- A
- B
- cac master through call application stats
- call application voice through call denial
- call fallback through called-number (dial peer)
- caller-id (dial peer) through ccm-manager switchover-to-backup
- ccs connect (controller) through clear vsp statistics
- clid through credentials (sip-ua)
- default (auto-config application) through direct-inward-dial
- disable-early-media through dualtone
- E
- F
- G
- H
- icpif through irq global-request
- isdn bind-l3 through ixi transport http
- K
- L
- map q850-cause through mgcp package-capability
- mgcp persistent through mmoip aaa send-id secondary
- mode (ATM/T1/E1 controller) through mwi-server
- N
- O
- package through pattern
- periodic-report interval through proxy h323
- Q
- R
- sccp through service-type call-check
- session through sgcp tse payload
- show aal2 profile through show call filter match-list
- show call history fax through show debug condition
- show dial-peer through show gatekeeper zone prefix
- show gateway through show modem relay statistics
- show mrcp client session active through show sip dhcp
- show sip service through show trunk hdlc
- show vdev through show voice statistics memory-usage
- show voice trace through shutdown (voice-port)
- signal through srv version
- ss7 mtp2-variant through switchover method
- target carrier-id through timeout tsmax
- timeouts call-disconnect through timing clear-wait
- timing delay-duration through type (voice)
- U
- vad (dial peer) through voice-class sip encap clear-channel
- voice-class sip error-code-override through vxml version 2.0
- W
- Z
- default (auto-config application)
- default (MGCP profile)
- default (SIP)
- default-file vfc
- define
- delete vfc
- description
- description (dial peer)
- description (DSP Farm profile)
- description (dspfarm)
- description (SCCP Cisco CallManager)
- description (trunk group)
- description (voice source group)
- destination uri
- destination-pattern
- destination-pattern (interface)
- detect v54 channel-group
- device-id
- dhcp interface
- dial-control-mib
- dial-peer cor custom
- dial-peer cor list
- dial-peer data
- dial-peer hunt
- dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk
- dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause
- dial-peer outbound status-check pots
- dial-peer search type
- dial-peer terminator
- dial-peer video
- dial-peer voice
- dial-type
- dialer extsig
- dialer preemption level
- dialer trunkgroup
- digit
- digit-strip
- digital-filter
- direct-inward-dial
Cisco IOS Voice Commands:
This chapter contains commands to configure and maintain Cisco IOS voice applications. The commands are presented in alphabetical order beginning with the letter D. Some commands required for configuring voice may be found in other Cisco IOS command references. Use the master index of commands or search online to find these commands.
For detailed information on how to configure these applications and features, refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library.
default (auto-config application)
To configure an auto-config application configuration command to its default value, use the default command in auto-config application configuration mode.
default command
Syntax Description
command |
One of the auto-config application configuration commands. Valid choices are as follows: • • • • |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Auto-config application configuration
Command History
12.3(8)XY |
This command was introduced on the Communication Media Module. |
12.3(14)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T. |
The following example shows the default command used to set the number of download retry attempts for an auto-configuration application to its default value.
Router(auto-config-app)# default retries
Related Commands
default (MGCP profile)
To configure a Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP profile) command to its default value, use the default command in MGCP profile configuration mode. To disable the default command, use the no form of the command for that profile parameter.
default command
no default command
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behaviors or values
Command Modes
MGCP profile configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command is used when configuring values for an MGCP profile.
The default (MGCP profile) command instructs the MGCP profile to use the default value of the specified command whenever the profile is called. This has the same effect as using the no form of the specified command, but the default command clearly specifies which commands are using their default values.
To use the default values for more than one command, enter each command on a separate line.
The following example shows how to configure the default values for three MGCP profile commands:
Router(config)# mgcp profile newyork
Router(config-mgcp-profile)# default max1 retries
Router(config-mgcp-profile)# default timeout tdinit
Router(config-mgcp-profile)# default timeout tone mwi
Related Commands
default (SIP)
To reset a SIP command to its default value, use the default command in SIP configuration mode.
default command
Syntax Description
The default is that binding is disabled (no bind).
Command Modes
SIP configuration
Command History
The following example shows how to reset the value of the SIP bind command:
Router(config)# voice serv voip
Router(conf-voi-serv)# sip
Router(conf-serv-sip)# default bind
Related Commands
sip |
Enter SIP configuration mode from voice-service VoIP configuration mode. |
default-file vfc
To specify an additional (or different) file from the ones in the default file list and stored in voice feature card (VFC) Flash memory, use the default-file vfc command in global configuration mode. To delete the file from the default file list, use the no form of this command.
default-file filename vfc slot
no default-file filename vfc slot
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
11.3(1)NA |
This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300. |
12.0(3)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T. |
Usage Guidelines
When VCWare is unbundled, it automatically adds DSPWare to Flash memory, creates both the capability and default file lists, and populates these lists with the default files for that version of VCWare. The default file list includes the files that is used to boot up the system.
Use the default-file vfc command to add a specified file to the default file list, replacing the existing default for that extension type.
The following example specifies that the bas-vfc- file, which is stored in VFC Flash memory, be added to the default file list:
default-file bas-vfc- vfc 0
Related Commands
cap-list vfc |
Adds a voice codec overlay file to the capability file list. |
delete vfc |
Deletes a file from VFC Flash memory. |
To define the transmit and receive bits for North American ear and mouth (E&M), E&M Mercury Exchange Limited Channel-Associated Signaling (MELCAS), and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) voice signaling, use the define command in voice-port configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.
define {tx-bits | rx-bits} {seize | idle} {0000 | 0001 | 0010 | 0011 | 0100 | 0101 | 0110 | 0111 | 1000 | 1001 | 1010 | 1011 | 1100 | 1101 | 1110 | 1111}
no define {tx-bits | rx-bits} {seize | idle} {0000 | 0001 | 0010 | 0011 | 0100 | 0101 | 0110 | 0111 | 1000 | 1001 | 1010 | 1011 | 1100 | 1101 | 1110 | 1111}
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default is to use the preset signaling patterns as defined in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) standards, as follows:
•For North American E&M:
–tx-bits idle 0000 (0001 if on E1 trunk)
–tx-bits seize 1111
–rx-bits idle 0000
–rx-bits seize 1111
–tx-bits idle 1101
–tx-bits seize 0101
–rx-bits idle 1101
–rx-bits seize 0101
•For LMR:
–tx-bits idle 0000
–tx-bits seize 1111
–rx-bits idle 0000
–rx-bits seize 1111
Command Modes
Voice-port configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The define command applies to E&M digital voice ports associated with T1/E1 controllers.
Use the define command to match the E&M bit patterns with the attached telephony device. Be careful not to define invalid configurations, such as all 0000 on E1, or identical seized and idle states. Use this command with the ignore command.
In LMR signaling, the define command is used to define polarity on E&M analog and digital voice ports.
To configure a voice port on a Cisco 2600 or Cisco 3600 series router that is sending traffic in North American E&M signaling format to convert the signaling to MELCAS format, enter the following commands:
voice-port 1/0/0
define rx-bits idle 1101
define rx-bits seize 0101
define tx-bits idle 1101
define tx-bits seize 0101
In this example, reverse polarity is configured on a voice port on a Cisco 3700 series router that is sending traffic in LMR signaling format:
voice-port 1/0/0
define rx-bits idle 1111
define rx-bits seize 0000
define tx-bits idle 1111
define tx-bits seize 0000
Related Commands
condition |
Manipulates the signaling bit-pattern for all voice signaling types. |
ignore |
Configures a North American E&M or E&M MELCAS voice port to ignore specific receive bits. |
delete vfc
To delete a file from voice feature card (VFC) Flash memory, use the delete vfc command in privileged EXEC mode.
delete filename vfc slot
Syntax Description
filename |
Specifies the file in VFC Flash memory to be deleted. |
slot |
Specifies the slot on the Cisco AS5300 in which the specified VFC resides. Range is from 0 to 2. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
11.3(1)NA |
This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300. |
12.0(3)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the delete vfc command to delete a specific file from VFC Flash memory and to remove the file from the default list or capability list if the specified file is included in those lists.
Note Deleting a file from VFC Flash memory does not free the VFC Flash memory space that the file occupied. To free VFC Flash memory space, use the erase vfc command.
The following example deletes the bas-vfc- file, which is stored in VFC Flash memory of the VFC located in slot 0:
Router# delete bas-vfc- vfc 0
Related Commands
To specify a description of the digital signal processor (DSP) interface, use the description command in voice-port or DSP farm interface configuration mode. To describe a MGCP profile that is being defined, use the description command in MGCP profile configuration mode. To specify the name or a brief description of a charging profile, use the description command in charging profile configuration mode. To delete a configured description, use the no form of the command in the appropriate configuration mode.
description string
no description
Syntax Description
string |
Character string from 1 to 80 characters for DSP interfaces and MGCP profiles, or from 1 to 99 characters for charging profiles. |
Command Default
Enabled with a null string.
The MGCP profile has no default description.
Charging profiles have no default description.
Command Modes
Voice-port configuration
DSP farm interface configuration
MGCP profile configuration
Charging profile configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the description command to describe the DSP interface connection or a defined MGCP profile. The information is displayed when a show command is used, and it does not affect the operation of the interface in any way.
The following example identifies voice port 1/0/0 as being connected to the purchasing department:
voice-port 1/0/0
description purchasing_dept
The following example identifies DSP farm interface 1/0 as being connected to the marketing department:
dspint dspfarm 1/0
description marketing_dept
The following example shows a description for an MGCP profile:
mgcp profile newyork
description This is the head sales office in New York.
dot ...(socket=0)
R:250 NAA09092 Message accepted for delivery
R:221 madeup@abc.com closing connection
Freeing SMTP ctx at 0x6121D454
returned from work_routine, context freed
Related Commands
description (dial peer)
To add a description to a dial peer, use the description command in dial peer configuration mode. To remove the description, use the no form of this command.
description description
no description
Syntax Description
description |
Text string up to 64 alphanumeric characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
12.2(2)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to include descriptive text about the dial peer. The description displays in show command output and does not affect the operation of the dial peer.
The following example shows a description included in a dial peer:
dial-peer voice 1 pots
description inbound PSTN calls
Related Commands
dial-peer voice |
Defines a dial peer. |
show dial-peer voice |
Displays configuration information for dial peers. |
description (DSP Farm profile)
To include a description about the digital signal processor (DSP) farm profile, use the description command in DSP farm profile configuration mode. To remove a description, use the no form of this command.
description text
no description
Syntax Description
text |
Character string from 1 to 80 characters. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
DSP farm profile configuration
Command History
12.3(8)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to include descriptive text about this DSP farm profile. This information displays in show commands and does not affect the operation of the interface.
The following example identifies the DSP farm profile as being designated to the art department:
description art_dept
Related Commands
description (dspfarm)
To include a specific description about the digital signal processor (DSP) interface, use the description command in DSPfarm interface configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.
description string
no description string
Syntax Description
string |
Character string from 1 to 80 characters. |
Command Default
Enabled with a null string.
Command Modes
DSPfarm interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the description command to include descriptive text about this DSP interface connection. This information is displayed when you issue a show command and does not affect the operation of the interface in any way.
The following example identifies DSPfarm interface 1/0 on the Cisco 7200 series routers router as being connected to the marketing department:
dspint dspfarm 1/0
description marketing_dept
description (SCCP Cisco CallManager)
To include a description about the Cisco CallManager group, use the description command in SCCP Cisco CallManager configuration mode. To remove a description, use the no form of this command.
description text
no description
Syntax Description
text |
Character string from 1 to 80 characters. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
SCCP Cisco CallManager configuration
Command History
12.3(8)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to include descriptive text about a Cisco CallManager group. This information is displayed in show commands and does not affect the operation of the interface.
The following example identifies SCCP as being designated to the Boston office:
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# description boston office
Related Commands
description (trunk group)
To add a description to a trunk group, use the description command in trunk group configuration mode. To delete the description, use the no form of this command.
description text
no description text
Syntax Description
text |
Trunk group description. Maximum length is 63 alphanumeric characters. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Trunk group configuration
Command History
12.2(11)T |
This command was introduced. |
The following example shows a description for a trunk group:
Router(config)# trunk group alpha1
Router(config-trunk-group)# description carrierAgroup1
Related Commands
trunk group |
Initiates the definition of a trunk group. |
description (voice source group)
To add a description to a voice source group, use the description command in voice source-group configuration mode. To delete the description, use the no form of this command.
description text
no description text
Syntax Description
text |
Describes a voice source group, Maximum length of the voice source group description is 63 alphanumeric characters. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Voice source-group configuration
Command History
12.2(11)T |
This command was introduced. |
The following example shows a description for a voice source group:
Router(config)# voice source-group northern1
Router(cfg-source-grp)# description carrierBgroup3
Related Commands
voice source-group |
Defines a source group for voice calls. |
destination uri
To specify the voice class used to match a dial peer to the destination uniform resource identifier (URI) of an outgoing call, use the destination uri command in dial peer configuration mode. To remove the URI voice class, use the no form of this command.
destination uri tag
no destination uri
Syntax Description
tag |
Alphanumeric label that uniquely identifies the voice class. This tag must be configured with the voice class uri command. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
12.3(4)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
•Before you use this command, configure the voice class by using the voice class uri command.
•This command applies new rules for dial-peer matching. Table 16 shows the rules and the order in which they are applied when the destination uri command is used. The gateway compares the dial-peer command to the call parameter in its search to match an outbound call to a dial peer. All dial peers are searched based on the first match criteria. Only if no match is found does the gateway move on to the next criteria.
Note Calls whose destination is an E.164 number, rather than a URI, use the previously existing dial-peer matching rules. For information, see the Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers document, Cisco IOS Voice Library.
The following example matches the destination URI in the outgoing call by using voice class ab100:
dial-peer voice 100 voip
destination uri ab100
Related Commands
To specify either the prefix or the full E.164 telephone number to be used for a dial peer, use the destination-pattern command in dial peer configuration mode. To disable the configured prefix or telephone number, use the no form of this command.
destination-pattern [+]string[T]
no destination-pattern [+]string[T]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The command is enabled with a null string.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the destination-pattern command to define the E.164 telephone number for a dial peer.
The pattern you configure is used to match dialed digits to a dial peer. The dial peer is then used to complete the call. When a router receives voice data, it compares the called number (the full E.164 telephone number) in the packet header with the number configured as the destination pattern for the voice-telephony peer. The router then strips out the left-justified numbers that correspond to the destination pattern. If you have configured a prefix, the prefix is prepended to the remaining numbers, creating a dial string that the router then dials. If all numbers in the destination pattern are stripped out, the user receives a dial tone.
There are areas in the world (for example, certain European countries) where valid telephone numbers can vary in length. Use the optional control character T to indicate that a particular destination-pattern value is a variable-length dial string. In this case, the system does not match the dialed numbers until the interdigit timeout value has expired.
Note Cisco IOS software does not verify the validity of the E.164 telephone number; it accepts any series of digits as a valid number.
The following example shows configuration of the E.164 telephone number 555-0179 for a dial peer:
dial-peer voice 10 pots
destination-pattern +5550179
The following example shows configuration of a destination pattern in which the pattern "43" is repeated multiple times preceding the digits "555":
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 555(43)+
The following example shows configuration of a destination pattern in which the preceding digit pattern is repeated multiple times:
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 555%
The following example shows configuration of a destination pattern in which the possible numeric values are between 5550109 and 5550199:
dial-peer voice 3 vofr
destination-pattern 55501[0-9]9
The following example shows configuration of a destination pattern in which the possible numeric values are between 5550439, 5553439, 5555439, 5557439, and 5559439:
dial-peer voice 4 voatm
destination-pattern 555[03579]439
The following example shows configuration of a destination pattern in which the digit-by-digit matching is prevented and the entire string is received:
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 555T
Related Commands
destination-pattern (interface)
To specify the ISDN directory number for the telephone interface, use the destination-pattern command in interface configuration mode. To disable the specified ISDN directory number, use the no form of this command.
destination-pattern isdn
no destination-pattern
Syntax Description
isdn |
Local ISDN directory number assigned by your telephone service provider. |
Command Default
A default ISDN directory number is not defined for this interface.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
12.0(3)T |
This command was introduced on the Cisco 800 series. |
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable to the Cisco 800 series routers.
You must specify this command when creating a dial peer. This command does not work if it is not specified within the context of a dial peer. For information on creating a dial peer, refer to the Cisco 800 Series Routers Software Configuration Guide.
Do not specify an area code with the local ISDN directory number.
The following example specifies 555-0101 as the local ISDN directory number:
destination-pattern 5550101
Related Commands
detect v54 channel-group
To enable V.54 loopback detection for the command sent from the remote device, use the detect v54 channel-group command in controller configuration mode. To disable the V.54 loopback detection, use the no form of this command.
detect v54 channel-group channel-number
no detect v54 channel-group channel-number
Syntax Description
channel-number |
Channel number from 1 to 24 (T1) or from 1 to 31 (E1). |
Command Default
V.54 loopback detection is disabled.
Command Modes
Controller configuration
Command History
12.1(1)T |
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the detect v54 channel-group controller configuration command to enable V.54 loopback detection. The remote device sends a loopup inband payload command sequence in fractional T1 (FT1).
The following example sets the loopback detection for channel-group 1; then the loopback detection is disabled for channel-group 1.
detect v54 channel-group 1
no detect v54 channel-group 1
Related Commands
loopback remote v54 channel-group |
Activates a remote V.54 loopback for the channel group on the far end. |
To identify a gateway associated with a settlement provider, use the device-id command in settlement configuration mode. To reset to the default value, use the no form of this command.
device-id number
no device-id number
Syntax Description
number |
Device ID number as provided by the settlement server. Range is from 0 to 2147483647. |
Command Default
The default device ID is 0
Command Modes
Settlement configuration
Command History
12.0(4)XH1 |
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco AS5300. |
12.1(1)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)T. |
Usage Guidelines
It is optional to identify a gateway associated with a settlement provider.
The following example sets the device ID to 1000:
settlement 0
device-id 1000
Related Commands
customer-id |
Identifies a carrier or Internet service provider with the settlement provider. |
settlement |
Enters settlement configuration mode. |
dhcp interface
To configure an interface type for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provisioning of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) parameters, use the dhcp interface command in SIP user-agent configuration mode.
dhcp interface type number
Syntax Description
Command Default
No interface type is configured for DHCP provisioning of SIP parameters.
Command Modes
SIP user-agent configuration (sip-ua)
Command History
12.4(22)YB |
This command was introduced. |
15.0(1)M |
This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M. |
Usage Guidelines
Multiple interfaces on the Cisco Unified Border Element can be configured with DHCP. The dhcp interface command specifies which one is the DHCP interface used with SIP.
This command does not have a no form.
Table 17 displays the keywords that represent the types of interfaces that can be configured with the dhcp interface command. Replace the type argument with the appropriate keyword from the table.
The following example configures the Gigabit Ethernet interface of slot 0 port 0 as the DHCP interface for DHCP provisioning of SIP parameters:
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address dhcp
Router(config-if)# sip-ua
Router(sip-ua)# dhcp interface gigabitethernet 0/0
Related Commands
show interfaces |
Displays information about interfaces. |
sip-ua |
Enters SIP user-agent configuration mode. |
To specify attributes for the call history table, use the dial-control-mib command in global configuration mode. To restore the default maximum size or retention time of the call history table, use the no form of this command.
dial-control-mib {max-size number | retain-timer number}
no dial-control-mib {max-size number | retain-timer number}
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default call history table length is 50 table entries. The default retain timer is 15 minutes.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
The following example configures the call history table to hold 400 entries, with each entry remaining in the table for 10 minutes:
dial-control-mib max-size 400
dial-control-mib retain-timer 10
dial-peer cor custom
To specify that named class of restrictions (COR) apply to dial peers, use the dial-peer cor custom command in global configuration mode.
dial-peer cor custom
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
No default behavior or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.1(3)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You must use the dial-peer cor custom command and the name command to define the names of capabilities before you can specify COR rules and apply them to specific dial peers.
Examples of possible names might include the following: call1900, call527, call9, and call911.
Note You can define a maximum of 64 COR names.
The following example defines two COR names:
dial-peer cor custom
name 900blackhole
name CatchAll
Related Commands
name (dial peer cor custom) |
Provides a name for a custom COR. |
dial-peer cor list
To define a class of restrictions (COR) list name, use the dial-peer cor list command in global configuration mode. To remove a previously defined COR list name, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer cor list list-name
no dial-peer cor list list-name
Syntax Description
list-name |
List name that is applied to incoming or outgoing calls to specific numbers or exchanges. |
Command Default
No default behavior or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.1(3)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
A COR list defines a capability set that is used in the COR checking between incoming and outgoing dial peers.
The following example adds two members to the COR list named list1:
dial-peer cor list list1
member 900block
member 800_call
Related Commands
dial-peer data
To create a data dial peer and to enter dial-peer configuration mode, use the dial-peer data command in global configuration mode. To remove a data dial peer, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer data tag pots
no dial-peer data tag
Syntax Description
tag |
Specifies the dial-peer identifying number. Range is from 1 to 2147483647. |
pots |
Specifies an incoming POTS dial peer. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
A data dial peer should be defined only for incoming data calls. The incoming called-number and shutdown commands on the data dial peer are allowed. However, the following POTS dial-peer commands are disabled on a data dial peer:
The following example is a data dial peer configuration:
dial-peer data 100 pots
incoming called-number 100
The following example is a voice dial peer configuration:
dial-peer voice 2001 pots
destination-pattern 2001
no digit-strip
port 3/1:1
Related Commands
dial-peer hunt
To specify a hunt selection order for dial peers, use the dial-peer hunt command in global configuration mode. To restore the default selection order, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer hunt hunt-order-number
no dial-peer hunt
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default is the longest match in the phone number, explicit preference, random selection (hunt order number 0).
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the dial-peer hunt dial peer configuration command if you have configured hunt groups. "Longest match in phone number" refers to the destination pattern that matches the greatest number of the dialed digits. "Explicit preference" refers to the preference setting in the dial peer configuration. "Least recent use" refers to the destination pattern that has waited the longest since being selected. "Random selection" weights all of the destination patterns equally in a random selection mode.
This command applies to POTS, VoIP, Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR), Voice over ATM (VoATM), and Multimedia Mail over Internet Protocol (MMOIP) dial peers.
The following example configures the dial peers to hunt in the following order: (1) longest match in phone number, (2) explicit preference, (3) random selection.
dial-peer hunt 0
Related Commands
dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk
To enable incoming SIP line-side calls to use the same dial-peer matching rules as SIP trunk-side calls, use the dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk command in global configuration mode. To revert to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk
no dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Disabled (SIP line-side and SIP trunk-side calls use different dial-peer matching rules).
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
12.4(11)T2 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command applies the same dial-peer matching rules used for calls from SIP trunks to incoming calls from SIP phones (line side). Table 18 shows the rules and the order in which they are applied by default to SIP line-side calls. Table 19 shows the rules and the order in which they are applied to SIP trunk-side calls and to SIP line-side calls when the dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk command is used.
The router compares the dial-peer configuration to the call parameter in its search to match an inbound call to a dial peer. All dial peers are searched based on the first match criteria. The router moves on to the next criteria only if no match is found.
The following example shows SIP line-side calls use the same matching rules as trunk-side calls:
dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk
Related Commands
dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause
To disconnect the incoming ISDN or channel associated signaling (CAS) call when no inbound voice or modem dial peer is matched, use the dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause command in global configuration mode. To restore the default incoming call state (call is forwarded to the dialer), use the no form of this command.
dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause cause-code-number
no dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause cause-code-number
Syntax Description
cause-code-number |
An ISDN cause code number. Range is from 1 to 127. |
Command Default
The call is forwarded to the dialer to handle as a modem call.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.2(13)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
By default, calls are forwarded to the dialer to handle as a modem call when no inbound dial peer is matched. The dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause command changes that behavior to disconnect the incoming ISDN or CAS calls when no inbound voice or modem dial peer is matched.
Refer to the ISDN Cause Values table in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, for a list of ISDN cause codes.
The following example shows that ISDN cause code 47 has been specified to match inbound voice or modem dial peers:
dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause 47
Related Commands
show dial-peer voice |
Displays configuration information for dial peers. |
dial-peer outbound status-check pots
To check the status of outbound POTS dial peers during call setup and to disallow, for that call, any whose status is down, use the dial-peer outbound status-check pots command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable status checking, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer outbound status-check pots
no dial-peer outbound status-check pots
Command Default
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.3 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to disallow, during call setup, outbound POTS dial peers (except those for e-phones) whose endpoints (voice ports or trunk groups) are down.
