- A
- B
- cac master through call application stats
- call application voice through call denial
- call fallback through called-number (dial peer)
- caller-id (dial peer) through ccm-manager switchover-to-backup
- ccs connect (controller) through clear vsp statistics
- clid through credentials (sip-ua)
- default (auto-config application) through direct-inward-dial
- disable-early-media through dualtone
- E
- F
- G
- H
- icpif through irq global-request
- isdn bind-l3 through ixi transport http
- K
- L
- map q850-cause through mgcp package-capability
- mgcp persistent through mmoip aaa send-id secondary
- mode (ATM/T1/E1 controller) through mwi-server
- N
- O
- package through pattern
- periodic-report interval through proxy h323
- Q
- R
- sccp through service-type call-check
- session through sgcp tse payload
- show aal2 profile through show call filter match-list
- show call history fax through show debug condition
- show dial-peer through show gatekeeper zone prefix
- show gateway through show modem relay statistics
- show mrcp client session active through show sip dhcp
- show sip service through show trunk hdlc
- show vdev through show voice statistics memory-usage
- show voice trace through shutdown (voice-port)
- signal through srv version
- ss7 mtp2-variant through switchover method
- target carrier-id through timeout tsmax
- timeouts call-disconnect through timing clear-wait
- timing delay-duration through type (voice)
- U
- vad (dial peer) through voice-class sip encap clear-channel
- voice-class sip error-code-override through vxml version 2.0
- W
- Z
- show gateway
- show h323 calls preserved
- show h323 gateway
- show h323 gateway prefixes
- show http client cache
- show http client connection
- show http client cookie
- show http client history
- show http client secure status
- show http client statistics
- show interface dspfarm
- show interfaces cable-modem
- show iua as
- show iua asp
- show media resource status
- show mediacard
- show mgcp
- show mgcp connection
- show mgcp endpoint
- show mgcp nas
- show mgcp profile
- show mgcp srtp
- show mgcp statistics
- show modem relay statistics
show gateway
To display the current status of the gateway, use the show gateway command in privileged EXEC mode.
show gateway
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
The following sample output shows the report that appears when the gateway is not registered with a gatekeeper:
Router# show gateway
Gateway gateway1 is not registered to any gatekeeper
Gateway alias list
H323-ID gateway1
H323 resource thresholding is Enabled but NOT Active
H323 resource threshold values:
DSP: Low threshold 60, High threshold 70
DS0: Low threshold 60, High threshold 70
This following sample output indicates that an E.164 address has been assigned to the gateway:
Router# show gateway
Gateway gateway1 is registered to Gatekeeper gk1
Gateway alias list
E.164 Number 5551212
H323-ID gateway1
The following sample output shows the report that appears when the gateway is registered with a gatekeeper and H.323 resource threshold reporting is enabled with the resource threshold command:
Router# show gateway
Gateway gateway1 is registered to Gatekeeper gk1
Gateway alias list
H323-ID gateway1
H323 resource thresholding is Enabled and Active
H323 resource threshold values:
DSP: Low threshold 60, High threshold 70
DS0: Low threshold 60, High threshold 70
The following sample output shows the report that appears when the gateway is registered with a gatekeeper and H.323 resource threshold reporting is disabled with the no resource threshold command:
Router# show gateway
Gateway gateway1 is registered to Gatekeeper gk1
Gateway alias list
H323-ID gateway1
H323 resource thresholding is Disabled
Field descriptions should be self-explanatory.
Related Commands
resource threshold |
Configures a gateway to report H.323 resource availability to the gatekeeper of the gateway. |
show h323 calls preserved
To display data about active H.323 VoIP preserved calls, use the show h323 calls preserved command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show h323 calls preserved
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.4(4)XC |
This command was introduced. |
12.4(9)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T. |
Usage Guidelines
The show h323 calls preserved command displays data per preserved call. Only active calls are displayed; preserved call history is not.
If translation rules are configured, the value displayed in the "Calling Number" field may have been translated by a gateway. Gateways handle called number values as the numbers to which calls are routed.
The "CallID" field displays the shorter form of the 16-octet, globally-unique connection ID that is allocated for each call leg. The show call active voice brief command also displays a shorter form of the CallID value (part of the third octet and the fourth octet). The longer form of the CallID value is output by the show call active voice command.
The CallID value can be used to refer to a call leg associated with the CallID when issuing other voice commands on the gateway, such as the show voice call status command and the clear call voice command.
An output value of -1 displayed in the "H225 FD" or "H245 FD" field denotes that the call was preserved due to an error detected on the H.225.0 connection. The actual H.225.0 socket file descriptor used for this call can be found from the syslog message that was output when this call was preserved.
To obtain more information about a call, you can also use the show call active voice command. Calls can be cleared with the clear call voice causecode command.
The following is sample output from the show h323 calls preserved command where one active call is preserved:
Router# show h323 calls preserved
CallID = 11EC , Calling Number = , Called Number = 3210000 , RemoteSignallingIPAddress= , RemoteSignallingPort=49760 , RemoteMediaIPAddress= , RemoteMediaPort=17910 , Preserved Duration = 262 , Total Duration = 562 , H225 FD = -1 , H245 FD = -1
Table 111 provides an alphabetical listing of the fields displayed in the output of the show h323 calls preserved command and a description of each field.
Table 111
show h323 calls preserved Field Descriptions
Related Commands
show h323 gateway
To display statistics for H.323 gateway messages that have been sent and received and to display the reasons for which H.323 calls have been disconnected, use the show h323 gateway command in privileged EXEC mode.
show h323 gateway [cause-code stats | h225 | ras]
Syntax Description
Command Default
To display statistics for all the options, use this command without any of the optional keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.2(4)T |
This command was introduced on Cisco H.323 platforms except for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850. |
In the following example from a Cisco 3640 router, this command is used without keywords to display the statistics for all the options. See Table 112, Table 113, and Table 114 for descriptions of the fields.
Router# show h323 gateway
H.323 STATISTICS AT 01:45:55
Setup 0 5477 0
Setup confirm 5424 0 0
Alert 2734 0 0
Progress 2701 0 0
Call proceeding 5477 0 0
Notify 0 0 0
Info 0 0 0
User Info 0 0 0
Facility 2732 0 0
Release 5198 5313 241
Reject 0 0 0
Passthrough 0 0 0
H225 establish timeout 0
RAS failed 0
H245 failed 0
GK Discovery grq 0 gcf 0 grj 0
Registration rrq 130 rcf 130 rrj 0
Admission arq 5477 acf 5477 arj 0
Bandwidth brq 0 bcf 0 brj 0
Disengage drq 5439 dcf 5439 drj 0
Unregister urq 0 ucf 0 urj 0
Resource Avail rai 0 rac 0
Req In Progress rip 0
GK Discovery grq 0 gcf 0 grj 0
Registration rrq 0 rcf 0 rrj 0
Admission arq 0 acf 0 arj 0
Bandwidth brq 0 bcf 0 brj 0
Disengage drq 0 dcf 0 drj 0
Unregister urq 0 ucf 0 urj 0
Resource Avail rai 0 rac 0
Req In Progress rip 0
16 normal call clearing 66 5325
31 normal, unspecified 1 0
34 no circuit 31 0
41 temporary failure 3 0
44 no requested circuit 13 0
In the following example from a Cisco 3640 router, this command is used with the cause-code stats keyword to display the disconnect cause codes that the H.323 subsystem has received. A disconnect can originate either from the far-end gateway or from the opposite call leg on the local gateway. Only the nonzero cause-code counts are displayed.
Router# show h323 gateway cause-code stats
16 normal call clearing 66 4976
31 normal, unspecified 1 0
34 no circuit 31 0
41 temporary failure 3 0
44 no requested circuit 13 0
Table 112 describes significant fields shown in this output
In the following example from a Cisco 3640 router, this command is used with the h225 keyword to display the cumulative counts of the number of H.225 messages that were sent and received since the counters were last cleared.
Each row shows the sent, received, and failed counts for one type of H.225 request. If the counters have not been cleared, total counts are shown for the router since it was last reloaded.
Router# show h323 gateway h225
H.225 STATISTICS AT 00:44:57
Setup 1654 0 0
Setup confirm 0 1654 0
Alert 0 828 0
Progress 0 826 0
Call proceeding 0 1654 0
Notify 0 0 0
Info 0 0 0
User Info 0 0 0
Facility 0 828 0
Release 1613 9 1
Reject 0 0 0
Passthrough 0 0 0
H225 establish timeout 0
RAS failed 1
H245 failed 0
Table 113 describes significant fields shown in this output.
In the following example from a Cisco 3640 router, this command is used with the ras keyword to display the counters for Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) messages that were sent to the gatekeeper and received from the gatekeeper. With the exception of the Resource Avail and Req In Progress messages, each RAS message has three variations: a request message, a confirm message, and a reject message. For example, for the Admission message type, there is an Admission Request (arq) message, an Admission Confirm (acf) message, and an Admission Reject (arj) message. The gateway sends the arq message, and the gatekeeper responds with either an acf or an arj message, depending on whether the gatekeeper confirms or rejects the admission request.
Each of the two tables that follow lists the same message types, with each row showing a different message type. The first table shows the requests sent, the confirms received, and the rejects received. The second table shows the requests received, the confirms sent, and the rejects sent. Some rows in the second table would apply only to the gatekeeper (for example, a gateway would never receive a Registration Request (rrq) message, send a Registration Confirmation (rcf) message, or send a Registration Rejection (rrj) message).
Router# show h323 gateway ras
GK Discovery grq 3 gcf 1 grj 0
Registration rrq 73 rcf 73 rrj 0
Admission arq 3216 acf 3215 arj 1
Bandwidth brq 0 bcf 0 brj 0
Disengage drq 3174 dcf 3174 drj 0
Unregister urq 0 ucf 0 urj 0
Resource Avail rai 0 rac 0
Req In Progress rip 0
GK Discovery grq 0 gcf 0 grj 0
Registration rrq 0 rcf 0 rrj 0
Admission arq 0 acf 0 arj 0
Bandwidth brq 0 bcf 0 brj 0
Disengage drq 0 dcf 0 drj 0
Unregister urq 0 ucf 0 urj 0
Resource Avail rai 0 rac 0
Req In Progress rip 0
Table 114 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show h323 gateway prefixes |
Displays the status of the destination-pattern database and the status of the individual destination patterns. |
show h323 gateway prefixes
To display the status of the destination-pattern database and the status of the individual destination patterns, use the show h323 gateway prefixes command in privileged EXEC mode.
show h323 gateway prefixes
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.2(15)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the show h323 gateway prefixes command to display the destination patterns from the active plain old telephone service (POTS) dial peers, the current state of the destination pattern (whether they have been sent to or acknowledged by the gatekeeper), and whether advertisement of dynamic prefixes is enabled on the gateway.
The following command displays the status of the gateway's destination-pattern database:
Router# show h323 gateway prefixes
GK Supports Additive RRQ : True
GW Additive RRQ Support Enabled : True
Pattern Database Status : Active
Destination Active
Pattern Status Dial-Peers
Table 115 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show h323 gateway |
Displays statistics for H.323 gateway messages that have been sent and received and the reasons for which H.l323 calls have been disconnected. |
show http client cache
To display information about the entries contained in the HTTP client cache, use the show http client cache command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show http client cache [brief]
Syntax Description
brief |
(Optional) Displays summary information about the HTTP client cache. |
Command Modes
User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
For more information on HTTP caching, see the specification on which it is based: RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1, June 1999, IETF.
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show http client cache
HTTP Client cached information
Maximum memory pool allowed for HTTP Client caching = 100000 K-bytes
Maximum file size allowed for caching = 10 K-bytes
Total memory used up for Cache = 18837 Bytes
Message response timeout = 10 secs
Total cached entries = 5
Total non-cached entries = 0
Cached entries
Cached table entry 167, number of cached entries = 2
Request URL Ref FreshTime Age Size
----------- --- --------- --- ----
abc.com/vxml/menu.vxml 0 20 703 319
abc.com/vxml/opr.vxml 0 647424 646 2772
Cached table entry 171, number of cached entries = 1
Request URL Ref FreshTime Age Size
----------- --- --------- --- ----
onlineshop.com/catalog/advance.vxml 0 69077 1297649 3453
Cached table entry 172, number of cached entries = 1
Request URL Ref FreshTime Age Size
----------- --- --------- --- ----
theater.com/vxml/menu_main.vxml 0 86400 1297661 8734
Cached table entry 176, number of cached entries = 1
Request URL Ref FreshTime Age Size
----------- --- --------- --- ----
popcorn.com/menu/selection.vxml 1 20 7 3559
In the following example, the set http client cache stale command was used to set all the entries in the HTTP client cache to stale. Stale entries are indicated by a pound sign (#) next to the Age field.
Router# show http client cache
HTTP Client cached information
Maximum memory pool allowed for HTTP Client caching = 20000 K-bytes
Maximum file size allowed for caching = 1000 K-bytes
Total memory used up for Cache = 37758 Bytes
Message response timeout = 10 secs
Total cached entries = 7
Total non-cached entries = 0
Cached entries
entry 142, 1 entries
Ref FreshTime Age Size context
--- --------- --- ---- -------
0 30 53233 # 486 63D8FCC4
url: http://goa/TEST1.vxml
entry 145, 1 entries
Ref FreshTime Age Size context
--- --------- --- ---- -------
1 4001998 53218 # 151 0
url: http://win2003/TEST2.vxml
entry 157, 1 entries
Ref FreshTime Age Size context
--- --------- --- ---- -------
1 30 28 # 185 0
url: http://goa/TEST3.vxml
entry 164, 1 entries
Ref FreshTime Age Size context
--- --------- --- ---- -------
1 2231127 53233 # 1183 0
url: http://goa/audio/en_welcome.au
entry 166, 2 entries
Ref FreshTime Age Size context
--- --------- --- ---- -------
1 2231127 53233 # 4916 0
url: http://goa/audio/en_one.au
1 2231127 53229 # 4500 0
url: http://goa/audio/en_three.au
entry 169, 1 entries
Ref FreshTime Age Size context
--- --------- --- ---- -------
1 2231127 53229 # 7224 0
url: http://goa/audio/en_two.au
Table 116 describes the fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show http client connection
To display the current configuration values for HTTP client connections to HTTP servers, use the show http client connection command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show http client connection
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
In this command, the values for the following commands are shown:
•http client connection idle timeout as "connection idle timeout"
•http client connection persistent as "persistent connection"
•http client connection timeout as "initial socket connection timeout"
Note For more information on HTTP caching, see the specification on which it is based: RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1, June 1999, IETF.
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show http client connection
HTTP Client Connections:
Persistent connection = enabled
Initial socket connection timeout = 10 secs
Connection idle timeout = 60 secs
Total HTTP server connections = 0
Table 117 describes the fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show http client cookie
To display cookies that are stored by the HTTP client, use the show http client cookie command in privileged EXEC mode.
show http client cookie [id call-id]
Syntax Description
id call-id |
(Optional) Displays cookies for the specified call only. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.3(8)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the call-id argument to display cookies for a specific call; otherwise, this command displays cookies for all calls. Cookies are stored only for the duration of a call. When a call terminates, all associated cookies are deleted. If you use the call-id argument and the call is not active, cookies are not displayed and an error message indicates that the call is not active.
Use the show call active voice brief command to display the call-id for an active call.
The following is sample output from the show http client cookie command:
Router# show http client cookie id 144567
HTTP Client Cookies
TestCookieY==password Path=/ Domain=.cisco.com
TestCookieX==username Path=/ Domain=.cisco.com
The output lists the name, path, and domain of the cookie. Field descriptions should be self-explanatory.
Related Commands
show http client history
To display a list of the last 20 requests made by the HTTP client to the server, use the show http client history command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show http client history
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
For more information on HTTP caching, see the specification on which it is based: RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1, June 1999, IETF.
The following is sample output from this command, showing the most recent GET and POST requests from the HTTP client to the server:
Router# show http client history
POST http://banks.com/servlets/account
GET http://banks.com/GetDigit.vxml
GET http://banks.com/form.vxml
GET http://onlineshop.com/menu.vxml
POST http://onlineshop.com/servlets/order
GET http://weather.com/servlets/weather?city=SanFrancisco&state=CA
Output shows only requests. There are no field headings.
Related Commands
show http client secure status
To display the trustpoint and cipher suites that are configured in the HTTP client, use the show http client secure status command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show http client secure status
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.4(15)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command displays the trustpoint and cipher suites configured in the HTTP client by the http client secure-trustpoint and http client secure-ciphersuite commands.
The following sample output shows that the trustpoint myca has all five cipher suites configured:
Router# show http client secure status
HTTP Client Secure Ciphersuite: rc4-128-md5 rc4-128-sha 3des-cbc-sha des-cbc-sha null-md5 HTTP Client Secure Trustpoint: myca
Table 118 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
http client secure-trustpoint |
Declares the trustpoint that the HTTP client will use. |
http client secure-ciphersuite |
Sets the secure encryption cipher suite for the HTTP client. |
show http client statistics
To display information about the communication between the HTTP server and the client, use the show http client statistics command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show http client statistics
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
12.4(15)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the data displayed by this command to determine whether the network topology between the HTTP server and client is properly designed and configured. To reset to zero all the counters that collect the information this command displays, use the clear http client statistics command.
The following sample output from this command shows statistics about the communication between the HTTP server and client:
Router# show http client statistics
HTTP Client Statistics:
Elapsed time: 759962960 msec
Load Count:
total load count = 6899220
total byte count = 26028731394
largest file size = 624742 bytes
smallest file size = 374 bytes
Server Response Time to Connect:
longest response to connect = 10484 msec
shortest response to connect = 24 msec
Server Response Time to Load:
longest response to load = 11936 msec
shortest response to load = 20 msec
File Load Time from Server:
longest load time = 13124 msec
shortest load time = 56 msec
Server Connection Count:
max connections = 23
established connections = 6901185
Load Rate:
1 hour : 123300000 bytes
1 min : 2055000 bytes
1 sec : 34250 bytes
1 msec : 34.25 bytes
Individual Counts:
app_requests = 8538451 app_callbacks = 8538451
200_OK_rsp = 8512959 other_rsp = 0
total_errors = 25492 client_timeouts = 25470
client_errs = 0 connect_errs/_timeouts = 7
msg_decode_errs = 0 msg_encode_errs = 0
msg_xmit_errs = 15 write_Q_full = 0
socket_rcv_errs = 0 supported_method_errs = 0
retries = 4645 late_responses = 0
out_of_memory = 0 mem_reallocs = 1206
msg_malloced = 0 event_malloced = 45
cache_freed_by_ager = 1565
Table 116 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show interface dspfarm
To display digital-signal-processor (DSP) information on the two-port T1/E1 high-density port adapter for the Cisco 7200 series, use the show interface dspfarm command in privileged EXEC mode.
show interface dspfarm [slot/port] dsp [number] [long | short]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.0(5)XE |
This command was introduced on the Cisco 7200 series. |
12.1(1)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)T. |
Usage Guidelines
You can display the local time-division-multiplexing (TDM) cross-connect map by using the following form of this command: show interface dspfarm <x/y | x/y/z> dsp tdm..
The following is sample output from this command for port adapter slot 0 of chassis slot 3 on a Cisco 7200 series router:
Router# show interface dspfarm 3/0
DSPfarm3/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is VXC-2T1/E1
MTU 256 bytes, BW 12000 Kbit, DLY 0 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 4/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation VOICE, loopback not set
C549 DSP Firmware Version:MajorRelease.MinorRelease (BuildNumber)
DSP Boot Loader:255.255 (255)
DSP Application:4.0 (3)
Medium Complexity Application:3.2 (5)
High Complexity Application:3.2 (5)
Total DSPs 30, DSP0-DSP29, Jukebox DSP id 30
Down DSPs:none
Total sig channels 120 used 24, total voice channels 120 used 0
0 active calls, 0 max active calls, 0 total calls
30887 rx packets, 0 rx drops, 30921 tx packets, 0 tx frags
0 curr_dsp_tx_queued, 29 max_dsp_tx_queued
Last input never, output never, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Queueing strategy:fifo
Output queue 0/0, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
5 minute input rate 13000 bits/sec, 94 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 193000 bits/sec, 94 packets/sec
30887 packets input, 616516 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
30921 packets output, 7868892 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Table 120 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show interfaces |
Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server. |
show interfaces cable-modem
To display statistics for all interfaces configured on the cable modem port and to define Hybrid Fiber-Coax (HFC) statistics on the modem, use the show interfaces cable-modem command in privileged EXEC mode.
show interfaces cable-modem port
Syntax Description
port |
The port number. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.4(11)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command can be used to define the HFC state on the modem.
The following example shows the HFC state on the modem. The resulting output varies, depending on the network for which an interface has been configured.
