Table Of Contents
Dependency Records
Accessing Dependency Records
Dependency Records Buttons
Dependency Records
This appendix provides information about the dependency record windows in Cisco CallManager Administration. These windows help you to determine which records in the database use other records. For example, you can determine which devices (CTI route points, phones, etc.) use a particular calling search space.
If you need to delete a record from Cisco CallManager, you can use dependency records to show which records are associated with the record that you want to delete. You can then reconfigure those records, so they are associated with a different record.
This appendix contains the following sections:
Accessing Dependency Records
Dependency Records Buttons
Accessing Dependency Records
To access dependency records from Cisco CallManager configuration windows, click the Dependency Records link. The Dependency Records—Summary window displays. This window displays the number and type of records that use the record that is shown in the Cisco CallManager configuration window.
For example, if you display a the Default device pool in the Device Pool Configuration window and click the Dependency Records link, the Dependency Records—Summary window displays all the records that use that device pool, as shown in Figure A-1.
Figure A-1 Dependency Records—Summary Example
To display detailed dependency records information, click the record about which you want more information; for example, click the trunk record. The Dependency Records—Detail window displays, as shown in Figure A-2.
Figure A-2 Dependency Records—Detail Example
To return to the summary window, click the Back to Summary link at the top of the window.
To display the configuration window of the record, click the record. The configuration window for that record displays. For example, if you click name23 trunk record that is shown in Figure A-2, the Trunk Configuration window displays with information about the name23 trunk.
Dependency Records Buttons
Three buttons display in the Dependency Records - Summary window:
Refresh—Updates the window with current information.
Close—Closes the window but does not return to the Cisco CallManager configuration window in which you clicked the Dependency Records link.
Close and Go Back—Closes the window and returns to the Cisco CallManager configuration window in which you clicked the Dependency Records link.