When the dial-peer outbound status-check pots command is configured, if the voice-port configured under an outbound POTS dial-peer is down, that dial-peer is excluded while matching the corresponding destination-pattern. Therefore, if there are no other matching outbound POTS dial-peers for the specified destination-pattern, the gateway will disconnect the call with a cause code of 1 (Unallocated/unassigned number), which is mapped to the "404 Not Found" SIP response by default. When the no form of this command is configured, the outbound POTS dial-peer is matched even if the voice-port configured under is down and the gateway disconnects the call with a cause code of 34 (No circuit/channel available), which is mapped to the "503 Service Unavailable" SIP response by default.
Note "503 Service Unavailable" was the default behavior before the dial-peer outbound status-check pots command was introduced. Users who need the original behavior should configure the no form of this command.
Table 20 shows conditions under which an outbound POTS dial peer may be up or down.
To show or verify the status (up or down) of all or selected dial peers, use the show dial-peer voice command.
The following examples of output for the related show dial-peer voice command show the status of all or selected dial peers. You can use the dial-peer outbound status-check pots command to disallow the outbound POTS dial peers that are down.
The following example shows a short summary status for all dial peers. Outbound status is displayed in the OUT STAT field. POTS dial peers 31 and 42 are shown as down.
Router# show dial-peer voice summary
dial-peer hunt 0
444 voip up up 0
22 voip up up 0 syst
12 pots up up 5550123 0 up 4/0:15
311 voip up up 0 syst
31 pots up up 5550111 0 down 4/1:15
421 voip up up 5550199 0 syst ipv4:
42 pots up up 0 down
The following example shows the status for dial peer 12. Outbound status is displayed in the Outbound state field. The dial peer is shown as up.
Router# show dial-peer voice 12
peer type = voice, information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 12, destination-pattern = `5550123',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 12, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up, <------- display status
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
The following example shows the status for dial peer 31. Outbound status is displayed in the Outbound state field. The dial peer is listed as down.
Router# show dial-peer voice 31
peer type = voice, information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 31, destination-pattern = `5550111',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 31, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is down, <--------- display status
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
For descriptions of other significant fields shown in these outputs, see the show dial-peer voice command.
Related Commands
show dial-peer voice |
Displays information for voice dial peers. |
dial-peer search type
To optimize voice or data dial-peer searches, use the dial-peer search type command in global configuration mode. To disable the search parameters, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer search type {data voice | voice data | none}
no dial-peer search type
Syntax Description
data |
Searches for data dial peers. |
none |
Searches for all dial peers by order of input. |
voice |
Searches for voice dial peers. |
Command Default
data and voice
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The search defines the search preference explicitly. If the data and voice keywords are specified, data dial peers are searched first. If no data dial peers are found, the voice dial peers are searched.
The following is sample output that shows that data dial peers are searched first. Then voice dial peers are searched if no data dial peers can be matched for an incoming call:
dial-peer search type data voice
The following is sample output that shows that voice dial peers are searched first. Then data dial peers are searched if no voice dial peers can be matched for an incoming call:
dial-peer search type voice data
Related Commands
dial-peer data |
Enable a gateway to process incoming data calls first by assigning the POTS dial peer as data. |
dial-peer terminator
To change the character used as a terminator for variable-length dialed numbers, use the dial-peer terminator command in global configuration mode. To restore the default terminating character, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer terminator character
no dial-peer terminator
Syntax Description
character |
Designates the terminating character for a variable-length dialed number. Valid numbers and characters are #, *, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, and d. The default is #. |
Command Default
The default terminating character is #
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
There are certain areas in the world (for example, in certain European countries) where telephone numbers can vary in length. When a dialed-number string has been identified as a variable length dialed-number, the system does not place a call until the configured value for the timeouts interdigits command has expired or until the caller dials the terminating character. Use the dial-peer terminator global configuration command to change the terminating character.
The following example shows that "9" has been specified as the terminating character for variable-length dialed numbers:
dial-peer terminator 9
Related Commands
dial-peer video
To define a video ATM dial peer for a local or remote video codec, to specify video-related encapsulation, and to enter dial peer configuration mode use the dial-peer video command in global configuration mode. To remove the video dial peer, use the no form of this command.
dial-peer video tag {videocodec | videoatm}
no dial-peer video tag {videocodec | videoatm}
Syntax Description
Command Default
No video dial peer is configured
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.0(5)XK |
This command was introduced for ATM interface configuration on the Cisco MC3810. |
12.0(7)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T. |
Usage Guidelines
The tag value must be unique to the device.
The following example sets up a local video dial peer designated as 10:
dial-peer video 10 videocodec
Related Commands
show dial-peer video |
Displays dial peer video configuration. |
dial-peer voice
To define a particular dial peer, to specify the method of voice encapsulation, and to enter dial peer configuration mode, use the dial-peer voice command in global configuration mode. To delete a defined dial peer, use the no form of this command.
Cisco 1750 and Cisco 1751 Modular Access Routers
dial-peer voice tag {pots | vofr | voip}
no dial-peer voice tag {pots | vofr | voip}
Cisco 2600 Series, Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 3600 Series, and Cisco 3700 Series
dial-peer voice tag {pots | voatm | vofr | voip}
no dial-peer voice tag {pots | voatm | vofr | voip}
Cisco 7200 Series
dial-peer voice tag vofr
no dial-peer voice tag vofr
Cisco 7204VXR and Cisco 7206VXR
dial-peer voice tag {pots | voatm | vofr | voip}
no dial-peer voice tag {pots | voatm | vofr | voip}
Cisco AS5300
dial-peer voice tag {mmoip | pots | vofr | voip}
no dial-peer voice tag {mmoip | pots | vofr | voip}
Syntax Description
Command Default
No dial peer is defined.
No method of voice encapsulation is specified.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the dial-peer voice global configuration command to switch to dial peer configuration mode from global configuration mode and to define a particular dial peer. Use the exit command to exit dial peer configuration mode and return to global configuration mode.
After you have created a dial peer, that dial peer remains defined and active until you delete it. To delete a dial peer, use the no form of this command. To disable a dial peer, use the no shutdown command in dial peer configuration mode.
In store-and-forward fax on the Cisco AS5300, the POTS dial peer defines the inbound faxing line characteristics from the sending fax device to the receiving Cisco AS5300 and the outbound line characteristics from the sending Cisco AS5300 to the receiving fax device. The Multimedia Mail over Internet Protocol (MMoIP) dial peer defines the inbound faxing line characteristics from the Cisco AS5300 to the receiving Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server. This command works with both on-ramp and off-ramp store-and-forward fax functions.
Note On the Cisco AS5300, MMoIP is available only if you have modem ISDN channel aggregation (MICA) technologies modems.
The following example shows how to access dial peer configuration mode and configure a POTS peer identified as dial peer 10 and an MMoIP dial peer identified as dial peer 20:
dial-peer voice 10 pots
dial-peer voice 20 mmoip
The following example deletes the MMoIP peer identified as dial peer 20:
no dial-peer voice 20 mmoip
The following example shows how the dial-peer voice command is used to configure the extended echo canceller. In this instance, pots indicates that this is a POTS peer using VoIP encapsulation on the IP backbone, and it uses the unique numeric identifier tag 133001.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 133001 pots
Related Commands
To specify the type of out-dialing for voice port interfaces, use the dial-type command in voice-port configuration mode. To disable the selected type of dialing, use the no form of this command.
dial-type {dtmf | pulse | mf}
no dial-type
Syntax Description
dtmf |
Dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) touch-tone dialing. |
pulse |
Pulse (rotary) dialing. |
mf |
Multifrequency tone dialing. |
Command Default
DTMF touch-tone dialing
Command Modes
Voice-port configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the dial-type command to specify an out-dialing type for a Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) or E&M voice port interface. This command specifies the tone type for digit detection and out-pulsing. This command is not applicable to Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) voice ports because the ports do not generate out-dialing. This command also specifies the detection direction. Multifrequency tone dialing is not supported for FXS and FXO.
Voice ports can always detect DTMF and pulse signals. This command does not affect voice port dialing detection.
The dial-type command affects out-dialing as configured for the dial peer.
If you are using the dial-type command with E&M Wink Start signaling, use the dtmf or mf option.
SGCP 1.1+ does not support pulse dialing.
The following example shows a voice port configured to support a rotary (pulse tone) dialer:
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1
Router(config-voice-port)# dial-type pulse
The following example shows a voice port configured to support a DTMF (touch-tone) dialer:
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1
Router(config-voice-port)# dial-type dtmf
The following example shows a voice port configured to support a multifrequency tone dialer:
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1
Router(config-voice-port)# dial-type mf
Related Commands
sgcp |
Starts and allocates resources for the SGCP daemon. |
sgcp call-agent |
Defines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent. |
dialer extsig
To configure an interface to initiate and terminate calls using an external signaling protocol, use the dialer extsig command in interface configuration mode. To discontinue control of the interface by the external signaling protocol, use the no form of this command.
dialer extsig
no dialer extsig
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
12.2(2)XB |
This command was introduced. |
12.2(11)T |
The command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T and implemented on the Cisco AS5850. |
Usage Guidelines
This command is used with the Network Access Server Package for Media Gateway Control Protocol feature. Configuring the dialer in-band command is a prerequisite to using this command. The configuration is blocked for profile dialers.
The following example shows output from the dialer extsig command:
Router(config)# interface Dialer1
Router(config-if)# dialer extsig
Related Commands
dialer preemption level
To set the precedence for voice calls to be preempted by a dial-on demand routing (DDR) call for the dialer map, use the dialer preemption level command in map-class dialer configuration mode. To remove the preemption setting, use the no form of this command.
dialer preemption level {flash-override | flash | immediate | priority | routine}
no dialer preemption level {flash-override | flash | immediate | priority | routine}
Syntax Description
Command Default
The preemption level default is routine (lowest).
Command Modes
Map-class dialer configuration
Command History
12.4(4)XC |
This command was introduced. |
12.4(9)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T. |
The following example sets a preemption level of priority (level 3) for the dialer map-class dial1.