Router# show interfaces cable-modem 0/1/0
cable-modem0/1/0 is up, line protocol is up
HFC state is OPERATIONAL, HFC MAC address is 00d0.59e1.2073
Hardware is Cable modem, address is 0014.f26d.10b2 (bia 0014.f26d.10b2)
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 6470 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 247/255, rxload 246/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:00, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:07:03
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 83594
Queueing strategy: Class-based queueing
Output queue: 61/1000/64/83594 (size/max total/threshold/drops)
Conversations 2/5/256 (active/max active/max total)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)
Available Bandwidth 232 kilobits/sec
30 second input rate 2581000 bits/sec, 987 packets/sec
30 second output rate 1585000 bits/sec, 639 packets/sec
HFC input: 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 unknown protocols 0 flow control discards
HFC output: 0 errors, 0 discards
304582 packets input, 105339474 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 1 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
0 input packets with dribble condition detected
228195 packets output, 78392605 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets
0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Table 121describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The HFC state is the Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) state for the cable modem connection to the cable modem termination system (CMTS). Table 122 describes HFC state values.
Table 123 lists input error descriptions.
Table 124 lists output error descriptions.
Related Commands
show interfaces |
Displays statistics for all interfaces. |
show iua as
To display information about the current condition of an application server (AS), use the show iua as command in privileged EXEC mode.
show iua as {all | name as-name}
Syntax Description
all |
Output displays information about all configured ASs. |
name as-name |
Name of a particular AS. Output displays information about just that AS. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show iua as all command to find the failover timer value. You need to know the current failover timer value before you changeit to fit your application.
The following sample output from this command shows that the current state of the AS (as1) is active and that there are four PRI interfaces configured to use this AS:
Router# show iua as all
Name of AS :as1
Total num of ASPs configured :2
Current state : ACTIVE
Active ASP :asp1
Number of ASPs up :1
Fail-Over time : 4000 milliseconds
Local address list :
Local port:2139
Interface IDs registered with this AS
Interface ID
0 (Dchannel0)
3 (Dchannel3)
2 (Dchannel2)
1 (Dchannel1)
Table 125 describes significant fields shown in the output.
Related Commands
show iua asp
To display information about the current condition of an application server process (ASP), use the show iua asp command in privileged EXEC mode.
show iua asp {all | name asp-name}
Syntax Description
all |
Displays information about all configured ASPs. |
name asp-name |
Name of a particular ASP. Displays information about just that ASP. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following typical output for the show iua asp all command shows that the current state of the ASP (asp1) is active. This command also gives information about the SCTP association being used by this ASP.
Router# show iua asp all
Name of ASP :asp1
Current State of ASP:ASP-Active
Current state of underlying SCTP Association IUA_ASSOC_ESTAB , assoc id 0
SCTP Association information :
Local Receive window :9000
Remote Receive window :9000
Primary Dest address requested by IUA
Effective Primary Dest address
Remote address list :
Remote Port :9900
Statistics :
Invalid SCTP signals Total :0 Since last 0
SCTP Send failures :0
Table 126 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show media resource status
To display the current media resource status, use the show media resource status command in privileged EXEC mode.
show media resource status
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.3(8)T |
This command was introduced. |
The following example displays the current media resource status:
Router# show media resource status
Resource Providers:
Resource Provider ID :: FLEX_DSPRM Status :: REGISTERED
Service Profiles
MTP ::
Applications :
Application ID : SCCP, Status : REGISTERED
Table 127 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show mediacard
To display configuration information about media card conferencing, transcoding, Media Termination Points (MTPs) and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), use the show mediacard command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mediacard slot [conference | connections | dsp number]
Syntax Description
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display media card status, statistics, and configuration information.
The following is sample output for the show mediacard command:
Router# show mediacard 3
Media Card 3: WS-SVC-CMM-ACT
Service: Adhoc/Meetme conference and MTP/Transcoding
DSP image version (all DSPs): 1.1(06), build: 1.1(06)
DSP status:
DSP 1 | DSP 2 | DSP 3 | DSP 4
alive | alive | alive | alive
Total 128 DSP channels, 1 active
Resource pools | DSPs | Used by Active profile
Pool1 | 2 | 1
Pool2 | 1 |
Pool3 | 1 | 2
Router# show mediacard 3 dsp 3
DSP image version (all DSPs): 1.1(06), build: 1.1(06)
Card DSP status Chan status RxPkts TxPkts
3 3 alive 1 idle - -
2 idle - -
3 idle - -
4 idle - -
5 idle - -
6 idle - -
7 idle - -
8 idle - -
9 idle - -
10 idle - -
11 idle - -
12 idle - -
13 idle - -
14 idle - -
15 idle - -
16 idle - -
17 idle - -
18 idle - -
19 idle - -
20 idle - -
21 idle - -
22 idle - -
23 idle - -
24 idle - -
25 idle - -
26 idle - -
27 idle - -
28 idle - -
29 idle - -
30 idle - -
31 idle - -
32 idle - -
Total 32 DSP channels, 0 active
Router# show mediacard conference
Id Slot/ RxPkts TxPkts RPort SPort Remote-Ip
0 2/4/1 32024 16498 27004 27020
0 2/4/2 17368 17192 17582 17583
0 2/4/3 21904 16990 26155 26168
Total: 3
Router# show mediacard connections
Id Type Slot/ RxPkts TxPkts RPort SPort Remote-Ip
0 conf 3/4/1 24028 16552 0 0
Total: 1
Router# show mediacard connections
Id Type Slot/ RxPktsTxPktsRPort SPort Remote-Ip
0 mtp 3/1/1 16544 16488 1046 1046
0 mtp 3/1/2 19396 19662 1046 1046
0 mtp 3/1/3 17562 20122 626 626
0 mtp 3/1/4 17488 17328 626 626
Table 128 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
debug mediacard |
Displays debugging information for DSPRM. |
show mgcp
To display values for Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) parameters, use the show mgcp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp [connection | endpoint | nas {dump slot port chan-number | info} | notify-entity | profile [name] | statistics]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command provides high-level administrative information about the values configured for MGCP parameters on the router. For more specific information, use one of the optional keywords.
Use the show mgcp command to display SSE and SPRT parameters that have been configured to enable modem relay between IP secure telephone equipment (STE) and STE. The parameters are displayed only when the modem relay STE (mdste) package has been enabled using the mgcp package-capability mdste-package command.
Use the show mgcp endpoint command to display a list of MGCP endpoint responses when the configuring Media Gateway Control Protocol Basic Rate Interface Backhaul Signaling with Cisco CallManager feature.
The BRI endpoints are displayed in a similar manner to the way analog (Plain Old Telephone service) endpoints are displayed. The existing functions used for the analog endpoints are invoked. This display is independent of the platforms; hence the changes are required in the common code only.
This command checks for all the allocated "htsp_info_t" structures. These structures store information corresponding to all the endpoints. These structures are allocated only during system startup time. The structures are allocated for all the interfaces present, but the "vtsp_sdb_t" structure is allocated only for the first channel of the BRI port.
Since the endpoints that use the Media Gateway Control Protocol Application (MGCPAPP) as the application layer have to be displayed, the endpoints are displayed even if MGCPAPP is the only application being used by the endpoint. Because the MGCPAPP is shared across both the BRI channels and is port specific, both ports are displayed.
