
The following topics describe how to use dashboards in the Firepower System:

About Dashboards

Firepower System dashboards provide you with at-a-glance views of current system status, including data about the events collected and generated by the system. You can also use dashboards to see information about the status and overall health of the appliances in your deployment. Keep in mind that the information the dashboard provides depends on how you license, configure, and deploy the system.


The dashboard is a complex, highly customizable monitoring feature that provides exhaustive data. For a broad, brief, and colorful picture of your monitored network, use the Context Explorer.

Dashboards are available on the Firepower Management Center and 7000 & 8000 Series devices.

A dashboard uses tabs to display widgets: small, self-contained components that provide insight into different aspects of the system. For example, the predefined Appliance Information widget tells you the appliance name, model, and currently running version of the Firepower System software. The system constrains widgets by the dashboard time range, which you can change to reflect a period as short as the last hour or as long as the last year.

The system is delivered with several predefined dashboards, which you can use and modify. If your user role has access to dashboards (Administrator, Maintenance User, Security Analyst, Security Analyst [Read Only], and custom roles with the Dashboards permission), by default your home page is the predefined Summary Dashboard. However, you can configure a different default home page, including non-dashboards. You can also change the default dashboard. Note that if your user role cannot access dashboards, your default home page is relevant to the role; for example, a Discovery Admin sees the Network Discovery page.

You can also use predefined dashboards as the base for custom dashboards, which you can either share or restrict as private. Unless you have Administrator access, you cannot view or modify private dashboards created by other users.


Some drill-down pages and table views of events include a Dashboard toolbar link that you can click to view a relevant predefined dashboard. If you delete a predefined dashboard or tab, the associated toolbar links do not function.

In a multidomain deployment, you cannot view dashboards from ancestor domains; however, you can create new dashboards that are copies of the higher-level dashboards.

Firepower System Dashboard Widgets

A dashboard has one or more tabs, each of which can display one or more widgets in a three-column layout. The Firepower System is delivered with many predefined dashboard widgets, each of which provides insight into a different aspect of the Firepower System. Widgets are grouped into three categories:

  • Analysis & Reporting widgets display data about the events collected and generated by the Firepower System.

  • Miscellaneous widgets display neither event data nor operations data. Currently, the only widget in this category displays an RSS feed.

  • Operations widgets display information about the status and overall health of the Firepower System.

The dashboard widgets that you can view depend on:

  • the type of appliance you are using

  • your user role

  • your current domain (in a multidomain deployment)

In addition, each dashboard has a set of preferences that determines its behavior.

You can minimize and maximize widgets, add and remove widgets from tabs, as well as rearrange the widgets on a tab.


For widgets that display event counts over a time range, the total number of events may not reflect the number of events for which detailed data is available in the tables on pages under the Analysis menu. This occurs because the system sometimes prunes older event details to manage disk space usage. To minimize the occurrence of event detail pruning, you can fine-tune event logging to log only those events most important to your deployment.

Widget Availability

The dashboard widgets that you can view depend on the type of appliance you are using, your user role, and your current domain (in a multidomain deployment).

In a multidomain deployment, if you do not see a widget that you expect to see, switch to the Global domain. See Switching Domains on the Firepower Management Center.

Note that:

  • An invalid widget is one that you cannot view because you are using the wrong type of appliance.

  • An unauthorized widget is one that you cannot view because your user account does not have the necessary privileges.

For example, the Appliance Status widget is available only on the FMC for users with Administrator, Maintenance User, Security Analyst, or Security Analyst (Read Only) account privileges.

Although you cannot add an unauthorized or invalid widget to a dashboard, an imported dashboard may contain unauthorized or invalid widgets. For example, such widgets can be present if the imported dashboard:

  • Was created by a user with different access privileges, or

  • Belongs to an ancestor domain.

Unavailable widgets are disabled and display error messages that indicate why you cannot view them.

Individual widgets also display error messages when those widgets have timed out or are otherwise experiencing problems.


You can delete or minimize unauthorized and invalid widgets, as well as widgets that display no data, keeping in mind that modifying a widget on a shared dashboard modifies it for all users of the appliance.

Dashboard Widget Availability by User Role

The following table lists the user account privileges required to view each widget. Only user accounts with Administrator, Maintenance User, Security Analyst, or Security Analyst (Read Only) access can use dashboards.

Users with custom roles may have access to any combination of widgets, or none at all, as their user roles permit.

Table 1. User Roles and Dashboard Widget Availability



Maintenance User

Security Analyst

Security Analyst (RO)

Appliance Information





Appliance Status





Correlation Events





Current Interface Status





Current Sessions





Custom Analysis





Disk Usage





Interface Traffic





Intrusion Events





Network Compliance





Product Licensing





Product Updates





RSS Feed





System Load





System Time





White List Events





Predefined Dashboard Widgets

The Firepower System is delivered with several predefined widgets that, when used on dashboards, can provide you with at-a-glance views of current system status. These views include:

  • data about the events collected and generated by the system

  • information about the status and overall health of the appliances in your deployment


The dashboard widgets you can view depend on the type of appliance you are using, your user role, and your current domain in a multidomain deployment.

The Appliance Information Widget

The Appliance Information widget provides a snapshot of the appliance. It appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard. The widget provides:

  • the name, IPv4 address, IPv6 address, and model of the appliance

  • the versions of the Firepower System software, operating system, Snort, rule update, rule pack, module pack, vulnerability database (VDB), and geolocation update installed on the appliances with dashboards, except for virtual Firepower Management Centers

  • for managed appliances, the name and status of the communications link with the managing appliance

You can configure the widget to display more or less information by modifying the widget preferences to display a simple or an advanced view; the preferences also control how often the widget updates.

The Appliance Status Widget

The Appliance Status widget indicates the health of the appliance and of any appliances it is managing. Note that because the Firepower Management Center does not automatically apply a health policy to managed devices, you must manually apply a health policy to devices or their status appears as Disabled. This widget appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

You can configure the widget to display appliance status as a pie chart or in a table by modifying the widget preferences.

The preferences also control how often the widget updates.

You can click a section on the pie chart or one of the numbers on the appliance status table to go to the Health Monitor page and view the compiled health status of the appliance and of any appliances it is managing.

The Correlation Events Widget

The Correlation Events widget shows the average number of correlation events per second, by priority, over the dashboard time range. It appears by default on the Correlation tab of the Detailed Dashboard.

You can configure the widget to display correlation events of different priorities by modifying the widget preferences, as well as to choose a linear (incremental) or logarithmic (factor of ten) scale.

Check one or more Priorities check boxes to display separate graphs for events of specific priorities, including events that do not have a priority. Choose Show All to display an additional graph for all correlation events, regardless of priority. The preferences also control how often the widget updates.

You can click a graph to view correlation events of a specific priority, or click the All graph to view all correlation events. In either case, the events are constrained by the dashboard time range; accessing correlation events via the dashboard changes the events (or global) time window for the appliance.

The Current Interface Status Widget

The Current Interface Status widget shows the status of all interfaces on the appliance, enabled or unused. On a Firepower Management Center, you can display the management (eth0, eth1, and so on) interfaces. On a managed device, you can choose to show only sensing (s1p1 and so on) interfaces or both management and sensing interfaces. Interfaces are grouped by type: management, inline, passive, switched, routed, stacked, and unused.

For each interface, the widget provides:

  • the name of the interface

  • the link state of the interface

  • the link mode (for example, 100Mb full duplex, or 10Mb half duplex) of the interface

  • the type of interface, that is, copper or fiber

  • the amount of data received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) by the interface

The color of the ball representing link state indicates the current status, as follows:

  • green: link is up and at full speed

  • yellow: link is up but not at full speed

  • red: link is not up

  • gray: link is administratively disabled

  • blue: link state information is not available (for example, ASA)

The widget preferences control how often the widget updates.

The Current Sessions Widget

The Current Sessions widget shows which users are currently logged into the appliance, the IP address associated with the machine where the session originated, and the last time each user accessed a page on the appliance (based on the local time for the appliance). The user that represents you, that is, the user currently viewing the widget, is marked with a User icon and rendered in bold type. Sessions are pruned from this widget’s data within one hour of logoff or inactivity. This widget appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

On the Current Sessions widget, you can:

  • click any user name to manage user accounts on the User Management page.

  • click the Host icon or Compromised Host icon next to any IP address to view the host profile for the associated machine.

  • click any IP address or access time to view the audit log constrained by that IP address and by the time that the user associated with that IP address logged on to the web interface.

