Table Of Contents
Understanding Trace
Trace Configuration
Trace Collection
Trace Analysis
Q931 Translator
Trace Filter Settings
Trace Output Settings
SDL Trace Configuration
Trace Configuration Checklist
Trace Collection Configuration Checklist
Trace Analysis Configuration Checklist
Q931 Translator Configuration Checklist
Where to Find More Information
This chapter provides information on the Cisco CallManager Serviceability Trace tool and contains the following topics:
Understanding Trace
Trace Configuration
Trace Collection
Trace Analysis
Q931 Translator
Trace Filter Settings
Trace Output Settings
SDL Trace Configuration
Trace Configuration Checklist
Trace Collection Configuration Checklist
Trace Analysis Configuration Checklist
Q931 Translator Configuration Checklist
Where to Find More Information
Understanding Trace
Cisco CallManager Serviceability provides a web-based trace tool to assist the system administrator and support personnel in troubleshooting Cisco CallManager problems.
Refer to the following sections for more information on the main trace functions:
Trace Configuration
Trace Collection
Trace Analysis
Q931 Translator
The Trace and Alarm tools work together. You configure trace and alarm settings for Cisco CallManager services. A Cisco TAC engineer receives the results. You can direct alarms to the Win2000 event viewer, CiscoWorks2000 Syslog, SDI or SDL trace log files, or to all destinations. You can base traces for Cisco CallManager services on debug levels, specific trace fields, and Cisco CallManager devices such as phones or gateways. You can perform a trace on the alarms that are sent to the SDI or SDL trace log files.
Trace Configuration
You configure trace parameters for Cisco CallManager services that are available on any Cisco CallManager server in the cluster. The following configurable services for trace exist:
Cisco CallManager
Cisco Extended Functions
Cisco CDR Insert
Cisco CTIManager
Cisco Database Layer Monitor
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application
Cisco Messaging Interface
Cisco MOH Audio Translator
Cisco RIS Data Collector
Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher
Cisco TFTP
Use the Trace Configuration tool to specify the parameters that you want to trace for troubleshooting Cisco CallManager problems. The Trace Configuration window provides two types of settings: trace filter and trace output.
Specify the following trace parameters:
Cisco CallManager server (within the cluster)
Cisco CallManager service on the server
Debug level
Specific trace fields
Output settings
If the service is a call-processing application such as Cisco CallManager or Cisco CTIManager, you can configure a trace on devices such as phones and gateways; for example, you can narrow the trace to all enabled phones with a directory number beginning with 555.
To log alarms in the SDI trace log file, check two check boxes in Trace configuration and one check box in Alarm configuration: the Trace on check box in Trace configuration, the Enable trace file log check box in Trace configuration, and the SDI alarm destination check box in Alarm configuration.
Trace Collection
Use the Trace Collection tool to collect trace information for any Cisco CallManager service, the time and date of the trace for that service, and the trace type (SDI or SDL) for that service. Trace Collection takes the information that you chose and writes it into a single file. You can display the collected results or download them to a file, which you use to troubleshoot the system.
After configuring trace parameters and running the trace, you can choose trace information to collect for analysis. You can base the collection of information on SDL or SDI trace, type of Cisco CallManager service, and time and date of trace. Trace Collection focuses on traces for a specific period.
Trace Analysis
The Trace Analysis tool, a post-processing tool that displays XML files, provides greater trace detail to help narrow system problems. Using the Trace Analysis tool, you can specify an SDI or SDL trace, a device name, or an IP address for a Cisco CallManager service.
Enabling Trace decreases system performance; therefore, enable Trace only for troubleshooting purposes. For assistance on using Trace, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco CallManager system administrators and Cisco engineers use Trace Analysis to debug system problems. After the trace is configured and collected, you request a list of SDI or SDL log files. From the list, you can choose a specific log file and request information from that log file such as host address, IP address, trace type, and device name.
An SDL Trace log file contains call-processing information from services such as Cisco CallManager, Cisco CTIManager, and Cisco TFTP. The system traces the signal distribution layer of the call and logs state transitions into a log file.
An SDI Trace log file contains information for all Cisco CallManager services. The system traces system diagnostic interface information from the services and logs run-time events and traces to a log file.