The following is partial sample output from the show mgcp command when the mdste modem relay package has been enabled:
Router# show mgcp
MGCP Admin State ACTIVE, Oper State ACTIVE - Cause Code NONE
MGCP call-agent: 3460 Initial protocol service is MGCP 0.1
MGCP validate call-agent source-ipaddr DISABLED
MGCP block-newcalls DISABLED
MGCP send SGCP RSIP: forced/restart/graceful/disconnected DISABLED
MGCP quarantine mode discard/step
MGCP quarantine of persistent events is ENABLED
MGCP dtmf-relay for VoIP disabled for all codec types
MGCP dtmf-relay for VoAAL2 disabled for all codec types
MGCP voip modem passthrough mode: NSE, codec: g711ulaw, redundancy: DISABLED,
MGCP voaal2 modem passthrough disabled
MGCP voip nse modem relay: Disabled
MGCP voip mdste modem relay: Enabled
SPRT rx v14 hold time: 50 (ms), SPRT tx v14 hold count: 16,
SPRT tx v14 hold time: 20 (ms), SPRT Retries: 12
SSE redundancy interval: 20 (ms), SSE redundancy packet: 3,
SSE t1 timer: 1000 (ms), SSE retries: 3
MGCP TSE payload: 100
MGCP T.38 Named Signalling Event (NSE) response timer: 200
MGCP Network (IP/AAL2) Continuity Test timer: 200
MGCP 'RTP stream loss' timer: 5
MGCP request timeout 500
MGCP maximum exponential request timeout 4000
MGCP gateway port: 2427, MGCP maximum waiting delay 20000
MGCP restart delay 0, MGCP vad DISABLED
MGCP system resource check DISABLED
MGCP xpc-codec: DISABLED, MGCP persistent hookflash: DISABLED
MGCP persistent offhook: ENABLED, MGCP persistent onhook: DISABLED
MGCP piggyback msg ENABLED, MGCP endpoint offset DISABLED
MGCP simple-sdp ENABLED
MGCP undotted-notation DISABLED
MGCP codec type g711ulaw, MGCP packetization period 20
MGCP JB threshold lwm 30, MGCP JB threshold hwm 150
MGCP LAT threshold lwm 150, MGCP LAT threshold hwm 300
MGCP PL threshold lwm 1000, MGCP PL threshold hwm 10000
MGCP CL threshold lwm 1000, MGCP CL threshold hwm 10000
MGCP playout mode is adaptive 60, 4, 200 in msec
MGCP Fax Playout Buffer is 300 in msec
MGCP media (RTP) dscp: ef, MGCP signaling dscp: af31
MGCP default package: line-package
MGCP supported packages: gm-package dtmf-package mf-package trunk-package
line-package hs-package rtp-package script-package ms-package
dt-package mo-package mt-package sst-package mdr-package
fxr-package pre-package mdste-package srtp-package tone-package
MGCP Digit Map matching order: shortest match
SGCP Digit Map matching order: always left-to-right
MGCP VoAAL2 ignore-lco-codec DISABLED
MGCP T.38 Max Fax Rate is DEFAULT
MGCP T.38 Fax NSF Override is DISABLED
MGCP T.38 Fax Low Speed Redundancy: 0
MGCP T.38 Fax High Speed Redundancy: 0
MGCP control bind :DISABLED
MGCP media bind :DISABLED
MGCP Upspeed payload type for G711ulaw: 0, G711alaw: 8
MGCP Dynamic payload type for G.726-16K codec
MGCP Dynamic payload type for G.726-24K codec
MGCP Dynamic payload type for G.Clear codec
The following sample output displays the status of media source checking and the gateway role:
Router# show mgcp
MGCP Admin State ACTIVE, Oper State ACTIVE - Cause Code NONE
MGCP call-agent: 2497 Initial protocol service is MGCP 1.0
MGCP Dynamic payload type for NTE is 99
MGCP rsip-range is enabled for TGCP only.
MGCP Comedia role is PASSIVE
MGCP Comedia check media source is ENABLED
MGCP Comedia sdp force is DISABLED
MGCP Guaranteed scheduler time is DISABLED
MGCP DNS stale threshold is 30 seconds
The following is partial sample output from the show mgcp command when the mdste package has been disabled:
Router(config)# no mgcp package-capability mdste-package
Router(config)# exit
Router# show mgcp
MGCP voip mdste modem relay: Disabled
Table 129 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.
Related Commands
show mgcp connection
To display information for active connections that are controlled by the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), use the show mgcp connection command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp connection
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
The following is sample output from the show mgcp connection command displaying a secure call for which the media state is modem relay mode:
Router# show mgcp connection
Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID(I) (P)ort (M)ode (S)tate (CO)dec (E)vent[SIFL] (R)esult[EA] (ME)dia
1. S2/DS1-2/1 C=A000000001000010000000F5,4,3 I=0x2 P=17098,2662 M=3 S=4,4 CO=1 E=3,0,0,3 R=0,0 ME=2
The following is sample output from this command showing the detected NAT address and port. The (P)ort output shows the local and advertised ports prior to detection. The (COM)Addr/Port output shows the detected media address and port (
Router# show mgcp connection
Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID (I) (P)ort (M)ode(S)tate(CO)dec (E)vent[SIFL] (R)esult[EA] (COM)Addr/Port
S7/DS1-4/1 C=201597,768784,768785 I=0x5DD85 P=18258,19062 M=3 S=4,4 CO=2 E=2,0,0,2 R=0,0,0,2 COM=
The following is sample output from this command for encrypted connections:
Router# show mgcp connection
Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID(I) (P)ort (M)ode (S)tate (CO)dec (E)vent[SIFL] (R)esult[EA] Encryption(K)
1. S1/DS1-0/1 C=2,1,2 I=0x2 P=18204,0 M=2 S=4,4 CO=1 E=0,0,0,0 R=0,0 K=1
The following is sample output from this command for VoIP connections:
Router# show mgcp connection
Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID(I) (P)ort (M)ode (S)tate (C)odec (E)vent[SIFL] (R)esult[EA]
1. S0/DS1-0/1 C=103,23,24 I=0x8 P=16586,16634 M=3 S=4,4 C=5 E=2,0,0,2 R=0,0
2. S0/DS1-0/2 C=103,25,26 I=0x9 P=16634,16586 M=3 S=4,4 C=5 E=0,0,0,0 R=0,0
3. S0/DS1-0/3 C=101,15,16 I=0x4 P=16506,16544 M=3 S=4,4 C=5 E=2,0,0,2 R=0,0
4. S0/DS1-0/4 C=101,17,18 I=0x5 P=16544,16506 M=3 S=4,4 C=5 E=0,0,0,0 R=0,0
5. S0/DS1-0/5 C=102,19,20 I=0,6 P=16572,16600 M=3 S=4,4 C=5 E=2,0,0,2 R=0,0
6. S0/DS1-0/6 C=102,21,22 I=0x7 P=16600,16572 M=3 S=4,4 C=5 E=0,0,0,0 R=0,0
Total number of active calls 6
The following is sample output from this command for Voice over ATM Adaptation Layer 2 (VoAAL2) connections:
Router# show mgcp connection
Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID(I)(V)cci/cid (M)ode (S)tate (C)odec (E)vent[SIFL] (R)esult[EA]
1.aaln/S1/1 C=1,11,12 I=0x2 V=2/10 M=3 S=4,4 C=1 E=3,0,0,3 R=0,0
Total number of active calls 1
Table 130 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.
Related Commands
show mgcp endpoint
To display information for endpoints controlled by Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), use the show mgcp endpoint command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp endpoint
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show mgcp endpoint
ds1-0/1@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/2@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/3@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/4@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/5@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/6@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/7@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/8@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/9@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/10@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/11@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/12@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/13@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/14@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/15@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/16@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/17@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/18@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/19@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/20@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/21@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/22@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/23@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
ds1-0/24@nytnk116 0:1 fxs-gs up
Interface T1 1
ds1-1/1@nytnk116 1:1 e&m-imd up
ds1-1/2@nytnk116 1:1 e&m-imd up
Table 131 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show mgcp nas
To display Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) network access server (NAS) information for data ports, use the show mgcp nas command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp nas {dump slot port channel | info}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.1(1)T |
The show mgcp command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300. |
12.1(3)T |
The show mgcp command output was updated to display additional gateway and platform information. |
12.1(5)XM |
The show mgcp command output was updated to display additional gateway and platform information. |
12.2(2)T |
The show mgcp command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T. |
12.2(2)XA |
The profile keyword was added to the show mgcp command. |
12.2(4)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T. |
12.2(2)XB |
The output for the show mgcp command was enhanced to display the status of MGCP System Resource Check (SRC) Call Admission Control (CAC) and Service Assurance Agent (SA Agent) CAC. (Refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2) XB online document MGCP VoIP Call Admission Control.) In addition, the nas dump slot port channel and nas info keywords and arguments were added to the show mgcp command. Because the number of keywords increased, the command-reference page for the show mgcp command was separated into the following command-reference pages: • • • • • • |
12.2(8)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. Support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release. |
12.2(11)T |
This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850 in this release. |
12.3(7)YB |
The valid values for the bearer cap field of the show mgcp nas dump command output were changed to include LAPB, V.120, and sync data. The Signaling field was added to the show mgcp nas dump command output. See Table 132. |
12.4(6)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T |
The following is sample output from this command for an autodetected V.120 call:
Router# show mgcp nas dump 1 7 24
Slot 1 state=Up
Port 7 state=Up
State In Use PortCb=0x6577949C ss_id=0x0 handle=0x65C88228
Bearer Cap=V.120 call_id=1 conn_id=6577B8EC
Sig Type=Autodetect
Events req- nas/crq- req id=7 :nas/of- req id=7 :
Endpt name=S1/DS1-7/24
call_id = 1, conn_id=0x6577B8EC cgn=1000 cdn=5555
Rx packets=610 Rx bytes=73242 Tx packets 716 Tx bytes 72987
Table 132 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The following sample output from this command shows the state, either Idle or In Use, for each channel:
Router# show mgcp nas info
Number of ports configured=1
Slot 1 configured slot state=Up Port 7 state=Up
=====Port 7 Channel States=====
0 Idle
1 Idle
2 Idle
3 Idle
4 Idle
5 Idle
6 Idle
7 Idle
8 Idle
9 Idle
10 Idle
11 Idle
12 Idle
13 Idle
14 Idle
15 Idle
16 Idle
17 Idle
18 Idle
19 Idle
20 Idle
21 Idle
22 Idle
23 In Use
Related Commands
show mgcp profile
To display information for Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) profiles, use the show mgcp profile command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp profile [profile-name]
Syntax Description
profile-name |
(Optional) Name of the MGCP profile for which information should be displayed; limited to 32 characters. |
Command Default
If the optional profile-name argument is not used, all configured profiles are displayed.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
The following is sample output for this command for the default profile:
Router# show mgcp profile default
MGCP Profile default
Description: None
Call-agent: none Initial protocol service is unknown
Tsmax timeout is 20 sec, Tdinit timeout is 15 sec
Tdmin timeout is 15 sec, Tdmax timeout is 600 sec
Tcrit timeout is 4 sec, Tpar timeout is 16 sec
Thist timeout is 30 sec, MWI timeout is 16 sec
Ringback tone timeout is 180 sec, Ringback tone on connection timeout is 180 sec
Network congestion tone timeout is 180 sec, Busy tone timeout is 30 sec
Dial tone timeout is 16 sec, Stutter dial tone timeout is 16 sec
Ringing tone timeout is 180 sec, Distinctive ringing tone timeout is 180 sec
Continuity1 tone timeout is 3 sec, Continuity2 tone timeout is 3 sec
Reorder tone timeout is 30 sec, Persistent package is ms-package
Max1 DNS lookup: ENABLED, Max1 retries is 5
Max2 DNS lookup: ENABLED, Max2 retries is 7
Source Interface: NONE
T3 endpoint naming convention is T1
CAS Notification Digit order is DNIS-ANI
The following is sample output for this command for a profile named "example":
Router# show mgcp profile example
MGCP Profile example
Call-agent: 5003 Initial protocol service is MGCP 1.0
Tsmax timeout is 20, Tdinit timeout is 15
Tdmin timeout is 15, Tdmax timeout is 600
Tcrit timeout is 4, Tpar timeout is 16
Thist timeout is 30, MWI timeout is 16
Ringback tone timeout is 180, Ringback tone on connection timeout is 180
Network congestion tone timeout is 180, Busy tone timeout is 30
Dial tone timeout is 16, Stutter dial tone timeout is 16
Ringing tone timeout is 180, Distinctive ringing tone timeout is 180
Continuity1 tone timeout is 3, Continuity2 tone timeout is 3
Reorder tone timeout is 30, Persistent package is ms-package
Max1 DNS lookup:ENABLED, Max1 retries is 4
Max2 DNS lookup:ENABLED, Max2 retries is 6
Voice port:1
Table 133 describes significant fields shown in these outputs.
Related Commands
show mgcp srtp
To display information for active Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) connections that are controlled by Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), use the show mgcp srtp command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp srtp {summary | detail [endpoint]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.3(11)T |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command provides information about secure calls created by the MGCP application. To specify connection endpoints for display, use the show mgcp srtp detail endpoint command. To display valid values for the endpoint argument, that is, the endpoint port numbers, use the show mgcp connection command. Use the show mgcp srtp detail command to display a hashed version of the master key and salts (encryption mechanisms) used on each connection. This display allows you to validate keys and salts for each endpoint of a call without revealing the actual master key and salt.