The widget preferences control how often the widget updates.

The Custom Analysis Widget

The Custom Analysis widget is a highly customizable widget that allows you to display detailed information on the events collected and generated by the Firepower System.

The widget is delivered with multiple presets that provide quick access to information about your deployment. The predefined dashboards make extensive use of these presets. You can use these presets or create a custom configuration. At a minimum, a custom configuration specifies the data you are interested in (table and field), and an aggregation method for that data. You can also set other display-related preferences, including whether you want to show events as relative occurences (bar graph) or over time (line graph).

The widget displays the last time it updated, based on local time. The widget updates with a frequency that depends on the dashboard time range. For example, if you set the dashboard time range to an hour, the widget updates every five minutes. On the other hand, if you set the dashboard time range to a year, the widget updates once a week. To determine when the dashboard will update next, hover your pointer over the Last updated notice in the bottom left corner of the widget.


A red-shaded Custom Analysis widget indicates that its use is harming system performance. If the widget continues to stay red over time, remove the widget. You can also disable all Custom Analysis widgets from the Dashboard settings in your system configuration (System > Configuration > Dashboard)

Displaying Relative Occurrences of Events (Bar Graphs)

For bar graphs in the Custom Analysis widget, the colored bars in the widget background show the relative number of occurrences of each event. Read the bars from right to left.

The Direction icon indicates and controls the sort order of the display. A downward-pointing icon indicates descending order; an upward-pointing icon indicates ascending order. To change the sort order, click the icon.

Next to each event, the widget can display one of three icons to indicate any changes from the most recent results:

  • The new event icon Add (add icon) signifies that the event is new to the results.

  • The Up Arrow icon indicates that the event has moved up in the standings since the last time the widget updated. A number indicating how many places the event has moved up appears next to the icon.

  • The Down Arrow icon indicates that the event has moved down in the standings since the last time the widget updated. A number indicating how many places the event has moved down appears next to the icon.

Displaying Events Over Time (Line Graphs)

If you want information on events or other collected data over time, you can configure the Custom Analysis widget to display a line graph, such as one that displays the total number of intrusion events generated in your deployment over time.

Limitations to the Custom Analysis Widget

A Custom Analysis widget may indicate that you are unauthorized to view the data that is configured to display. For example, Maintenance Users are not authorized to view discovery events. As another example, the widget does not display information related to unlicensed features. However, you (and any other users who share the dashboard) can modify the widget preferences to display data that you can see, or even delete the widget. If you want to make sure that this does not happen, save the dashboard as private.

When viewing user data, the system displays only authoritative users.

When viewing URL category information, the system does not display uncategorized URLs.

When viewing intrusion events aggregated by Count, the count includes reviewed events for intrusion events; if you view the count in tables on pages under the Analysis menus, the count will not include reviewed events.


In a multidomain deployment, the system builds a separate network map for each leaf domain. As a result, a leaf domain can contain an IP address that is unique within its network, but identical to an IP address in another leaf domain. When you view Custom Analysis widgets in an ancestor domain, multiple instances of that repeated IP address can be displayed. At first glance, they might appear to be duplicate entries. However, if you drill down to the host profile information for each IP address, the system shows that they belong to different leaf domains.

How to Create Dashboard Widgets for a Device

Any widgets that show events from devices can be configured to use a filter that limits the display of events for a given device or a set of devices.

  1. Create and save a search: Go to Analysis > Search and enter the search parameters to match the specific device names.


    You must provide exact text match as there is no drop-down listing the deployed device names.

  2. Go to Overview > Dashboards > Add Widgets to create a Custom Analysis widget.

  3. Return to Overview > Dashboards and modify the new widget to customize with the scope of search.

Example: Configuration of Custom Analysis Widget

You can configure the Custom Analysis widget to display a list of recent intrusion events by configuring the widget to display data from the Intrusion Events table. Choosing the Classification field and aggregating this data by Count displays the number of events that were generated for each type.

On the other hand, aggregating by Unique Events displays the number of unique intrusion events of each type (for example, how many detections of network trojans, potential violations of corporate policy, attempted denial-of-service attacks, and so on).

You can further customize the widget using a saved search, either one of the predefined searches delivered with your appliance or a custom search that you created. For example, constraining the first example (intrusion events using the Classification field, aggregated by Count) using the Dropped Events search displays the number of intrusion events that were dropped for each type.

