- About this Guide
- Chapter 1, Install Shelf and Backplane Hardware
- Chapter 2, Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable
- Chapter 3, Set Up PC and Log Into the GUI
- Chapter 4, Turn Up Node
- Chapter 5, Turn Up DWDM Node
- Chapter 6, Turn Up Network
- Chapter 7, Turn Up DWDM Network
- Chapter 8, Create Circuits and VT Tunnels
- Chapter 9, Manage Alarms
- Chapter 10, Monitor Performance
- Chapter 11, Manage Circuits
- Chapter 12, Change Node Settings
- Chapter 13, Change Card Settings
- Chapter 14, Upgrade Cards and Spans
- Chapter 15, Convert Network Configurations
- Chapter 16, Add and Remove Nodes
- Chapter 17, Maintain the Node
- Chapter 18, Power Down Node
- Appendix A, CTC Information and Shortcuts
- Appendix B, Specifications
Turn Up a DWDM Node
This chapter explains how to provision a single Cisco ONS 15454 dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) or a single hybrid (TDM and DWDM) node and turn it up for service, including node name, date and time, timing references, network attributes such as IP address and default router, users and user security, card installation, and DWDM connections.
Note Procedures in this chapter require Cisco MetroPlanner, a DWDM planning tool provided to you by your Cisco account representative. You enter your DWDN network topology and traffic requirements into MetroPlanner. MetroPlanner prepares a shelf plan for each network node and calculates the power and attenuation levels for the DWDM cards installed in the node. For information about Cisco MetroPlanner, contact your Cisco account representative.
Before You Begin
Complete the procedures and tasks listed in Table 5-1 for the node type you are provisioning (DWDM or hybrid) before starting procedures in this chapter:
All procedures and tasks |
All procedures and tasks |
All procedures and tasks |
All procedures and tasks |
1. NTP-A24 Verify Card Installation, page 4-2 2. NTP-A30 Create Users and Assign Security, page 4-4 3. NTP-A25 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information, page 4-7 4. NTP-A169 Set Up CTC Network Access, page 4-9 5. NTP-A27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access, page 4-19 6. NTP-A28 Set Up Timing, page 4-221 |
1. NTP-A24 Verify Card Installation, page 4-2 2. NTP-A30 Create Users and Assign Security, page 4-4 3. NTP-A25 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information, page 4-7 4. NTP-A169 Set Up CTC Network Access, page 4-9 5. NTP-A27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access, page 4-19 6. NTP-A28 Set Up Timing, page 4-221 |
1 External timing only; line timing with an OSCM or OSC-CSM timing reference is performed in this chapter. |
This section lists the procedures (NTPs) that you need to complete to turn up a DWDM node. Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).
1. A268 Install the DWDM or Hybrid Node Cards—Complete this procedure first.
2. A269 Provision the DWDM Connections—Complete this procedure next.
3. A270 Run Automatic Node Setup—Complete this procedure next.
4. A271 Verify OSCM and OSC-CSM Transmit Power—Complete this procedure next.
5. A273 Terminal and Hub Node Acceptance Test—Complete this procedure to test terminal and hub nodes.
6. A272 View DWDM Node Parameters—Complete this procedure, as needed, to view or modify DWDM parameters.
NTP-A268 Install the DWDM or Hybrid Node Cards
Step 1 In MetroPlanner, display the NE Site Dialog for the node you are provisioning (Figure 5-1).
Figure 5-1 MetroPlanner NE Site Dialog
Step 2 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task at the DWDM node you want to provision.
Step 3 Complete the "DLP-A330 Preprovision a Slot" task for each DWDM card based on the NE site parameters provided by MetroPlanner.
Step 4 If your site plan requires AIC, AIC-I, transponder (TXP) or muxponder (MXP) cards, complete the following procedures and tasks. If not, continue with Step 5.
•To install AIC or AIC-I cards, complete the "DLP-A38 Install the Alarm Interface Controller or Alarm Interface Controller-International Card" task.
•To install TXP and MXP cards, complete the "A249 Install the Transponder and Muxponder Cards" procedure.
Note The MetroPlanner NE site plan does not show AIC and AIC-I card locations.
Step 5 Install the DWDM cards in their preprovisioned slots. See the "A242 Install the DWDM Cards" procedure.
Step 6 If OPT-PRE (amplifier) cards are installed, perform one of the following:
•If dispersion compensating cards (DCUs) are required, install the DCUs in the DCU shelf assembly according to the NE site plan provided by MetroPlanner. See the "A243 Install the DWDM Dispersion Compensating Cards" procedure.
•If DCUs are not required, connect the two OPT-PRE DC ports with the attenuated patch cord shipped with the OPT-PRE card.
Note If the DCU chassis is not installed, complete the "DLP-A412 Install the DCU Shelf Assembly" task on page 1-65.
Step 7 If transponder or muxponder cards are installed and your site plan requires Y cable protection, complete the "DLP-A252 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group" task on page 4-32. If not, continue with Step 9.
Step 8 (hybrid nodes only) Install the OC-N and DS-N cards using the following procedures:
•A17 Install the Electrical Cards
Step 9 (hybrid nodes only) If OC-N or electrical cards are installed and your site plan requires card protection, complete one or more of the following tasks. If not, continue with Step 10.
•DLP-A71 Create a 1:1 Protection Group, page 4-28 for 1:1 electrical card protection.
•DLP-A72 Create a 1:N Protection Group, page 4-29 for 1:N electrical card protection.
•DLP-A73 Create a 1+1 Protection Group, page 4-30 for 1+1 OC-N card protection.
Step 10 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-A330 Preprovision a Slot
Step 1 In node view, right-click the empty slot where you will later install a card.
Step 2 From the Add Card popup menu, choose the card type that will be installed. Only cards that can be installed in the slot appear in the Add Card popup menu.
Note When you preprovision a slot, the card appears purple in the CTC shelf graphic, rather than white when a card is installed in the slot. NP (not present) on the card graphic indicates that the card is not physically installed.
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-A269 Provision the DWDM Connections
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to provision the DWDM cable connections. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 3 Complete the "DLP-A389 Connect the Internal DWDM Cables" task.
Step 4 Complete the "DLP-A396 Calculate DWDM Connections" task.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-A389 Connect the Internal DWDM Cables
Step 1 In MetroPlanner, display the Internal Connections table for the node you are provisioning (Figure 5-2). The internal connections table shows the following information:
•Site 1—The DWDM network site number for the node where you are provisioning the internal connections.
•IP Address—The node IP address.
•Position-1—The first (west) position site and slot. For example, "1-2" indicates site 1, slot 2.
•Unit-1—The ONS 15454 DWDM card (unit) that is installed in the first position slot.
•Port #1—The card port number used for the first Position-1 connection.
•Port ID-1—The port ID used for the Position-1 connection.
•Port Label-1—The port label for the Position-1 connection.
•Attenuator—Indicates whether attenuation is required.
•Position-2—The second (east) position site and slot. For example, "1-1" indicates site 1, slot 1.
•Unit-2—The ONS 15454 DWDM card (unit) that is installed in the Position-2 slot.
•Port #2—The card port number used for the Position-2 connection.
•Port ID-1—The port ID used for the Position-2 connection.
•Port Label-1—The port label for the Position-2 connection.
•Manually Set—Indicates whether you must create the connection manually.
Figure 5-2 MetroPlanner Internal Connections Table
Step 2 Export the internal connections table:
a. Click Export.
b. Enter a file name in the File Name field of the Save Table dialog box.
c. In the Files of Type field, choose HTML.
d. Click Save.
Step 3 Open the exported MetroPlanner internal connections file in a web browser, and then print the file.
Step 4 Connect the cables to the slot and ports specified in the printed MetroPlanner internal connections file. Use the following tasks as a general guide for connecting the DWDM cables. However, connect the cables to the slot and port specified in the MetroPlanner internal connections file.
•A424 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for a Terminal Node
•A425 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for a Hub Node
•A426 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for a Line Amplifier Node
•A427 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for an Amplified or Passive OADM Node
Step 5 If 32DMX-O or 32MUX-O cards are installed, connect them to the patch panel above the ONS 15454 shelf.