The following is sample output from this command for encrypted connections:
Router# show mgcp srtp summary
MGCP SRTP Connection Summary
Endpoint Conn Id Crypto Suite
aaln/S3/SU0/0 8 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
aaln/S3/SU0/1 9 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
S3/DS1-0/1 6 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
S3/DS1-0/2 7 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
4 SRTP connections active
Router# show mgcp srtp detail
MGCP SRTP Connection Detail for Endpoint *
Definitions: CS=Crypto Suite, KS=HASHED Master Key/Salt, SSRC=Syncronization Source, ROC=Rollover Counter, KDR=Key Derivation Rate, SEQ=Sequence Number, FEC=FEC Order, MLT=Master Key Lifetime, MKI=Master Key Index:MKI Size
Endpoint aaln/S3/SU0/0 Call ID 2 Conn ID 8
Tx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=3NaOYXS9dLoYDaBHpzRejREfhf0= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Rx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=llYCQoqxtxtdf7ECe+x+DK+G9v4= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Endpoint aaln/S3/SU0/1 Call ID 101 Conn ID 9
Tx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=llYCQoqxtxtdf7ECe+x+DK+G9v4= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Rx:Not Configured
Endpoint S3/DS1-0/1 Call ID 1 Conn ID 6
Tx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=3NaOYXS9dLoYDaBHpzRejREfhf0= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Rx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=llYCQoqxtxtdf7ECe+x+DK+G9v4= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Endpoint S3/DS1-0/2 Call ID 100 Conn ID 7
Tx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=llYCQoqxtxtdf7ECe+x+DK+G9v4= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Rx:Not Configured
4 SRTP connections displayed
Router# show mgcp srtp detail S3/DS1-0/*
MGCP SRTP Connection Detail for Endpoint S3/DS1-0/*
Definitions: CS=Crypto Suite, KS=HASHED Master Key/Salt, SSRC=Syncronization Source, ROC=Rollover Counter, KDR=Key Derivation Rate, SEQ=Sequence Number, FEC=FEC Order, MLT=Master Key Lifetime, MKI=Master Key Index:MKI Size
Endpoint S3/DS1-0/1 Call ID 1 Conn ID 6
Tx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=3NaOYXS9dLoYDaBHpzRejREfhf0= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Rx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=llYCQoqxtxtdf7ECe+x+DK+G9v4= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Endpoint S3/DS1-0/2 Call ID 100 Conn ID 7
Tx:CS=AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 KS=llYCQoqxtxtdf7ECe+x+DK+G9v4= SSRC=Random ROC=0 KDR=1 SEQ=Random FEC=FEC->SRTP MLT=0x80000000 MKI=0:0
Rx:Not Configured
2 SRTP connections displayed
Table 134 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show mgcp statistics
To display Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) statistics regarding received and transmitted network messages, use the show mgcp statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.
show mgcp statistics
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
The following is sample output from this command for VoIP and VoAAL2 statistics:
Router# show mgcp statistics
UDP pkts rx 8, tx 9
Unrecognized rx pkts 0, MGCP message parsing errors 0
Duplicate MGCP ack tx 0, Invalid versions count 0
Rx packets from unknown Call Agent 0
CreateConn rx 4, successful 0, failed 0
DeleteConn rx 2, successful 2, failed 0
ModifyConn rx 4, successful 4, failed 0
DeleteConn tx 0, successful 0, failed 0
NotifyRequest rx 0, successful 4, failed 0
AuditConnection rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
AuditEndpoint rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
RestartInProgress tx 1, successful 1, failed 0
Notify tx 0, successful 0, failed 0
ACK tx 8, NACK tx 0
ACK rx 0, NACK rx 0
IP address based Call Agents statistics:
IP address, Total msg rx 8, successful 8, failed 0
The following is an example of the MGCP VoIP SRC CAC portion of this command output for a gateway configured with MGCP VoIP SRC CAC:
Router# show mgcp statistics
MGCP System Resource Check Statistics:
Total CreateConn checked by SRC :0
CreateConn accepted by SRC:0
CreateConn rejected by SRC:0
Total ModifyConn checked by SRC :0
ModifyConn accepted by SRC:0
ModifyConn rejected by SRC:0
Reason Num. of requests rejected
------ -------------------------
cpu-5sec: 0
cpu-avg: 0
total-mem: 0
io-mem: 0
proc-mem: 0
total-calls: 0
Table 135 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Related Commands
show modem relay statistics
To display various statistics for modem relay, use the show modem relay statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.
show modem relay statistics {all | phy | pkt | queue | sprt | timer | v14 | v42} [call-identifier call-setup-time call-index]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No statistics are displayed.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.2(11)T |
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3620, Cisco 3640, Cisco 3660, and Cisco 7200 series, and Cisco AS5300. |
12.4(2)T |
The v14 keyword was added. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display various modem-relay call statistics, including counts of different types of packets, errors, and events, for all modem-relay calls.
Display statistics for a specific modem-relay call by using the call-identifier keyword and specifying the call-setup time and call index of the desired call. Obtain values for the call-setup time and call index from the SetupTime and Index fields at the start of each call record in the show call active command output.
The following is sample output from the show modem relay statistics v14 command:
Router# show modem relay statistics v14
V14 Layer Statistics
sync_count=47 sync_loss_count=46
min_bundle_size_rcvd_local=1 max_bundle_size_rcvd_local=20
min_bundle_size_rcvd_remote=0 max_bundle_size_rcvd_remote=0
min_bundle_size_send_local=0, max_bundle_size_send_local=0
min_bundle_size_send_network=1, max_bundle_size_send_network=22
info_bytes_removed_dueto_phy_xmit_q=0, overflow_count_xmit_q=0
info_bytes_filled_xmit_q=0, total_bytes_xmit_local=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay statistics all call-identifier 43009 1
SPRT Layer Statistics
sprt_info_frames_rcvd=10 sprt_xid_frames_rcvd=0
sprt_tc0_explicit_acks_rcvd=6 sprt_tc1_explicit_acks_rcvd=122
sprt_tc2_explicit_acks_rcvd=126 sprt_destructive_brks_rcvd=0
sprt_info_tframes_sent=9 sprt_info_tframes_resent=0
sprt_xid_frames_sent=0 sprt_tc0_explicit_acks_sent=8
sprt_tc1_explicit_acks_sent=129 sprt_tc2_explicit_acks_sent=132
sprt_info_bytes_rcvd=10 sprt_info_bytes_sent=76
sprt_pkts_dropped_intf_busy=289 sprt_min_rexmit_timeout=500
Queue Statistics
sprt_tc1_rcv_qdrops=0 sprt_tc1_xmit_qdrops=0
sprt_tc2_rcv_qdrops=0 sprt_tc2_xmit_qdrops=0
pktizer_out_qdrops=4 pktizer_in_qdrops=0 v42_xmit_qdrops=0
V42 Layer Statistics
vs_chng_dueto_timeouts=0 vs_chng_dueto_rej=0
vs_chng_dueto_rnr_resp_f1_set=0 nr_seq_exception=0
good_rcvd_lapm_pkts=1385 discarded_rcvd_lapm_pkts=0
rejected_rcvd_lapm_pkts=0 v42_rcvd_iframe=9
v42_rcvd_rr=1374 v42_rcvd_rnr=0 v42_rcvd_rej=0
v42_rcvd_srej=0 v42_rcvd_sabme=0 v42_rcvd_dm=0
v42_rcvd_ui=0 v42_rcvd_disc=0 v42_rcvd_ua=1
v42_rcvd_frmr=0 v42_rcvd_xid=1 v42_rcvd_test=0
v42_rcvd_destructive_brk=0 v42_rcvd_expedited_brk=0
v42_rcvd_non_expedited_brk=0 v42_rcvd_brkack=0
v42_sent_iframe=10 v42_sent_rr=1464 v42_sent_rnr=0
v42_sent_rej=0 v42_sent_srej=0 v42_sent_sabme=1
v42_sent_dm=0 v42_sent_ui=0 v42_sent_disc=0
v42_sent_ua=0 v42_sent_frmr=0 v42_sent_xid=1
v42_sent_test=0 v42_sent_destructive_brk=0
Physical Layer Statistics
num_local_retrain=0 num_remote_retrain=0
num_local_speed_shift=0 num_remote_speed_shift=0
Packetizer Statistics
frames_inprogress=5 good_crc_frames=1385
bad_crc_frames=31 frame_aborts=124
hdlc_sync_detects=1 hdlc_sync_loss_detects=0
Timer Statistics
xid_timer_cnt=0 sabme_timer_cnt=0 ack_timer_cnt=0
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay statistics all
SPRT Layer Statistics
sprt_info_frames_rcvd=10 sprt_xid_frames_rcvd=0
sprt_tc0_explicit_acks_rcvd=6 sprt_tc1_explicit_acks_rcvd=155
sprt_tc2_explicit_acks_rcvd=158 sprt_destructive_brks_rcvd=0
sprt_info_tframes_sent=9 sprt_info_tframes_resent=0
sprt_xid_frames_sent=0 sprt_tc0_explicit_acks_sent=8
sprt_tc1_explicit_acks_sent=161 sprt_tc2_explicit_acks_sent=165
sprt_info_bytes_rcvd=10 sprt_info_bytes_sent=76
sprt_pkts_dropped_intf_busy=357 sprt_min_rexmit_timeout=500
Queue Statistics
sprt_tc1_rcv_qdrops=0 sprt_tc1_xmit_qdrops=0
sprt_tc2_rcv_qdrops=0 sprt_tc2_xmit_qdrops=0
pktizer_out_qdrops=4 pktizer_in_qdrops=0 v42_xmit_qdrops=0
V42 Layer Statistics
vs_chng_dueto_timeouts=0 vs_chng_dueto_rej=0
vs_chng_dueto_rnr_resp_f1_set=0 nr_seq_exception=0
good_rcvd_lapm_pkts=1910 discarded_rcvd_lapm_pkts=0
rejected_rcvd_lapm_pkts=0 v42_rcvd_iframe=9
v42_rcvd_rr=1899 v42_rcvd_rnr=0 v42_rcvd_rej=0
v42_rcvd_srej=0 v42_rcvd_sabme=0 v42_rcvd_dm=0
v42_rcvd_ui=0 v42_rcvd_disc=0 v42_rcvd_ua=1
v42_rcvd_frmr=0 v42_rcvd_xid=1 v42_rcvd_test=0
v42_rcvd_destructive_brk=0 v42_rcvd_expedited_brk=0
v42_rcvd_non_expedited_brk=0 v42_rcvd_brkack=0
v42_sent_iframe=10 v42_sent_rr=1988 v42_sent_rnr=0
v42_sent_rej=0 v42_sent_srej=0 v42_sent_sabme=1
v42_sent_dm=0 v42_sent_ui=0 v42_sent_disc=0
v42_sent_ua=0 v42_sent_frmr=0 v42_sent_xid=1
v42_sent_test=0 v42_sent_destructive_brk=0
Physical Layer Statistics
num_local_retrain=0 num_remote_retrain=0
num_local_speed_shift=0 num_remote_speed_shift=0
Packetizer Statistics
frames_inprogress=5 good_crc_frames=1910
bad_crc_frames=31 frame_aborts=124
hdlc_sync_detects=1 hdlc_sync_loss_detects=0
Timer Statistics
xid_timer_cnt=0 sabme_timer_cnt=0 ack_timer_cnt=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay statistics sprt
SPRT Layer Statistics
sprt_info_frames_rcvd=10 sprt_xid_frames_rcvd=0
sprt_tc0_explicit_acks_rcvd=6 sprt_tc1_explicit_acks_rcvd=177
sprt_tc2_explicit_acks_rcvd=180 sprt_destructive_brks_rcvd=0
sprt_info_tframes_sent=9 sprt_info_tframes_resent=0
sprt_xid_frames_sent=0 sprt_tc0_explicit_acks_sent=8
sprt_tc1_explicit_acks_sent=183 sprt_tc2_explicit_acks_sent=187
sprt_info_bytes_rcvd=10 sprt_info_bytes_sent=76
sprt_pkts_dropped_intf_busy=403 sprt_min_rexmit_timeout=500
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay statistics queue
Queue Statistics
sprt_tc1_rcv_qdrops=0 sprt_tc1_xmit_qdrops=0
sprt_tc2_rcv_qdrops=0 sprt_tc2_xmit_qdrops=0
pktizer_out_qdrops=4 pktizer_in_qdrops=0 v42_xmit_qdrops=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay statistics v42
V42 Layer Statistics
vs_chng_dueto_timeouts=0 vs_chng_dueto_rej=0
vs_chng_dueto_rnr_resp_f1_set=0 nr_seq_exception=0
good_rcvd_lapm_pkts=2442 discarded_rcvd_lapm_pkts=0
rejected_rcvd_lapm_pkts=0 v42_rcvd_iframe=9
v42_rcvd_rr=2431 v42_rcvd_rnr=0 v42_rcvd_rej=0
v42_rcvd_srej=0 v42_rcvd_sabme=0 v42_rcvd_dm=0
v42_rcvd_ui=0 v42_rcvd_disc=0 v42_rcvd_ua=1
v42_rcvd_frmr=0 v42_rcvd_xid=1 v42_rcvd_test=0
v42_rcvd_destructive_brk=0 v42_rcvd_expedited_brk=0
v42_rcvd_non_expedited_brk=0 v42_rcvd_brkack=0
v42_sent_iframe=10 v42_sent_rr=2539 v42_sent_rnr=0
v42_sent_rej=0 v42_sent_srej=0 v42_sent_sabme=1
v42_sent_dm=0 v42_sent_ui=0 v42_sent_disc=0
v42_sent_ua=0 v42_sent_frmr=0 v42_sent_xid=1
v42_sent_test=0 v42_sent_destructive_brk=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay statistics phy
Physical Layer Statistics
num_local_retrain=0 num_remote_retrain=0
num_local_speed_shift=0 num_remote_speed_shift=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay stat pkt
Packetizer Statistics
frames_inprogress=5 good_crc_frames=2573
bad_crc_frames=61 frame_aborts=150
hdlc_sync_detects=1 hdlc_sync_loss_detects=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show modem relay stat timer
Timer Statistics
xid_timer_cnt=0 sabme_timer_cnt=0 ack_timer_cnt=0
Total Modem Relay Call Legs = 1