Router(config)# map-class dialer dial1
Router(config-map-class)# dialer preemption level priority
Related Commands
dialer trunkgroup
To define the dial-on-demand trunk group label for the dialer interface, use the dialer trunkgroup command in map-class dialer configuration mode. To remove the trunk group label, use the no form of this command.
dialer trunkgroup label
no dialer trunkgroup label
Syntax Description
label |
Unique name for the dialer interface trunk group. Valid names contain a maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters. |
Command Default
No dialer trunk group is defined.
Command Modes
Map-class dialer configuration
Command History
12.4(4)XC |
This command was introduced. |
12.4(9)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T. |
The following example creates a trunk group named 20 for dialer map-class dial1.
Router(config)# map-class dialer dial1
Router(config-map-class)# dialer trunkgroup 20
Related Commands
To designate the number of digits for SCCP telephony control (STC) application feature speed-dial codes, use the digit command in STC application feature speed-dial configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.
digit number
no digit
Syntax Description
number |
Number of digits for speed-dial codes. Values are 1 or 2. Default is 1. |
Command Default
The default number of digits is 1.
Command Modes
STC application feature speed-dial configuration
Command History
12.4(6)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command is used with the STC application, which enables features on analog FXS endpoints that use Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) for call control.
This command determines the number of digits that can be configured for speed-dial codes using the speed dial and voicemail commands. Use this command only if you want to change the number of digits from its default, which is 1. If you modify the value of this command, the speed dial and voicemail commands are reset to their defaults. If you set the value to 2 and then try to configure a single-digit speed-dial code, the system converts the speed-dial code into two digits.
Note that the phone numbers that are stored with various speed-dial codes are configured on the call-control device, such as Cisco CallManager or a Cisco CallManager Express router.
The following example sets the number of digits for speed-dial codes to two. It also sets a speed-dial prefix of one pound sign (#) and a speed-dial code range from 5 to 25. After these values are configured, a phone user presses #10 on the keypad to dial the number that was stored with code 10.
Router(config)# stcapp feature speed-dial
Router(stcapp-fsd)# prefix #
Router(stcapp-fsd)# digit 2
Router(stcapp-fsd)# speed dial from 5 to 25
Related Commands
To enable digit stripping on a plain old telephone service (POTS) dial-peer call leg, use the digit-strip command in dial peer configuration mode. To disable digit stripping on the dial-peer call leg, use the no form of this command.
no digit-strip
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Digit stripping is enabled.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The digit-strip command is supported on POTS dial peers only.
When a called number is received and matched to a POTS dial peer, the matched digits are stripped and the remaining digits are forwarded to the voice interface.
Table 21 lists a series of dial peers configured with a specific destination pattern and shows the longest matched number after the digit is stripped based on the dial string 408 555-3048.
Table 22 lists a series of dial peers configured with a specific destination pattern and shows the number after the digit strip based on the dial string 408 555-3048 and the different dial-peer symbols applied.
The following example disables digit stripping on a POTS dial peer:
dial-peer voice 100 pots
no digit-strip
Related Commands
To specify the digital filter to be used before the voice packet is sent from the digital signal processor (DSP) to the network, use the digital-filter command in voice-class configuration mode. To remove the digital filter, use the no form of this command.
digital-filter {1950hz | 2175hz}
no digital-filter {1950hz | 2175hz}
Syntax Description
1950hz |
Filter out 1950 Hz frequency. |
2175hz |
Filter out 2175 Hz frequency. |
Command Default
Digital filtering is disabled.
Command Modes
Voice-class configuration
Command History
12.3(4)XD |
This command was introduced. |
12.3(7)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T. |
Usage Guidelines
The digital-filter command has an effect on an ear and mouth (E&M) voice port only if the signal type for that port is Land Mobile Radio (LMR). The digital filter improves voice quality by preventing transmission of the guard tone with the voice packet from the LMR system to the VoIP network. The guard tone is configured with the inject guard-tone command. The digital filter can be configured to filter out either 2175 Hz or 1950 Hz. Only one of these frequencies can be filtered out at a time. Filtering is performed by the DSP.
The following example specifies that 1950 Hz guard tone be filtered out of the voice packet before it is sent from the DSP to the network:
voice class tone-signal mytones
digital-filter 1950hz
Related Commands
inject guard-tone |
Plays out a guard tone with the voice packet. |
To enable the direct inward dialing (DID) call treatment for an incoming called number, use the direct-inward-dial command in dial peer configuration mode. To disable DID on the dial peer, use the no form of this command.
no direct-inward-dial
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the direct-inward-dial command to enable the DID call treatment for an incoming called number. When this feature is enabled, the incoming call is treated as if the digits were received from the DID trunk. The called number is used to select the outgoing dial peer. No dial tone is presented to the caller.
Use the no form of this command to disable DID on the dial peer. When disabled, the called number is used to select the outgoing dial peer. The caller is prompted for a called number via dial tone.
This command is applicable only to plain old telephone service (POTS) dial peers. This command applies to on-ramp store-and-forward fax functions.
The following example enables DID call treatment for the incoming called number:
dial-peer voice 10 pots