Step 6 Connect DWDM cards to the 32DMX-O or 32MUX-O cards through the patch panel above the ONS 15454 shelf.
Step 7 If TXP, MXP, or OC-N line cards are installed, connect each card with the correct DWDM card according to your site plan. OC-N line connections are not shown in MetroPlanner.
Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A396 Calculate DWDM Connections
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Connections tabs.
Step 2 Click the Calculate Connections button.
Step 3 Create any connections that require manual provisioning (indicated by a "Yes" in the MetroPlanner connections file Manually Set column). See the "DLP-A406 Create a DWDM Connection" task.
Step 4 Verify that the connections in the CTC Connections tab match the connections in the MetroPlanner internal connections file. (The CTC Connections tab will not show connections between TXP, MXP, and OC-N line cards and DWDM cards.) If connections are not correct:
a. Delete the connection. See the "DLP-A405 Delete a DWDM Connection" task.
b. Uninstall the fibers from the incorrect slot/card/port.
c. Connect the fiber to the correct slot/card/port, then repeat Step 2.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A406 Create a DWDM Connection
Purpose |
This task creates a DWDM connection. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Superuser |
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Connections tabs.
Step 2 Click the Create button.
Step 3 In the Create Optical Link dialog box, choose the From and To slots and ports from the drop-down menus.
Step 4 If the connection is unidirectional, uncheck the bidirectional check box.
Step 5 Click OK. The new connection appears in the Connections table, but its State is "Uncommitted."
Step 6 Click the new connection in the table. Click the Commit button. The connection state changes to "Connected."
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A405 Delete a DWDM Connection
Purpose |
This task deletes a DWDM connection. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Superuser |
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Connection tabs.
Step 2 Click the connection you want to delete.
Step 3 Click Delete.
Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-A270 Run Automatic Node Setup
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to provision the DWDM cable connections. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 3 Complete the "DLP-A400 Import a Cisco MetroPlanner Configuration File" task.
Step 4 Complete the "DLP-A396 Calculate DWDM Connections" task.
Step 5 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs.
Step 6 Click Launch ANS.
Step 7 In the Apply Launch ANS dialog box, click Yes. Automatic Node Setup (ANS) adjusts the values of the variable optical attenuators (VOAs) to equalize the per-channel power at the amplifier level.
Step 8 In the Launch ANS confirmation dialog box, click OK.
Step 9 Verify that the Link Status column displays a "Regulated" status for all ports. If any links say Not Regulated, repeat the "A269 Provision the DWDM Connections" procedure to verify that all connections have been provisioned correctly, paying attention to connections that require manual provisioning.
Step 10 Complete the "DLP-A342 Provision OSC Terminations" task.
Step 11 If the node timing is line timing with an OSCM or OSC-CSM card as a timing reference, complete the "NTP-A28 Set Up Timing" task on page 4-22.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-A400 Import a Cisco MetroPlanner Configuration File
Step 1 Export the Installation Parameters for your node from Cisco MetroPlanner. If the parameters file has been exported, continue with Step 2.
a. In MetroPlanner, right-click the node icon and choose Site Installation > Assisted Conf Setup.
b. In the dialog box, choose a location to save the MetroPlanner installation file.
Step 2 In CTC node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > NE Update tabs.
Step 3 Click Import.
Step 4 In the Import Defaults From File dialog box, enter the path to the configuration file, or click Browse and navigate to the configuration file using the Open dialog box.
Step 5 Click OK.
Step 6 Click Apply.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A342 Provision OSC Terminations
Step 1 In node view click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Connections tabs.
Step 2 Click Calculate Connections. Ports that can have an OSC termination appear.
Step 3 Click the Provisioning > DCC/GCC/OSC > OSC tabs.
Step 4 In the OSC Terminations pane, click Create (Figure 5-3).
Figure 5-3 OSC Terminations Pane
Step 5 In the Create OSC Terminations dialog box, click the ports where you want to create the OSC termination. To select more than one port, press the Shift key or the Ctrl key.