Custom Analysis Widget Preferences

The following table describes the preferences you can set in the Custom Analysis widget.

Different preferences appear depending on how you configure the widget. For example, a different set of preferences appears if you configure the widget to show relative occurrences of events (a bar graph) vs a graph over time (a line graph). Some preferences, such as Filter, only appear if you choose a specific table from which to display data.

Table 2. Custom Analysis Widget Preferences




If you do not specify a title for the widget, the system uses the configured event type as the title.


Custom Analysis presets provide quick access to information about your deployment. The predefined dashboards make extensive use of these presets. You can use these presets or you can create a custom configuration.

Table (required)

The table of events or assets that contains the data the widget displays.

Field (required)

The specific field of the event type you want to display. To show data over time (line graphs), choose Time. To show relative occurrences of events (bar graphs), choose another option.

Aggregate (required)

The aggregation method configures how the widget groups the data it displays. For most event types, the default option is Count.


You can use application filters to constrain data from the Application Statistics and Intrusion Event Statistics by Application tables.


You can use a saved search to constrain the data that the widget displays. You do not have to specify a search, although some presets use predefined searches.

Only you can access searches that you have saved as private. If you configure the widget on a shared dashboard and constrain its events using a private search, the widget resets to not using the search when another user logs in. This affects your view of the widget as well. If you want to make sure that this does not happen, save the dashboard as private.

Only fields that constrain connection summaries can constrain Custom Analysis dashboard widgets based on connection events. Invalid saved searches are dimmed.

If you constrain a Custom Analysis widget using a saved search, then edit the search, the widget does not reflect your changes until the next time it updates.


Choose whether you want to display the most (Top) or the least (Bottom) frequently occurring events.


Choose the number of result rows to display.

Show Movers

Choose whether you want to display the icons that indicate changes from the most recent results.

Time Zone

Choose the time zone you want to use to display results.


You can change the color of the bars in the widget's bar graph.

Viewing Associated Events from the Custom Analysis Widget

From a Custom Analysis widget, you can invoke an event view (workflow) that provides detailed information about the events displayed in the widget. The events appear in the default workflow for that event type, constrained by the dashboard time range. This also changes the appropriate time window on the Firepower Management Center, depending on how many time windows you configured and on the event type.

For example:

  • If you configure multiple time windows, then access health events from a Custom Analysis widget, the events appear in the default health events workflow, and the health monitoring time window changes to the dashboard time range.

  • If you configure a single time window and then access any type of event from the Custom Analysis widget, the events appear in the default workflow for that event type, and the global time window changes to the dashboard time range.


You have the following choices:

  • On any Custom Analysis widget, click View (view button) in the lower right corner of the widget to view all associated events, constrained by the widget preferences.
  • On a Custom Analysis widget showing relative occurrences of events (bar graph), click any event to view associated events constrained by the widget preferences, as well as by that event.

The Disk Usage Widget

The Disk Usage widget displays the percentage of space used on the hard drive, based on disk usage category. It also indicates the percentage of space used on and capacity of each partition of the appliance’s hard drive. The Disk Usage widget displays the same information for the malware storage pack if installed in the device, or if the Firepower Management Center manages a device containing a malware storage pack. This widget appears by default on the Status tabs of the Default Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

The By Category stacked bar displays each disk usage category as a proportion of the total available disk space used. The following table describes the available categories.

Table 3. Disk Usage Categories

Disk Usage Category



all events logged by the system


all files stored by the system


all backup files


all files related to updates, such as rule updates and system updates


system troubleshooting files and other miscellaneous files


free space remaining on the appliance

You can hover your pointer over a disk usage category in the By Category stacked bar to view the percentage of available disk space used by that category, the actual storage space on the disk, and the total disk space available for that category. Note that if you have a malware storage pack installed, the total disk space available for the Files category is the available disk space on the malware storage pack.

You can configure the widget to display only the By Category stacked bar, or you can show the stacked bar plus the admin (/), /Volume, and /boot partition usage, as well as the /var/storage partition if the malware storage pack is installed, by modifying the widget preferences.

The widget preferences also control how often the widget updates, as well as whether it displays the current disk usage or collected disk usage statistics over the dashboard time range.

