Design the Network Hierarchy

Network Hierarchy Overview

You can create a network hierarchy that represents your network's geographical locations. The hierarchical organization enables you to easily apply design settings or configurations to a specific hierarchical element. For example, you can apply design settings to an entire area or to only a floor.

You can name hierarchical elements to help you identify where to apply design settings later.

The hierarchical elements that you can create have rules that dictate under which elements they can reside and which elements can reside under them.

  • Global: Default element under which all other hierarchical elements reside. Areas and sites are the only elements that can reside directly under Global.

  • Areas and Sites (Site and area icon in network hierarchy tree): Areas and sites reside under Global or under other areas or sites. They do not have a physical address. As the largest element, they identify a geographic region. They provide a way to group areas and sites.

  • Buildings (Buildings icon in network hierarchy tree): Buildings reside under areas or sites. When you create a building, specify a physical address or latitude and longitude coordinates. Buildings can't contain areas. However, they can contain floors.

  • Floors (Floor icon in network hierarchy tree): Floors reside under buildings. You can add floors to buildings with or without maps that contain various building components, like walls and windows. If you decide to use floor maps, you can manually create them or import them from files, such as DXF, DWG, JPG, GIF, PNG, or PDF file types. Then you can position your wireless devices on the floor maps to visualize your wireless network coverage.

    You can change the site hierarchy for unprovisioned devices while preserving AP locations on floor maps. Note, however, that you can't move an existing floor to a different building.

To get started, build your network hierarchy using one of the following methods:

Design a New Network Hierarchy

The Design area is where you create the structure and framework of your network, including the physical topology, network settings, and device type profiles that you can apply to devices throughout your network. Use the Design workflow if you do not already have an existing infrastructure. If you have an existing infrastructure, use the Discovery feature. For more information, see Discovery Overview.

You can perform these tasks in the Design area:


Step 1

Create your network hierarchy. For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete a Site.

Step 2

Define global network settings. For more information, see Network Settings Overview.

Step 3

Define network profiles. For more information, see Network Profiles Overview.

Use an Existing Cisco Network Hierarchy

If you have an existing network hierarchy in Cisco Prime Infrastructure, you can export it and then import it into Cisco DNA Center, saving time and effort spent in creating a new network hierarchy.

The following information is available for you to re-create your network hierarchy:

  • Site Hierarchy: Your existing site hierarchy is downloaded in a CSV file format. The CSV file contains details such as site names, parent hierarchy, number of floors, location, and site address.

  • Map Archive: Map information is downloaded as a map archive in a TAR file format. The map archive file contains data such as the date and time, number of floors, and APs. Depending on what you choose to download, the map archive can also include map information, such as floor dimensions (length, width, and height) and details about the APs and overlay objects that have been placed on the floor maps. You can also choose to download calibration information, such as the RF attenuation model that has been applied to each floor.

    You can choose to base the map archive on the global hierarchy or the hierarchy of a single site, building, or floor, as follows:

    • Site: The chosen site and all of its subsites, buildings, and floors are exported.

    • Building: The chosen building and all of its floors are exported.

    • Floor: The chosen floor is exported.


    Cisco DNA Center supports the United States' Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). FIPS is an optional mode that can be enabled when installing the Cisco DNA Center image. By default, FIPS mode is disabled.

    FIPS mode has the following impact on the export and import of map archives.

    If FIPS mode is enabled:

    • Exported map archives are unencrypted.

    • Only unencrypted map archives can be imported.

    If FIPS mode is disabled:

    • Exported map archives are encrypted.

    • Both encrypted and unencrypted map archives can be imported.

Export Your Site Hierarchy from Cisco Prime Infrastructure

You can export your site hierarchy from Cisco Prime Infrastructure in a CSV file format. The CSV file contains details such as site names, parent hierarchy, number of floors, location, and site address.

Before you begin

Site hierarchy export is supported in Cisco Prime Infrastructure, Release 3.2 and later.


Step 1

In Cisco Prime Infrastructure, choose Inventory > Group Management > Network Device Groups.

Step 2

In the Device Groups window, click Export Groups.

Step 3

In the Export Groups dialog box, click the APIC-EM radio button.

Step 4

To download the CSV file, click OK.

The CSV file is downloaded.

Export Your Map Archive from Cisco Prime Infrastructure

You can export map archive files from Cisco Prime Infrastructure and import them into Cisco DNA Center. Map archives contain map information, such as floor dimensions, and calibration information, such as the Radio Frequency (RF) attenuation model that has been applied to each floor in Cisco Prime Infrastructure.


Step 1

From the Cisco Prime Infrastructure GUI, choose Maps > Wireless Maps > Site Maps (New).

Step 2

From the Export drop-down list, choose Map Archive.

The Export Map Archive window opens, and the Select Sites window opens by default.

Step 3

Check the check box adjacent to a specific site, campus, building, or floor that you want to export. Alternatively, check the Select All check box to export all the maps.

Step 4

Select at least one of the following options:

  • Map Information: Click the On button to export floor dimensions (length, width, and height) and details about the APs and overlay objects that have been placed on the floor maps.

  • Calibration Information: Click the On button to export the RF attenuation model that has been applied to each floor. It is a good practice to export the existing calibration data from Cisco Prime Infrastructure. Otherwise, you must re-enter the calibration details manually.

    If you choose to include calibration information, you also need to specify whether to include information for the selected maps or all the information, as follows:

    • Calibration Information for selected maps: Calibration information for the selected site maps is exported.

    • All Calibration Information: Calibration information for the selected map and any additional calibration information that is available in the system is exported.

Step 5

Click Generate Map Archive.

The following message shows the progress of the operation:

Exporting data is in progress

A TAR file is created and is saved to your local machine.

Step 6

Click Done.

Import Your Site Hierarchy to Cisco DNA Center

You can import a site hierarchy that you exported from Cisco Prime Infrastructure as a CSV file. For information about exporting the site hierarchy, see Export Your Site Hierarchy from Cisco Prime Infrastructure.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that you have Cisco Wireless Controllers and APs in your Cisco DNA Center inventory. If not, discover them using the Discovery feature.

  • Add and position APs on a floor map.

  • If you manually created sites in Cisco DNA Center that are present in Cisco Prime Infrastructure, you must remove them from Cisco DNA Center before you can import them.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

From the map tool bar, click Import and choose Import Sites.

Step 3

In the dialog box, click one of the following radio buttons:

  • Merge with Existing Sites: The downloaded site information is combined with the existing site information.

  • Overwrite Existing Sites: If the same site already exists in Cisco DNA Center, the existing site information is overwritten with the downloaded site information.

Step 4

In the dialog box, drag and drop your CSV file into the download area. Alternatively, you can click Choose a file and navigate to where your CSV file is located, then click Upload.



If you do not have a CSV file, click Download Template to download a CSV file that you can edit and upload.

Import Your Map Archive to Cisco DNA Center

You can import a map archive TAR file into Cisco DNA Center. For example, you can upload the TAR file that you exported from Cisco Prime Infrastructure.


Cisco DNA Center supports the United States' Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). FIPS is an optional mode that can be enabled when installing the Cisco DNA Center image. By default, FIPS mode is disabled.

For information about exporting site hierarchy, see Export Your Map Archive from Cisco Prime Infrastructure.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

From the map toolbar, click Import and choose Import Maps.

Step 3

In the Import Maps dialog box, drag and drop the map archive file.

Step 4

Click Import.

The map archive file is imported.

Use an Existing Ekahau Network Hierarchy

The Ekahau Pro tool allows you to create a complete network plan for your enterprise, including floor layout, AP locations, and obstacles. After creating the floor layout, you can export the simulated network plan as an Ekahau project file. You can also export the real-world site survey data into a format that Cisco DNA Center can use.

Export an Ekahau Project

You can export your network hierarchy from Ekahau Pro and import it into Cisco DNA Center for further planning.


Step 1

In the Ekahau Pro tool, plan the floor layout:

  • Create buildings and floors.

    It is not mandatory to create buildings in the Ekahau Pro tool.

  • Import the floor plan.

  • Add the planned APs or hypothetical APs.

  • Add building coordinates.

  • Define the site name.

    The AP name that you provide here will be used to update the AP name on the Cisco Wireless Controller during the wireless controller configuration.

  • Add obstacles.

  • Export the project.



    If you're using Ekahau Cloud, make sure to synchronize any local changes to the Ekahau Cloud before exporting the Ekahau project. If the Ekahau project has local changes (such as the removal of an AP or wall) that are out-of-sync with the Ekahau Cloud project, importing the Ekahau project to Cisco DNA Center can fail.

Step 2

Deploy the planned APs at locations designed on the floor layout.

  • The physical AP is mounted at the designed location that is specified on the floor layout. The MAC address of the planned AP is updated with the MAC address of the physical AP.

  • The physical AP is connected to the VLAN of the intended wireless controller.

Step 3

In Cisco DNA Center, configure the Cisco Wireless Controller.

  1. Discover the Cisco Wireless Controller and APs in your network by running the Discovery job, so that the discovered wireless controllers and APs are listed on the Inventory window.

  2. Update the AP name on the wireless controller with the AP name given in the Ekahau Pro project during the floor planning.

Step 4

Import the Ekahau project into Cisco DNA Center.

Step 5

Map the planned APs to real APs in Cisco DNA Center.

Import an Ekahau Project to Cisco DNA Center

Before you begin

Importing an Ekahau Cloud project can fail if the project has local changes (such as removing an AP or wall), that are out-of-sync with the Ekahau Cloud project. To avoid this situation, make sure to synchronize any local changes to the Ekahau Cloud before importing the Ekahau Cloud project to Cisco DNA Center.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

Design your network hierarchy by adding sites, buildings, and floors.



For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete a Site, Add, Edit, and Delete a Building, and Add, Edit, and Delete a Floor.

While adding floors, make sure that you create floors with the same name given in the Ekahau project.

Step 3

In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis icon next to the site where you want to import the Ekahau project and choose Import Ekahau Project.

The Import Ekahau Project dialog box appears.

Step 4

Drag and drop the ESX file into the boxed area in the Import Ekahau Project dialog box, or click the click to select link and browse to the ESX file.



To import buildings, they need to contain coordinates inside the Ekahau Project. You can add coordinates in Ekahau Pro. After successfully importing an Ekahau Project, each planned AP is mapped to an existing real AP in the inventory using the AP name. The planned AP is displayed with an icon P on the floor map. For example, if the name of the planned AP is SJC01-02-AP-B-1, the import process searches for the real AP with the same name.

Step 5

If an AP is not found in the inventory and remains unmapped, the planned AP is retained on the floor.

To see the reason for the mismatch, hover your cursor over the planned AP icon on the floor map, and click Import History.

The following attempts are made to map the planned APs to real APs:

  • If the newly discovered APs match the planned AP, the planned AP is replaced with the discovered real AP.

  • If a planned AP remains unmapped, you can manually replace the planned AP with the real AP, providing reasons for the failure.

Step 6

To manually assign the planned AP to a real AP, hover your cursor over the planned AP icon on the floor map, and click Assign > Assign.

The Assign Planned APs panel appears.

Step 7

In the Assign Planned APs panel, map the planned AP to a real AP by AP name, AP type, or All APs.

Step 8

Click the radio button next to the AP Name, and click Assign to manually assign the planned AP.

Step 9

Click Save.

Import an Ekahau Site Survey to Cisco DNA Center

You can upload an Ekahau site survey to create the buildings and floors in your network hierarchy. The site survey includes information about wireless devices, including the site, building, and floor to which it is assigned and its position on the floor map. However, it doesn't include the AP antenna information. So, you need to upload this information separately using a CSV file.

Cisco DNA Center includes a CSV template file that you can download and edit to define the required AP antenna information.

Figure 1. The CSV template file contains the following fields and defaults:

If an AP isn't in the Cisco DNA Center device inventory, it's imported as a planned AP. However, you can use a naming convention so that when you add an AP to the device inventory, Cisco DNA Center can automatically convert it to an actual AP.

The naming convention is AP, followed by the last four digits of the AP's MAC address, for example, AP-c4:e0. Using this information, Cisco DNA Center attempts to match the provided digits with the last four digits of an AP's Ethernet MAC or radio MAC address. If this information isn't available or a match is unsuccessful, Cisco DNA Center attempts to match AP names.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

Click Add Site > Add Area.

Alternatively, you can hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the parent site or Global in the left pane, and choose Add Area. For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete a Site.

Step 3

In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis icon next to the site you just created and choose Import Ekahau Survey.

Step 4

In the Import Ekahau Survey dialog box, drag and drop the Ekahau Survey file into the Ekahau Survey boxed area, or click the Choose a file link and browse to the ESX file.

Step 5

Drag and drop the CSV file into the AP Mapping CSV boxed area, or click the Choose a file link and browse to the CSV file.



If you do not have a CSV file, click Download AP Mapping Template to download a CSV file that you can edit and upload.

Step 6

Click Import.

After the files are successfully downloaded, a success message is displayed.

Step 7

Click View Hierarchy and navigate to the floors to verify that the devices have been imported and positioned properly.

Hover the cursor over a device to view its details.

Export Your Network Hierarchy from Cisco DNA Center

You can export a site hierarchy to a CSV format file. You can also export a complete network map (global hierarchy) or the hierarchy of a site, building, or floor. You can choose either a Cisco Prime Infrastructure or Ekahau Pro format. Exporting your network hierarchy into these formats allows you to continue to work on your network hierarchy in these tools.

Export Your Site Hierarchy from Cisco DNA Center

You can export a site hierarchy to a CSV format file. The CSV file contains details such as site names, parent hierarchy, number of floors, location, and site address.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

From the map toolbar, click Export and choose Export Sites.

Step 3

In the Export Sites dialog box, click OK.

Export Your Map Archive from Cisco DNA Center

You can export a complete network map (global hierarchy) or the hierarchy of a site, building, or floor to either a Cisco Prime Infrastructure or Ekahau Pro format. You can export up to 500 floors.


Cisco DNA Center supports the United States' Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). FIPS is an optional mode that can be enabled when installing the Cisco DNA Center image. By default, FIPS mode is disabled.

FIPS mode has the following impact on the export and import of map archives.

If FIPS mode is enabled:

  • Exported map archives are unencrypted.

  • Only unencrypted map archives can be imported.

If FIPS mode is disabled:

  • Exported map archives are encrypted.

  • Both encrypted and unencrypted map archives can be imported.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

To export the complete network map, from the map toolbar, click Export and choose Export Maps.

Alternatively, from the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis () next to a site, building, or floor and choose Export Maps.

The information that is exported depends on what you choose:

  • Site: The chosen site and all of its subsites, buildings, and floors are exported.

  • Building: The chosen building and all of its floors are exported.

  • Floor: The chosen floor is exported.

Step 3

In the Export Maps dialog box, click either the Ekahau Project or the Prime radio button.

Step 4

Click Export.

Search the Network Hierarchy

You can search the network hierarchy to quickly find a site, building, or area. This is particularly helpful after you have added many sites, areas, or buildings.


Step 1

To search the hierarchy, from the Search Hierarchy search field in the left pane, enter either the partial or full name of the site, building, or floor name that you are searching.

The hierarchy is filtered based on the text you enter in the search field.

Step 2

To search the hierarchy by Site Name and Site Type filter criteria, click the filter icon in the Search Hierarchy search field and do the following:

  1. In the Site Name field, enter the name of the site that you want to search.

  2. Check the Include Address for all Building check box to include the address of all building in the search result.

  3. In the Site Type area, check the check boxes next to Area, Building, or Floor that you want to include in filter criteria.

  4. Click Search.

    The hierarchy is filtered based on the filter criteria.

  5. To exclude the search criteria in the left pane, click the cross-mark next to respective criteria.

Create a New Network Hierarchy

Create a new network hierarchy by creating new sites (or areas), building, and floors.

Create, Edit and Delete a Site

Cisco DNA Center allows you to easily define physical sites and then specify common resources for those sites. The Design area uses a hierarchical format for intuitive use, while eliminating the need to redefine the same resource in multiple places when provisioning devices. By default, there is one site called Global. You can add more sites, buildings, and areas to your network hierarchy. You must create at least one site before you can use the provision features.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

A world map appears in the right pane.

Step 2

From this window, you can add, edit, and delete sites. See the following table for details.



Add a site.

  1. From the map toolbar, click + Add Site > Add Area.

    Alternatively, you can hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the parent site in the left pane, and choose Add Area.

  2. In the Area Name field, enter the site name.

    The Area Name field has the following restrictions:

    • The area name cannot exceed 40 characters.

    • Special characters & > < ? ' " / [ ] aren't allowed.

  3. From the Parent drop-down list, choose a parent node. Global is the default parent node.

  4. Click Add.

Edit a site.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the site and choose Edit Area.

  2. In the Edit Area dialog box, make the necessary edits.

  3. Click Update.

Delete a site.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the site and choose Delete Area.

  2. Click OK.

Add, Edit, and Delete a Building


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

From this window, you can add, edit, and delete a building. See the following table for details.



Add a building.

  1. In the Network Hierarchy window, click +Add Site > Add Building.

    Alternatively, you can hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the parent site in the left pane, and choose Add Building.

  2. In the Add Building dialog box, add the building details.

    The Building Name field has the following restrictions:

    • The building name cannot exceed 40 characters.

    • Special characters & > < ? ' " / [ ] aren't allowed.

    You can enter the address in the field or click the map. Adding an address causes the Longitude and Latitude coordinate fields to be automatically populated. These coordinates correspond to the northwest corner of the building and are used by location services, such as Cisco DNA Spaces or Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX), if they are integrated with Cisco DNA Center.

  3. Click Add.

Edit a building.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the site and choose Edit Building.

  2. In the Edit Building dialog box, make the necessary edits.

  3. Click Update.

Delete a building.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the building and choose Delete Building.

  2. Click OK.

Add, Edit, and Delete a Floor

After you add a building, you can add floors to it. You can add a basic floor that doesn't have a floor map and add the floor map later, or you can add a floor and include a floor map at the same time.

To add a basic floor to a building, use this procedure.

To add a floor and a floor map at the same time, see one of the following topics:


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Design > Network Hierarchy.

Step 2

From this window, you can add, edit, and delete a floor. See the following table for details.



Add a basic floor.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the desired building and choose Add Floor.

  2. In the Floor Name field, enter a name for the floor.

    The Floor Name field has the following restrictions:

    • The floor name cannot exceed 40 characters.

    • Special characters & > < ? ' " / [ ] aren't allowed.

  3. If you have wireless devices, for the Type (RF Model) drop-down list, choose the RF model to apply to the floor.

    The RF model determines how the RF is calculated when computing 2D and 3D heatmaps that show the relative intensity of the RF signals in the coverage area.

  4. Configure the Floor Number, Floor Type and Floor Thickness fields.

    The floor type and thickness are used when calculating a heatmap for wireless devices.

  5. Skip uploading a floor map image in Floor Image area.

  6. Configure map dimensions in the Width, Length, and Height fields.

  7. Click Add.

Edit a floor.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the floor and choose Edit Floor.

  2. In the Edit Floordialog box, make the necessary changes.

  3. Click Update to save the changes.

Delete a floor.

  1. In the left pane, hover your cursor over the ellipsis next to the floor and choose Delete Floor.

  2. Click Ok.