Table Of Contents
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration Settings
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration
The optional Cisco Unified Open Network Exchange (uOne) software and Cisco Unity software, available as part of Cisco IP Telephony Solutions, provide voice-messaging capability for users when they are unavailable to answer calls. This section describes the procedures that are required for adding and configuring, updating, and deleting Cisco voice-mail and the message waiting indication by selecting Voice Mail from the Feature menu of the Cisco CallManager window and choosing from the submenu options.
For more information about configuring Cisco CallManager with Cisco uOne, refer to the installation and configuration documentation that shipped with the software. For more information about configuring Cisco Unity, refer to the Cisco CallManager 3.3 Integration Guide for Cisco Unity.
You can add and delete ports that are associated with a Cisco uOne voice-mail server to the Cisco CallManager database without using the Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard. This section describes the following procedures:
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Because you might have several Cisco voice-mail ports in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate specific Cisco voice-mail ports on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate Cisco voice-mail ports.
During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco voice-mail port search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco voice-mail port search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1
Choose Feature > Voice Mail >Cisco Voice Mail Port.
The Find and List Voice Mail Ports window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a Cisco voice-mail port.
Step 2
From the first Find voice mail ports where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
Device Name
Directory Number
Calling Search Space
Device Pool
The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of Cisco voice-mail ports that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Device Pool, the Device Pool column will display as the left column of the results list.
From the second Find voice mail ports where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
begins with
ends with
is exactly
is empty
is not empty
Step 3
Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.
To find all Cisco voice-mail ports that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.
A list of discovered Cisco voice-mail ports displays by
Voice Mail Port icon
Device Name
Device Pool
IP Address
You can delete multiple Cisco voice-mail ports from the Find and List Voice Mail Ports window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate Cisco voice-mail ports and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all Cisco voice-mail ports in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.
Step 4
From the list of records, click the Voice Mail Port icon, Device Name, Description, or associated Device Pool that matches your search criteria.
The window displays the Cisco voice-mail port that you choose.
Related Topics
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
To connect a Cisco uOne voice-messaging system to Cisco CallManager, you must add Cisco uOne voice-mail ports to the Cisco CallManager database. You must enter all users and their directory numbers in Cisco CallManager Administration to make it possible for them to retrieve messages from a Cisco uOne voice-mail device.
You can also use the Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard to add a new Cisco voice-mail server and ports or to add multiple ports to an existing server rather than the procedure that is described here. See "Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard" section on page 36-1 for more information.
Perform this procedure to add individual Cisco uOne voice-mail ports to the Cisco CallManager database (for example, to update the Operator Number).
Step 1
Choose Feature > Voice Mail > Cisco Voice Mail Port.
Step 2
In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New Voice Mail Port link.
Step 3
Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 35-1.
Step 4
To add the new Cisco voice-mail port device, click Insert.
Related Topics
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration Settings
Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard, page 36-1
Cisco uOne Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
To delete a single Cisco voice-mail port from Cisco CallManager, follow these procedures.
Before You Begin
You cannot delete a Cisco voice-mail port that a directory number uses. To find out which directory numbers are using the voice-mail port, click the Dependency Records link from the Voice Mail Port Configuration window. For more information about dependency records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-1. If you try to delete a voice-mail port that is in use, Cisco CallManager displays an error message. Before deleting a voice-mail port that is currently in use, you must perform either or both of the following tasks:
Assign a different voice-mail port to any directory numbers that are using the voice-mail port that you want to delete. See the "Updating a Directory Number" section on page 45-31.
Delete the directory numbers that are using the voice-mail port that you want to delete. See the "Deleting a Directory Number" section on page 45-33.
Instead of using the procedure described here, you can use the Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard to delete ports from an existing server. See "Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard" section on page 36-1 for more information.
Step 1
Find the Cisco voice-mail port by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port" section.
Step 2
Click the Cisco voice-mail port that you want to delete.
When you delete a Cisco voice-mail port (and its associated directory number), you must make sure that no Cisco voice-mail ports refer to the deleted directory number in their Forward Busy and Forward No Answer fields.
Step 3
Click Delete.
