Security Certificates

Certificates are used to ensure that browser communication is secure by authenticating clients and servers on the web. Users can purchase certificates from a certificate authority (CA signed certificates) or they can use self-signed certificates.


To download certificates, refer to the respective browser documentation for instructions.

CA Certificates

Import CA Certificates to Target Server

Generate CA Certificates for the Source Component Server


AW Machines Unified CCE Components (Router, Logger1, Rogger2, PGs, AWs, and HDS
  1. Generate CSR

  2. Create Trusted CA-Signed Server or Application Certificate

  3. Upload and Bind CA-Signed Certificate

  4. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Call Server/CVP Reporting Server
  1. Import WSM CA Certificate into CVP

  2. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Email and Chat (ECE)

See Enterprise Chat and Email Installation and Configuration Guide at

Cisco Finesse Primary and Secondary
  1. Obtain and Upload a CA Certificate

  2. Deploy Certificate in Browsers

  3. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) Publisher and Subscriber
  1. CA-Signed Certificate

  2. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Virtualized Voice Browser (VVB)

See Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal at

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) Publisher and Subscriber
  1. Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

  2. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Cisco Identity Service (IdS) Publisher and Subscriber
  1. From the IdS server, generate and download a Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).

  2. Obtain Root and Application certificates from the third-party vendor.

  3. Upload the appropriate certificates to the IdS server.

For more information, see Ensure to perform the instructions in IdS server.

Cloud Connect Publisher and Subscriber
  1. Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

  2. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Customer Collaboration Platform

See Security Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at

Live Data Publisher and Subscriber
  1. Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

  2. Import CA Certificate into AW Machines


CUCM Publisher

CA-Signed Certificate

VOS components

Import VOS CA Certificate into PG



  1. Generate CSR

  2. Create Trusted CA-Signed Server or Application Certificate

  3. Upload and Bind CA-Signed Certificate

  4. Import CA Certificate into Rogger/Logger



Import CA Certificate into Cisco Unified CVP

Generate CSR

This procedure explains how to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.


Step 1

Log in to Windows and choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2

In the Connections pane, click the server name.

The server Home pane appears.

Step 3

In the IIS area, double-click Server Certificates.

Step 4

In the Actions pane, click Create Certificate Request.

Step 5

In the Request Certificate dialog box, do the following:

  1. Specify the required information in the displayed fields and click Next.

  2. In the Cryptographic service provider drop-down list, leave the default setting.

  3. From the Bit length drop-down list, select 2048.

Step 6

Specify a file name for the certificate request and click Finish.

Create Trusted CA-Signed Server or Application Certificate

You can create CA-signed certificate in any one of the following ways:

  • Create certificate internally. Do the following:

    1. Set up Microsoft Certificate Server for Windows Server

    2. Download the CA-signed certificate on each component server. Do the following:
      1. Open the CA server certificate page (https://<CA-server-address>/certsrv).

      2. Click Request a Certificate and then click advanced certificate request. Then do the following:
        1. Copy the Certificate Request content in the Base-64-encoded certificate request box.

        2. From the Certificate Template drop-down list, choose Web Server.

        3. Click Submit.

        4. Choose Base 64 encoded.

        5. Click Download certificate and save it to the desired destination folder.

      3. On the CA server certificate page, click Download a CA Certificate, Certificate Chain, or CRL, and then do the following:
        1. Select the Encoding method as Base 64.

        2. Click Download CA Certificate and save it to the desired destination folder.

    3. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Windows trust store of every component. For more information on how to import CA certificates into Windows trust store, see Microsoft documentation.

    4. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Java keystore of every component. For more information, see Import CA Certificate into AW Machines.

  • Obtain certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Do the following:

    1. Send the CSR to a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) for sign-off.

    2. Obtain the CA-signed application certificate, Root CA certificate, and Intermediate Authority certificate (if any).

    3. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Windows trust store of every component. For more information on how to import CA certificates into Windows trust store, see Microsoft documentation.

    4. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Java keystore of every component. For more information, see Import CA Certificate into AW Machines.

Produce Certificate Internally

Set up Microsoft Certificate Server for Windows Server

This procedure assumes that your deployment includes a Windows Server Active Directory server. Perform the following steps to add the Active Directory Certificate Services role on the Windows Server domain controller.

Before you begin

Before you begin, Microsoft .Net Framework must be installed. See Windows Server documentation for instructions.


Step 1

In Windows, open the Server Manager.

Step 2

In the Quick Start window, click Add Roles and Features .

Step 3

In the Set Installation Type tab, select Role-based or feature-based installation , and then click Next.

Step 4

In the Server Selection tab, select the destination server then click Next.

Step 5

In the Server Roles tab, check the Active Directory Certificate Services box, and then click the Add Features button in the pop-up window.

Step 6

In the Features and AD CS tabs, click Next to accept default values.

Step 7

In the Role Services tab, verify that Certification Authority, Certification Authority Web Enrollment, Certificate Enrollment Web Service, and Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service boxes are checked, and then click Next.

Step 8

In the Confirmation tab, click Install.

Step 9

After the installation is complete, click the Configure Active Directory Certificate Service on the destination server link.

Step 10

Verify that the credentials are correct (for the domain Administrator user), and then click Next.

Step 11

In the Role Services tab, check the Certification Authority, Certification Authority Web Enrollment, Certificate Enrollment Web Service, and Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service boxes , and then click Next.

Step 12

In the Setup Type tab, select Enterprise CA, and then click Next.

Step 13

In the CA Type tab, select Root CA, and then click Next.

Step 14

In the Private Key, Cryptography, CA Name, Validity Period, and Certificate Database tabs, click Next to accept default values.

Step 15

In the following tabs, leave the default values, and click Next.

  1. CA for CES

  2. Authentication Type for CES

  3. Service Account for CES

  4. Authentication Type for CEP

Step 16

Review the information in the Confirmation tab, and then click Configure.

Upload and Bind CA-Signed Certificate

Upload CA-Signed Certificate to IIS Manager

This procedure explains how to upload a CA-Signed certificate to IIS Manager.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have the Root certificate, and Intermediate certificate (if any).

Step 1

Log in to Windows and choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2

In the Connections pane, click the server name.

Step 3

In the IIS area, double-click Server Certificates.

Step 4

In the Actions pane, click Complete Certificate Request.

Step 5

In the Complete Certificate Request dialog box, complete the following fields:

  1. In the File name containing the certification authority's response field, click the button.

  2. Browse to the location where signed certificate is stored and then click Open.

  3. In the Friendly name field, enter the FQDN of the server.

Step 6

Click OK to upload the certificate.

If the certificate upload is successful, the certificate appears in the Server Certificates pane.

Bind CA-Signed Certificate to IIS Manager

Bind CCE Web Applications
This procedure explains how to bind a CA Signed certificate in the IIS Manager.

Step 1

Log in to Windows and choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2

In the Connections pane, choose <server_name> > Sites > Default Web Site.

Step 3

In the Actions pane, click Bindings....

Step 4

Click the type https with port 443, and then click Edit....

Step 5

From the SSL certificate drop-down list, select the uploaded signed Certificate Request.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

Navigate to Start > Run > services.msc and restart the IIS Admin Service.

If IIS is restarted successfully, certificate error warnings do not appear when the application is launched.

Bind Diagnostic Framework Service
This procedure explains how to bind a CA Signed Certificate in the Diagnostic Portico.

Step 1

Open the command prompt.

Step 2

Navigate to the Diagnostic Portico home folder using:

cd <ICM install directory>:\icm\serviceability\diagnostics\bin

Step 3

Remove the current certificate binding to the Diagnostic Portico tool using:

DiagFwCertMgr /task:UnbindCert

Step 4

Open the signed certificate and copy the hash content (without spaces) of the Thumbprint field. Run the following command:

DiagFwCertMgr /task:BindCertFromStore /certhash:<hash_value>

If certificate binding is successful, it displays "The certificate binding is VALID" message.

Step 5

Validate if the certificate binding was successful using:

DiagFwCertMgr /task:ValidateCertBinding



DiagFwCertMgr uses port 7890 by default.

If certificate binding is successful, it displays "The certificate binding is VALID" message.

Step 6

Restart the Diagnostic Framework service by running the following command:

sc stop "diagfwsvc"

sc start "diagfwsvc"

If Diagnostic Framework restarts successfully, certificate error warnings do not appear when the application is launched.

Import WSM CA Certificate into CVP


Step 1

Log in to the Call Server or Reporting Server and retrieve the keystore password from the file.



At the command prompt, enter the following command:

more %CVP_HOME%\conf\

Security.keystorePW = <Returns the keystore password>

Use this keystore password when prompted for, in the following steps.

Step 2

Remove the existing certificate by running %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -delete -alias wsm_certificate -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -storetype JCEKS.

Step 3

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 4

Generate a new key pair for the alias with selected key size by running %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -genkeypair -alias wsm_certificate -v -validity <duration in days> -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA.

Enter keystore password: <enter the keystore password>
What is your first and last name?
 [Unknown]: <specify the FQDN of the CVP server. For example: >
What is the name of your organizational unit?
 [Unknown]: <specify OU> E.g. CCBU
What is the name of your organization?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the org> E.g. CISCO
What is the name of your City or Locality?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the city/locality>  E.g. BLR
What is the name of your State or Province?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the state/province>  E.g. KAR
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
 [Unknown]: <specify two-letter Country code>  E.g. IN
Specify ‘yes’ for the inputs.



The default duration for validity is 90 days.

Step 5

Generate the CSR certificate for the alias by running %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -certreq -alias wsm_certificate -file %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\wsm.csr and save it to a file (for example, wsm.csr).

Step 6

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 7

Download wsm.csr from CVP %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\ and sign it from CA.

Step 8

Copy the root CA certificate and the CA-signed certificate to %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\

Step 9

Install the root CA certificate by running %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -import -v -validity <duration in days> -trustcacerts -alias root -file %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\<filename_of_root_cert>.

Step 10

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 11

Install the signed certificate by running %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -import -v -validity <duration in days> -trustcacerts -alias wsm_certificate -file %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\<filename_of_CA_signed_cert>.

Step 12

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 13

Restart the Cisco CVP WebServicesManager service.

Import CA Certificate into AW Machines


Step 1

Log in to the AW-HDS-DDS Server.

Step 2

Run the following command:


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin

Step 3

Copy the Root or intermediate certificates to a location in AW Machine.

Step 4

Run the following command and remove the existing certificate:

keytool.exe -delete -alias <AW FQDN> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 5

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 6

At the AW machine terminal, run the following command:

  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where the Root or intermediate certificate is stored> -alias <AW FQDN> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts 

Step 7

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

Step 8

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import VOS CA Certificate into PG

Before you begin

This procedure explains how to import CA certificates that signed a VOS component certificate to a PG server.


Step 1

Copy the CA certificate to a location in the PG server.

Step 2

Run the following command as an administrator at the target server (machine terminal):


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool.exe -import -file <certificate with fully qualified path> -alias <alias name> -keystore <%CCE_JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts

Step 3

Enter the truststore password when prompted. The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 4

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import CA Certificate into Cisco Unified CVP

Add Principal AW certificate to all Unified CVP Servers.


Step 1

Download Packaged CCE webadmin CA certificate to %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.

Step 2

Import the certificate to the CVP Call Server keystore - %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -storetype JCEKS -alias AW_cert -file %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\<AW certificate>.

Import CA Certificate into Rogger/Logger


Step 1

Log in to the Logger/Rogger Server.

Step 2

Run the following command:


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin

Step 3

Copy the Root or intermediate certificates to a location in Logger/Rogger VMs.

Step 4

Remove the existing certificate by executing:

keytool.exe -delete -alias <alias name> -keystore <%CCE_JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts

Step 5

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 6

At the Logger/Rogger machine terminal, run the following command:

  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool.exe -import -file <certificate with fully qualified path> -alias <alias name> -keystore <%CCE_JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts  

Step 7

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

Step 8

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Self-Signed Certificates

The following table lists components from which self-signed certificates are generated and components into which self-signed certificates are imported.


To establish a secure communication, execute the commands (given in the links below) in the Command Prompt as an Administrator (right click over the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator).

Import Self-signed Certificates to Target Server

Generate Self-signed Certificates from Source Component Server


AW Machines

Unified CCE Components (Router, Logger1, Rogger2, PGs, AWs, and HDS

Import CCE Component Certificates

Import Diagnostic Framework Portico Certificate into AW Machines

Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Call Server/CVP Reporting Server

Import WSM Certificate into AW Machines

Email and Chat (ECE)

Import ECE Web Server Certificate into AW Machines

Cisco Finesse Primary and Secondary

Import VOS Components Certificate

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) Publisher and Subscriber

Virtualized Voice Browser (VVB)

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) Publisher and Subscriber

Cisco Identity Service (IdS) Publisher and Subscriber

Cloud Connect Publisher and Subscriber

Customer Collaboration Platform

Live Data Publisher and Subscriber


CUCM Publisher

Import VOS Components Certificate



Import CCE Component Certificates



Import AW Certificate into Cisco Unified CVP Servers

1 Router and Logger are applicable only for 12000 Agent deployments.
2 Applicable only for 2000 and 4000 Agent deployments.

Import AW Certificate into Cisco Unified CVP Servers

Add Principal AW certificate to all Unified CVP Servers.


Step 1

Download Packaged CCE webadmin self-signed certificate to %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.

Step 2

Import the certificate to the CVP Call Server keystore - %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -storetype JCEKS -alias AW_cert -file %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\<AW certificate>.

Self-Signed Certificates

Import CCE Component Certificates

This procedure explains how to import self-signed certificates from a source CCE component sever to a target server.


The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the CCE components in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Log in to the required CCE component server.

Step 2

From the browser (https://<FQDN of the CCE component server>), download the certificate.

If you want to regenerate a certificate instead of using the existing certificate, run the following commands:

  1. From the Cisco Unified CCE Tools folder, launch the SSL Encryption Utility.

  2. Go to the Certificate Administration tab and click Uninstall.

  3. Click Yes to confirm uninstallation of certificate.

    A message is displayed upon successful uninstallation of the certificate.

  4. Click Install to generate a new certificate.

Step 3

Copy the certificate to a location in the target server.

Step 4

Run the following command at the target server (machine terminal):


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 5

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 6

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat on target servers.

Import Diagnostic Framework Portico Certificate into AW Machines
Generate Diagnostic Framework Portico self-signed certificate on each CCE component server and import them into all AW Machines.

Step 1

Log in to the CCE component server.

Step 2

From the Cisco Unified CCE Tools, open the Diagnostic Framework Portico.

Step 3

Download the self-signed certificate from the browser.

Step 4

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 5

Run the following command at the AW machine terminal:


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of the CCE component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts



The alias name of the CCE component server must be different from the alias name given while creating the CCE component server's self-signed certificate.

Step 6

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 7

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import ECE Web Server Certificate into AW Machines

If you do not have a CA certificate, you must import a self-signed certificate from the ECE web server to all AW machines. This will enable you to launch the ECE gadget in the Unified CCE Administration.


Step 1

From the ECE Web Server (https://<ECE Web Server>), download the certificate, and save the file to your desktop.

Step 2

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 3

Run the following command at the AW machine terminal:


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of ECE Web Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 4

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 5

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import WSM Certificate into AW Machines


This procedure is applicable if you do not have the CA certificate.

When you install CVP Call Server or Reporting Server, you must import the Web Service Manager (WSM) self-signed certificate into all AW machines. This will eliminate any browser warnings and establish HTTPS connection between CVP Call Server or Reporting Server and AW machine. Use Keytool to generate a Self-Signed Certificate.


The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the CVP Call Server or Reporting Server in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Log in to the CVP Call Server or Reporting Server.

Step 2

On the command prompt, navigate to the directory where .keystore is located.

For example:

Step 3

Delete the wsm certificate from the CVP keystore using the following command:

%CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -delete -alias wsm_certificate -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -storetype JCEKS 

Step 4

Enter the CVP keystore password.

The CVP keystore password is available at %CVP_HOME%\conf\


Run the following command to get the keystore password:
more %CVP_HOME%\conf\
Security.keystorePW = <Returns the keystore password>

Step 5

Run the following command to generate the self-signed certificate:

%CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -genkeypair -alias wsm_certificate -v -validity <duration in days> -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA



The default duration for validity is 90 days.

Enter keystore password: <enter the keystore password>
What is your first and last name?.
 [Unknown]: <Specify the FQDN of the CVP server. For example:>
What is the name of your organizational unit?
 [Unknown]: <specify OU> E.g. CCBU
What is the name of your organization?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the org> E.g. CISCO
What is the name of your City or Locality?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the city/locality>  E.g. BLR
What is the name of your State or Province?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the state/province>  E.g. KAR
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
 [Unknown]: <specify two-letter Country code>  E.g. IN
Specify ‘yes’ for the inputs.

Step 6

Enter the key password for wsm certificate. Leave it blank to use the default keystore password.

Step 7

Restart the CVP Call Server or Reporting Server.

Step 8

Download the self-signed certificate from the browser (https://FQDN of the CVP Server:8111/cvp-dp/rest/DiagnosticPortal/GetProductVersion).

Step 9

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 10

At the AW machine terminal, run the following command:


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of the CVP Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts 

Step 11

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 12

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import VOS Components Certificate

This procedure explains how to import self-signed certificates from a source VOS component sever to a target server.


The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the respective component servers in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Sign in to the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the source component server using the URL (https://<FQDN of the Component server>:8443/cmplatform3).

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is not on the list, click Generate Self-signed. When the certificate generation is complete, reboot your server.

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is on the list, click the certificate to select it. (Ensure that the certificate you select includes the hostname for the server.)

Step 5

Download the self-signed certificate that contains hostname of the primary server.

Step 6

Copy the certificate to a location in the target server.

Step 7

Run the following command as an administrator at the target server (machine terminal):


If you are not employing the 12.5(1a) installer or not having ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), then use JAVA_HOME instead of CCE_JAVA_HOME.
  • cd %CCE_JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 8

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.

Step 9

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

3 For Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) with coresident Live Data (LD) and IdS, provide the FQDN of the CUIC server.