The Interface Traffic Widget

The Interface Traffic widget shows the rate of traffic received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) on the appliance’s management interface. For 7000 & 8000 Series devices, the widget also shows information on the sensing interfaces. The widget does not appear by default on any of the predefined dashboards.

Devices with Malware licenses enabled periodically attempt to connect to the AMP cloud even if you have not configured dynamic analysis. Because of this, these devices show transmitted traffic; this is expected behavior. Outbound (transmitted) traffic includes flow control packets. Because of this, passive sensing interfaces on 7000 & 8000 Series devices may show transmitted traffic; this is also expected behavior.

The widget preferences control how often the widget updates. On 7000 & 8000 Series devices, the preferences also control whether the widget displays the traffic rate for unused interfaces (by default, the widget only displays the traffic rate for active interfaces).

The Intrusion Events Widget

The Intrusion Events widget shows the intrusion events that occurred over the dashboard time range, organized by priority. This includes statistics on intrusion events with dropped packets and different impacts. This widget appears by default on the Intrusion Events tab of the Summary Dashboard.

In the widget preferences, you can choose:

  • Event Flags to display separate graphs for events with dropped packets, would have dropped packets, or specific impacts. Choose All to display an additional graph for all intrusion events, regardless of impact or rule state.

    For explanations of the icons, see Working with Intrusion Events. The arrow (if any) that appears above the impact level numbers describes the inline result and is defined as follows:

    Table 4. Inline Result Field Contents in Workflow and Table Views

    This Icon


    A black down arrow

    The system dropped the packet that triggered the rule.

    A gray down arrow

    IPS would have dropped the packet if you enabled the Drop when Inline intrusion policy option (in an inline deployment), or if a Drop and Generate rule generated the event while the system was pruning.

    No icon (blank)

    The triggered rule was not set to Drop and Generate Events

    In a passive deployment, the system does not drop packets, including when an inline interface is in tap mode, regardless of the rule state or the inline drop behavior of the intrusion policy.

  • Show to specify Average Events Per Second (EPS) or Total Events.

  • Vertical Scale to specify Linear (incremental) or Logarithmic (factor of ten) scale.

  • How often the widget updates.

On the widget, you can:

  • Click a graph corresponding to dropped packets, to would have dropped packets, or to a specific impact to view intrusion events of that type.

  • Click the graph corresponding to dropped events to view dropped events.

  • Click the graph corresponding to would have dropped events to view would have dropped events.

  • Click the All graph to view all intrusion events.

The resulting event view is constrained by the dashboard time range; accessing intrusion events via the dashboard changes the events (or global) time window for the appliance. Note that packets in a passive deployment are not dropped, regardless of intrusion rule state or the inline drop behavior of the intrusion policy.

The Network Compliance Widget

The Network Compliance widget summarizes your hosts’ compliance with the white lists you configured. By default, the widget displays a pie chart that shows the number of hosts that are compliant, non-compliant, and that have not been evaluated, for all compliance white lists in active correlation policies. This widget appears by default on the Correlation tab of the Detailed Dashboard.

You can configure the widget to display network compliance either for all white lists or for a specific white list by modifying the widget preferences.

If you choose to display network compliance for all white lists, the widget considers a host to be non-compliant if it is not compliant with any white list in an active correlation policy.

You can also use the widget preferences to specify which of three different styles you want to use to display network compliance.

The Network Compliance style (the default) displays a pie chart that shows the number of hosts that are compliant, non-compliant, and that have not been evaluated. You can click the pie chart to view the host violation count, which lists the hosts that violate at least one white list.

The Network Compliance over Time (%) style displays a stacked area graph showing the relative proportion of hosts that are compliant, non-compliant, and that have not yet been evaluated, over the dashboard time range.

The Network Compliance over Time style displays a line graph that shows the number of hosts that are compliant, non-compliant, and that have not yet been evaluated, over the dashboard time range.

The preferences control how often the widget updates. You can check the Show Not Evaluated box to hide events which have not been evaluated.

The Product Licensing Widget

The Product Licensing widget shows the device and feature licenses currently installed on the Firepower Management Center. It also indicates the number of items licensed and the number of remaining licensed items allowed. It does not appear by default on any of the predefined dashboards.

The top section of the widget displays all device and feature licenses installed on the Firepower Management Center, including temporary licenses, while the Expiring Licenses section displays only temporary and expired licenses.

