Pods and Services Reference

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)


Feature Default Setting

Enabled - Always-on

Related Documentation

Not Applicable

Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced


Feature Description

cnSGW-C is built on the Kubernetes cluster strategy, adopting the native concepts of containerization, high availability, scalability, modularity, and ease of deployment. cnSGW-C uses the components, such as pods and services offered by Kubernetes.

Depending on your deployment environment, the cnSGW-C deploys the pods on the configured virtual machines(VM) that you have configured. Pods operate through the services that are responsible for the intrapod communications. If the machine hosting the pods fail or experiences network disruption, the pods are terminated or deleted. However, this situation is transient and k8s, create new pods to replace the invalid pods.

The following workflow provides high-level information about:

  • Host machines

  • Associated pods and services

  • Interaction among pods

The representation might defer based on your deployment infrastructure.

Figure 1. Communication Workflow of Pods

Kubernetes deployment includes the kubectl command-line tool to manage the Kubernetes resources in the cluster. You can manage the pods, nodes, and services.

For generic information on the Kubernetes concepts, see the Kubernetes documentation.


A pod is a process that runs on Kubernetes cluster. Pod encapsulates a granular unit known as a container. A pod can contains one or more containers.

Kubernetes deploys one or multiple pods on a single node which can be a physical or a virtual machine. Each pod has a discrete identity with an internal IP address and port number. The containers within the pod shares the storage and network resources.

The following tables list the cnSGW-C and Common Execution Environment (CEE) pod names and the hosts on which they are deployed depending on the labels that you assign. See the following table for information on how to assign the labels.

Table 2. cnSGW-C Pods
Pod Name Description Host Name
api-sgw-ops-center Functions as confD API pod for the cnSGW-C Ops Center. OAM
base-entitlement-sgw Operates to support smart licensing feature. OAM



Currently not supported.


Operates to support dynamic routing for L3 route management and BFD monitoring.


cache-pod Operates to support cache system information that is used by other pods as applicable. Protocol
cdl-ep-session-c1 Provides an interface to the CDL. Session
cdl-index-session-c1 Preserves the mapping of keys to the session pods. Session
cdl-slot-session-c1 Operates as the CDL session pod to store the session data. Session
documentation Contains the documentation. OAM
etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster Hosts the etcd for the cnSGW-C OAM application to store information such as pod instances, leader information, endpoints. OAM


Operates to support cache, ETCD replication across sites, and site role management.


grafana-dashboard-app-infra Contains the default dashboard of app-infra metrics in Grafana. OAM
grafana-dashboard-cdl Contains the default dashboard of CDL metrics in Grafana. OAM
grafana-dashboard-sgw Contains the default dashboard of cnSGW-C service metrics in Grafana. OAM
gtpc-ep-n0 Operates as GTPC endpoint of cnSGW-C. Protocol
kafka Hosts the Kafka details for the CDL replication. Protocol
li-ep-n0 Operates as Lawful Intercept endpoint of cnSGW-C. Protocol
oam-pod Operates as the pod to facilitate Ops Center actions, such as show commands, configuration commands, monitor protocol monitor subscriber. OAM
ops-center-sgw-ops-center Acts as the cnSGW-C Ops Center. OAM
smart-agent-sgw-ops-center Operates as the utility pod for the cnSGW-C Ops Center. OAM
nodemgr-n0 Performs node level interactions, such as Sxa link establishment and management (heartbeat).

It generates unique identifiers, such as UE IP address and SEID.

protocol-n0 Operates as encoder and decoder of application protocols (PFCP, whose underlying transport protocol is UDP). Protocol
rest-ep-n0 cnSGW-C uses REST-EP as Notification client. Protocol
service-n0 Contains main business logic of cnSGW-C. Service
udp-proxy Operates as proxy for all UDP messages. Owns UDP client and server functionalities. Protocol
swift-sgw-ops-center Operates as the utility pod for the cnSGW-C Ops Center. OAM
zookeeper Assists Kafka for topology management. OAM

CEE Pods

For details, see the “CEE pods” topic from the UCC Common Execution Environment - Configuration and Administration Guide.

UDP Proxy Pod

Feature Description

The cnSGW-C has UDP interfaces towards the UP (Sxa), MME (S11), and PGW (S5 or S8). With the help of the protocol layer pods, the messages are encoded, decoded, and exchanged on these UDP interfaces.

For achieving the functionalities mentioned on the 3GPP specifications:

  • It is mandatory for the protocol layer pods to receive the original source and destination IP address and port number. But the original IP and UDP header is not preserved when the incoming packets arrive at the UDP service in the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster.

  • Similarly, for the outgoing messages, the source IP set to the external IP address of the UDP service (published to the peer node) is mandatory. But the source IP is selected as per the egress interface when different instances of protocol layer pods send outgoing messages from different nodes of the K8s cluster.

The protocol layer pod spawns on the node, which has the physical interface configured with the external IP address to achieve the conditions mentioned earlier. However, spawning the protocol layer pods has the following consequences:

  • It is not possible to achieve the node level HA (High Availability) as the protocol pods are spawned on the same node of the K8s cluster. Any failure to that node may result in loss of service.

