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Services: Hot Standby

Clients associated to the standby access point lose their connection during the hot standby setup process.

Standby Properties

Hot Standby Mode

Enabling hot standby designates this device as a backup for another access point. The standby device is placed near the access point it monitors, configured exactly the same as the monitored device. The standby device queries the monitored access point regularly through both the Ethernet and the radio. If the monitored device fails to respond, the standby access point comes online and takes the monitored device's place in the network.

When hot standby is enabled, a Standby Status field displays. This field displays the current status of the hot standby and is updated by pressing Refresh.

MAC Address for Monitored 802.11a, b, or g Radio

The monitored device's MAC address.

Polling Interval (optional)

The number of seconds between each query that the standby device sends to the monitored access point.

Timeout for Each Polling (optional)

The number of seconds the standby device should wait for a response from the monitored access point before it assumes the monitored device has malfunctioned.

Shutdown Primary Radios on Failover

Select Yes if you want to configure the standby access point to send a Dumb Device Protocol (DDP) message to the monitored access point to disable the radios of the monitored access point when the standby unit becomes active. This feature prevents client devices that are associated to the monitored access point from remaining associated to the malfunctioning unit.

See Also: Configuring Hot Standby