Appendix A - Upgrade Cisco IR1101 with IOS XE SD-WAN Image

1.blank.gif Use the console port to connect to the router. Check available space in bootflash; a minimum of 1.5 GB space is needed for the image. Delete old files if necessary, using the delete command.

Router#delete /force /recursive tracelogs

2.blank.gif Download the Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN software image from the Cisco site.

3.blank.gif Upload the Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN software image from the file server to the router bootflash. In this case the image is loaded on a USB flash drive and copied to the device.

Router#copy usbflash0:ir1101-ucmk9.16.12.1d.SPA.bin bootflash:

4.blank.gif If using bootstrap method, copy the configuration file to bootflash

Router#copy usbflash0:ciscosdwan.cfg bootflash:

5.blank.gif If using bootstrap method and the enterprise root certificate, copy the certificate to bootflash

Router#copy usbflash0:certificate bootflash:

6.blank.gif Remove all existing boot statements and save the configuration. You can check for existing statements using the command show run | i boot. If there is any statement, go to configuration mode and delete it using the no boot system command.

Router#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#no boot system flash bootflash:IR1101-universalk9.16.03.07.SPA.bin

7.blank.gif Add a boot variable that points to the Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN image:

Router# (config)# boot system flash bootflash:SDWAN-image

8.blank.gif Write the configuration to memory

Router# wr mem

9.blank.gif Verify that the BOOT variable shows only the IOS XE SD-WAN image:

Router# show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:ir1101-ucmk9.16.12.1d.SPA.bin,1;
CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable does not exist
Configuration register is 0x2102

10.blank.gif Remove all existing configuration from the router:

Router# write erase

11.blank.gif Set the config-register to 0x2102:

Router# config t
Router(config)# config-register 0x2102
Router(config)# end

12.blank.gif Reload the router

Router# reload

13.blank.gif The router reboots with the IOS XE SD-WAN image. If the initial configuration dialog is presented, enter No. When prompted to terminate auto install, enter yes.

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:
% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

14.blank.gif The router will finish booting. You may either get a router prompt or Username/Password prompt. If you get the Router> prompt, enter the enable command. If you get the Username/Password prompt, log in with the default username, which is admin, and the default password, which is admin. You should then get a Router prompt. If not already in enable mode, enter enable.

15.blank.gif Stop PnP and allow the Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN packages to install:

Router# pnpa service discovery stop

16.blank.gif Wait until the router has completed expanding the SD-WAN package. You should see the following line on the console.

Jan 17 22:33:33.900: %INSTALL-5-OPERATION_COMPLETED_INFO: R0/0: packtool: Completed expand package running

17.blank.gif Activate the SD-WAN image on the router using the request platform software sdwan software reset command. The router automatically reboots after the SD-WAN package has been activated. The activation can take a little over 2 minutes to complete while the reboot can take roughly between 4 and 4.5 minutes.

Router#request platform software sdwan software reset
*Jan 17 20:00:04.302: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: R0/0: install_engine: Started install activate bootflash:ir1101-ucmk9.16.12.1d.SPA.bin
*Jan 17 20:00:18.139: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram

18.blank.gif The router will either start the PNP process or boot with bootstrap configuration if the file was copied on to the device.

19.blank.gif If using bootstrap method and If using a certificate signed by your enterprise root certificate authority (CA), install the certificate. When using PnP this step is not required.

Router# request platform software sdwan root-cert-chain install bootflash: certificate

20.blank.gif To verify that the control connections are up and the device is validated, enter the following command at the system prompt:

Device# show sdwan control connections