone service parameter.
•If the service is new and you do not need to rebuild user subscriptions, click Update.
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
Perform the following steps to delete a Cisco IP Phone Service.
Before You Begin
When you delete a Cisco IP Phone Service, Cisco CallManager removes all service information, user subscriptions, and user subscription data from the database. To find out which devices are using the Cisco IP Phone Service, click the Dependency Records link from the Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration window. If the dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary window displays a message. For more information about dependency records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-3. If you try to delete a Cisco IP Phone Service that is in use, Cisco CallManager displays an error message. Before deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service that is currently in use, you must perform either or both of the following tasks:
•Assign a different Cisco IP Phone Service to any devices that are using the Cisco IP Phone Service that you want to delete. See the "Updating a Phone" section on page 49-10.
•Delete the devices that are using the Cisco IP Phone Service that you want to delete. See the "Deleting a Phone" section on page 49-11.
Step 1 Find the Cisco IP Phone service by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service" section.
Step 2 Click the name or description of the Cisco IP Phone Service that you want to delete.
The Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window displays.
Step 3 Click Delete.
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Table 36-1 describes the Cisco IP Phone service configuration settings. See Table 36-2 for Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings.
Table 36-1 Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Service Name
Enter the name of the service as it will display on the menu of available services in the Cisco IP Phone User Options application. Enter up to 32 characters for the service name.
Service Description
Enter a description of the content that the service provides.
Service URL
Enter the URL of the server where the Cisco IP Phone Services application is located. Make sure that this server remains independent of the servers in your Cisco CallManager cluster. Do not specify a Cisco CallManager server or any server that is associated with Cisco CallManager (such as a TFTP server or directory database publisher server).
For the services to be available, the phones in the Cisco CallManager cluster must have network connectivity to the server.
Character Set
If you are using a language other than English for Service Name and Description, choose the character set for that language. Text that is input by the user displays incorrectly if the wrong character set is chosen.
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
Use the following procedure to add and configure Cisco IP Phone Service parameters. Add the phone service before you configure parameters. Refer to the documentation for the individual Cisco IP Phone Service for specific information about whether the service uses parameters, how those parameters should be configured, and whether you should provide optional parameter definitions.
Step 1 Find the Cisco IP Phone service by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service" section.
Step 2 From the Cisco IP Phone Services list, choose the service to which you want to add parameters.
The Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window displays.
Step 3 Click the New button to the right of the Parameters list box.
The Configure Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter dialog appears.
Step 4 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 36-2.
Step 5 To add the new parameter, click Insert.
Step 6 To add additional parameters, if needed, repeat Step 4 and Step 5.
Step 7 To add the last parameter, click Insert and Close.
Step 8 To apply the changes, update the Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window:
•If the service was modified after subscriptions existed, click Update Subscriptions to rebuild all user subscriptions. You must update subscriptions if you changed the service URL, removed a phone service parameter, or changed the name for a phone service parameter.
•If the service is new and you do not need to rebuild user subscriptions, click Update.
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
Perform the following steps to update a service parameter for a specific Cisco IP Phone Service.
Note If you remove a Cisco IP Phone Service parameter or change the parameter name of a phone service for a phone service to which users are subscribed, be sure to click Update Subscriptions to update all currently subscribed users with the changes. If you do not do so, users must resubscribe to the service to rebuild the URL correctly.
Step 1 Find the Cisco IP Phone service by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service" section.
Step 2 From the Cisco IP Phone Services list, choose the phone service that you want to update.
The Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window displays.
Step 3 In the Parameters list box, choose the name of the parameter that you want to update.
Step 4 Click Edit.
Step 5 Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 36-2.
Step 6 To apply the changes, click Update, or to apply the changes and close the dialog, click Update and Close.
Step 7 To apply the changes, update the Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window:
•If the service was modified after subscriptions existed, click Update Subscriptions to rebuild all user subscriptions. You must update subscriptions if you changed the service URL, removed a phone service parameter, or changed the name for a phone service parameter.
•If the service is new and you do not need to rebuild user subscriptions, click Update.
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Cisco IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
•Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
Perform the following steps to delete a Cisco IP Phone Service.
Note If you remove a phone service parameter or modify the Parameter Name of a phone service parameter for a phone service to which users are subscribed, you must click Update Subscriptions to update all currently subscribed users with the changes. If you do not do so, users must resubscribe to the service to rebuild the URL correctly.
Step 1 Find the Cisco IP Phone service by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service" section.
Step 2 From the Cisco IP Phone Services list, choose the phone service whose parameters you want to delete.
Step 3 In the Parameters list box, choose the name of the parameter that you want to delete.
Step 4 Click Delete.
Step 5 To confirm the deletion, click OK.
Step 6 To apply the changes, update the Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration window:
•If the service was modified after subscriptions existed, click Update Subscriptions to rebuild all user subscriptions. You must update subscriptions if you changed the service URL, removed a phone service parameter, or changed the Parameter Name for a phone service parameter.
•If the service is new and you do not need to rebuild user subscriptions, click Update.
Related Topics
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Table 36-2 describes the Cisco IP Phone service parameter settings.
Table 36-2 Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Parameter Name
Enter the exact query string parameter to use when you build the subscription URL; for example, symbol.
Parameter Display Name
Enter a descriptive parameter name to display to the user in the Cisco IP Phone User Options application; for example, Ticker Symbol.
Default Value
Enter the default value for the parameter. This value displays to the user when a service is being subscribed to for the first time; for example, CSCO.
Parameter Description
Enter a description of the parameter. The user can access the text that is entered here while the user is subscribing to the service. The parameter description should provide information or examples to help users input the correct value for the parameter.
Parameter is Required
If the user must enter data for this parameter before the subscription can be saved, check the Parameter is Required check box.
Parameter is a Password (mask contents)
You can mask entries in the Cisco IP Phone User Options application, so asterisks display rather than the actual user entry. You may want to do this for parameters such as passwords that you do not want others to be able to view. To mask a parameter entry, check the Parameter is a Password (mask contents) check box in the Configure Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter window in Cisco CallManager Administration.
Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service to a Phone Button
In addition to adding a Cisco IP Phone Service, so it is available to users on their phones, you can assign the service to a phone button that is configured as a service URL. This gives the user one-button access to the service without using the services button on the IP phone.
Perform the following steps to add a service to a service URL button:
1. Add the service to Cisco CallManager (see Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service)
2. Customize a phone button template by configuring a Service URL button (see Adding Phone Button Templates, page 51-4)
3. Add the customized phone button template to the phone (see Adding a Phone, page 49-4)
4. Subscribe the service to the phone (see Configuring Cisco IP Phone Services, page 49-31)
5. Add the service URL to a phone button (see Configuring Service URL Buttons, page 49-34)
Related Topics
•Finding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service
•Adding a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Updating a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter
•Deleting a Cisco IP Phone Service Parameter