  • The protocol pods must include their own UDP client and server functionalities. In addition, each protocol layer pod may require labeling of the K8s nodes with the affinity rules. This restricts the scaling requirements of the protocol layer pods.

The cnSGW-C addresses these issues with the introduction of a new K8s pod called udp-proxy. The primary objectives of this pod are:

  • The udp-proxy pod acts as a proxy for all kinds of UDP messages. It also owns the UDP client and server functionalities.

  • The protocol pods perform the individual protocol (PFCP, GTP, Radius) encoding and decoding, and provide the UDP payload to the udp-proxy pod. The udp-proxy pod sends the UDP payload out after it receives the payload from the protocol pods.

  • The udp-proxy pod opens the UDP sockets on a virtual IP (VIP) instead of a physical IP. This ensures that the udp-proxy pod does not have any strict affinity to a specific K8s node (VM), thus enabling node level HA for the UDP proxy.


One instance of the udp-proxy pod is spawned by default in all the worker nodes in the K8s cluster.

The UDP proxy for cnSGW-C feature has functional relationship with the Virtual IP Address feature.


The udp-proxy pod is placed in the worker nodes in the K8s cluster.

  1. Each of the K8s worker node contains one instance of the udp-proxy pod. However, only one of the K8s worker node owns the virtual IP at any time. The worker node that owns the virtual IP remains in the active mode while all the other worker nodes remain in the standby mode.

  2. The active udp-proxy pod binds to the virtual IP and the designated ports for listening to the UDP messages from the peer nodes (UPF and SGW).

  3. The UDP payload received from the peer nodes are forwarded to one instance of the protocol, gtp-ep, or radius-ep pods. The payload is forwarded either on the same node or different node for further processing.

  4. The response message from the protocol, gtp-ep, or radius-ep pods is forwarded back to the active instance of the udp-proxy pod. The udp-proxy pod sends the response message back to the corresponding peer nodes.

  5. The cnSGW-C-initiated messages are encoded at the protocol, gtp-ep, or radius-ep pods. In addition, the UDP payload is sent to the udp-proxy pod. Eventually, the udp-proxy pod comprises of the complete IP payload and sends the message to the peer. When the response from the peer is received, the UDP payload is sent back to the same protocol pod from which the message originated.

Protocol Pod Selection for Peer-Initiated Messages

When the udp-proxy pod receives the peer node (for instance UPF) initiated messages, it is load-balanced across the protocol instances to select any instance of the protocol pod. An entry of this instance number is stored along with the source IP and source port number of the peer node. This ensures that the messages form the same source IP and source port are sent to the same instance that was selected earlier.

High Availability for the UDP Proxy

The UDP proxy's HA model is based on the keepalived virtual IP concepts. A VIP is designated to the N4 interface during the deployment. Also, a keepalived instance manages the VIP and ensures that the IP address of the VIP is created as the secondary address of an interface in one of the worker nodes of the K8s cluster.

The udp-proxy instance on this worker node binds to the VIP and assumes the role of the active udp-proxy pod. All udp-proxy instances in the other worker nodes remain in the standby mode.


The cnSGW-C configuration is composed of several microservices that run on a set of discrete pods. These Microservices are deployed during the cnSGW-C deployment. cnSGW-C uses these services to enable communication between the pods. When interacting with another pod, the service identifies the pod's IP address to initiate the transaction and acts as an endpoint for the pod.

The following table describes the cnSGW-C services and the pod on which they run.

Table 3. cnSGW-C Services and Pods
Service Name Pod Name Description
base-entitlement-sgw base-entitlement-sgw Operates to support smart licensing feature.



Operates to support dynamic routing for L3 route management and BFD monitoring.

datastore-ep-session cdl-ep-session-c1 Responsible for the CDL session.
datastore-notification-ep smf-rest-ep Responsible for sending the notifications from the CDL to the sgw-service through smf-rest-ep.



cnSGW-C uses REST-EP pod as notification client.

datastore-tls-ep-session cdl-ep-session-c1 Responsible for the secure CDL connection.
documentation documentation Responsible for the cnSGW-C documents.




