
This preface describes who should read the Cisco Vitural Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide, how it is organized, and its document conventions. It contains the following sections:


This preface describes who should read the Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide, how it is organized, and its document conventions. It contains the following sections:


This guide is for experienced IT managers and network administrators who are responsible for configuring and maintaining Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services (Cisco vWAAS) in Cisco WAAS.

You should be familiar with the basic concepts and terminology used in internetworking, and understand your network topology and the protocols that the devices in your network can use. You should also have a working knowledge of the operating systems on which you are running your Cisco WAAS network, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Solaris, and hypervisors used with Cisco vWAAS, such as VMware ESXi or RHEL KVM.

Document Organization

This guide is organized as follows:

Table 1.


Chapter Title


Chapter 1

Introduction to Cisco vWAAS

Overview of the Cisco vWAAS solution and describes the main features that enable Cisco vWAAS to overcome the most common challenges in transporting data over a wide area network.

Chapter 2

Configuring Cisco vWAAS and Viewing Cisco vWAAS Components

How to configure Cisco vWAAS settings, such as Cisco WAAS Central Manager address and traffic interception settings, and how to identify a vWAAS on the Cisco WAAS Central Manager or through the WAAS CLI.

Chapter 3

Cisco vWAAS on Cisco ISR-WAAS

How to use Cisco vWAAS on Cisco ISR-WAAS.

Chapter 4

Cisco vWAAS on VMware ESXi

How to use Cisco vWAAS on VMware ESXi.

Chapter 5

Cisco vWAAS on Microsoft Hyper-V

How to use Cisco vWAAS on Microsoft Hyper-V.

Chapter 6

Cisco vWAAS on RHEL KVM, KVM on CentOS, and KVM in SUSE Linux

How to use Cisco vWAAS on RHEL KVM, KVM on CentOS, and KVM in SUSE Linux.

Chapter 7

Cisco vWAAS on Cisco ENCS 5400-W Series

How to use Cisco vWAAS on the Cisco Enterprise Network Compute System 5400-W Series (Cisco ENCS 5400-W Series) appliance

Chapter 8

Cisco vWAAS on Cisco CSP 5000-W Series

How to use Cisco vWAAS on the Cisco Cloud Services Platform, 5000-W Series (Cisco CSP 5000-W Series) appliance.

Chapter 9

Cisco vWAAS with Cisco Enterprise NFVIS

How to use Cisco vWAAS with Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure Software (Cisco Enterprise NFVIS).

Chapter 10

Cisco vWAAS with Akamai Connect

Overview of Cisco vWAAS with Akamai Connect, and describes hardware requirements for Cisco vWAAS with Akamai Connect, including how to upgrade Cisco vWAAS memory and disk for the Akamai cache engine.

Chapter 11

Cisco vWAAS in Cloud Computing Systems

How to use Cisco vWAAS in the Microsoft Azure and OpenStack cloud computing systems.

Chapter 12

Troubleshooting Cisco vWAAS

How to identify and resolve operating issues with Cisco vWAAS, and contains the following sections

Document Conventions

Command descriptions use these conventions:

boldface font

Commands and keywords are in boldface.

italic font

Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.

[ ]

Elements in square brackets are optional.

[ x | y | z ]

Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars.

Screen examples use these conventions:

screen font

Terminal sessions and information the switch displays are in screen font.

boldface screen font

Information you must enter is in boldface screen font.

italic screen font

Arguments for which you supply values are in italic screen font.


Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets.

[ ]

Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets.

!, #

An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code indicates a comment line.

This document uses the following conventions:


Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the manual.


Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.


Means the following information will help you solve a problem. Tips might not be troubleshooting or even an action, but could help you save time.

Related Documentation

For additional information on Cisco vWAAS and Cisco WAAS software and hardware, see the following documentation: