Online Help for Cisco IOS Release 12.3(07)JA

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Services: Telnet/SSH


Select Enabled to allow Telnet access to the management system.

Terminal Type

The preferred setting is ANSI, which offers graphic features such as reverse video buttons and underlined links. Not all terminal emulators support ANSI, so the default setting is Teletype.


Defines the width of the terminal emulator display, ranging from 64 to 132 characters. Adjust the value to get the optimum display for your terminal emulator.


Defines the height of the terminal emulator display, ranging from 16 to 50 characters. Adjust the value to get the optimum display for your terminal emulator.

Secure Shell Configuration

Before secure shell, security was limited to Telnet security. Secure shell enables a strong encryption to be used with the Cisco IOS software authentication.

Secure Shell

Select Enabled if you want to enable the secure shell (SSH) feature to provide a secure, remote connection to the access point using standard cryptographic mechanisms.

System Name

The host system name for your access point.

Domain Name

The host domain for your access point.

RSA Key Size (optional)

The size of the RSA key pair generated for the access point.

Authentication Timeout (optional)

The time the access point waits for the client to respond during the SSH negotiation stage.

Authentication Retries (optional)

The number of SSH negotiation attempts made before the interface is reset.

Secure Shell Server Connections

This section of the window displays the status of the SSH server connections.


A unique number that identifies an SSH session.


The protocol version number that the SSH client supports.


The type of encryption the SSH client is using.


The progress of the SSH session.


The login username that has been authenticated for the session.