DNP3 Inspector

DNP3 Inspector Overview


Inspector (service)



Instance Type


Other Inspectors Required

stream_tcp, stream_udp



Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) is a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) protocol that was originally developed to provide consistent communication between electrical stations. DNP3 is widely used in the water, waste, and transportation industries.

The dnp3 inspector detects anomalies in DNP3 traffic and analyzes the DNP3 protocol. The dnp3 intrusion rule options access certain DNP3 protocol fields.

DNP3 Inspector Parameters

DNP3 TCP port configuration

The binder inspector defines the DNP3 TCP port configuration. For more information, see the Binder Inspector Overview.

       "when": {
           "role": "any",
           "service": "dnp3"
       "use": {
           "type": "dnp3"


Specifies whether to validate the checksums contained in DNP3 Link-Layer Frames. The dnp3 inspector ignores frames with invalid checksums. If intrusion rule 145:1 is enabled, Snort generates alerts for invalid checksums.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false

DNP3 Inspector Rules

Enable the dnp3 inspector rules to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets.

Table 1. DNP3 Inspector Rules


Rule Message


DNP3 link-layer frame contains bad CRC


DNP3 link-layer frame was dropped


DNP3 transport-layer segment was dropped during reassembly


DNP3 reassembly buffer was cleared without reassembling a complete message


DNP3 link-layer frame uses a reserved address


DNP3 application-layer fragment uses a reserved function code

DNP3 Inspector Intrusion Rule Options


The dnp3_data keyword positions the detection cursor to the beginning of the DNP3 data in an application layer fragment, regardless of preceding rule options. With this option you can write rules based on the data within fragments without splitting up the data and adding CRCs every 16 bytes.

Syntax: dnp3_data;

Examples: dnp3_data;


This option matches against the function code inside a DNP3 application layer request/response header. The code may be a decimal number or a string from the list below.

Type: string

Syntax: dnp3_func: <DNP3_function>;

Valid values: DNP3_function is one of the following:

  • An integer from 0 to 255

  • confirm (Corresponds to function code 0.)

  • read (Corresponds to function code 1.)

  • write (Corresponds to function code 2.)

  • select (Corresponds to function code 3.)

  • operate (Corresponds to function code 4.)

  • direct_operate (Corresponds to function code 5.)

  • direct_operat_nr (Corresponds to function code 6.)

  • immed_freeze (Corresponds to function code 7.)

  • immed_freeze_nr (Corresponds to function code 8.)

  • freeze_clear (Corresponds to function code 9.)

  • freeze_clear_nr (Corresponds to function code 10.)

  • freeze_at_time (Corresponds to function code 11.)

  • freeze_at_time_nr (Corresponds to function code 12.)

  • cold_restart (Corresponds to function code 13.)

  • warm_restart (Corresponds to function code 14.)

  • initialize_data (Corresponds to function code 15.)

  • initialize_appl (Corresponds to function code 16.)

  • start_appl (Corresponds to function code 17.)

  • stop_appl (Corresponds to function code 18.)

  • save_config (Corresponds to function code 19.)

  • enable_unsolicited (Corresponds to function code 20.)

  • disable_unsolicited (Corresponds to function code 21.)

  • assign_class (Corresponds to function code 22.)

  • delay_measure (Corresponds to function code 23.)

  • record_current_time (Corresponds to function code 24.)

  • open_file (Corresponds to function code 25.)

  • close_file (Corresponds to function code 26.)

  • delete_file (Corresponds to function code 27.)

  • get_file_info (Corresponds to function code 28.)

  • authenticate_file (Corresponds to function code 29.)

  • abort_file (Corresponds to function code 30.)

  • activate_config (Corresponds to function code 31.)

  • authenticate_req (Corresponds to function code 32.)

  • authenticate_err (Corresponds to function code 33.)

  • response (Corresponds to function code 129.)

  • unsolicited_response (Corresponds to function code 130.)

  • authenticate_resp (Corresponds to function code 131.)


dnp3_func: 1;

dnp3_func: delete_file;


Provide a list of Internal Indicator flags to match against the Internal Indicator flags in a DNP3 application layer response header. If you provide multiple flags in one option, the rule fires if any one of the flags is set. To alert on multiple flags, use multiple rule options.

Type: string

Syntax: dnp3_ind: "<flag> <flag>";

Valid values: One or more DNP3 Internal Indicator flags where flag is one of the following:

  • all_stations

  • class_1_events

  • class_2_events

  • class_3_events

  • need_time

  • local_control

  • device_trouble

  • device_restart

  • no_func_code_support

  • object_unknown

  • parameter_error

  • event_buffer_overflow

  • already_executing

  • config_corrupt

  • reserved_2

  • reserved_1


Alert on device restart OR on initiation of time synchronization:

dnp3_ind:"device_restart need_time";

Alert on class_1 AND class_2 AND class_3 events:

dnp3_ind:class_1_events; dnp3_ind:class_2_events; dnp3_ind:class_3_events;


Matches on DNP3 object header groups and variations.

Type: integer

Syntax: dnp3_obj:<groupnum>,<varnum>;

Valid values: DNP3 object group identifiers and variation identifiers, where:

  • groupnum is an integer from 0 to 255 specifying a DNP3 object group.

  • varnum is an integer from 0 to 255 specifying a variation within the object group.


Alert on DNP3 Date and Time object:
