Change Card Settings

This chapter explains how to change line provisioning, thresholds, and service states on Cisco ONS 15454 cards.

Before You Begin

Before performing any of the following procedures, investigate all alarms and clear any trouble conditions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide as necessary.

Caution Changing card settings can be service affecting. You should make all changes during a scheduled maintenance window.

This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).

1. A88 Modify Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds for Electrical Cards—As needed, complete this procedure to change line and threshold settings for all electrical cards (EC-1, DS-1, DS-3, DS3i-N-12, and DS3XM).

2. A89 Modify Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds for OC-N Cards—As needed, complete this procedure to change line and threshold settings for all optical (OC-N) cards.

3. A90 Modify Alarm Interface Controller Settings—As needed, complete this procedure to change external alarms and controls (environmental alarms) and/or orderwire settings.

4. A118 Modify Alarm Interface Controller-International Settings—As needed, complete this procedure to change external alarms and controls and/or orderwire settings.

5. A91 Upgrade DS-1 and DS-3 Protect Cards from 1:1 Protection to 1:N Protection—As needed, complete this procedure to change the protection type on DS-1 or DS-3 cards.

6. A315 Modify Port Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds for FC_MR-4 Cards—As needed, complete this procedure to change FC_MR-4 card port and threshold settings.

7. A297 Change Card Service State—As needed, complete this procedure to change card service state.

NTP-A88 Modify Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds for Electrical Cards


This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for electrical cards.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-A17 Install the Electrical Cards, page 2-8

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to change the electrical card settings. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4 to preserve the existing database.

Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

DLP-A165 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS1-14 or DS1N-14 Cards, page 18-28

DLP-A166 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3-12 or DS3N-12 Cards, page 18-32

DLP-A167 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3-12E or DS3N-12E Cards, page 18-36

DLP-A168 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3XM-6 Card, page 18-41

DLP-A387 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3XM-12 Card, page 20-74

DLP-A526 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3i-N-12 Cards, page 22-21

DLP-A388 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3/EC1-48 Cards, page 20-80

DLP-A169 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the EC1-12 Card, page 18-45

Step 4 When you are finished changing the card settings, complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-A89 Modify Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds for OC-N Cards


This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for optical cards.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-A16 Install the OC-N Cards, page 2-6

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to change the OC-N card settings. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

DLP-A170 Change Line Transmission Settings for OC-N Cards, page 18-49

DLP-A171 Change Threshold Settings for OC-N Cards, page 18-51

DLP-A172 Change an Optical Port to SDH, page 18-53

Step 4 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-A90 Modify Alarm Interface Controller Settings


This procedure provisions the AIC card to receive input from, or send output to, external devices wired to the backplane (called external alarms and controls or environmental alarms) and changes orderwire settings.



Prerequisite Procedures

A32 Provision External Alarms and Controls on the Alarm Interface Controller

DLP-A83 Provision Orderwire, page 17-84

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to change the AIC card settings. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

DLP-A173 Change External Alarms Using the AIC Card, page 18-54

DLP-A174 Change External Controls Using the AIC Card, page 18-54

DLP-A175 Change Orderwire Settings Using the AIC Card, page 18-55

Step 4 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-A118 Modify Alarm Interface Controller-International Settings


This procedure provisions the AIC-I card to receive input from or send output to external devices wired to the backplane (called external alarms and controls or environmental alarms), or to change orderwire settings.



Prerequisite Procedures

A258 Provision External Alarms and Controls on the Alarm Interface Controller-International

DLP-A83 Provision Orderwire, page 17-84

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to change the AIC-I card settings. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

DLP-A208 Change External Alarms Using the AIC-I Card, page 19-6

DLP-A209 Change External Controls Using the AIC-I Card, page 19-7

DLP-A210 Change AIC-I Card Orderwire Settings, page 19-8

Step 4 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-A91 Upgrade DS-1 and DS-3 Protect Cards from 1:1 Protection to 1:N Protection


This procedure converts DS-1 and DS-3 protect cards from 1:1 to 1:N protection. This procedure does not apply to DWDM-only nodes.



Prerequisite Procedures

DLP-A71 Create a 1:1 Protection Group, page 17-78

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to convert the DS-1 or DS-3 cards from 1:1 to 1:N protection. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

DLP-A176 Convert DS1-14 Cards From 1:1 to 1:N Protection, page 18-56

DLP-A177 Convert DS3-12 Cards From 1:1 to 1:N Protection, page 18-57

DLP-A178 Convert DS3-12E Cards From 1:1 to 1:N Protection, page 18-59

Step 4 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-A315 Modify Port Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds for FC_MR-4 Cards


This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for storage area network (SAN) cards, including the FC_MR-4.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-A274 Install the FC_MR-4 Cards, page 2-11

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to change the OC-N card settings. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

DLP-A438 Change General Port Settings for the FC_MR-4 Card, page 21-16

DLP-A439 Change Distance Extension Port Settings for the FC_MR-4 Card, page 21-18

DLP-A440 Change Enhanced FC/FICON Port Settings for the FC_MR-4 Card, page 21-19

DLP-A357 Create FC_MR-4 RMON Alarm Thresholds, page 20-41

DLP-A358 Delete FC_MR-4 RMON Alarm Thresholds, page 20-45

Step 4 Complete the "NTP-A108 Back Up the Database" procedure on page 15-4.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-A297 Change Card Service State


This procedure changes card service state.



Prerequisite Procedures

Chapter 2, "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable"

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-66 at the node where you want to change the card service state.

Step 2 Click the Inventory tab.

Step 3 Click Admin State for the card you want to change, and choose an Admin state from the drop-down list: IS (In-Service) or OOS,MT (Out-of-Service,Maintenance).

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 If an error message opens indicating that the card state cannot be changed from its current state, click OK.

Table 11-1 lists possible card service state transitions based on the Admin State chosen. For more information about the enhanced state model and card state transitions, refer to the "Administrative and Service States" appendix of the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.

Table 11-1 Cisco ONS 15454 Card State Transitions 

Admin State
Original Service State
Next Service State


(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management,Maintenance and Unequipped)

(Out-of-Service & Autonomous,Unequipped)


(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management,Mismatched Equipment and Maintenance)

(Out-of-Service and Autonomous,Mismatched Equipment)


(Out-of-Service and Management,Maintenance)

(In-Service and Normal)


(Out-of-Service and Autonomous,Mismatched Equipment)

(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management,Maintenance and Unequipped)


(Out-of-Service and Autonomous,Auto In-Service and Unequipped)

(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management,Maintenance and Unequipped)


(Out-of-Service and Autonomous,Auto In-Service and Mismatched Equipment)

(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management,Mismatched Equipment and Maintenance)


(Out-of-Service and Autonomous,Unequipped)

(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management,Maintenance and Unequipped)


(In-Service and Normal)

(Out-of-Service and Management,Maintenance)

Stop. You have completed this procedure.