The bars in the widget background show the percentage of each type of license that is being used; you should read the bars from right to left. Expired licenses are marked with a strikethrough.

You can configure the widget to display either the features that are currently licensed, or all the features that you can license, by modifying the widget preferences. The preferences also control how often the widget updates.

You can click any of the license types to go to the License page of the local configuration and add or delete feature licenses.

The Product Updates Widget

The Product Updates widget provides you with a summary of the software currently installed on the appliance as well as information on updates that you have downloaded, but not yet installed. This widget appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

Because the widget uses scheduled tasks to determine the latest version, it displays Unknown until you configure a scheduled task to download, push or install updates.

You can configure the widget to hide the latest versions by modifying the widget preferences. The preferences also control how often the widget updates.

The widget also provides you with links to pages where you can update the software. You can:

  • Manually update an appliance by clicking the current version.

  • Create a scheduled task to download an update by clicking the latest version.

The RSS Feed Widget

The RSS Feed widget adds an RSS feed to a dashboard. By default, the widget shows a feed of Cisco security news. It appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

You can also configure the widget to display a preconfigured feed of company news, the Snort.org blog, or the Cisco Threat Research blog, or you can create a custom connection to any other RSS feed by specifying its URL in the widget preferences.

Feeds update every 24 hours (although you can manually update the feed), and the widget displays the last time the feed was updated based on the local time of the appliance. Keep in mind that the appliance must have access to the web site (for the two preconfigured feeds) or to any custom feed you configure.

When you configure the widget, you can also choose how many stories from the feed you want to show in the widget, as well as whether you want to show descriptions of the stories along with the headlines; keep in mind that not all RSS feeds use descriptions.

On the RSS Feed widget, you can:

  • click one of the stories in the feed to view the story

  • click the more link to go to the feed’s web site

  • click Update (update icon) to manually update the feed

The System Load Widget

The System Load widget shows the CPU usage (for each CPU), memory (RAM) usage, and system load (also called the load average, measured by the number of processes waiting to execute) on the appliance, both currently and over the dashboard time range. It appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

You can configure the widget to show or hide the load average by modifying the widget preferences. The preferences also control how often the widget updates.

The System Time Widget

The System Time widget shows the local system time, uptime, and boot time for the appliance. It appears by default on the Status tabs of the Detailed Dashboard and the Summary Dashboard.

You can configure the widget to hide the boot time by modifying the widget preferences. The preferences also control how often the widget synchronizes with the appliance’s clock.

The White List Events Widget

The White List Events widget shows the average events per second by priority, over the dashboard time range. It appears by default on the Correlation tab of the Default Dashboard.

You can configure the widget to display white list events of different priorities by modifying the widget preferences.

In the widget preferences, you can:

  • choose one or more Priorities check boxes to display separate graphs for events of specific priorities, including events that do not have a priority

  • choose Show All to display an additional graph for all white list events, regardless of priority

  • choose Vertical Scale to choose Linear (incremental) or Logarithmic (factor of ten) scale

The preferences also control how often the widget updates.

You can click a graph to view white list events of a specific priority, or click the All graph to view all white list events. In either case, the events are constrained by the dashboard time range; accessing white list events via the dashboard changes the events (or global) time window for the Firepower Management Center.

Managing Dashboards


Step 1

Choose Overview > Dashboards, and then choose the dashboard you want to modify from the menu.

Step 2

Manage your dashboards:

  • Create Dashboards — Create a custom dashboard; see Creating Custom Dashboards.
  • Delete Dashboards — To delete a dashboard, click Delete (delete icon) next to the dashboard you want to delete. If you delete your default dashboard, you must define a new default or the appliance prompts you to choose a dashboard every time you attempt to view a dashboard.
  • Edit Options — Edit custom dashboard options; see Editing Dashboards Options.
  • Modify Time Constraints — Modify the time display or pause/unpause the dashboard as described in Modifying Dashboard Time Settings.

Step 3

Add (see Adding a Dashboard), Delete (click Close (close icon)), and Rename (see Renaming a Dashboard) dashboards.



You cannot change the order of dashboards.

Step 4

Manage dashboard widgets:



Every configuration of the Custom Analysis widget in the Cisco predefined dashboards corresponds to a system preset for that widget. If you change or delete one of these widgets, you can restore it by creating a new Custom Analysis widget based on the appropriate preset.