Related Topics
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration Settings
Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard, page 36-1
Cisco uOne Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Follow these procedures to update a Cisco voice-mail port (for example, to make minor changes such as updating the Operator Number).
Step 1
Find the Cisco voice-mail port by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port" section.
Step 2
Choose the Cisco voice-mail port that you want to update.
Step 3
Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 35-1.
Step 4
Click Update.
Related Topics
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration Settings
Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard, page 36-1
Cisco uOne Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
If you want to add several similar Cisco voice-mail ports to the Cisco CallManager database, you can add one and then copy its basic settings to apply to another Cisco voice-mail port.
You will find it much easier to use the Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard to add a new Cisco voice-mail server and ports or to add multiple ports to an existing server instead of using the procedure that is described here. See "Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard" section on page 36-1 for more information.
To copy a Cisco voice-mail port and its settings, follow this procedure.
Step 1
Find the Cisco voice-mail port by using the procedure in the "Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port" section.
Step 2
From the Matching records list, click the Copy icon that corresponds to the Cisco voice-mail port that you want to copy.
Step 3
Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 35-1.
You must change the Port Name and Directory Number fields. You should also update the Forward Busy and Forward No Answer fields.
Step 4
Click Insert.
Related Topics
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration Settings
Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard, page 36-1
Cisco Voice-Mail Port Configuration Settings
Table 35-1 describes the Cisco uOne voice-mail port configuration settings.
Table 35-1 Cisco Voice Mail Port Configuration Settings
Device Information
Port Name
Enter a name to identify the Cisco voice-mail port. You must add a device for each port on Cisco voice mail. If 24 ports exist, you must define 24 devices.
Note For Cisco uOne systems, make sure that the name matches the information in the uOne .ini files, such as CiscoUM-VI1 or CiscoUM-VI2. Use the following naming convention for the ports: CiscoUM-VI<consecutive number for each port>.
Enter the purpose of the device.
Device Pool
Choose the default value Default Pool.
Calling Search Space
Choose the appropriate calling search space. A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched for numbers that were called from this device.
Choose the default value None.
The location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and from this device. A location setting of None means that the locations feature does not keep track of the bandwidth that is consumed by this device.
Directory Number Information
Directory Number
Enter the number that is associated with this voice-mail port. Make sure that this field is unique in combination with the Partition field.
Choose the partition to which the directory number belongs. Choose <None> if partitions are not used. If you choose a partition, you must choose a calling search space that includes that partition.
If more than 250 partitions exist, the ellipsis (...) button displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box, and click OK.
Calling Search Space
Choose the appropriate calling search space. A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched for numbers that are called from this directory number. If you choose a partition, you must choose a calling search space that includes that partition.
This field indicates text that appears on the called party phone when a call is placed from this line.
AAR Group
Choose the automated alternate routing (AAR) group for this device. The AAR group provides the prefix digits that are used to route calls that are otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth. An AAR group setting of None specifies that no rerouting of blocked calls will be attempted.
External Number Mask
Specify the mask used to format caller ID information for external (outbound) calls. The mask can contain up to 50 characters. Enter the literal digits that you want to appear in the caller ID information and use Xs to represent the directory number of the device.
Call Forwarding Information
Forward All
Leave this field blank. Choose the calling search space.
Forward Busy
Enter the voice-mail directory number where calls are forwarded if this port is busy (for example, the next sequential voice-mail port number). For this number, use the next sequential Cisco voice-mail port or, if it is the last port, an operator number.
Make sure that the Forward Busy and Forward No Answer fields have the same value.
Choose the calling search space that applies to this forward busy directory number.
Forward No Answer
Enter the voice-mail directory number where calls are forwarded if this port does not answer the call (for example, the next sequential port). Make this number the next sequential Cisco voice-mail port or, if it is the last port, an operator number.
Make sure that the Forward Busy and Forward No Answer fields have the same value.
Choose the calling search space that applies to this forward no answer directory number.
Related Topics
Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Adding Cisco Voice-Mail Ports
Deleting a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Updating a Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Copying an Existing Cisco Voice-Mail Port
Cisco Voice Mail Port Wizard, page 36-1
Cisco uOne Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide