Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.0(1)
Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard

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Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard

Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard

With the Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard, IPMA configuration takes less time and eliminates errors. The partitions, calling search spaces, route point, and translation pattern automatically get created when the administrator successfully runs and completes the configuration wizard. The wizard also creates BAT templates for the IPMA manager phone, the IPMA assistant phone, and all other users phones. The administrator can use the BAT templates to configure the managers, assistants, and all other users. Refer to the Bulk Administration Tool User Guide.

The Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard provides windows for each configuration parameter. The windows provide the administrator with preconfigured information. If the administrator prefers to use other configuration information (for example, partition names), the administrator can change the preconfigured information to the appropriate information.

For more information on how to use the Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard, refer to the Cisco IPMA Configuration Wizard in the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.