The easy-to-read SDI and SDL log files display in XML format. The format for contents of log files looks like a table with headings, rows, and columns of information.
Q931 Translator
Use Q931 Translator to translate ISDN/Q931 messages in the SDI trace files to IOS message format. Q931 Translator supports text and XML trace files. You can save the translated trace files to any destination on the network.
Using the message translator tool, Cisco Support Engineers translate your incoming debugging information into familiar Cisco IOS-equivalent messages.
The message translator works by filtering incoming data from Cisco CallManager SDI log files, then parsing and translating them into Cisco IOS-equivalent messages. Message translator supports XML and text files.
Trace Filter Settings
Use the trace filter settings to set the type of trace that you want (Table 8-1). Check the Trace On check box to access the trace filter settings.
Table 8-1 Trace Configuration Filter Settings
Filter Setting
Debug trace level
Setting specifies the level of information that you want traced. Levels range from error to detailed.
Trace fields
Each Cisco CallManager service provides specific trace fields. The configuration procedures for each service describes the trace fields.
Device Name Based Trace Monitoring
Setting applies to Cisco CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services only. This filter setting configures trace for devices such as phones and gateways.
Trace Output Settings
Use the trace output settings to specify the output log file and its format (Table 8-2).
Trace Configuration automatically provides the time and date of the trace.
Table 8-2 Trace Configuration Output Settings
Filter Setting
Enable file trace log
This setting enables sending the output of the trace to a log file (either the default log file or one that you choose). Each Cisco CallManager service includes a default log file.
Enable XML formatted output
This setting formats the output of the trace in XML format. Trace Analysis requires XML format. Cisco CallManager, CTIManager, and Cisco TFTP services support this setting.
Enable debug output string
Cisco engineers use this setting.
SDL Trace Configuration
For proper operation, you must use Trace Configuration to configure SDL parameters for the Cisco CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services.
Cisco recommends that you use the defaults unless a Cisco engineer instructs otherwise.
Trace Configuration Checklist
Table 8-3 provides an overview of the steps for configuring trace for Cisco CallManager services.
Table 8-3 Trace Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related Procedures and Topics
Step 1
Choose the Cisco CallManager server and service that you want to trace.
Trace Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 2
Turn trace on by checking the Trace On check box.
Trace Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 3
Determine whether you want to trace the service on the chosen server or on all servers in the network.
Trace Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 4
Choose the trace debug level.
Debug Trace Level Settings, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 5
Choose the specific trace fields that you want traced for the service that you chose; for example, enable MTP device trace.
Trace Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 6
Choose device name based tracing if appropriate (applies to Cisco CallManager and CTIManager only). Choose the devices to be traced.
Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 7
Choose the log file that receives the trace data. Use the default or specify a filename.
Trace Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 8
Choose enable XML formatted output if the trace information will be analyzed (only applies to Cisco CallManager, CTIManager, and Cisco TFTP).
Trace Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 9
Configure SDL parameters if applicable (only applies to Cisco CallManager and CTIManager).
Configuring SDL Trace Parameters, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 10
View the contents of the trace log when complete. To view specific information about an SDI or SDL trace, collect the parameters (optional).
Viewing Trace Log Files, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Configuring SDI Trace Collection, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Configuring SDL Trace Collection, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 11
Specify criteria for an SDI or SDL trace file and view in XML format (optional).
Specifying Criteria for an SDI Trace Analysis, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Specifying Criteria for an SDL Trace Analysis, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Trace Collection Configuration Checklist
Table 8-4 provides an overview of the steps for configuring trace collection.
Trace Analysis Configuration Checklist
Table 8-5 provides an overview of the steps for configuring trace analysis.
Q931 Translator Configuration Checklist
Table 8-6 provides an overview of the steps for configuring Q931 translation.
Table 8-6 Q931 Translator Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related Procedures and Topics
Step 1
Choose a server where the Q931 messages reside.
Using the Message Translator, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 2
Choose an XML or text-based file format.
Using the Message Translator, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 3
Search for the file to be translated.
Using the Message Translator, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Step 4
Save the translated log file.
Using the Message Translator, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Where to Find More Information
Related Topics
Alarm Configuration
Alarm Configuration Checklist
"Alarm Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Trace Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Trace Collection Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Trace Analysis Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Q.931 Translator," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
Additional Cisco Documentation
Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco CallManager