Adding a Dashboard


Step 1

View the dashboard you want to modify; see Viewing Dashboards.

Step 2

Click Add (add icon).

Step 3

Enter a name.

Step 4

Click OK.

Adding Widgets to a Dashboard

Each tab can display one or more widgets in a three-column layout. When adding a widget to a dashboard, you choose the tab to which you want to add the widget. The system automatically adds it to the column with the fewest widgets. If all columns have an equal number of widgets, the new widget is added to the leftmost column. You can add a maximum of 15 widgets to a dashboard tab.


After you add widgets, you can move them to any location on the tab. You cannot, however, move widgets from tab to tab.

The dashboard widgets you can view depend on the type of appliance you are using, your user role, and your current domain (in a multidomain deployment). Keep in mind that because not all user roles have access to all dashboard widgets, users with fewer permissions viewing a dashboard created by a user with more permissions may not be able to use all of the widgets on the dashboard. Although the unauthorized widgets still appear on the dashboard, they are disabled.


Step 1

View the dashboard where you want to add a widget; see Viewing Dashboards.

Step 2

Click the tab where you want to add the widget.

Step 3

Click Add Widgets. You can view the widgets in each category by clicking on the category name, or you can view all widgets by clicking All Categories.

Step 4

Click Add next to the widgets you want to add. The Add Widgets page indicates how many widgets of each type are on the tab, including the widget you want to add.



To add multiple widgets of the same type (for example, you may want to add multiple RSS Feed widgets, or multiple Custom Analysis widgets), click Add again.

Step 5

When you are finished adding widgets, click Done to return to the dashboard.

What to do next

Configuring Widget Preferences

Each widget has a set of preferences that determines its behavior.


Step 1

On the title bar of the widget whose preferences you want to change, click Show Preferences (show preferences icon).

Step 2

Make changes as needed.

Step 3

On the widget title bar, click Hide Preferences (hide preferences icon) to hide the preferences section.

Creating Custom Dashboards


Instead of creating a new dashboard, you can export a dashboard from another appliance, then import it onto your appliance. You can then edit the imported dashboard to suit your needs.


Step 1

Choose Overview > Dashboards > Management.

Step 2

Click Create Dashboard.

Step 3

Modify the custom dashboard options as described in Custom Dashboard Options.

Step 4

Click Save.

Custom Dashboard Options

The table below describes options you can use when creating or editing custom dashboards.

Table 5. Custom Dashboard Options



Copy Dashboard

When you create a custom dashboard, you can choose to base it on any existing dashboard, whether user-created or system-defined. This option makes a copy of the preexisting dashboard, which you can modify to suit your needs. Optionally, you can create a blank new dashboard by choosing None. This option is available only when you create a new dashboard.

In a multidomain deployment, you can copy any non-private dashboards from ancestor domains.


A unique name for the custom dashboard.


A brief description of the custom dashboard.

Change Tabs Every

Specifies (in minutes) how often the dashboard should cycle through its tabs. Unless you pause the dashboard or your dashboard has only one tab, this setting advances your view to the next tab at the interval you specify. To disable tab cycling, enter 0 in the Change Tabs Every field.

Refresh Page Every

Determines how often the entire dashboard page automatically refreshes.

Refreshing the entire dashboard allows you to see any preference or layout changes that were made to a shared dashboard by another user, or that you made to a private dashboard on another computer, since the last time the dashboard refreshed. A frequent refresh can be useful, for example, in a networks operations center (NOC) where a dashboard is displayed at all times. If you make changes to the dashboard at a local computer, the dashboard in the NOC automatically refreshes at the interval you specify, and no manual refresh is required.

This refresh does not update the data, and you do not need to refresh the entire dashboard to see data updates; individual widgets update according to their preferences.

This value must be greater than the Change Tabs Every setting. Unless you pause the dashboard, this setting will refresh the entire dashboard at the interval you specify. To disable the periodic page refresh, enter 0 in the Refresh Page Every field.



This setting is separate from the update interval available on many individual widgets; although refreshing the dashboard page resets the update interval on individual widgets, widgets will update according to their individual preferences even if you disable the Refresh Page Every setting.

Save As Private

Determines whether the custom dashboard can be viewed and modified by all users of the appliance or is associated with your user account and reserved solely for your own use. Keep in mind that any user with dashboard access, regardless of role, can modify shared dashboards. If you want to make sure that only you can modify a particular dashboard, save it as private.

