Online Help for Cisco IOS Release 12.3(07)JA

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Services: SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

SNMP Properties

SNMP is an application-layer protocol that supports message-oriented communication between SNMP management stations and agents. This page configures the access point to work with your network administrator's Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) station. In addition to enabling SNMP, you must enter an SNMP community. The SNMP community string is used like a username and is for authentication, privacy, and authorization services within SNMP. When you enter an SNMP Community name on the Express Setup page, the community associates using read-only or read/write capabilities.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

This setting must be enabled to use SNMP with the device. In addition to enabling SNMP, you must enter an SNMP community string.

System Description

The system's device type and current version of firmware as listed at the bottom of the page.

System Name (optional)

The name of the device. The name in this field is reported to your SNMP's management station as the name of the device when you use SNMP to communicate with the device.

System Location (optional)

The physical location of the device, such as a building name or room in which it is installed.

System Contact (optional)

The name of the system administrator responsible for the device.

SNMP Request Communities

This section is not enabled until you select Enabled in the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) field at the top of the window and click Apply.

Current Community String

If you want to add a new community string, make sure <NEW> (the default) is highlighted in the list. SNMP community strings authenticate access to MIB objects and function as embedded passwords. The currently defined community strings are displayed. You can highlight any string you want removed and click Delete.

New/Edit Community Strings

SNMP Community

After you choose a community string to edit in the Current Community Strings list, the SNMP Community value for that particular community string is displayed. SNMP community strings authenticate access to MIB objects and function as embedded passwords.

Object Identifier

After you choose a community string to edit in the Current Community Strings list, the Object Identifier value for that particular community string is displayed, or you can enter a new object identifier for the community string. The object identifier is optional and limits the scope of the SNMP MIB object that the user can access through the community string.


The Read-only option gives read access to authorized management stations to all objects except the community strings but does not allow writer access. The Read/Write option gives read and write access to authorized management stations to all objects but does not allow access to the community string.

SNMP Trap Community

This section is not enabled until you select Enabled in the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) field at the top of the window and click Apply.

SNMP Trap Destination

The IP address of the SNMP management station. If your network uses DNS, enter a host name that resolves into an IP address.

SNMP Trap Community

The SNMP community string identifiers the sender to the trap destination. This string is required by the trap destination before it records traps sent by the device.

Enable All Trap Notifications

Select this option to enable all the notifications available on the access point.

Enable Specific Traps

Select this option to specify the notifications to be sent.

  • 802.11 Event Traps - Enables traps for client authentication failure, client deauthentication, and client disassociation.
  • Encryption Key Trap - Enables traps on any change in the WEP encryption key settings.
  • QoS Change Trap - Enables traps on any change made to the 8 traffic class definitions.
  • Syslog Trap - Enables sending of traps when event logs of a certain severity level (established by the Event Log Configuration page) occur.
  • Standby Switchover Trap - Enables sending of traps when an access point in standby mode switches over to active mode.
  • Rogue AP Trap - Enables sending of traps when a radio client reports a rogue access point.