Note OSC on the DWDM node uses a separate OC3 channel to transport the section data communications channel (SDCC), which is used for ONS 15454 DCC terminations.
Step 6 Click OK. Ports are automatically placed in service. Until all network OSC terminations are created and the ports are in service, the following alarms might appear: EOC (SDCC Termination Failure) and power failure alarms on the OPT-BST or OSC-CSM, such as Loss of Continuity alarms.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-A271 Verify OSCM and OSC-CSM Transmit Power
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to provision the DWDM cable connections. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 In the node view shelf graphic, double-click the OSCM or OSC-CSM card in Slot 8.
Step 3 Click the Maintenance tab.
Step 4 Verify that the ALS Command is set to OSRI off.
Step 5 From the ALS Mode drop-down menu, choose Disable. Click Apply.
Step 6 Click the Provisioning > Optical Line tabs.
Step 7 For the TX (transmit) port entry, verify that the value in the Power column falls within the following ranges:
•For OSCM cards installed on nodes set to Control Gain, the power should be -5 dBm.
•For OSC-CSM card installed on nodes set to Control Gain, the power should be a minimum of -6 dBm on OADM nodes.
•For OSC-CSM cards installed on nodes configured as a passive or active OADM nodes, the power level depends on the Pout OADM Stage power level on the WDM-ANS > Provisioning tab:
–If the Pout OADM Stage value is less than -6.5 dBm +/- 0.5 dBm, the OSC-CSM power should be equal to that power.
–If the Pout OADM Stage value is greater than -6.5 dBm +/- 0.5 dBm, the OSC-CSM power should be -6.5 dBm +/- 0.5 dBm.
•For OSC-CSM cards installed on hybrid nodes, the Pout-osc should be:
–-5.0 dBm if the DWDM system type is Control Gain and
–-1.5 dBm if the DWDM system type is Control Power.
Step 8 If the OSCM or OSC-CSM power levels are not within the ranges specified in Step 7, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 9.
a. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs. Verify that OSRI is set to off and ALS Mode is set to Disable.
b. Clean the optical connections. See the "NTP-A112 Clean Fiber Connectors" procedure on page 17-21.
c. Verify the optical connections inside the unit.
d. Relaunch ANS.
Step 9 Click the Maintenance tab.
Step 10 From the ALS Mode drop-down menu, choose Automatic Restart. Click Apply.
Step 11 Continue with the "A273 Terminal and Hub Node Acceptance Test" procedure.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-A273 Terminal and Hub Node Acceptance Test
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to provision the DWDM cable connections. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 3 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 4 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Port Status tabs. Verify that all links have a Regulated status. If any links say Not Regulated, click Launch ANS.
Step 5 On one side of the node, either east or west (if the node is a terminal, the terminal side), create a physical loop back on the OPT BST by using a patch cord with 10 dB bulk attenuators to connect the card's Line-TX port with Line-RX port.
Step 6 On the OSCM card, verify that the OSC link becomes active. (OSC Termination must already be provisioned, see the "DLP-A342 Provision OSC Terminations" task.)
Note The OSC signal loop back might cause an SDCC Termination Failure alarm.
Step 7 Tune the tunable laser on the first wavelength (1530.33 nm) of the 100Ghz ITU-T grid and connect it to the CHAN RX 01 port on the 32 MUX-O card using the available patch-panel.
Step 8 Double-click the west or east 32 MUX-O card on the shelf graphic to open card view.
Step 9 Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs.
Step 10 Set the port #1 status to OOS_MT. This puts the port Out Of Service, but enables VOA provisioning.
Step 11 Verify that the Port 1 power level reaches the provisioned set point (VOA Power Ref).
Note Output power that is lower than the specified value might keep the 32 MUX-O card from reaching the provisioned set point.
Step 12 Verify that the west or east OPT BST card is working properly:
a. In node view, double-click the west or east OPT-BST card to open card view.
b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs.
c. Verify that the laser status is set to On. If so, continue with Step 13. If not, continue with Substep d.
d. Verify that the ALS Command is set to OSRI Off (optical safety remote interlock is not enabled).
e. If the ALS Command is set to OSRI On, choose OSRI Off. Click Apply.
f. Check the Laser Status. If it is not set to On, replace the card. See the "A242 Install the DWDM Cards" procedure.
Note On Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line> Parameters tab, the power value on port #6 reaches the provisioned set point = +2 dBm. However, the actual value reported by CTC also includes the ASE power contribution, so the value is always greater than +2 dBm (Power Ref).
Note When Laser Status is off, the Port #2 power is lower than or equal to -1 dBm as shown. This value is not a significant optical power and must be ignored.
Step 13 Verify that the west or east OPT-PRE card is working properly:
a. Display the west or east OPT-PRE card in card view (double-click the card on the shelf graphic).
b. Click the Maintenance > ALS tab.
c. Verify that the Laser Status is ON.
Note On Provisioning > Opt.Ampli.Line > Parameters tab, the power value on port #6 reaches the provisioned set point = +2 dBm. However, the actual value reported by CTC also includes the ASE power contribution, so the value is always greater than +2 dBm (Power Ref).
d. Click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.
e. Verify that the DCU IL (insertion loss) value is less than or equal to 10 dB.
Note When Laser Status is off, the Port #2 power is lower or equal to -1 dBm is shown. This value is not a significant optical power and must be ignored.
Step 14 Verify the west or east 32 DMX-O in card view:
a. Display the east or west 32 DMX-O card in card view.
b. Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs,
c. Set the status of port #1 to OOS_MT.
d. Check that the Power value on part #1 reaches the provisioned set point (VOA Power Ref).
e. (optional) Connect a power meter to the CHAN TX 01 port through the patch-panel. Verify that the physical optical power value coming out of drop port #1 on the west 32 DMX-O card is consistent with the value read (the maximum allowed error is +/-0.5 dBm).
Step 15 Restore the default OOS status on the 32 MUX-O card port that was set to OOS_MT in Step 10.
Step 16 Restore the default OOS status on the 32 DMX-O card port that was set to OOS_MT in Step 14.
Step 17 Launch ANS to restore the correct node configuration.
Step 18 Repeat Steps 7 through 17 for the remaining 32 wavelengths of the 100 Ghz grid to verify the correct behavior of all VOAs inside the 32 MUX-O and 32 DMX-O cards.
Step 19 If the node is a hub node, repeat Steps 5 through 18. If it is a terminal node, continue with Step 20.
Step 20 Remove the loopbacks.
Step 21 Restore the default OOS status on all ports previously set to OOS_MT and launch ANS to recover the correct node configuration.
Step 22 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 23 Continue with the "A272 View DWDM Node Parameters" procedure.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-A272 View DWDM Node Parameters
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to view the DWDM parameters. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 Perform one of the following tasks:
•A401 View DWDM Hub Node Settings.
•A402 View DWDM Terminal Node Settings.
•A403 View DWDM OADM Node Settings.
•A404 View DWDM Line Node Settings.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-A401 View DWDM Hub Node Settings
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs.
Step 2 View the information shown in Table 5-2. In the table, the West Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the west and transmit to the east. The East Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the east and transmit to the west.
Network type |
Defines the DWDM network type. |
Metro-Core |
Metro-Core—Channels are equalized Metro-Access—Channels are not equalized to minimize the number of amplifiers in the ring |
West Side |
System Type |
Defines the west-side DWDM fiber type, number of channels, and control mode. Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
Pdrop |
Sets the west-side expected drop power level on the client interface. Pdrop is the power level of each channel after it is demultiplexed. The power is then sent to the client. |
-14 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pexpress |
Sets the west-side expected per-channel power on the pass-through interface. |
-12 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pout-mux Stage |
Sets the per-channel output power at the multiplexing stage. Pout-mux is the power that is sent to the multiplexer after the power from the client transmitters is gathered. The VOAs keep the power sent to the multiplexer at a constant level. |
-18 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
East Side |
System Type |
Defines the east-side DWDM fiber type, number of channels, and control mode. Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
Pdrop |
Sets the east-side expected drop power level on the client interface. Pdrop is the power level of each channel after it is demultiplexed. The power is then sent to the client. |
-14 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pexpress |
Sets the east-side expected per-channel power on the pass-through interface. |
-12 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pout-mux Stage |
Sets the per-channel output power at the multiplexing stage. Pout-mux is the power that is sent to the multiplexer after the power from the client transmitters is gathered. The VOAs keep the power sent to the multiplexer at a constant level. |
-18 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Table 5-3 shows the system types that can be assigned to the node.
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A402 View DWDM Terminal Node Settings
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs.
Step 2 View the fields shown in Table 5-4. In the table, the West Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the west and transmit to the east. The East Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the east and transmit to the west. The fields that appear depend on the terminal node type.
Network type |
Defines the DWDM network type. |
Metro-Core |
Metro-Core—Channels are equalized. Metro-Access—Channels are not equalized to minimize the number of amplifiers in the ring. |
Term West Side/ East Side |
System Type |
Defines the west-side DWDM system type (fiber type, number of channels, control mode). Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
Pdrop |
Sets the expected drop power level on the client interface. Pdrop is the power level of each channel after it is demultiplexed. The power is then sent to the client. |
-14 dBm/ |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pout-mux Stage |
Sets the per-channel output power at the multiplexing stage. Pout-mux is the power that is sent to the multiplexer after the power from the client transmitters is gathered. The VOAs keep the power sent to the multiplexer at a constant level. |
-18 dBm/ |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A403 View DWDM OADM Node Settings
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs.
Step 2 View the fields shown in Table 5-5. In the table, the West Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the west and transmit to the east. The East Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the east and transmit to the west.
Network type |
Defines the DWDM network type. |
Metro-Core |
Metro-Core—Channels are equalized. Metro-Access—Channels are not equalized to minimize the number of amplifiers in the ring. |
West Side |
System Type |
Defines the west-side DWDM system type. Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
Pout-oadm Stage |
Sets the west-side per-channel output power at the OADM stage. |
+2 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pin-oadm Stage |
Sets the west-side per-channel input power at the OADM stage. |
-14 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pout Band [nn.n] |
Sets the west-side per-band output power for a specific drop band, where nn.n is the channel ID. Up to 8 bands might appear, 30.3, 34.2, 38.1, 42.1, 46.1, 50.1, 54.1, and 58.1, depending on the optical filter cards that are installed in the node. |
-14 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
East Side |
System Type |
Defines the east-side DWDM system type. Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
Pout-oadm Stage |
Sets the east-side per-channel power out from the OADM stage. |
+2 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pin-oadm Stage |
Sets the east-side per-channel input power from the OADM stage. |
-14 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Pout Band [nn.n] |
Sets the east-side per-band power for a specific drop band, where nn.n is the channel ID. Up to 8 bands might appear, 30.3, 34.2, 38.1, 42.1, 46.1, 50.1, 54.1, and 58.1, depending on the optical filter cards that are installed in the node. |
-14 dBm |
-50 dBm to 30 dBm |
Table 5-6 shows the OADM channels.
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A404 View DWDM Line Node Settings
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs.
Step 2 View the fields shown in Table 5-7. In the table, the West Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the west and transmit to the east. The East Side of the node is equipped with cards that receive from the east and transmit to the west.
Network type |
Defines the DWDM network type. |
Metro-Core—Channels are equalized Metro-Access—Channels are not equalized to minimize the number of amplifiers in the ring |
West Side |
System Type |
Defines the west-side DWDM system type. Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
East Side |
System Type |
Defines the east-side DWDM system type. Table 5-3 shows the per-channel power and control mode for each system type. |
SMF-28 32 Ch Control Gain SMF-28 32 Ch Control Power SMF-28 8 Ch Control Power SMF-28 16 Ch Control Power |
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A331 View DWDM NE Update Parameters
Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > NE Update tabs.
Step 2 View the parameters shown in Table 5-8.
1 Three network types are available: Metro-Core, Metro-Access, and Not-DWDM. |
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).