About Cisco vWAAS with Cisco Enterprise NFVIS
Cisco Enterprise Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS) is a Linux-based software-hosting layer with embedded KVM hypervisor.
Cisco vWAAS with Cisco Enterprise NFVIS enables Cisco WAAS to run Cisco vWAAS as a standalone VM on the Cisco ENCS 5400-W Series platform to provide WAN application optimization, and, optionally, application optimization with Akamai Connect.
Cisco Enterprise NFVIS contains the following features:
Cisco ENCS 5400-W Series: Cisco vWAAS with Cisco Enterprise NFVIS is deployed on the Cisco Enterprise Network Compute System (Cisco ENCS 5400-W) Series. For more information on the ENCS 5400-W Series, see the chapter "Cisco vWAAS on Cisco ENCS 5400-W Series."
Cisco Enterprise NFV: Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization (NFV): Extends Linux by packaging additional functions for Virtual Network Functions (VNF) that support lifecycle management, monitoring, device programmability, service chaining, and hardware acceleration.
Cisco Enterprise NFV also provides local network management capabilities that enable you to dynamically deploy virtualized network functions such as a virtual router, firewall, and WAN acceleration on a supported Cisco device, eliminating the need to add a physical device for every network function.
Monitoring: Monitors all the parameters of the deployed Cisco vWAAS, including memory, storage, and CPU, and monitors memory, storage, and CPU utilization of the Cisco vWAAS.
Traffic verification: Verifies traffic flows through Cisco vWAAS by monitoring the VNF interface statistics.
Add-On Capability: Ability to add vCPU, memory, and storage, to modify the networking option and add a virtual interface, to configure the virtual networking port and connect it to a VLAN.