Responsible for pod discovery within the namespace.
etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster-0 etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster-0 Responsible for synchronization of data among the etcd cluster.
etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster-1 etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster-1 Responsible for synchronization of data among the etcd cluster.
etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster-2 etcd-sgw-etcd-cluster-2 Responsible for synchronization of data among the etcd cluster.
grafana-dashboard-app-infra grafana-dashboard-app-infra Responsible for the default dashboard of app-infra metrics in Grafana.
grafana-dashboard-cdl grafana-dashboard-cdl Responsible for the default dashboard of CDL metrics in Grafana.
grafana-dashboard-sgw grafana-dashboard-sgw Responsible for the default dashboard of cnSGW-C service metrics in Grafana.
gtpc-ep gtpc-ep-n0 Responsible for inter-pod communication with GTP-C pod.
helm-api-sgw-ops-center api-sgw-ops-center Manages the Ops Center API.
kafka kafka Processes the Kafka messages.
li-ep li-ep-n0 Responsible for lawful-intercept interactions.
local-ldap-proxy-sgw-ops-center ops-center-sgw-ops-center Responsible for leveraging Ops Center credentials by other applications like Grafana.
oam-pod oam-pod Responsible to facilitate Exec commands on the Ops Center.
ops-center-sgw-ops-center ops-center-sgw-ops-center Manages the cnSGW-C Ops Center.
ops-center-sgw-ops-center-expose-cli ops-center-sgw-ops-center To access cnSGW-C Ops Center with external IP address.
smart-agent-sgw-ops-center smart-agent-sgw-ops-center Responsible for the cnSGW-C Ops Center API.
smf-nodemgr smf-nodemgr Responsible for inter-pod communication with smf-nodemgr pod.
smf-protocol smf-protocol Responsible for inter-pod communication with smf-protocol pod.
sgw-service sgw-service Responsible for inter-pod communication with cnSGW-C service pod.
swift-sgw-ops-center swift Operates as the utility pod for the cnSGW-C Ops Center.
zookeeper zookeeper Assists Kafka for topology management.
zookeeper-service zookeeper Assists Kafka for topology management.

Open Ports and Services

The cnSGW-C uses different ports for communication. The following table describes the default open ports and the associated services.

Table 4. Open Ports and Services








SMI uses TCP port to communicate with the virtual machines.




DNS port.




SMI uses TCP port for providing Web access to CLI, Documentation, and TAC.




Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call.




Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)




SMI uses TCP port for providing Web access to CLI, Documentation, and TAC.




CoreOS etcd client communication.




SMI uses port to communicate with the Kubernetes API server.




speaker, used by Grafana.




Kafka connects REST interface.












SMI uses TCP port to communicate with the Node Exporter.

Node Exporter is a Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics with pluggable metric collectors.

It allows you to measure various machine resources, such as memory, disk, and CPU utilization.




SMI uses TCP port to communicate with Kubelet.

Kubelet is the lowest level component in Kubernetes. It is responsible for what is running on an individual machine.

It is a process watcher or supervisor focused on active container. It ensures the specified containers are up and running.




SMI uses TCP port to interact with the Kube scheduler.

Kube scheduler is the default scheduler for Kubernetes and runs as part of the control plane. A scheduler watches for newly created pods that have no node assigned.

For every pod that the scheduler discovers, the scheduler becomes responsible for finding the best node for that pod to run on.




SMI uses this TCP port to interact with the Kube controller.

The Kubernetes controller manager is a daemon that embeds the core control loops shipped with Kubernetes. The controller is a control loop that watches the shared state of the cluster through the API server and makes changes to move the current state to the desired state.




SMI uses TCP port to interact with the Kube proxy.

Kube proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster. Kube proxy maintains network rules on nodes. These network rules allow network communication to your pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.




gRPC service listen port.



domain ISC BIND (Fake version:




DNS port




Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call




GTP control




Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP)

Associating Pods to the Nodes

This section describes how to associate a pod to the node.

After configuring a cluster, you can associate the pods to the nodes through labels. This association enables the pods to get deployed on the appropriate node, based on the key-value pair.

Labels are required for the pods to identify the nodes where they must be deployed and to run the services. For example, when you configure the protocol-layer label with the required key-value pair, the pods are deployed on the nodes that match the key-value pair.

  1. To associate pods to the nodes through the labels, use the following configuration:

           key key_value 
           value value 
           key key_value 
           value value 
           key key_value 
           value value 
           key key_value 
           value value 


  • If you don't configure the labels, cnSGW-C assumes the labels with the default key-value pair.

    • label { cdl-layer { key key_value | value value } —Configures the key value pair for CDL.

    • oam-layer { key key_value | value value } —Configures the key value pair for OAM layer.

    • protocol-layer { key key_value | value value } —Configures the key value pair for protocol layer.

    • service-layer { key key_value | value value } —Configures the key value pair for the service layer.

Viewing the Pod Details and Status

If the service requires additional pods, cnSGW-C creates and deploys the pods. You can view the list of available pods in your deployment through the cnSGW-C Ops Center.

You can run the kubectl command from the master node to manage the Kubernetes resources.

Pod Details

  1. To view the comprehensive pod details, use the following command.

    kubectl get pods -n sgw pod_name -o yaml 

The output of this command provides the pod details in YAML format with the following information:

  • The IP address of the host where the pod is deployed.

  • The service and the application that is running on the pod.

  • The ID and the name of the container within the pod.

  • The IP address of the pod.

  • The present state and phase of the pod.

  • The start time from which pod is in the present state.

Use the following command to view the summary of the pod details.

kubectl get pods -n sgw_namespace -o wide 


The following table describes the state of a pod.

Table 5. Pod States




The pod is healthy and deployed on a node.

It contains one or more containers.


The application is in the process of creating the container images for the pod.


Indicates that all the containers in the pod are successfully terminated. These pods cann't be restarted.


One ore more containers in the pod have failed the termination process. The failure occurred as the container either exited with non-zero status or the system terminated the container.