Customizing the Widget Display

You can minimize and maximize widgets, as well as rearrange the widgets on a tab.


Step 1

View a dashboard; see Viewing Dashboards.

Step 2

Customize the widget display:

  • To rearrange a widget on a tab, click the title bar of the widget you want to move, then drag it to its new location.



    You cannot move widgets from tab to tab. If you want a widget to appear on a different tab, you must delete it from the existing tab and add it to the new tab.

  • To minimize or maximize a widget on the dashboard, click Minimize (minimize icon) or Maximize (maximize icon) in a widget’s title bar.
  • To delete a widget if you no longer want to view it on a tab, click Close (close icon) in the title bar of the widget.

Editing Dashboards Options


Step 1

View the dashboard you want to edit; see Viewing Dashboards.

Step 2

Click Edit (edit icon).

Step 3

Change the options as described in Custom Dashboard Options.

Step 4

Click Save.

Modifying Dashboard Time Settings

You can change the time range to reflect a period as short as the last hour (the default) or as long as the last year. When you change the time range, the widgets that can be constrained by time automatically update to reflect the new time range.

The maximum number of data points in any graph is 300, and the time setting determines how much time is summarized within each data point. Following is the number of data points, and the time span covered, in the dashboards for each time range:

  • 1 hour = 12 data points, 5 minutes each

  • 6 hours = 72 data points, 5 minutes each

  • 1 day = 288 data points, 5 minutes each

  • 1 week = 300 data points, 33.6 minutes each

  • 2 weeks = 300 data points, 67.2 minutes each

  • 30 days = 300 data points, 144 minutes each

  • 90 days = 300 data points, 432 minutes each

  • 180 days = 300 data points, 864 minutes each

  • 1 year = 300 data points, 1752 minutes each

Note that not all widgets can be constrained by time. For example, the dashboard time range has no effect on the Appliance Information widget, which provides information that includes the appliance name, model, and current version of the Firepower System software.

Keep in mind that for enterprise deployments of the Firepower System, changing the time range to a long period may not be useful for widgets like the Custom Analysis widget, depending on how often newer events replace older events.

You can also pause a dashboard, which allows you to examine the data provided by the widgets without the display changing and interrupting your analysis. Pausing a dashboard has the following effects:

  • Individual widgets stop updating, regardless of any Update Every widget preference.

  • Dashboard tabs stop cycling, regardless of the Cycle Tabs Every setting in the dashboard properties.

  • Dashboard pages stop refreshing, regardless of the Refresh Page Every setting in the dashboard properties.

  • Changing the time range has no effect.

When you are finished with your analysis, you can unpause the dashboard. Unpausing the dashboard causes all appropriate widgets on the page to update to reflect the current time range. In addition, dashboard tabs resume cycling and the dashboard page resumes refreshing according to the settings you specified in the dashboard properties.

If you experience connectivity problems or other issues that interrupt the flow of system information to the dashboard, the dashboard automatically pauses and an error notice appears until the problem is resolved.


Your session normally logs you out after 1 hour of inactivity (or another configured interval), regardless of whether the dashboard is paused. If you plan to passively monitor the dashboard for long periods of time, consider exempting some users from session timeout, or changing the system timeout settings.


Step 1

View the dashboard where you want to add a widget; see Viewing Dashboards.

Step 2

Optionally, to change the dashboard time range, choose a time range from the Show the Last drop-down list.

Step 3

Optionally, pause or unpause the dashboard on the time range control, using Pause (pause icon) or Play (play icon).

Renaming a Dashboard


Step 1

View the dashboard you want to modify; see Viewing Dashboards.

Step 2

Click the dasboard title you want to rename.

Step 3

Type a name.

Step 4

Click OK.

Viewing Dashboards

By default, the home page for your appliance displays the default dashboard. If you do not have a default dashboard defined, the home page shows the Dashboard Management page, where you can choose a dashboard to view.


At any time, you can do one of the following:

  • To view the default dashboard for your appliance, choose Overview > Dashboards.
  • To view a specific dashboard, choose Overview > Dashboards, and choose the dashboard from the menu.
  • To view all available dashboards, choose Overview > Dashboards > Management. You can then choose View (view button) next to an individual dashboard to view it.